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Page 4

by Khloe Wren

  “Man, you’ve got it bad.”

  I growled a little at Dillon.

  “Like you don’t?”

  “Bro, I’m married! The whole bloody world knows I’m whipped.”

  I scrubbed my palms over my face again.

  “I hate that the media knows about her. Last night was awesome. One of the best of my life and now instead of lying in bed with her enjoying our glow … it now feels dirty and wrong. Bloody hell, man. I just wanted to sing. I never wanted this fame shit that’s taken over everything.”

  Dillon came over and slapped me on the back. “I know exactly how you feel, buddy. Fame is a strange beast. Like anything, there’s good and bad. Don’t worry too much about it. It’ll blow over. Just wait. Brittney will shave her head again or Miley will flash something she shouldn’t and we’ll be left alone.”

  Laughing, I shook my head.

  “Yeah, I know. It just sucks to be in the center of the storm. I’d much rather defend one of you boys than be the focus.”

  “I know, man. But we’ve all got your back. It really will blow over.”

  With my hands on my hips I watched my best friend return to his wife. An ache set up behind my ribs as I realized I wanted what he had. With Issy I’d started to see my future, but she’d snuck out at the first chance. Had she seen me as a notch on her bedpost? She hadn’t seemed that way last night, but the evidence was glaringly obvious this afternoon.

  I shook my head and scrubbed a hand through my hair. I was being ridiculous. We’d had one night, and I was going all teenage girl planning a picket fence. When Jas brought Issy here, I’d sit down with her. Maybe even include Phillip in the conversation. We’d work out how to keep her protected until this shit blew over, and then I’d walk away. It was the responsible thing to do.

  It was an awesome plan. One that made total logical sense. Right up to the moment Issy walked into the room wearing my hoodie. Fuck, but she looked good in my clothes. I had several inches on her, so the thing hung down nearly to her knees. It made her look young and innocent. And mine. It definitely made her look like she was mine.

  Where the hell was this possessiveness coming from? I’d never been like this with a girl before. Issy lifted a trembling hand and pushed the hood off, and my heart sank. She’d been crying. A lot. Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy. The tip of her nose was an adorable pink. Suddenly I didn’t give a stuff why I was turning into a caveman. My woman was hurting. I strode straight across the room and scooped her up. Instantly she wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her face into my neck. Something deep inside me eased having her pressed against me.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

  I nodded once to Jas before I retreated to my room. I’d refused to let the hotel staff in, so the bed was still rumpled from our night together. I stood her at the foot, and needing to feel her skin, I stripped off the hoodie.

  “By the way, I love how you look wearing my clothes, baby.”

  She lowered her gaze and blushed.

  “I didn’t want to be recognized by the press. I was going to post it back, honest.”

  I put a finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up.

  “Issy, baby, I don’t mind you taking it. My only objection is that you snuck off without a word. I had no way of contacting you. Did last night mean anything to you at all?”

  Tears welled in her eyes, and the breath in my lungs stilled when she lifted a palm to press against my cheek. Jas and Dillon were right. I’d fallen hard for this girl.

  “Last night was amazing. I was looking forward to spending today with you. Then I overheard you and your manager speaking. I did a search on my phone, and the headlines turned my stomach. I felt so dirty I had to leave. I can’t believe I ran like a coward, but that’s what I did. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  I gently stroked my fingers over her face. “It kills me you’ve been so upset and I wasn’t there to comfort you. Don’t ever leave like that again. You stay and we deal with it together, okay?”

  She frowned up at me. “What are you saying? What did last night mean to you?”

  I smirked. “You asking a fella to talk about his feelings?”

  Her eyes turned serious. “Yes, Zeck. Shit is about to get real. The media isn’t going to forget about this, especially if we’re together. You’re going to get labeled a wife beater by the press.”

  Her voice cracked, and I couldn’t take it. I leaned down and took her lips with mine, kissing her deep until her body melted against me.

