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Page 10

by Heather Dahlgren

  “Alright. Call me, and let me know what’s up for tonight,” I say as I make my way to grab my purse and keys. “Oh, and please lock up when you leave, or Connie will kill us both.” He laughs and comes up behind me.

  “Sweetheart, you know I will. Now, get going. Please be careful driving.” I rush out of the house and say a little pray I make it to work on time.

  Thankfully, I made it to work just on time, and I haven’t stopped since I walked through the door. Even though Jenson was a prick yesterday, he was right; there was a woman who came in this morning because her house got broken into. She and I have been sitting together for close to two hours now because she keeps changing her description. There is a part of me that is beginning to question how valid this break-in was. She said he was white, then black, then Hispanic. She said his hair was a buzz cut, then long, then average. She told me he was tall, short, fat, and skinny. It’s like she is trying to waste my time or something. I put my pencil down and smile at her. “Ms. Johnson, do you think maybe we need to take a break? You seem to be a bit confused. That happens sometimes, and taking a break may be just what you need to clear your head.” She wrings her hands together, and I can’t figure out if she’s nervous about what happened or if she’s lying.

  “Oh, ummm, okay. Maybe that’s it. I just need a break. When should I come back?” I look at my watch.

  “How about after lunch? Say, around one o’clock.” She agrees and leaves. I get up and go knock on my captain’s office door. I walk in and sit down.

  “What’s up, Mel?” I lean forward and sigh.

  “Sir, I’ve got a feeling Ms. Johnson is making up either the break-in or the guy who did it. She is so inconsistent with her description.” He leans back in his chair and raises his eyebrows.

  “Thompson, you don’t get paid to solve the cases. You get paid to draw the sketches. That being said, I will talk to Ms. Johnson.” I smile and start to get up. “Sit down, Mel.” Shit. I sit back down and swallow. “I think part of the reason you are questioning her is because Jenson is the lead on this. I know you don’t especially get along with him.” I am taken back by this.

  “Captain, this has nothing to do with Jenson. I had a gut feeling that is all. I would never do something like that just because he is the lead in the case. I assure you.” I fucking wish there was another police department for me to work at because I’m so sick of Jenson causing problems. The captain runs his hands through his hair and sighs.

  “I hope so, Mel. When is Ms. Johnson coming back?” I am feeling overly emotional at this point. How could he think I would purposely say something just because of Jenson? I’ve never said anything before; this isn’t my MO. I feel tears stinging my eyes, but I blink them back. The last thing I need is for him to see me cry.

  “Around one o’clock, sir.” He nods his head and grabs a file off his desk.

  “Go to lunch and come back with the attitude of drawing, not solving crimes.” I don’t say another word. I silently leave his office, feeling emotionally wrecked. I get to my desk and sit down. I normally bring my lunch, but I forgot today, which is probably for the best. I need to get the hell out of here for a little while. I grab my purse and head to the elevator. I’m waiting for it to arrive when I feel like someone is standing behind me. I turn, and there is Jenson with a fucking smug grin. I just ignore him, hoping the elevator gets here soon.

  “Well, what’s wrong, Thompson? Did the captain say something mean to you? You look a little upset.” I spin with my blood boiling.

  “Jenson, why don’t you shut the fuck up.” He laughs and moves closer to me.

  “Ms. Johnson giving you a run for your money, beautiful?” I look at him with wide eyes.

  “What the hell are you trying to prove here?” He just smirks and walks away. I have a bad feeling about this, so when the elevator arrives, I rush on. I get out to my car, and once I’m inside, I can’t help the tears. First, the captain gives me shit, and now Jenson. I don’t get it. I do my job, fucking awesome, by the way. I don’t understand what is happening. Jenson is trying to prove something, but I don’t know what. I’m starting to get the feeling in the pit of my stomach he wants me fired. Maybe he is sick of the endless rejections, or maybe, he is pissed the captain called him out on his bullshit last night. Either way, he’s trying to fuck with me. I start crying harder at the thought of losing my job, and then my phone rings. I don’t even think twice, I just answer. “Hello?”

