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Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #1)

Page 3

by Jaimie Roberts

  “That’s fantastic. Thank you.” Rising out of my chair, I extended my hand to her. “You’re welcome, Natalie. I’ll speak with you soon.”

  She left straight after, and I then began the other two interviews. I was exhausted by the end of it all. The other two were nice, but neither held a candle to Natalie. I guess first impressions do last.

  Once the last one was out the door, I immediately rang Natalie and told her she had the job if she wanted it. She was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to start. I told her that there would be an initial one-month probationary period and that she should come in to sign the forms whenever she could. All things going well with the tests etc, she could start in two weeks’ time.

  By the end of her call and after calling the other two in order to share the disappointing news, I sat back in my chair—certain that I had made the right choice. Only time would tell.

  While I awaited seven o’clock, I changed into something more suitable for the evening and set about surveying my kingdom.

  There were a few girls perched up high on the bar having a drink and looking every bit like the hotel’s clientele themselves. Some of them were elegantly sitting on some sofa chairs, deeply engaged in conversation.

  Bill was at the bar serving Samantha a glass of champagne as he took me in. With a wink and a smile, I knew he was good. And then there was Raffael, our other bartender and server. He walked towards me after serving Mandy her drinks.

  “Clara,” he said with a dip of his head.

  “Raffael, how are we this evening?”

  “I’m doing very well. It’s always a pleasure to serve such beautiful ladies.”

  Looking around, I immediately saw what he saw. They were all beautiful—some of them stunningly so. It made me wonder a little as to why they chose this line of work. I expect a few of them could have been models and made just as much money … if not more.

  “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”

  “And so are you this evening. As always.”

  “You’re such a charmer, Raffael.”

  “Well, you have to be in this line of work.”

  I chuckled. “I suppose so.”

  “Clara!” Belinda shouted from behind.

  “Yes, Belinda.”

  She had a familiar look of frustration on her face, and I instantly knew what was wrong. “It’s Mr. Townsend again. He’s being particularly naughty today.”

  “Okay. Show me the way.”

  Heading off, we both walked up the grand staircase towards the hall of rooms filled on either side. It looked just like any hotel, and that was just how I wanted it. We even had key cards for each room so it looked authentic.

  Upon entering the room, I found Mr. Townsend on the floor with nothing but a g-string and a dog collar on. “What has he done?”

  “He keeps trying to hump my leg. I told him it was naughty, but he didn’t listen.”

  “Jeffrey, what have I told you about doing this to Belinda? She is your mistress and you must do as she tells you.”

  Jeffrey bowed his head, but immediately rewarded me by crawling over and humping my leg. My instant reaction was to grab him by the ear. He always loved it when I did that.

  So, that’s what I did. I squeezed a certain pressure point that can immediately immobilize anyone. He was all mine after that. “Jeffrey, I won’t tell you again. This sort of behaviour is unacceptable. Now, what do you say?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I squeezed harder and heard him moan with pleasure. “Sorry, what? I think I missed the last word there.”

  His eyes were closed, but I knew he was loving every moment.“Sorry, Mistress.”

  I smiled. “That’s better. Now, are we going to be a good boy from now on, Jeffrey?”

  His breathing was heavy. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Are you going to do what the lovely Belinda demands of you from now on?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “That’s better, Jeffrey.” Releasing his ear, he fell to the floor panting. “He’s all yours now, Belinda.” I greeted her with a big smile, and she winked at me. Just as I walked out the door, I heard Belinda belt him one. Ouch!

  Beginning my journey down the stairs, I started to shake my head. Jeffrey Townsend was one of our extreme customers. He liked to be whipped, spanked, domineered, and severely humiliated. I do draw the line at having sex with customers, but I don’t mind helping out with the disciplinary side of things.

  Jeffrey wanted me from the beginning. He said he sensed something about me that he liked. Maybe he saw my no-nonsense, domineering side. Whatever it was, I had said no, but I certainly didn’t mind helping him get worked up when the need arose. Belinda said he was always different once I came up there and dealt with his bad behaviour.

