Book Read Free


Page 5

by Khloe Wren

  “We need to visit the club, baby. Brian wants to sit down with us to let us know what he’s discovered about the photos.”

  She frowned, and my heart melted a little at how adorable she looked.

  “I thought he told you it was Monique. Which is totally believable, in fact, it’s the most plausible explanation.”

  That caught my attention.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Monique recognized you the first time you came in. She was raving on in the change room that you would be hers if you came back in. Monique isn’t liked at the club. She doesn’t belong there. She plays at being submissive, but she isn’t really. If anything, she looks down her nose at the lifestyle. I think she’s looking for a sugar daddy or something. Unfortunately, it’s all about who you know, and her sister is dating Brian’s brother. Even without the photos leaking, I knew I couldn’t go back anymore. She’ll make my life hell. Although, I do need to clean out my locker and hand in my keycard.”

  I stopped walking and pulled her against my chest for a hug.

  “I know I haven’t known Brian long, but I can’t imagine him letting this slide, and if he does I’ll be setting our legal team on him to make sure Monique gets what she deserves for this stunt. I won’t stand by while you get hurt. You believe me, don’t you?”

  She smiled up at me. “I totally believe that you’ll kick arse for me, babe.”

  “Come, we must keep moving.”

  Jas called out from the doorway. He was escorting us to the club.

  “Is Jas joining us?”

  “Yeah, baby. Remember how I told you he’s the head of our security? Well, that means he needs to hear what Brian has to say, too. And even at this hour, we can’t risk going out alone without security.”

  She shuddered against me, and I winced. I hated that I’d brought this down on her. Unlike me, she hadn’t chosen fame. She allowed me to guide her out to the car, and I sighed in relief when there were no fans or media waiting for us. Of course, we were using a small side entrance. The media were camped out at the front entrance waiting for the official announcement of the birth. Fortunately, it appeared babies trump scandals.

  We quickly got into the vehicle, and with Jas driving we arrived at the club in no time. I looked around the near empty parking lot, but everything seemed quiet outside.

  “I don’t see anyone, Jas. Do you?”

  “No, I don’t either. When I spoke with Brian earlier he said he’d employed extra security. They have been making sure fans and media can’t get near his place. Even with them, only a few came out to play tonight. We’ll go in the back entrance to be safe. Brian’s waiting for us.”

  Jas pulled out his phone, but Issy leaned forward and stopped him from dialing.

  “I have my keycard. I can get us straight in. There’s no need for us to sit out here in the car-park.”

  With a nod, Jas exited the car and moved around to open our door. My stomach started churning as I followed Issy and Jas across the near empty parking lot. This Monique chick sounded like trouble, the kind that wasn’t going to simply vanish.

  I jerked to a stop as soon as the door swung open. Brian was there as if he’d been standing there waiting for us.

  “Follow me.”

  I frowned while I ran my gaze over him. He wasn’t in club wear, but a suit. His tie was gone and the top button popped, and he’d also rolled up the sleeves. He looked like one stressed out man, nothing like the controlled, calm man I’d met the last two nights.

  “Are you all right, Brian?”

  I couldn’t help but ask. It was ingrained in me to help those around me if I could.

  “It’s been a long couple of days, my friend.”

  He paused and opened a door into an elegant looking office, standing back to usher us through in front of him.

  “Take a seat, gentlemen.”

  Frowning I waited for Issy to sit before I lowered myself into a seat beside her.

  “What has happened, my friend?”

  I was glad Jas asked the question. I didn’t know Brian well enough to push him, and he was making me nervous.

  “I can confirm that it was Monique that took and released those photos. However, she’s disappeared.” He paused to scrub his palms over his face. “I feel responsible. I should have dealt with her sooner. I knew she was causing friction here.”


  Issy turned to me as I voiced my question.

  “As I said to you earlier, she’s a raving bitch. And I don’t believe she even likes the lifestyle.”

