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Page 3

by Khloe Wren

Soft fingers slid over my chest snagging my attention.

  “Morning, lover.”

  I shivered as her touch caused goosebumps to rise. And that voice… It got me hard every time I heard it. Not that I wasn’t already hard from watching her sleep.

  “Morning, beautiful. Sleep well?”

  She chuckled, and the sound eased the tension from me. My worries fled as I rolled over to cover her body with mine. I loved how we fit together, her curves cushioning my hard edges.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I took her wrists in one hand and held them over her head. She arched her spine and her eyes dilated. I nuzzled my face into her neck and nipped at her skin. She squirmed, rubbing her pelvis against mine. I shuddered when the underside of my dick slid over her slick pussy.

  “Stop it. Hold still and take what I give you, ma sourmises.”

  I’d picked up a few words at the club, and I rather liked the French word for submissive. Sourmises had a certain ring to it. Her body stilled, except for her chest. That rose and fell as her breathing rate picked up. Her musk filled the air, and I decided I could get used to this. The control gave me a high like nothing else had since those first few concerts. But it was more than control. Issy was trusting me fully to take care of her.

  Glancing around the bed, I spotted the robe-belt I’d used last night. Snatching it up, I made quick work of tying her wrists to the headboard of the bed.

  “Please, Monsieur.”

  Kneeling between her spread legs I smiled down at her. She was so beautiful. I stroked myself as I took in all her marks and small bruises from last night.

  “Don’t you worry, baby. This is going to please us both.”

  I leaned forward and palming a breast, took her nipple into my mouth where I sucked and bit at it until she was whimpering. My dick was throbbing with each little sound she made, and I quickly gave the other side the same treatment. I wasn’t going to last much longer. I needed to be inside her again.

  Brian had told me that a Dom needed to learn control, but with Issy I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to hold myself back for long. I reached over to snag a condom from the bedside cupboard and rolled it over my aching length. Issy moaned as she watched me, her curvy body trembling as she tried to stay still for me. I ran my palms up her thighs, spreading her legs wider. Her waxed flesh was glossy with her arousal. I licked my lips as I lowered toward her. When I was less than an inch from where I desperately wanted to lick I stopped. Forcing myself to slow down. Control. I needed to control myself and the situation to bring us both higher. I knew from last night it would be worth it.

  I blew gently over her, and she moaned and the muscles beneath my palms tensed. Poor girl was struggling to stay still.

  I kept teasing with light touches and gentle breaths until she was begging. Looking up her body to her sweaty face I paused to take in the sight and to lick my dry lips. I’d always liked sex, but it had never given me this sort of pleasure before. The trust Issy put in me, the control she gave me was beyond exciting.

  I covered her core with my mouth and thrust my tongue deep. Her fruity taste flowed over my tongue, and I swallowed her down. With a growl I pushed her thighs wider and delved deeper. I’d had my mouth on her last night, but it hadn’t been enough. I was addicted. Somehow, overnight, Issy had become the center of my world. Alarm bells rang, but they were a distant thing in the back of my mind and easy to ignore. Especially when Issy bucked against my tongue and filled my mouth with her cream as my ears rang with her scream. Oh hell yeah. I could definitely get used to this.

  I rose up over her shuddering body and entered her with one hard thrust while she was still coming down from her climax. Her pussy clenched around me, and I had to stop and take a deep breath to stop myself from coming already. She felt so bloody good, but I wasn’t ready for it to be over yet. Leaning over her I took a nipple between my teeth and tugged, loving how she gasped and moaned as her flesh stretched up before I let go when she arched her spine. After suckling the sting from her, I repeated the process on the other side. As I sucked gently on her other nipple she whimpered and swiveled her hips, trying to get me to move. I growled and pulled free of her body.

  “Naughty sourmises.”