  I was halfway down the steps when Matthew Broadmore appeared at the bottom. He was wearing a grey suit with a blue tie, and his black hair was slicked back with gel. His eyes twinkled as he spotted me, and he held his malt up to me in salute.

  “Well, hello, Miss Murphy. You’re looking exceptionally tasty this evening.”

  “Why, thank you, Mr. Broadmore. You’re looking rather dashing yourself.”

  “I’m eager to meet the lovely Melinda this evening.”

  Looking around, I tried to see if I could find her, but it was to no avail. Just when I thought she wasn’t around, however, I spied her coming out of the ladies toilet.

  “Ah, there she is. Melinda!” I shouted.

  Immediately, she turned her head towards me and smiled. I immediately looked towards Matthew, and noticed his eyes widen in appreciation of her stunning looks. She was very tall and very elegant looking with the most amazingly long legs and sparkling blue eyes. It was her eyes which made her black hair stand out all the more.

  “Clara, who’s this dashing young gentleman you have with you?”

  That was it. She nailed it! I knew then he was completely smitten. “Melinda, I would like to introduce you to your new client, Matthew Broadmore. Matthew, this is the lovely Melinda.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Melinda offered her hand, and he took it, giving the back of her hand a kiss. Melinda blushed, and that had Matthew drooling all the more.

  My work here is done.

  “So, Matthew, would you like to have a drink with me at the bar? Or would you prefer we take our drinks somewhere a little more … private?”

  Matthew could hardly contain himself. “I think I’d very much like to get to know you somewhere more privately—if I may?”

  Melinda smiled sweetly and linked her arm with his. “Very well, Matthew. Come with me.”

  I winked at Melinda as she stroked Matthew’s arm and led him up the stairs.

  An hour or so later, I was at the bar, enjoying a glass of champagne when Jeffrey Townsend walked in. The transformation was amazing to see. A little over an hour before, he had been a pathetic little worm of a man, but after his “session,” he looked authoritative and confident.

  “Mr. Townsend, have we enjoyed our evening?”

  His smile said it all. “It has been a most pleasant evening. Thank you for asking.”

  “Will you be staying for a drink?”

  “I would love to,” he beamed.

  “Bill, would you please get Mr. Townsend a whiskey? Neat, isn’t it, Jeffrey?”

  “Yes, that would be perfect.”

  Bill dutifully nodded and went to work fetching Jeffrey his drink.

  “So, what’s been happening with you lately?” I watched as he sat upright in his chair and adjusted his tie a little.

  “I’m celebrating a victory today. I’ve just been made Managing Partner at my law firm.”

  Well, I never! For someone with a lot of power, he certainly likes to relinquish it once he gets here.

  “Congratulations,” I said, holding up my glass to clink with his. “I bet this means more responsibility on your shoulders.”

  “Yes it does, but I like that. It’s also nice to come here
and unwind. I certainly feel very calm and refreshed now.” His cheerful face made me smile.

  “That’s great to hear. We always aim to please.” I gave him a cheeky wink.

  “You’ve certainly got a lucrative business here. You should be very proud of yourself.”

  “Thank you. I’ve worked hard to get here now, and I must say I’m happy with the way things have turned out.”

  “And so you should be. If ever you need my advice, please do not hesitate to call me.” He swiftly took his drink and downed it in one go.

  “That’s very kind, and it’s very much appreciated.”

  Jeffrey nodded. “Well, I better be off. I have an urgent merger that needs my attention. I was getting quite stressed about it earlier as the client is a right bastard. Now though, I think I can just about take anybody on.” He smiled sweetly and held out his hand. “I’ll be seeing you soon, no doubt.”

  I swivelled my legs around on the barstool to face him and took his hand. “I’ll look forward to it.”

  Jeffery was soon gone, and I was left flabbergasted at how strong his handshake was. What a different person he was compared to his earlier demeanour.