  “Mel? What’s wrong?” The concern in Keith’s voice actually makes me cry harder. “Relax, sweetheart. Take a deep breath, and talk to me.” I do just that, trying to get myself under control.

  “It’s nothing. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. Just having a shitty day.” He sighs as I look in my purse for a tissue.

  “It must be a real shitty day to have you so upset. What happened?” I clear my throat and rest my head back.

  “I just have this feeling that this woman I’m drawing a sketch for is lying, and when I brought it up to my captain, he told me I’m paid to draw, not solve cases.” The tears are pouring down but I continue. “He thinks I’m making a big deal because of this prick cop that I can’t stand. He’s the lead on the case. But after the captain dismisses me, I see Jenson in the hallway, and he all but admits to me that it’s all bullshit. What I can’t figure out is why? I know we don’t get along, but what if he costs me my job?” I wipe my eyes with the tissue and put the key in the ignition. I just want to go home and sit for a few minutes. I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.

  “Mel, listen, there is always that one person in any job who thinks their shit doesn’t stink. You just do what you have to do. If going to the captain again is what you need to do, do it. Don’t let this prick intimidate you. If that continues, I will have to pay him a visit and teach him how to respect women.” This causes me to laugh, and I’m so grateful he called.

  “Thank you, Keith. I know he is just trying to get under my skin, and fuck, I’m letting him. I just don’t get why go to the trouble of sending in someone with a fake crime?”

  “Some people are just fucked up. He must be getting off on the power play this is giving him, but, Mel, if he really is having this woman falsify a report, you need to tell your captain again. That’s illegal.” I laugh without humor as I wait at a red light.

  “Believe me, it won’t do any good. He’s the mayor’s son, and even if the captain did believe me, he won’t do shit about it.” I hear him mumbling curses under his breath.

  “That’s fucked up. My captain would never stand for that shit. It doesn’t matter if the fucking janitor went into his office, he would take that shit seriously. I’m so sorry you have to work with such assholes.” I smile again as I turn onto my block.

  “Me too. Well, listen, I’m just pulling up to the house. I wanted to get out of there, so I’m going to have lunch here. Thanks for listening.” I get out of the car and make my way to the door.

  “Wait, before you go. I actually did call for a reason. I talked to Connie, and of course, she wants to do something tonight. You alright with going to the Downtown Bar, and then we will take it from there?” I smile as I let myself into the house.

  “Yes, that sounds great. I’ll need a drink after this day.” We hang up, and I plop down on the couch and close my eyes. I think about how great my night was with Keith and how shitty my day has been up until I talked to him. I smile and stand up. I’m not going to let that fucking prick cost me my job. I will just do what I’m supposed to do and stay out of it all. I love my job too much. I eat a quick sandwich and head back to the station.

  After I got back, the captain called me into his office and told me he spoke to Ms. Johnson who broke down in tears and told him that someone paid her to make a false claim. He apologized for not believing me and said it would never happen again. I know in my heart it was Jenson, but I don’t say a word. I just appreciated that he took me seriously. The rest of the day flew by without any more problems. I w
alked out of there happy to be gone for the weekend.

  When I get home, Connie practically knocks me over when I walk in. “Dirt, give it to me. I’m dying here.” I laugh and go into the kitchen to grab a drink.

  “Well, we had an amazing time last night. He made me dinner, we talked about his friends in New York, and he spent the night.” I look over at her, and she has a huge smile on her face. I laugh, almost choking on my water. “Might I say your brother has one hot fucking body.” She covers her ears, and I laugh harder.

  “Too much. I don’t want to hear anything else.” She moves her hands and hops up on the counter. “I don’t want to hear about you having sex with my brother.”

  “We didn’t have sex, yet. We did plenty of other things though.” She flips me off, and I wink at her.

  “Any-fucking-way, we are going to the Downtown Bar tonight, so I invited Sal to join us.” I try to keep my expression neutral, but I fucking hate Sal. I know he is only a friend with benefits, but he is such an asshole. He thinks he is so much better than everyone else. I’m thankful we will be at the bar because now I’m going to need to get drunk to get through the night.

