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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 163

by Michelle Love

She stormed past me and up the stairs to the second floor. “Donnie?”

  I followed her up, wanting to keep a close watch on her and to see what the hell she would say to Donavan. He hates being called Donnie. Has for years.

  “In here mom.” He called from his room.

  I walked in slowly and stood in the doorway, watching as she embraced Donavan. It was awkward and...forced, or so it seemed. What is she up to?

  “Oh my sweet baby. What happened?” She cooed and clucked.

  I crossed my arms and watched the scene unfold. It was already proving to be over the top entertaining.

  Donavan rolled his eyes. “I broke a bone mom, calm down.”

  “Sorry. I just haven’t seen you in forever and then when I got your text, I, well I hopped on a plane and got here as fast as I could.” She said, still faking a sob.

  “Wait. What is she talking about Donavan?” I asked.

  Donavan cut his eyes up at me and I saw fear behind those baby blues. They were the same baby blues that looked at me when he smashed his fingers in the door for the first time. The same one’s that looked for me when he scratched the side of one of my Bentley’s while playing street hockey and a wild puck went flying. Those same blue eyes looked at me now, but aside from fear there was also apology.

  Donavan hung his head. “Sorry dad, I just thought that...well maybe you and mom could get back together, or something.”

  There it was. Poor kid. He had a lot to learn about love. Then again, who was I to talk about love. Just thinking of Liv hurt my heart and twisted my stomach in knots. She had done nothing wrong during all of this, but let me into her life--that was her biggest mistake. If he wanted some time with his mom, he could have asked and I would have tried to arrange something. Now, I felt obligated to be hospitable. There was just one thing bothering me, but I would wait until we were away from Donavan in case Emma felt like making me into the bad guy in front of Donavan. I wouldn’t give her the chance.

  “Can you just...give us a minute?” Emma asked, but it was more of a demand than a request.

  I looked between the two for a moment and sighed, “Fine. I will be right out here Donavan. If you need me, you just shout.” I stepped out of the room and sat down in the hallway. Leaning my back against the wall, I strained to hear their conversation.

  When Emma surfaced from Donavan’s room, I jumped up. It had been an excruciating hour of waiting, but I wanted to find out what was really going on.

  “Why are you really here Em?” I asked.

  She cocked her head at my use of her old nickname and smiled. Tall, thin, long blonde hair--she was as gorgeous as ever and she knew it. Whatever feelings I once had for her however, were gone. “I’m here to see my...our son”.

  I don’t think so. “Okay, okay. What about when he dislocated his arm last summer, where were you then? Or, how about his art competition last year? Hell, his birthday two months ago, where the hell were you then?” I didn’t mean to raise my voice but I was pissed and I wanted her out.

  Leaning toward me, she put her hand on my arm and turned those bright eyes my way. “I have been busy. Life got crazy for a minute Sammy...and...I missed you.” She didn’t have to stand on her tiptoes to reach me--we were eye level when her feet were flat, but she made an effort to trap me.

  I looked down at the hand on my arm and back at her face. Who does she think she is fooling? I knew from the look in her eyes she was just trying to work her way into my pants, but not because she was horny or wanted me--she was hiding something. Her lips brushed across the my neck before I could block her and I pushed her out and away from me.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” She screeched.

  “Me? You showed up, in my house, yelling at me after a after fucking some other dudes and you expect me to what, just welcome you back? We, this, has been over for a long time.”

  “Not for me it hasn’t. I know I made a little mistake, but I am sorry! I told you I was sorry then and I am telling you now.” She pleaded, but it didn’t reach her eyes. They were just as cold as ever. She was doing a fanfuckingtastic job at acting.

  “You know, I think you missed your calling on stage.” Oops, poor phrasing. Oh well, she deserves it.

  Her mouth fell open. I knew she took it as me calling her a stripper and not an actor, but it was too golden of a reaction for me to correct it.