  With a couple of tugs I had her hands free, then flipped her over and gave her lush ass five quick smacks. My dick twitched as her skin started to redden. With another growl I thrust back into her from behind. With a firm grip on her hips I thrust deep, loving how she whimpered at the invasion. I kept up a fast hard rhythm until my balls tightened. Releasing one hip, I slid my right hand up between her breasts to lift her back against me. I stopped thrusting a moment to turn her face to the side so I could kiss her. While our tongues dueled I started moving within her again. Pulling away from her mouth, I slid my left hand around to roll a nipple and tug on the tight peak.

  She threw her head back against my shoulder and screamed as her pussy clenched tight around me and her whole body convulsed. A tingle ran down my spine, and my dick kicked and jerked within her as I orgasmed like never before. Laying my mouth on the soft skin of her throat I sucked hard. I need to mark her, for the world to see she was mine.



  I jerked awake to pounding on the door.

  “Zeck? Get your arse out here, man. We’ve got a shit-storm brewing, and you’re in the center of it.”

  The arm around my middle tightened and a kiss was pressed against the back of my neck. Hmmm, Zeck has the softest lips. I could quite happily lie here being kissed by him forever.

  His hand slid between my thighs, and I gasped and arched against him as he toyed with my clit. Then the banging started up again.

  “Zeck, this is a very serious matter that needs your immediate attention. You have one minute, or I’m coming in to get you.”

  I echoed Zeck’s groan when he pulled his talented fingers away from me.

  “I’d better go deal with whatever has crawled up Phillip’s arse this morning. Why don’t you go have a shower? I’ll be in there to help you in a few minutes.”

  I rolled over and frowned up at him.

  “That guy sounded pretty pissed. I somehow doubt this is a quick fix situation.”

  He leaned in and kissed me until my mind fogged.

  “Knowing you’re all wet and waiting for me will have me sorting out whatever this is in seconds, baby. Phillip’s our manager, and he gets his knickers in a knot regularly. Now, go on and get started.”

  Cupping his face, I leaned up for another kiss before with a sigh I rolled away and headed to the bathroom that was bigger than my entire apartment. Wow. I’d never been in a penthouse before, but I could see the appeal. Twisting the lever I started the opulent shower going before I rummaged through the basket of goodies to find some body wash and shampoo.

  Half an hour later I had totally run out of things to wash. I’d even washed my hair twice before conditioning it for longer than it had ever been moisturized before. Now that my fingers had gone wrinkly I’d decided to call it quits and stop waiting for Zeck to join me.

  I couldn’t help but moan when I wrapped a fluffy white towel around me. These were not the scratchy threadbare things I remembered from my hotel stays. Damn, but the rich certainly knew how to holiday. I smiled and my heart skipped a beat as I ran the terrycloth over the red scrapes from last night. I’d always loved being bound in rope, but last night had been different. Zeck had turned it into so much more than simply a Dom servicing a sub.

  That was what I’d realized over the course of the previous evening. All my other experiences had been with Doms who had no real feeling for me. Despite only having just met Zeck, he’d showed me that he desired me for more than my ability to say “yes, monsieur”. Between our bouts of incredibly hot sex, we’d talked. I’d discovered the real man behind Right Time’s resident jokester. Even if it was only to myself, I had to admit that I’d fallen half in love with him with each little piece of his soul he revealed. He was kind an
d thoughtful. Donating his time and money whenever he saw a need. He was also feeling guilty. He was envious of his band-mate’s happiness. I’d seen the odd headline but hadn’t bothered reading the articles about Dillon knocking up a woman. Apparently they were now happily married and about to have their baby. And my soft hearted Zeck was struggling to joke through his emotions.

  It had shocked me at first how deep he was. I’d naively thought he was all about the fame and just a pretty face. But he was so much more than that. He’d taken to BDSM like a duck to water. He’d confessed how out of control he’d felt for so long. I’d never really considered how much of a singer’s life was dictated to them by managers and schedules.

  I rummaged back through the basket until I found a brush. I shook my head with a laugh. That basket had everything anyone could possibly need in the bathroom. As I combed out my very well conditioned hair I remembered why I had been drawn to BDSM. My father was a workaholic and my mother a socialite who only had kids because everyone else was doing it. I’d spent my whole life picking up after her and making sure my younger sister was okay. I’d always needed to be in control and to take charge to get things done. The idea of a man coming in and taking over, while keeping my best interests at heart, sounded pretty damn good to me. Although, I was certain I couldn’t handle a man who wanted that amount of control outside the bedroom. Zeck didn’t come across as someone who’d want that level of submission.