  We order a pizza for dinner, and once we have eaten, we start to get ready. I take another shower to get the shitty day off me. I get out and head to my room to decide on an outfit. It’s August, so it’s hot as hell. I pick out my favorite cut-off jean shorts and a black sleeveless tunic top. I pick out a sexy, green satin bra and panties because I’m hoping Keith will see them. Once I’m dressed, I go into the bathroom to blow dry my hair. I decide to leave it straight, so it’s done fairly quickly. I apply my makeup with a bit more eyeliner and eye shadow than normal. I look in the mirror and smile. I grab my pink lipstick and apply it for the finishing touch. Perfect.

  I make my way to the living room and see Connie sitting on the couch talking on the phone. I sit next to her and raise my eyebrows in question to who she’s talking to. She mouths ‘Sal,’ and I want to gag at how sweet she’s being with him. Thankfully, there is a knock on the door, so I jump up to get it. I open it, and my heart nearly explodes. Keith looks so fucking hot. He has on a gray T-shirt, which is accenting his muscular body, and a pair of worn-in jeans. His hair is the perfect mess, and the grin on his face has my nipples hardening. “Hey.” He laughs and walks in.

  “Hey yourself. You look gorgeous.” He wraps his arm around my lower back and brings me toward him. He leans in and kisses me. I can’t help but run my hands up into his hair and deepen the kiss. I just saw him this morning, but fuck, I’ll admit I’ve missed him. He brings his other hand up into my hair, and we devour each other.

  “Holy fuck. I’m sitting right here.” We slowly break away, but Keith keeps his hold on me, looking over my shoulder.

  “Sorry, little sister, I can’t seem to help myself. Mel is fucking amazing.” I smile at the compliment, and he looks down at me to give me that wink. He must know what it does to me because he chuckles before he lets go.

  “Yea, she is fucking amazing, but I don’t need to watch you guys dry hump in the living room.” Keith and I burst out laughing, and she flips us off. “I’m going to finish getting ready. Can I trust you won’t be humping on the couch?” I laugh and turn to her.

  “Could you not say hump? We aren’t fucking dogs.” She just rolls her eyes and walks down the hall. Keith grabs my hand and leads me over to the couch. He sits down and has me straddle him. He kisses my lips several times and smiles at me.

  “Is it ridiculous to say that I missed you?” I giggle and shake my head.

  “I was thinking the same thing.” He tucks my hair behind my ears.

  “Good. So tell me what happened once you got back to work.” I proceed to tell him everything, and he listens with such interest it causes my heart to swell. I’ve never been with a guy who gave a shit about what my day was like, but Keith genuinely wants to hear it.

  “I’m so glad it worked out. I don’t like that guy, Jenson. Do you have to work with him often?” A part of me thinks he may actually be jealous, but another part thinks he is just being a cop.

  “Not very often.” He kisses my nose.

  “Good.” I just can’t help staring into his beautiful eyes. They are so telling, so honest. I blink and realize I haven’t said anything.

  “What did you do today?” He rubs small circles on my lower back, and I feel my pussy already getting wet. Damn, maybe satin wasn’t the best idea.

  “I tried finding my mom a divorce lawyer. I fixed up more of the outside of the house and called a few contractors to get estimates for the inside.” Every new piece of information I find out about him, makes me like him that much more. I mean, who wouldn’t like a guy that does all this for his mom? It is heartwarming.

  “Damn it. Are you two at it again?” This time she laughs and sits down in the chair. “Well, anyway, what time do you want to get out of here? I told Sal to meet us in an hour, but I’d like to have a drink before he gets there.” I watch Keith’s face as he gives her a stern look. “Fucking relax. I’m not going to get trashed. Just a couple of drinks.” I don’t even want to look at either of them because I know she’s lying, and I know he will ask me what’s wrong. I climb off his lap and he grabs my hand.

  “Just going to grab my purse. I’ll be right back.” He looks at Connie then back at me. He nods his head but doesn’t say anything. He sits forward and starts softly talking to her. I quickly make my way to my room to grab my purse and phone. I’d rather not be a part of that conversation. When I return, they are laughing, so I figure she’s told him she won’t drink too much. I just hope she follows through with it.