  “You know what? Alright, yeah. I didn’t come here to get you back. I don’t need you back.” Her face was hard, but then it softened for the next bit. “But, I do need help.”

  Finally. The truth.

  “Whatever it is, I am sure Ricky, or Ricardo...whoever, with deep pockets can help.”

  “Ricky and I broke up months ago. No. I need money Sammy. Don’t ask me why.”

  “Uh, okay. Why?”

  “Seriously? I just said...nevermind. Look, I could make up some bullshit about me being sick and dying or something, but instead…let’s just leave it at I need some money. The less you know the better.” She said.

  “What did you do?”

  Em had always had a drug problem, but it had evolved into something truly monstrous in the last moments of our marriage. At first, it was wine. I noticed she was drinking a bottle, sometimes two a night. I helped her, or thought I had, to get past that. Then she started pill popping behind my back and finally, last I heard, street drugs. I guess she hadn’t been on them too long because her skin wasn’t aged and sickly like the ones seen on the pamphlets about fighting addiction and who to reach out to.

  “I didn’t do nothing Sammy, just...can you help me or not? I just need some money to get by. When little Donnie messaged me, I saw an opportunity to get help.”

  That fueled my rage. How dare she? What was I supposed to say now to Donavan? I shook my age and balled my fists. I could have toppled the mansion with how much anger boiled through me. Then, I saw a dark haired, dark-eyed beauty in my mind. One with a broken heart and an angry look in those chocolaty pools and I deflated. Why am I wasting my time on this with Emma?

  A creak from behind startled us both and Donavan shuffled back into his room, but not before we heard the audible tell-tale sign of a runny nose. He had heard everything and had been crying.

  Emma snaked her arm around mine and stopped me from going to my son. “Wait. Are you going to help me or what?” She asked.

  “You know Emma, that has always been your problem. You’re so damn self-centered, you can’t even put your own child’s needs before your own for two seconds. I don’t give a rats ass what happens to you on the streets, but I also will not be bullied into supplying your habits.”

  “Please! Samuel, please! I have nowhere else to go. No money. No family. I just need a little help to get back on my feet.” She begged, going to her knees and lacing her fingers together in one last ditch effort.

  “Fine. I will help you. But don’t you ever, ever, come back here again. You will never talk to your son again, unless he asks to speak to you again. You will not try to contact him or me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head quickly. “Thank you, thank you!”

  I went to my wallet and pulled out a credit card. One that I hardly ever use that had a very low limit. “Here. Now go.”

  She scrambled to her feet and plucked the card from my hands. Racing down the stairs as fast as those long legs could carry her, she bolted through the front door and hopefully--forever---from our lives. She didn’t even look back once to her son’s room, or turn back to say goodbye.

  I was pissed and there was only one person that I wanted to see right then and there, but first I had to check on Donavan.

  I knocked lightly on his door.

  “Go away.”

  I walked in despite his protest and sat on the edge of the bed. He faced away from me, but I could tell he was fuming. I am too. I wanted to tell him so, but this was his time. He needed me to be the big person here.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked

  He shook his head.

  “Okay.” I got up to leave.



  “I don’t want to ever see her again.”


  I left him alone. I wasn’t sure what else I could do for him in that moment. I hated myself for ever letting that woman into my life. Without her, I wouldn’t have this awesome kid, but I was so mad that he didn’t have a good mother. I called my usual nanny. Donavan would be old enough soon to stay home alone, but right now I didn’t want him to be alone. After making sure he would be okay, I called Greg to pull around my car.

  “Do you need me to drive sir?” Greg asked as I grabbed a set of keys from the wall.

  “No. I will be back in a little while Greg. Just, can you make sure that...she doesn’t come back?”

  Greg nodded slowly.




  Rain pelted the window of my student housing. I walked over to the coffee pot and refilled my cup. Grading papers took forever, plus my mind was so damn busy with thoughts of Donavan, Sam, and the awful dance I just agreed to attend. When the knock ratted my front door, I jumped and spilled coffee all down my front.