  “You’re right. She’s the younger sister of my brother’s partner. He’d told me she was asking about the lifestyle and her sister wanted to keep her safe, so as a favor I let her train here. It’ll be the last time I allow such a thing.” He sighed, and my instincts flared. “I spoke with her sister at length this morning. Monique was diagnosed recently with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I think her sister hoped in having her trained as a submissive she’d settle down. I wished they’d told me to begin with. I’d never have let her in the door. She was constantly prowling for a Dom, clearly looking for someone rich and well known. I imagine she thought she struck the jackpot when you walked in, Zeck. Anyway, she’s now missing. She hasn’t returned to her apartment since last night, and she’s not answering her phone. The police are looking for her also. Their cyber crime unit wants to interview her. If they can charge her they will. It’s hard to get a conviction with cyber stuff, but she could end up behind bars for a couple years if they can manage it. If she’s crazy enough to show up here, I’ll be calling the police. Her locker hasn’t been cleared out, and she obviously still has her keycard.”

  “Can’t you get your security guys to watch for what cards get scanned? Or have her card deactivated?”

  I couldn’t understand the point of a security system that gave everyone individual keycards but couldn’t be programmed to alert someone when a certain card was scanned.

  “Sorry, Zeck. I’ve never intended to use the system in that way, so it’s not set up for it. And without the card, I can’t deactivate it. I’ll be looking into changing that, but it won’t help our situation now.”

  I sat straighter in my seat. I might be new to being a Dom, but needing to protect those around me was something I’d been doing for a long time.

  “In that case, Issy won’t be coming back here until Monique is caught.”

  A slight smile stretched his lips for a few moments.

  “You’re quite the natural, aren’t you? I was actually going to suggest that very thing. I know Issy is due to fly home in a few weeks.” He turned his attention to Issy. “I hate to suggest it, but maybe you should consider going home sooner. I fear what Monique would do to you if she found you.”

  Panic rose inside me, and my heart kicked up in speed. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Issy. I wasn’t sure I ever would be. I looked over to her, and the sorrow on her face kicked me in the gut.

  “Come on tour with me. You’ll have our security with you whenever you’re out in public, so Monique won’t get near you, baby.”

  “My visa runs out in a few weeks, Zeck. I can’t stay past that date. I have to go home.”

  I could see in her gaze that she didn’t want to go. I opened my mouth to beg, but Jas cut me off.

  “Actually, Phillip and I were going to talk to you both about this. Issy, you are a nanny yes? If you had employment your visa could be extended?”

  “Theoretically, yes. What are you thinking?”

  A grin stretched my face while my blood heated with excitement. The solution was obvious.

  “You can nanny Grace! That’s perfect, Jas! The rest of the tour is going to be so busy, Ashlyn will be forced to do a lot with Grace on her own without Dillon. You could help her. You’d get paid and be able to stay with me. What do you say?”

  Issy looked straight into my gaze, and my heart dropped at the seriousness I saw. Would she say no? Had I misread her feelings
for me?

  “Why do you want me to come with you on tour? Is it only my safety that you’re worried about?”

  I took a deep breath and eyed Jas and Brian.

  “Don’t suppose you two could step out for a minute?”

  The pair snickered as they nodded and left the room. Unable to stand the distance between us, I moved to kneel in front of her.

  “Baby, honestly, I’m not sure where we’re going to end up, but I adore you. I love having you around, and I’m not ready to let you go. Ashlyn needing help with Grace is merely a convenient way to keep you close to me, because I can’t handle you leaving me, at least not yet. I can’t deny that keeping you safe is high on my list of worries, but that’s because I care about you and want you safe. I’m pretty sure I’ll always worry about that when it comes to you.”



  Pulling my jacket around me tighter, I stayed in the shadows at the side of the parking lot. Rage had my vision tunneled on the door of the club. The door that Zeck and his little slut had just gone through. If they hadn’t had that big Russian bastard with them, I’d have jumped them and dealt with the little tart already.

