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Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #1)

Page 4

by Jaimie Roberts

  I heard her cheery voice, and it made me smile. “Good morning, Barbara. How are you?”

  “Clara, so nice to hear from you. I’m good thanks. I take it you’re not calling just to chitchat?”

  “No. I have a problem unfortunately.”

  “Oh? Pray tell.” I could hear the intrigue in her voice.

  “Mia had a problem last night with one of the clients. She needs the morning after pill and a test if you can do that today?”

  “Oh, dear! Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she’s fine. Just a little shaken by the experience. She wasn’t harmed; something just happened that was out of her control.”

  “Ah. I see. Okay.”

  I think she got it straight away. Dr. Flemming obviously knew what we did here, although I never had nor would voice it out loud. She was a very down-to-earth doctor, and it also helped that I paid her enough to keep her quiet.

  “I do have a slot free this morning if you want to send her. She would have to hurry, though.”

  “You’re an absolute star! Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. Happy to help.”

  I bet you are with the money I pay you!

  “There is one other thing. I have a new girl starting, and she needs testing as well.”

  “Of course. Bring them both down, and I’ll test this girl first and Mia second. Mia will obviously need handling with care. What is this other girl’s name?”

  “Natalie Ferro.”

  I could hear her on the line, hesitating. She was obviously writing all this down. “Okay, great. Send them down, and I’ll get Natalie on the system and care for Mia and any concerns she may have.”

  I sighed my relief. “Thank you. I shall send them now.”

  I put the phone down and immediately went in search of Belinda. I found her outside of my office at the desk she used. Natalie was sat opposite, concentration etched on her face as she filled in all of the forms.

  “Good morning, Natalie.”

  Natalie looked up and smiled. “Good morning, Clara. I thought I was going to miss you today.”

  “It’s been a little hectic this morning already. Sorry about that. I did want to meet with you again and have a little chat.”

  “That’s okay. I completely understand.”

  “Natalie, I’ve just been on the phone to our doctor. Her name is Barbara Flemming, and she is excellent at what she does. All the girls love her.”


  “She said that she could test you this morning if you’re free?”

  Natalie nodded. “Yes, certainly. It would be a perfect time actually. I do have quite a free day today.”

  “Excellent. Another girl called Mia is going also. I will let her know, and you two can go together. I will arrange for our driver, Carlos, to take you both. Once you are finished, he will take you wherever you need to go.”

  She smiled brightly. “That’s brilliant. Thank you.”

  “I’ll do all the arranging, Clara. You go back and sort whatever you need to. I’ll make sure Mia and Natalie are okay.”

  I squeezed Belinda’s arm gently. I was extremely grateful to have her. “Thanks, Belinda.”

  She smiled sweetly back. “No problem at all.” She then turned her attention back to Natalie.

  “Have a good day, Natalie. If you have any problems, just give me a shout.”

  She waved at me. “Sure. Thank you.”

  About an hour later, I slumped in my chair with a big sigh. I had called Mr. Brennan and he seemed happy enough. He would get tested, but was happy. That was the main thing.

  Getting up from my chair, I thought it would be nice to get some fresh air. I was starting to get a little stir crazy and thought a walk around the grounds might calm me down a little.

  With that thought in my head, that’s exactly what I did. The sun was out today, but it was a little fresh. Every time the breeze hit my face it would sting a little. Still, I accepted it as I was just happy enough to be outside for a little—even in the cold.

  I walked around for about half an hour taking in the view of the Kentish fields ahead, and the expanse of trees around. On my journey, I bumped into my gardener, Thomas. He was young and a little easy on the eyes. My girls all had a field day watching him in the summer with his top off.

  I said hi and went through a few pleasantries before I thought it was time to head back inside. Just before heading in, though, I spied something in the distance. It looked like a fleet of cars were heading this way. I didn’t know why, but something was telling me this wasn’t right.

  On full alert, I ran back into the house and screamed at all the girls to head for their rooms.

  “Why? What’s happening?” Samantha’s face mirrored my own.

  “I don’t know, but there are people coming, and I don’t think they’re friendlies somehow. Everyone, please go to your rooms and stay there until I say it’s safe.”

  They all nodded, and I turned to go back out the door. The cars were coming closer, and I managed to spy the identity of one of the passengers straight away. I should have guessed it—Mr. Belatoni.

  Instinctively, I bolted the doors shut and stood to attention upon the steps. It wasn’t long before a loud banging sound erupted around the house. Then, all became quiet inside as everyone went off to hide. I had never seen or heard it that quiet before. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention.

  “Clara, I know you’re in there. Just be a good girl and open the door for me. You have sixty seconds.”

  My eyes widened in panic. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t let him in; he had his henchmen with him, and there was no telling what they were here to do. My girls’ safety was my number one priority.

  I stood—panicked—just waiting and hoping he would eventually give up and go away. I didn’t truly think that would be likely, however. He soon proved me right when I heard them bash through my door. It took them several attempts to get the door open, but they managed it. As soon as they all broke through, in walked Luca. It was almost as if everything was happening in slow-motion. Again, he commanded the room like a giant bull about to charge.