  “Sweetheart, the band’s legal team and publicist are currently working on dealing with it. The lawyers are already getting the photos pulled down.”

  Tears leaked down her cheeks. “You know as well as I do that once those pictures are out there, there’s no taking it back. Nothing can truly be deleted from the internet.”

  I wiped her tears gently with my thumbs. “Don’t cry, baby. This will pass. All the major media outlets will pull the photo, and it hopefully won’t make it to print magazines.”

  “But what if it does? How am I meant to find work after this?”

  Cupping her face, I kissed her again. “If anyone is dumb enough to print it, we sue and then you’ll have enough money you won’t have to work for a while.”

  She leaned in, kissing me back.

  “You didn’t answer me. About last night.”

  I pulled back enough that I could focus my gaze on hers.

  “Last night was special, and it wasn’t only because it was the first time I got a real taste of BDSM. When Jas took me into that club for the first time I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You looked so beautiful being tied up. Then, last night I got to talk with you, touch you. Baby, it was instant addiction. I need you.”

  The sweetest smile curved her lips, and she allowed all her weight to lean against me. A shiver ran up my spine when her breasts pressed against my chest.

  “And speaking of BDSM … I do believe you’ve earned yourself a spanking for running off on me.”

  My dick twitched and lengthened when her eyes dilated and her mouth opened a little as her breathing picked up. Yeah, this Dom stuff was so my kink.

  Chapter Three


  As I sat watching Right Time finish their last song on stage from a corporate box, I couldn’t believe how my day had progressed. I’d woken up to a hunk of a man loving on me, but then everything had quickly turned to hell with those bloody photos. I still couldn’t believe the paparazzi had found my apartment so fast. Before the taxi could stop I had seen them all huddled around my building’s entrance. I’d told the driver to keep going. The only place I could think to go was the club. I’d dialed Brian, and he’d already heard from Jas so knew what was going on. He’d been totally supportive of me coming to him.

  He’d been waiting for me outside when the taxi pulled up. He’d paid the driver, then taken me under his arm. Holding me close he’d silently pushed past the press and gotten me safely inside. I had no romantic feelings for Brian, never had, but I liked the way he cared and protected any sub that entered his club. I could finally relax once I entered the club I’d become so familiar with.

  Poor Brian. He was furious and swamped with guilt over the scandal. I assured him it wasn’t his doing. He did all he could to protect those in his club. It wasn’t just entertainers that sought out the privacy of Brian’s club. A lot of politicians came in, too. Not to mention all the teachers or others who would lose their jobs if it got out they liked BDSM.

  Brian had made me a coffee and sat down at a table and let me relax. He asked a few questions, but let me make the decision about how to handle the scandal. He’d told me that Zeck had been distraught to discover I’d slipped out on him. A smile curved my lips. If I hadn’t chosen to stay with Zeck, Brian was going to give me the spanking I’d earned. Apparently putting myself in danger like that was a hard limit for all Doms.

  I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the gor
geous Brit since I’d left, so it had been easy to decide to let him help me through this crap. I hadn’t been sure how he’d felt about me, but I sure knew now. I shivered as I recalled how good it had felt when Zeck had stripped me down and spanked me before he tied me to the bed and made slow love to me. I closed my eyes at the memory. He’d been thorough and so gentle he’d cracked open my heart. Zeck held so much passion inside, and I still couldn’t believe he trusted me enough to unleash it on me.

  “What’s that grin for?” Ashlyn scoffed. “Like I need to ask. You’re thinking of your man aren’t you?”

  I chuckled. It was so nice to hang out with another Australian after so long in France. That and Ashlyn was a hard girl not to like. Even though she had to be uncomfortable in her final month of pregnancy she was still friendly and bubbly.

  Curiosity had me leaning closer to her. “Those boys are something, aren’t they? How’d you get caught in their web?”

  “You don’t know? I thought the whole world knew about it.”