  It burned. I peeled the shirt off and tossed it in my dirty laundry pile. The only person that could possibly be beating on my door at this hour was Rainey. She wouldn’t care if I was half dressed, so I went to answer it without checking the peephole first. Big mistake.

  There, in my doorframe stood Sam. Tall, strong, soaking wet from rain...and pissed. Why was he pissed at my door? I immediately regretted not grabbing another shirt.

  “Sam, what are you--” My words were cut off by his mouth.

  He pressed my body into his hungrily and kissed me deep. So deep, I was breathless and then weightless--being carried across my apartment to my full-size bed. No words, no warning, he just tugged my panties down and laid me out on the sheets. That fire was building below and every kiss sent shivers of excitement--jolts of pleasure. What is he doing to me?

  His hands moved over my body--adept but quick. I groaned as he sucked on one finger and then dipped it inside of me, testing me. I was wet. Really wet. The moment he kissed me, I soaked my panties that now rested in a heap on the floor.

  “Do you want me Liv? All of me?” His husky voice asked.

  “Yes. Oh my god yes.”

  His mouth covered mine again. He unzipped his pants and held his massive cock in his hand, flexing it--ready to pound into me.

  “Bend over and put your hands behind your back.” He growled.

  Scared by the tone of his voice and thrilled by the implication, I did as he said.


  “Yes.” I whispered. I was bent forward, face bent to the side of my pillow--hands clasped behind my back. Exposed--open and ready.

  His cock’s head throbbed at my entrance and then he was inside me. Filling me. Stretching me. I cried out as he gripped my hands and mercilessly pulled out and slammed back into me over and over. He released his grip on my hands to smack my ass. It stung but I liked it.

  “Sam! Yes! Oh my god! Yes!” I moaned.

  His dick hardened more at my cries of pleasure and I tried to squeeze around his thick member. Each thrust of his hips created a smack between our bodies as my juices ran down my legs. I was so turned on. So much more than the first time. When the orgasm hit me, it nearly knocked me flat. My legs went weak and my toes curled.

  Languid, I rested as he continued his wonderful assault.

  “Cum for me again.”

  He pulled out and bent down, covering me with his mouth and spreading me with his hands. His tongue licked and rolled around inside my soft pink walls--still too sensitive from the last orgasm I squirmed, but he held me there as his tongue found my clit and lashed against it.

  “Please!” I begged.

  “Please what?” He stopped to ask.

  “Please. Fuck me!”

  He flipped me on my back and spread my legs wide--tossing one over each shoulder. Dick shining and strong in front of him, he thrust into me. This angle and position allowed for a deep penetration, deeper than before--so deep I went cross-eyed from the pleasure.

  My body was his for the taking. I melted against him as he sunk in. Each thrust sent me spiraling towards release until every inch of me tightened up and I screamed from the waves of pleasure that surged through me. His dick quivered, hard and throbbing as he shot his hot load inside of me. When he pulled out, my legs shook from the intensity. I laid there for a moment, still mostly dressed and watched as he quietly zipped his pants and left.

  What the hell was that?

  Sore but also relaxed, I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. My ass had a bright red handprint across one cheek. My mind raced with questions. Sam’s behaviour was so confusing. One minute I thought he was interested, the next he fucks me and walks out the door without a word? I mean, what the hell?

  After a quick shower I found my phone. Rage rekindled.

  What the hell was that about Sam? I typed and waited, but no response from the other end. Pacing, confused, and no chance of finishing my work I texted the one person to come help make me understand what the hell was going on. Or at least the one person who could come kill a pint of ice cream with me and have a bitchfest with.

  Me: I need a Cherry Garcia.

  Not even ten seconds later Rainey fired back.

  Rainey: Oh my god. I am on my way. Love ya!

  That was my emergency code and Rainey understood it very well.

  She knocked on my door within thirty minutes holding up a bag with the pint of sugary goodness and two spoons.