  It was all her fault. I couldn’t go to my apartment, or my sister’s place. Everyone was now on the lookout for me so they could turn me over to the police. I shook my head. What a load of bullshit. It was only a couple of photos. A grin pulled at my lips. A couple of photos that had paid very well. If only I could get to the bank to access the funds. My damn accounts had been frozen.

  Straightening my shoulders, I began to creep over to the door, where I held my breath as I scanned my card. Would it work? Nothing I owned seemed to anymore. A quiet snick sounded as the lock opened. Wow. Guess they hadn’t figured out how to deactivate my card yet.

  I slipped inside and leaned against the wall for a moment. Enjoying being out of the crisp night air finally. I’d been waiting outside the rear of the hospital, away from all the media, until I heard the Russian on the phone saying he was bringing Zeck here. I’d rushed over here and managed to arrive just as they’d been entering.

  What do I do now?

  Change room.

  It’ll be warm and out of the way. I can have a hot shower and think about what to do. And you never know, my luck might change and Issy might be in there. I really, really wanted to put that bitch in her place.



  Walking from Brian’s office, my mind spun as I attempted to process what I’d just agreed to. I needed to clean out my locker. As I made my way across the main floor toward the change rooms, I looked around at all the stations. My heart ached at leaving. I’d learned so much here, discovered a whole new side of myself. This club would always be special to me. I was extremely grateful Monsieur Brian had made sure I understood I was always welcome to come back. But until Monique was found and dealt with, I was going to be lying low. I shook my head. Never in a million years did I think I’d be going on tour with a world famous band. And I was going to get paid to look after cute little Grace, too. Life was looking up.

  However, I was still torn. Being with Zeck meant the media would take even more of an interest in me. Right Time’s publicist had advised me to stick with “no comment” or “please respect my privacy at this time” and to ignore the whole scandal. It seemed to be working. Well, I assumed it was. The band’s security was really good at their jobs and not many of the media got through. But there’d be interviews down the line. I knew it. At some point Zeck and I had to come up with something more solid that “no comment”. Maybe with us together the gossip would die down about him being an abuser…

  With a sigh, I pushed open the door and entered the empty room. A shiver ran up my spine at the odd silence. The club had closed early due to the lack of people and the cleaners hadn’t been through yet, so there were a few items here and there that had been left out but no actual people around me. There was a strange chill to the air without all the women who normally surrounded me in this room. The skin on the back of my neck tingled, and I froze with my hand on the handle of my locker. Maybe I wasn’t as alone as I’d first thought.

  I began to turn around, but I didn’t get far before a body hit my back and slammed me against the lockers. I gasped when a hand wrapped in my hair, and my attacker leaned their weight against me.

  “You bitch! How dare you take what’s mine!”

  Monique. Of course. And she truly was crazy. I tried to think about what I knew about narcissists. Sadly, it wasn’t much at all. I wasn’t sure how long the men would chat before they came looking for me when I didn’t return. Maybe I could keep her talking until they came.

  “Zeck isn’t a bloody toy. He’s a man fully capable of independent thought. You can’t just lay claim to him like he’s a damn couch.”

  I swallowed bile down as she moved in close enough her breath heated my ear.

  “I’ve put months into this. Pretending to like being beaten so I could land someone like him. He’s the first man to come through those doors that fits what I deserve. I will not let some little Australian slut take what is rightfully mine. I’ve earned this, and dammit, I deserve it!”

  I began trembling. Any doubt I may have held about Monique’s mental health flew out the window. I was stuck alone with an unpredictable crazy woman. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. I couldn’t wait to be saved. I needed to get myself out of this. I was bigger than Monique and had more muscle, but I knew insanity could give people strength they didn’t normally have.

  “What? You have nothing to say to that? Of course not. You know I’m right. You’re not even French. No way did that man come in here looking for anything other than a French woman. A perfect female, not some dumpy tourist.”