  He took in his surroundings, but before long, those steely, sparkling, caramel eyes bored into mine like a man possessed. And boy did he possess me. I couldn’t move; I couldn’t even breathe. I also couldn’t take my eyes off that man.

  He came to halt with a few men standing directly behind him. He stood still and leisurely raked his gaze over my body. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I heard a low growl escape from him. With the room being so big and without another sound to be heard, the vibrating rumble in his throat was amplified.

  Then, that sexy smile curved his lips up, and I knew he was coming for me. Without hesitation, my legs took flight. I ran up the stairs like a bat out of hell, turning only once to see Luca very slowly and casually walking up the stairs behind me.

  Before I could breathe, I was in one of the upstairs bathrooms. I chose this one in particular as I knew I could escape and find another way out. I needed to get to the girls. I was worried for them. They would be scared and anxious, so the sooner I got to them, the better.

  My heart went straight to my throat as I heard a tapping on the door. “As much as I love chasing you up the stairs, you’re only avoiding the inevitable. I told you I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.”

  “Piss off!” That was all I could think of to say. I was angry that he had just invaded my home.

  I heard a rumble of laughter through the door. “Come on, Clara. Don’t be like this. If you open the door, then maybe I can fuck you against it. You won’t be pissed off with me then. I can guarantee it.”

  My legs turned to jelly as the force of his words hit me like a bulldozer. I so wanted him to fuck me up against the bathroom door, but I hated him at the same time. I even hated him for making me want him.

  I stood silent for another few seconds, trying to calm my breathing. I knew I needed to get out of there and fast
. If his men could break down my front door, then they would be in here in next to no time. I had to act fast.

  Opening the bathroom window, I gazed down at the floor. I went dizzy at the dual prospects of having to be outside in the cold and having to climb down the drain pipe. I couldn’t even believe I was actually considering doing just that, but the thought of getting the hell out of there and seeing to my girls was my number one aim right then.

  Very carefully, I climbed out so as not to make too much noise. I quickly found the pipe and clung onto it for dear life. What didn’t help was the fact that I had high-heeled shoes on. Not the best shoes to be wearing. Then again, I didn’t know I was going to be put in a situation where I would need to be climbing out of my own castle!

  With a deep breath, I managed to swing my legs around onto the pipe, and I slowly made my way down. It took longer than anticipated, but I’d take that over falling and breaking my neck any day. Once my feet touched the ground, I let out a deep breath.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Clara.”

  I turned round so violently that Thomas had to step back a little. “Shit, Thomas. Don’t scare me like that again.”

  “What’s going on? Who are all those men who went into the house?”

  Hearing the sounds of a few voices in the distance, I grabbed Thomas’ hand and ran. “Come with me, and stay quiet.”

  We ran around the back of the house and found the entry point I was looking for. I took off my high heels and turned to Thomas. “Can you do something for me?”

  He nodded, but looked panicked. “Sure, anything.”

  “If you go through this door there is a staircase to the left hand side. If you make your way up one floor it will take you to the majority of all the rooms. Please make sure that when you open the door you don’t see any of the men outside. I will create a distraction so that will buy you a couple of minutes. Once you have the girls, ask Belinda to grab the keys to the lodge. She will know where I mean. Please make sure you all go there and stay there until I know it’s safe.”

  He looked concerned. “What about you?”

  “Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine. They’re not going to harm me. I promise.” I hated lying. How could I promise that? I didn’t know what the hell they were going to do to me.

  “I’m not going to leave you.” His face was stern and determined.

  “Thomas, please. There is a lot more than just me to worry about here. Please.” I was begging. I had to. I wanted all of them to be safe. I squeezed his hand and pleaded with my eyes for him to help me.

  “Okay. I’ll do it. But I’m going to come back for you once I’m done.”

  I shook my head. “No. That’s not going to happen, Thomas. If they find you, they will hurt you. Please, just do this one thing for me. I will be eternally in your debt.” I smiled as best I could under the circumstances.

  He sighed, but didn’t look happy. “Sure. I’ll go.”

  I kind of got the feeling he wasn’t listening to me, but at that moment, I just wanted everyone to be kept out of harm’s way.

  Thomas soon disappeared behind the door, and I scurried towards our barn. Thankfully, there were some left over fireworks from the bonfire night we recently had.

  I grabbed one and immediately began searching for some matchsticks. As quickly as I could gather everything in my arms I ran outside. I placed the firework upright in the ground and lit the thing as soon as I could. Once I knew it would ignite, I ran back for the cover of the barn.

  I stood there for what seemed like an age, and I was almost about to turn and find out what was taking so long when I heard a massive bang. It was just how I had planned it.

  Several men were outside soon enough looking everywhere for me. That was my cue then to run like the wind. They saw me of course, but that was my plan all along.

  Taking charge, they ran towards me and I knew it wouldn’t take them long before they were onto me. I’m a fast runner, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to outrun a dozen men.

  I tried to make it last as long as I possibly could to give Thomas and the girls the most time possible to get out.