  I was still musing over this when Matthew Broadmore approached the bar with Melinda draped on his arm.

  “Clara,” he said with a beaming smile, “where have you been hiding this wonderful woman?”

  “Oh, I must admit, I’ve been keeping her all to myself until now,” I said, jokingly. “I thought it was time I wasn’t so selfish and let other people enjoy her company.”

  “Quite! Well, Melinda, it’s been a pleasure to meet you. Your company was truly enthralling.” Melinda giggled, which Matthew seemed to adore.

  “Thank you. I enjoyed every bit of it, too. I’ll look forward to seeing you soon… I hope?”

  “Ah, there’s no doubt about that, my dear.” Clasping her hand in his, he turned to me. “Clara, get yourself and this wonderful lady a drink from me.” He planted a fifty pound note on the bar and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Matthew. That’s very kind.” I squeezed his hand tenderly and Melinda gave him a light kiss on the lips.

  “See you later, handsome,” she purred.

  He rewarded her with a little pat on the bottom, which caused her to yelp a little. “Enjoy, ladies, and I shall see you very soon.” He blew a kiss and then off he went.

  “I think he’s a little bit intoxicated.” I knew Matthew was a bit eccentric, but he was playing it up even more so after a couple of glasses of whiskey.

  “He’s harmless.” Melinda giggled and stroked her luscious hair behind her back. “Something’s bothering me, though.” She had a little crinkle in her forehead as she frowned.

  I frowned. “What’s that?”

  “I’ve heard his name before, but I can’t place where.”

  I regarded her with a knowing smile and squeezed her arm. “That’s because he’s our local MP.”

  Her eyes widened. “Shit, you’re kidding me?”

  “I kid you not, my dear Melinda.”

  “Fuck a stoat; I never saw that one coming.”

  “Yes, but I bet you saw him coming.” I couldn’t help that one. It just had to be said.

  “Oh, yes,” Melinda laughed. “That I saw a couple of times. The first one was a bit quick. I think he was rather excited. He thought that was it, but I insisted we go again. I soon got him worked up enough for round two.”

  I threw my head back slightly and laughed. “I bet you did, Melinda.”

  I woke up the next morning in my little tower. I called it that because I had a huge room at the top of my castle. It sported its own kitchen and dining area with a separate bathroom. It was a big studio apartment in a very big mansion. Whatever it could be called, it was my sanctuary. A place to escape the trials and tribulations of the day/evening.

  Thinking about yesterday, I judged that, overall, it had gone well—despite Luca Belatoni’s attempts to spoil it. In my sleepy haze, I found myself thinking about him and wondering why I hadn’t heard a thing from him since our last conversation. I was disappointed in a sense, and I was also disappointed in myself for being disappointed in the first place. He was like an itch that needed scratching. He was also a thorn in my side and a pain in the fucking arse.

  And yet, I was lying in bed fantasising about gripping his hair in my hands and pulling him into me like the tigress I felt I was. I wanted to run my fingers along the prickly hairs on his chin, and I wanted to feel his body pressed against mine as he fucked me with his caramel-coloured eyes staring into mine. At the same time, I wanted to punch his lights out!

  Still, I had things to do, so I got up, showered, dressed in a nice, figure-hugging, above-the-knee dress, and proceeded to make my way to the office two floors down.

  Most of the place was quiet as some of the girls were still asleep. I never disturbed them too much during the day as they worked so hard during the night.

  I’m not stupid. I realise that some girls—some nights—do not wish to sleep with the clients that flow through our doors. In a sense, the girls are extremely talented actors. They make the men feel special and wanted—even though they may be cringing inside. I have always tried to make the matches as compatible as possible, though. It all depended upon the personality of our client and the needs he or she had. Yes, I did say she. We have occasionally entertained female clients. Typically, they were just women interested in trying to experiment with their sexuality. Sometimes, they just wanted to try and see what it was like to be with a woman for a change. We offered them a way to do that with total anonymity. If they liked the experience, good for them. If they didn’t, then they could just forget about it and move on: put it down to a one-off they would never have to worry about returning to bite them in the ass in the future.