  Her insult didn’t stick. I knew I had a few extra pounds, but I also knew Zeck appreciated my curves. Most men did. I knew a lot of women who were bigger that had self image issues, but not me. I was completely comfortable with my size and curves. This club had played a big part in that. Women and men of all shapes and sizes came here, and they were all beautiful in their own way. It was only people like Monique that were ugly, and that was due to her personality seeping through more than her actual looks. Monique was technically beautiful. Pole thin, with fake DD boobs. Her hair was artificially white blonde and dead straight. I wasn’t sure there was anything about the woman that was as God had intended it to be. And she was the least popular sub here. I figured the Doms had all worked out she was just playing at being submissive. Only the sadists would take her on for a scene.

  “Guess you thought wrong. In fact, Zeck’s asked me to join him for the rest of the tour.”

  I allowed my inner bitch to take over. I needed her mad enough to lose her cool. This was not a time to be submissive, but a time to let all my self defense training kick in. My words had the desired effect, sending Monique into a rage. She pulled me away from the locker giving me room to move my arms and legs. Before she could slam me into it again, I raised my elbow and slammed it back into her, catching her lower ribs. She grunted and clutched her injury.

  With my blood pumping fast, I spun around with my knee raised and plowed it into her cheek, knocking her over onto the ground. I had precious seconds to decide what to do with her. The last thing I needed was to get charged with assault. But I also couldn’t give her a chance to run. Justice needed to be served, and maybe, if the media found out how crazy the one who sold the photos was, they wouldn’t want to lose credibility by being associated with her.

  I quickly ran my gaze around the room and spotted the perfect thing. As fast as I could I snatched up a pair of leather cuffs and returned to Monique. Pressing a knee between her shoulder blades I pressed her body hard against the floor. Ignoring her whimpers and screams, I quickly wrapped the cuffs around her wrists and snapped them together. Keeping my weight on her, I pulled my phone from my jeans pocket and dialed Brian. I didn’t have Zeck’s number. I frowned. We really needed to exc
hange numbers.

  “Are you okay, Issy?”

  “Oh, yeah, I’m great. Just had a little run in here in the ladies’ locker room. Mind sending Jas down here and calling the police for me? I’ve got Monique a little tied up.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as all sorts of cursing came over the line along with the sounds of feet hitting the concrete. Men, especially Doms, always struggled when women took care of business without them. A lightness filled me as I thought about the spanking I might get from Zeck. I’d have to make sure to be extra bratty this afternoon to be certain of one. Fortunately, Zeck was too new to things to understand the concept of topping from the bottom.



  Three months later

  Nothing could wipe the grin off my face. She’d said yes. Issy had been by my side for the rest of the tour, and in the weeks afterward she’d stayed with me at my apartment. I fell more in love with her every day, and I wanted the whole world to know about it. Sitting beside Dillon as the female interviewer nearly drooled over little Grace who was asleep in her Daddy’s arms I couldn’t help but look forward to the future.

  It seemed every interviewer had the same damn questions lately. This woman proved my point when she asked Dillon, yet again, about the rumor of him leaving.

  “Dillon, the rumors are running rampant about you leaving the group. They say you’re going to become a full time dad. Are they true?”

  I smirked as Dillon rolled his eyes. That man loved his little girl, but music was part of his soul. He wouldn’t ever be able to give it up. I knew because I felt the same way.

  “As much as I love my little saving Grace, I’ll leave her mummy to be the stay at home parent for now. So to set the rumors straight, I am not now, or in the near future leaving the group. I love my wife. She is amazing and supports me in all I do. Grace is here today so my beautiful wife can catch up on some much deserved sleep. So as to another rumor I’m happy to set straight, I am happily married and more than adore my wife. I mean, look at the awesome gift she gave me. Isn’t she just the most perfect baby you’ve ever seen?”


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