  Within about thirty seconds, I could hear their heavy breathing behind me, and I knew it was only a matter of time.

  I was on the floor within a nanosecond before being hauled up to my feet. “Bastardi!” I shouted.

  “She speaks Italian.” A man with huge muscles raised his eyebrow at me.

  “Fuck you.”

  “And, she’s angry. The boss doesn’t do angry.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck, arsehole.” Before I knew it, one of the men backhanded me so hard I was almost sick.

  “Michel, you fucking piece of shit. What did you do that for?” Big Muscle Man glared at him.

  “She was being rude to you.”

  “I don’t give a damn what she did. Look at her. You’ve made her lip bleed.”

  I could feel my lip swelling just as he said it. I could also taste the blood in my mouth.

  “Let’s get her back in the house. She’ll freeze to death out here.”

  I didn’t know why Big Muscle Man was worried for my wellbeing. He looked as though he could crush someone as soon as look at him or her.

  Pretty soon, I had two pairs of arms holding both ends of me as they practically dragged me back into the house. All of this was a purposeful tactic so that I could delay them from going back inside. I needed Thomas to make sure they all came back out where he went in.

  As I was being dragged back, I quickly glanced in that direction to see if I could see any movement. I thought I saw the door open slightly, and that was enough for me to know that he was coming back out. I went willingly after that.

  The minute we walked through the door, all hell broke loose. Luca was standing like a bull about to charge, and that time his glare was frightening.

  “Who the fuck did this to her?” His voice was rumbling like thunder.

  “She tried to run, and then she was rude to Tony,” Michel tried, but ultimately failed to explain his actions.

  With one swift lunge, Luca floored him with a single punch. “Don’t you ever touch her again. Do you hear me? I don’t want anyone—and I mean anyone—to touch a hair on her head. You got that?” They all nodded their heads timidly before Luca turned his glare towards the heap on the floor. “Get him out of my sight.” Michel was swiftly brought to his feet and led out the front door.

  “Are you okay?” Luca cupped my face in his hands and inspected my lip. “Let go of her!” he commanded.

  The two men holding onto my arms immediately dropped their hands.

  “Tony, go and get some ice. I’m taking Clara to her room, which is…”

  “Top floor.” I couldn’t believe how compliant I was being. It was probably from the shock of it all.

  Luca bent down, whisked me up into his arms, and carried me up to the top floor. I snuggled into his shoulder and breathed in the heavenly scent from his neck. My God, he smelt good.

  Outside my door, he looked down at me. “Clara, I need your code.”

  “What?” I asked a little dazed still.

  “The code for your door.”

  I chuckled a little. “As if I’m telling you!”

  “This is not the time for games. You need looking after.”

  I looked into his eyes and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “Anyone would think you actually cared for me.”

  Luca sighed. “I do care. Despite what you think. Now please tell me the code. I want to take care of you.”

  With his sincere smile now in place, I melted. The numbers just flew out of my mouth before my brain engaged. “Two, four, two, one.”

  “Good girl.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?” I snapped.

  Luca punched the code in and swung the door open. “Saying what?”

  “Good girl. You talk to me like I’m a five-year-old.”

  “Sometimes, you act like one.”

  Quickly, my se
nses started to come back, and I could instantly feel the anger rising again. “You’re an arsehole.”

  “My point exactly.”

  I folded my arms in front of my chest and sighed heavily. All that did was reward me with another mischievous “See? I do know everything.” smile.

  “Are you okay?” he asked again as knocks began sounding on the door.

  “I’m fine.”

  Luca answered the door to admit Tony, who came in with some ice and a friendly smile on his face.

  “I apologise for Michel’s behaviour, Miss Murphy.” He handed Luca the ice.

  “And why the fuck didn’t you do anything about it?” Luca was obviously still mad.

  “Don’t shout at him; he was nice.” I couldn’t believe I was sticking up for him.

  Tony smiled, and I smiled back—even though it was painful to do so.

  “You think he’s nice?”

  I saw how pissed off Luca looked, but that only made me more stubborn. “Yes, I do.”

  Luca looked across to Tony, and then at me, and then back to Tony again. “Get out!”

  Tony nodded. “Yes, boss.”

  I smiled timidly again as Tony walked out the door. “Why did you have to be so rude to him?”

  “You thought he was nice.”

  I chuckled. “Erm… I think we established that a minute ago.”

  “It looks as though he thinks you’re nice, too.” Luca grabbed a towel and placed the ice inside.

  “So what if he does? I think a lot of people are nice.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “What?” I was dumbfounded.

  He looked up from the ice and stared at me. “I don’t like it.”

  I gasped. “Luca, you only met me yesterday.”

  He knelt down in front of me, causing my breathing to pick up that little bit. He placed the towel at my lip, and I winced slightly.

  “Sorry. I have to do this to get the swelling down.”

  Nodding my head, I didn’t say anything. Partly because he had ice on my lip, but partly because looking at him simply had me lost for words. His face was like a masterpiece of art. I felt like I could sit and admire it for hours upon hours and still never tire from staring. It didn’t help the fact that he was staring just as hard as I was.


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