  “Clara,” Belinda whispered from the bottom of the stairs. She looked worried.

  “What is it, Belinda?”

  “Mia’s in the kitchen crying. Something happened last night.”

  “Why wasn’t I told this last night?” I was suddenly on high alert.

  “She didn’t want to trouble you.” She looked timidly at me and gave me a weak smile.

  I didn’t waste any time. I was hot on Belinda’s heels as we made our way to the kitchen where we found Mia crying. Melinda was with her, trying to comfort her.

  “What’s happened?” I suddenly found myself panicking a little—thinking that someone had hurt her. I was ready to scream blue murder.

  “Last night, wh-wh-when Mr. Brannan and I … we-we-were having sex, the co-co-condom split.” She then wailed like a baby. I could understand why. Anyone would be in a panic over something like that.

  Pulling Mia in for a hug, I stroked her hair. “Mia, it will be okay. Look at me.” I pushed her away and made her look me in the eye. “This is what we’re going to do. First of all, we’re going to make an appointment with the doctor, so you can get the morning after pill. Then, at the same time, we will see about getting you tested. I’m sure you will be fine as the last test Mr. Brannan had was clear, but we’ll do this just to make certain.”

  She smiled and nodded her head. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. I know you’re upset, and I completely understand why. Just remember we have very strict guidelines here to make sure everyone is clean, and these situations are the very reasons why these guidelines are in place.” Addressing all of the girls, I asked, “Has Mr. Brannan said anything about this?”

  Mia nodded. “He was quite sweet about it. He assured me he was clean, and I assured him I was, too.”

  “Okay. I shall go and give him a call in just a moment, but first of all, let’s get you set up for your appointment. You’re my priority now, and I don’t want to see you upset. When one lady here is upset, we all are.”

  “Thank you … again.” I squeezed her arm and was confident enough that she had calmed down a little.

  “Stay here and get yourself a nice hot cup
of coffee and something to eat. I’ll cancel all of your appointments this evening and let you know straight away what time you can go to see Dr. Flemming.”

  “What are you going to tell everyone?” she asked, looking worried.

  “I’ll tell them that you have some sort of flu. They’ll understand.”

  “I’m really sorry this has messed you about.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t be. These things happen, and they’re beyond anyone’s control. Maybe if you weren’t so tight down there…” I smiled, letting her know I was joking.

  She giggled. “Maybe if he wasn’t so big.” Her eyes widened.

  I raised my eyebrow. “Is he really?”

  She very slowly nodded her head. “Oh, yeah.”

  I smiled. “Well, I’ll go see to it that I massage his ego a little. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  After making sure everyone was okay, I took the stairs back up to my office. The list of things to do on a daily basis seemed endless.

  Just as I sat down and was about to call the doctor, Belinda walked in. “Natalie is here to see you.”

  I bit my lip, thinking this was the worst time for her to be coming round for a visit. “Could you do me a huge favour?”

  “Sure thing. What is it?”

  I picked up a folder I had on my desk and handed it to her. “Inside are all the forms that Natalie needs to fill in and sign. Would you mind helping her with them?”

  She nodded. “Sure, no problem at all. Consider it done.”

  “Thank you. Please let her know that I’m sorry I missed her today. Just explain that I have some urgent business that needs attending. I’m going to call Dr. Flemming about Mia now, and I may as well mention Natalie.”

  “Of course. Let me know once you have spoken with her. I’ll see to it that Natalie has everything.”

  “Thank you.”

  Belinda left, and I sighed in relief. She was always a huge help here when things got a little out of hand. She seemed to be able to handle anything, so I leaned on her quite a bit when the need presented itself. She was quickly becoming my right-hand woman and was paid extra because of it.

  Picking the phone up, I dialled Dr. Flemming’s number. She answered after just two rings. “Dr. Flemming.”


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