  Then the first time I’d stepped into the club and seen a woman strung from the ceiling something clicked inside me. Rope was my thing. Honestly, the harder stuff like knife and flame play made me cringe.

  With a sigh, I headed out the door back to the bedroom. The outer door was open an inch, and deep angry male voices floated into the room.

  “I repeat, Zeck. There’s photos! The press have damn photographic evidence of you beating a woman! What were you thinking? Right Time does not need another scandal.”

  “Jas? Back me up, man. He’s obviously not going to believe me no matter how I say it, but let me try one last time. It’s not what it looks like. Those photos are out of context! Dammit.”

  “Phillip, Zeck speaks the truth. That club is a BDSM club. The woman was there by choice and enjoyed her time with Zeck. The club also has a no camera policy. I was late here because I was attempting to call the owner about it.”

  I collapsed onto the bed. Photos? Oh no. Bile rose up my throat, and I swallowed it down. Something like that would spread worldwide in minutes. How would I ever get work when the world thought I was some kind of pain slut? Tears dripped down my cheeks as I reached for my clothes from the night before. Fortunately, I’d gotten changed into my street clothes at the club before I came back here with Zeck. I pulled my jeans on and winced when they scraped over each of my bruises. Only twenty minutes ago they’d been a sweet reminder, but now they felt dirty. I pulled my shirt over my head and reached for my bag.

  Stopping mid turn I gasped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. There was a massive hickey on the side of my neck. I needed to cover up and sneak out. I didn’t want to make things even harder for Zeck. He had enough to deal with already.

  Looking around I saw his black hoodie tossed onto a chair. Quickly I put it on and froze for a moment. It smelled of him. I squeezed my eyes closed and took a deep breath. Hmm. The man smelled so damn good. I shook my head and snatched my bag up. I needed to get out of here. I’d had a night with a famous singer. It wasn’t reality but a snippet out of time. I hoped back in Australia those pictures hadn’t made it into the mainstream media. Maybe if I dye my hair and wear colored contacts I could still get a job? Gah!

  I paused and peaked around the door. There was a small group of men standing around a table, but none of them were looking this way. Taking a deep breath, I put my handbag strap over my head and slipped down the hallway. With a racing heartbeat I pulled on the door and silently slipped from the apartment. The hallway outside was empty but I didn’t know how long that would last, so I sprinted for the elevator and pushed the button until the thing came.

  Once inside the fancy lift I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes. What had I done? I’d had a one night stand with Zeck Evans. He’d spanked my ass, and someone had taken a photo… I pulled my phone out of my handbag and pulled up an internet search. With butterflies going crazy in my stomach, I typed in “Zeck Evans scandal”. As the little circle spun on the screen, my breaths quickened until I could barely get enough air into my lungs. The elevator dinged that I’d reached the ground floor, and my phone lit up with a page of results. I stumbled and reached out for a wall when the headlines hit me. “Right Time Condones Violence Against Women.” “Zeck Evans Busted Hitting Hot Blonde.” “Second Scandal to Hit Right Time’s World Tour.”

  Blinking away tears, I pulled the hood up over my head and made sure my hair was all tucked beneath the black material. Glancing out the front of the building I could see a mob of what looked like media people. Unfortunately, they were between the doors and the taxi line. Dammit. This was going to be the walk of shame to end them all.

  “Mademoiselle? Miss?”


  “Would you like some assistance catching a taxi?”

  My shoulders slumped in relief.

  “That would be excellent. But I need to avoid the press.”

  The man nodded, “Of course, mademoiselle. Please, follow me.”

  Grateful for the help, I followed him to a side door. He quietly snuck me around to the front and into the most rear taxi.

  “Good luck, mademoiselle. I do believe the press are going to be most insistent with this matter.”