  “Oh my god. You have no idea how much I need this right now.” I blurted.

  Rainey walked in and plopped down on my couch. She took over the remote immediately. “So what’s going on babe?” She asked.

  I peeled back the plastic seal over the ice cream and dipped my spoon in, pulling out a massive glob of chocolate and cherry awesomeness. Tongue still rolling over the ice cream, I sob.

  “Seriously, what the hell is going on?” Rainey sat straight up and put her hand over mine. Tears streamed down my face as the frustration and confusion poured from me.

  “I honestly don’t even know! One minute I think everything is fine and the next, Sam steam rolls me and leaves!”

  “Okay, I don’t understand? What did he do?” She asked.

  I proceeded to share it all with my best friend. The first date at the restaurant, the dropped phone and sexy grope...the truly incredible first time. And finally, I told her what happened not even an hour ago in my bed. Mind blowing, body tingling, muscle numbing sex!

  “Wow. So, wait, did you guys screw on the couch?” She asked, her nose and mouth twisted up as she looked down to where her butt rested.

  “No! The bed. But Rainey...I just don’t know what the man wants!” I cried.

  “Hell...I barely ever know what I want. I don’t know what to tell you, but I will say that I want to put my foot in his ass. Hurting you like this. Bastard!”

  “You don’t even know him.” I said.

  “I think I know enough. The using bastard.”

  “At least it was amazing.” I said with a sigh.

  “Yeah? Well that is good at least. It would suck if he was horrible in bed!”

  We both giggled and took more scoops of ice cream.

  “Thank you for coming over as soon as you could.” I said.

  “Of course.” She said.

  We played reruns of our favorite Netflix shows and ate the whole pint of ice cream.

  “I still can’t believe what he did to you,” she grumbled.

  You don’t even know what he has done to me. My ass and pussy were still sore but it was a good sore. It left me feeling empty though and I wanted him to come back and fill me up.


  “I mean, I feel lik
e storming into his studio and giving him a piece of my mind!” Rainey’s eyes glittered with rage. If I didn’t try to stop her now, she would just storm into Sam’s studio and cause a scene.

  “It’s not worth your time Rainey. He isn’t worth it.” Or was he?

  “You’re probably right. I just don’t like to see you hurt is all.”

  That’s why I loved her. She had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, but even more...she had been like a sister to me. Sure, she was a party animal. Sure, she was...well let’s face it...a slut, but she was my Rainey. My best friend. I could tell her anything and never had to worry about her judging me or spreading rumors behind my back.

  “I know. Look, let’s just stop talking about Sam and move on. I need to move on.”

  “Would have been nice know?” She said.


  “If you guys had worked out and I don’t know. Maybe, got married one day! I mean he is so wealthy.” She said.

  “I thought you didn’t recognize the name?”

  “Are you kidding me! After you went off with him I did a Google search on the dude. He is hot. Like, really hot. Hell, I would have tried to jump him myself, but now I want to punch him for hurting you.”

  “Oh well. It doesn’t matter now. I will go back to grading papers and probably become one of those old cat ladies.” I grumbled.

  “No you will not! Okay, so I have something to tell you too. I have been putting it off because of your night, but I think it might cheer you up a little.”


  It must have been something really big from the smile on her face. She only smiled like that on ladies night at the club--when they announced nickel shots.

  “You remember Chad?”

  Chad, Chad. Oh!

  “Mr. Mc Muscle Pants.”


  “Nothing. Yeah, the cutie at GNC.”

  “Yup. So, he and I have been on a couple dates now and I...kinda like him.”

  This was big. Really big. For Rainey to go on more than just a date, hell to go on even one date, was a big thing.

  “That’s wonderful!” I said. I smiled as wide as I could, even as thoughts of Sam tugged at my mind and heart. I was really happy for my friend, but I was a tad jealous too. What I would give to just understand this thing I had with Sam. Hell, I didn’t even know if we had anything.


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