  I shook my head on a laugh. “I’ve never been one to read gossip mags, and honestly I’ve never really listened to Right Time other than when they come on the radio.”

  “You know, I was the same. I was holidaying in England with my friend, Sarah. She’s one of the band’s back up dancers. I met Dillon through her, and it all kind of steamrolled from there.”

  I couldn’t help but grin.

  “So Dillon found himself an Aussie in England and Zeck found one in France.”

  Ashlyn chuckled. “Yeah. It’s a hoot isn’t it? Oh, damn.”

  She clutched her huge belly, and I rushed to her side.

  “Are you okay? What’s happening?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Little bean has been doing aerobics all bloody day today. Phew.”

  While nannying this last year I’d been around a few heavily pregnant women, and I was pretty sure that Ashlyn wouldn’t be wincing like she was from a simple kick.

  “How long do the boys normally take after a show before they get up here?”

  “Oh no. They don’t come to us. We have to go to them. Well, sometimes one of them will dress up in a disguise and risk coming out from backstage. Zeck was the last one to try that, but the diehard fans are on to it and security had to haul his butt back to safety.” She shook her head. “You have the craziest one for sure. Can’t quite wrap my head around him being a Dom though.”

  I shrugged as a wave of unease flowed over me. I liked it better when no one knew what I preferred between the sheets.

  “Every Dom is different. Some like to be in control of everything around them 24/7, but most aren’t that hardcore. A lot of Doms like to control things in the bedroom because they feel out of control in their day to day life. I’ve only been experimenting with the lifestyle for about six months now, and Zeck’s only just discovered it. It doesn’t change who he is as a person, it’s simply part of him. If you think about it, it makes sense. Doms like to protect and take care of those around them. Zeck’s told me about a few things he’s done over the years that fit that theme. I’m sure you’ve seen that side of him since you’ve been with Dillon. He and Zeck are best friends, right?”

  Ashlyn’s forehead creased as she chewed her lower lip.

  “When you put it like that, yeah. Zeck is definitely a caretaker. He’s always making sure everyone has what they need. Umm, feel free to tell me to take a hike, but can I ask why you thought getting your butt smacked would be nice in the first place?”

  I would have told her to take that hike if her tone hadn’t been filled with honest curiosity. Still, I didn’t know her well enough to reveal all my inner secrets to the woman.

  “I just kinda tumbled into it I guess. The family I was working for had this maid who befriended me and invited me to join her one night. The first time I was bound in rope I knew I’d found what works for me. It’s hard to explain how it feels to submit.”

  “You ladies ready to head out?”

  I’d never been so glad to see a bodyguard. The conversation was getting too personal. Zeck had said all the right things earlier, but I still wasn’t one hundred percent sure on where we were heading. While they’d been doing preshow checks and stuff I’d done some more internet searching. Seems my man was a bit of a ladies’ man. So many references to Zeck and Dillon and how many women they had. Although Dillon seemed to be over it. He was all about Ashlyn now. His gaze always sought her out, and if she was in range, he had a hand on her.

  With a sigh I followed Ashlyn’s waddling frame from the box and headed down the hall toward the backstage door along with three bodyguards.

  “Go back home, you stupid sluts!”

  “You’re just a perverted freak. Leave Zeck alone!”

  “Right Time need to stay single!”

  “How dare you take our men!”

  The sneers were yelled out in French, and Ashlyn ignored them. I wasn’t sure if she didn’t know what they said or if she was used to it. But I wasn’t. Bile rose in my throat as fans continued to yell out cruel remarks. They apparently hated everything from our hair color to our choice in footwear.

  “Are they always like this?”

  “Well, I don’t speak French, so I’m not sure what they’re saying. Although the tone kinda speaks for itself. If they’re telling us to leave their men alone and go home, then yeah. There’s always crazy fans.”

  “How do you cope with it? I don’t know if I can do this.”

  My steps slowed, but Ashlyn linked her arm through mine and hurried me forward.