  “You guys ready? I’ll drive.” I smile at Keith, and Connie jumps up to grab her purse. He stands up and kisses my lips.

  “Everything alright with you and Connie?” He grins at me, takes my hand, and leads me to the door.

  “Couldn’t be better. Don’t worry. I’ve got a handle on this now.” I turn giving him a confused look, but Connie comes over right then, so I figure that’s the end of it for now.

  “Let’s go, you love birds. We need to go have some fun and unwind after this shittastic week.” She said it. I definitely need a few drinks after the shitty day I had.

  When we get to the bar, Keith leads us to a table. After we sit down, he asks what we want and goes off to get it. “Hey, Mel?” I look over at Connie, and she smiles.

  “I just wanted to tell you that I am so happy for you and Keith. You really are perfect for each other, plus, you guys look hot together.” I laugh and grab her hand.

  “Seriously, Connie, I don’t think I tell you enough how much your friendship means to me. I’ve never had a friendship with someone for long periods of time, until you, and you’ve just made my life so much better. You are my best friend, my sister.” I have no idea where this mushy crap is coming from, but I mean every word of it. She leans over and hugs me.

  “I love you, Mel. I would walk through the fires of Hell for you.” I smile because I know, truly know, she would, and I absolutely would too.

  “Well, what do we have here? I didn’t know you two were into that kind of thing.” I pull away from her, pissed that Sal could turn our sweet talk into something dirty. I think if anyone else said it, I would think it’s funny but I just don’t like him.

  “Fuck off, Sal.” I look over to see where Keith is because I need a drink ASAP. Connie gets up and gives him a hug.

  “Don’t be jealous, Mel, there is plenty to go around.” Just then, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  “I assure you she’s not jealous. I’m Keith, Connie’s brother and Mel’s boyfriend. Who the hell are you?” Boyfriend? Boyfriend? I turn my head and look at him. He gives me that panty-soaking grin and wink. Well shit, I guess I’ve got myself a boyfriend.

  “Easy, big brother. This is my friend, Sal.” Sal sticks out his hand to Keith, and they shakes hands, but I can see he must be squeezing pretty hard because I watch Sal’s pained expression.

��Pleasure, Sal. I’m a cop.” I burst out laughing, and he sits next to me and hands me my drink. “What?” He chuckles and sips his beer.

  The last two hours have been a lot of fun. Sal is actually being fun, and I think it is all due to Keith. Not to mention, Connie hasn’t had any more than four drinks. It’s like Keith comes here, and everything just gets better. I fucking love it.

  “You guys down for a little truth or dare? I play it back home with my friends, and it is a lot of fun.” He looks around at each of us.

  “Hell yes! Who’s going first?” I’m excited to be doing something that he does with his amazing friends back home. It makes me feel like I get to know him that much better.

  “I’ll go first.” I look at Connie and laugh. There is nothing funny, but I’m feeling no pain at this point, and most everything is funny.

  “Alright, little sister. Truth or dare?” She cocks her head to the side and smiles.

  “Dare.” I clap my hands together, excited to see how this will go. Keith looks at me and laughs.

  “I dare you to go order a ‘sex on the beach,’ but when he starts to make it, tell him you were really looking for sex on the beach.” I spit my drink out of my mouth and can’t stop laughing.

  “Shit. Sorry.” I grab napkins and wipe my mouth and the table.

  “You’re on, big brother.” She gets up and heads for the bar. Even Sal is laughing at this point. We watch, and I’m like a giddy teen girl watching my first friend kiss a guy.

  “You’re getting a kick out of this, aren’t you, sweetheart?” I look at him, and my smile gets bigger.

  “I love finding out things about you, but doing things you do at home, it’s fucking awesome.” He wraps his arm around me and kisses my cheek.

  “Good.” We look back at Connie and see the bartender look at her with wide eyes. We all start laughing, and she walks back over smiling.

  “Holy shit, that was fun. Why the hell haven’t we been playing this?” She sits down next to Sal and sips her beer.

  “My turn, my turn. I pick dare.” Keith chuckles at me.


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