  My stomach dropped as the taxi pulled away and headed to my small apartment. The concierge was right. I could feel it in my bones that I hadn’t heard the last of the paparazzi.



  Scrubbing my face I paced the living area of my penthouse suite. Issy had vanished. She must have overheard us talking, or she checked her phone and saw the reports. Dammit! I wasn’t ready to let her go. All this shit with the media would blow over. It had with Dillon and Ashlyn, so it would for us, too.

  “Zeck? I have spoken with Brian. He believes he knows who would have taken the photos.”

  I turned to face Jas.

  “That’s great. But it doesn’t really help. It’s not like we can undo them being leaked.”

  “No, but the band’s lawyers have begun getting the photos pulled from sites. They were illegally taken without anyone’s permission. The woman responsible will be facing criminal charges, and of course a life ban from Brian’s club.”

  “A woman did this? Submissive or Domme?”

  Not that it mattered. Brian had promised a camera ban, and I’d stupidly believed him.

  “A submissive. I believe you turned her down several times last night. Her name is Monique Royale. Brian is most apologetic over this. He hasn’t got all the evidence he needs yet, but he is going to keep looking until he does. He’s never had anyone break the no photo rule before, and he intends to make example of her so no one else get idea.”

  I scrubbed my palms over my face. I vaguely remembered her. She’d come on to me several times and hadn’t seemed to be submissive at all. Not that I knew how a submissive woman would act.

  “Brian had more to tell me.”

  Having spent most of the night pleasuring Issy, I was beyond tired. Wariness pulled at every muscle in my body, and I really didn’t need anything else to be added to my already craptastic day.

  “Spit it out, Jas.”

  “Issy is with him. She attempted to return home this morning, but the press were camped out at her home. She felt she had nowhere to go, so called Brian. He is with her at the club.”

  My head snapped up.

  “Nowhere to go? She should have bloody well stayed here! Instead of sneaking off on me. Go get her, Jas. Bring my woman back here where I can keep her safe. She’s too sweet to have to deal with this paparazzi shit

  Jas sucked in a breath and frowned at me.


  “You only just met this girl. Yet you are talking like you love her.”

  I rubbed my palm over the back of my neck.

  “I don’t know about love, but I care about her. I don’t know how to explain it, man. We just … click. When we’re together I feel relaxed and at peace. When she trusts me to tie her up and take her I feel more like a man than I ever have before. But it’s more than simple submission. I had like, half a dozen subs try to tempt me last night, yet only Issy caught my attention. Somehow, she’s become vital to me.”

  The big guy nodded with a bit of a smirk.

  “Ashlyn will be happy to have some female company on tour. I’ll head out to collect her now. Oh, and as her Dom, you need to deal with her running off. I believe a nice long spanking would set her straight.”

  I stood in shock as Jas left.

  “He’s right you know. Not sure about that spanking shit, but Ashlyn will love having another woman to talk with. Your Issy is Australian, too, right?”

  I turned to face Dillon. He’d been settling Ashlyn in the second bedroom. Poor girl was about to drop that baby of hers, but Dillon refused to leave me alone to suffer through this scandal.

  “It’s not like the media say it is. Everything that Issy and I did last night was totally consensual, and I can assure you we both enjoyed every moment. And yeah, Issy’s Australian. What can I say? I heard Aussies were the best so I had to get myself one. You know? Gotta keep up with you.”

  I was a little surprised my lame attempt at humor got my best mate chuckling, but I happily joined him.

  “Oh yeah, buddy. Once you try an Aussie, mate, you’ll never want anything else. Trust me.”

  I took a deep breath, and it felt great to laugh again. The band’s publicist had passed down the message that we were to respond to all questions regarding this current scandal with a “no comment”. They were preparing a press release to cover the important facts, and it would also say that Issy and I wanted our privacy respected. I scoffed. Yeah, right. Like the media would ever respect anyone’s privacy. But at least I wouldn’t have to stand in front of a bunch of mics and try to defend my and Issy’s choices to a bunch of strangers I really didn’t give a stuff about.


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