  “They’re not real, if you know what I mean. They have a distorted view of the men. I know even if I didn’t have Dillon, those little psychos wouldn’t have him. The boys might have been man-whores in the past, but they never went near the crazy fans. Hell, they’d likely wake up with their hair shaved off and find it selling on eBay! Just hold your head high and ignore them. You are the one Zeck wants. He’s chosen you to be with, not them.” Ashlyn giggled. “Just wait ‘til you’re pregnant. Nothing sets them off quite like seeing my baby bump. I show it off just to mess with them some times.”

  She stopped speaking and gripped my arm tighter.

  “Little bean isn’t just kicking, is it? That baby wants out. C’mon, we need to get to the men.” I looked the nearest guard in the eye. “She’s in labor. We have to get to Dillon fast, then get them to the hospital. Can you call an ambulance while we’re on the move?”

  He nodded and snatched up his radio as we sped up and finally made it through the door away from the screaming fans.


  I bellowed down the hallway. Ashlyn nearly snapped my forearm when the next contraction hit. She couldn’t walk for a couple minutes.

  “One of you go get Dillon!”

  One of the guards took off down the hall just as Dillon and the others came running toward them.

  “What the hell, Issy? I think they can hear you over the other side of the building.”

  I smiled up at the clearly panicked men. “Well, your wife is in labor and I thought you should hurry the hell up and take my place by her side. She can have a go at breaking a few of your bones.”

  Dillon stumbled a little before Zeck grabbed his arm and dragged him forward.

  “Has an ambulance been called?”

  Zeck aimed his question at the guards.

  “Yes, sir. ETA ten minutes. We need to get Mrs. Blake to the rear door where they’ll meet us.”

  Dillon stood taller, and with a nod he wrapped an arm around Ashlyn, taking most of her weight, before he turned them to head to the location. I could see his jaw moving as he spoke to his wife. They made such a sweet couple. I sighed and leaned back when Zeck’s strong arms wrapped around my middle.

  “I am so glad you’re here, baby. You handled that like a pro. Without you, Ashlyn probably would have had that baby on the floor in the dressing room.”

  I chuckled because that was highly likely. Men freaked out with childbirth. It was a fa
ct of nature.

  “Well, are we all going to follow them to the hospital?” I wrinkled my nose. “Maybe after you lot have showers. Damn, you guys stink like a football team.”

  They all laughed, and Zeck turned me around then cupped my face and took possession of my mouth. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I sighed into the kiss, ignoring the smell. Damn but this man could melt me with just the touch of his lips. Within his strong embrace, all my doubts fled as I gladly fell under his spell.



  It was early morning before we headed for the hospital’s exit. I was knackered. All I wanted to do was to take Issy to bed and sleep curled around her. Dillon and Ashlyn’s daughter had made her grand entrance safely, and when I’d left the room little Grace was happily sleeping in her daddy’s arms. That baby girl already had her father wrapped around her little finger, but I got the feeling that Dillon didn’t mind in the least.

  Tightening my hand around hers, I glanced over at Issy. What would she look like swollen with child? She’d be a great mother. All that nannying would mean she would easily handle anything their kids threw at her. Whoa. I mentally shook my head. It was way too soon to be planning babies with Issy. I wasn’t entirely sure she wanted anything long term with me. She’d fled at the first sign of trouble the previous morning. Facing forward again, I ran my free hand through my hair. She’d chosen to run to Brian at the club rather than me, but once there she’d chosen to return to me for shelter. I was sure Brian would have taken her home to keep her safe. She’d had options but had picked me. And she hadn’t tried to leave again. She could have easily left several times, but she hadn’t. Thoughts of the club reminded me they were meant to be somewhere else tonight.

  “What’s the time?”

  She flicked her wrist over to see her watch. “It’s about one AM. Why’s that?”

  She looked up at me, and her eyes looked so tired. I really wished I could simply take her back to the hotel.


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