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Pack Mentality 3: Big Bad Wolf

Page 2

by Julia Talbot

  Steve needed him. No doubt he would come around.

  On some level his own immediate attraction surprised him. Oh, he’d wanted, hunted and taken before. The difference was that he kinda wanted to protect Steve, even from himself.

  The pack came to him when he stopped the truck, furry bodies and wagging tails surrounding him.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “I’m alone this time. What do you think, guys? Should I keep him?”

  The oldest of the wolves whined, tail thumping Kamen’s leg, and he laughed aloud, throwing his head back and letting the night hear him. “I know, you’re more interested in food than my love life. Well, come on, I’ve got some great steaks for you.”

  The ritual of feeding the injured and old consumed him, and Kamen let himself forget Steve for awhile. He’d revisit that bald refusal again later, make himself a plan of attack.

  Steve would be his. One way or the other.

  * * *

  Steve’s hands shook, making it pretty damned hard to get the key in the lock. He’d said no, he’d meant it, and Kamen had driven him home.

  Go him.

  So what if he hadn’t really wanted to go home?

  A man had to know when to take a stand, right? He wasn’t gay, or even bisexual or whatever. He liked girls. Myra didn’t count. She was a weirdo. A sweet, funny weirdo, but a freak, nonetheless.

  Sighing, he stripped off his clothes and headed for the shower, wishing he could call his old roommate and best friend, Colin. Too bad Colin and Myra were on their honeymoon.


  The hot water went a long way toward making him feel more human. Steve grunted. Human he wasn’t. Right. Kamen had made a big speech about that, about how they weren’t human, why should they be bound by the social restraints, yadda ya.

  Yeah, Kamen was a persuasive bastard.

  Amazing how Steve had found the guts to turn him down.

  His cock tingled when he soaped it up, washing off any remnants of the night, and Steve had a forceful little talk with it. No thinking of Kamen and getting all hard again. No, sir. Just sit there like a good boy, all soft and quiet. Please?

  When had his damned cock ever listened to him? Resting his head against one upraised arm, Steve let the water flow down over him, his fist swinging fast, jerking his cock in short, sharp bursts of motion. All he could see behind his closed eyelids was the look on Kamen’s face when Steve had come for him, the hungry, hot eyes and wide, feral grin.

  He came just as hard as he had when it was Kamen’s hand on him, his body jerking and swaying. When he came, it was Kamen’s name he cried out.

  Oh, God, he was in trouble.

  * * *

  He found Steve at the new yuppie bar that had opened up on Platte. Kamen shook his head. Really, the guy aspired to be more than his animal nature allowed.

  “Hey, honey,” Kamen said, clapping Steve on the shoulder. “Ready to have another drink with me?”

  Steve jumped about a mile, eyes rolling like a fractious pony’s. “Oh! Hey! No, I think I was just leaving. I have, uh, a dinner date.”

  “Did you know that you smell yellow when you lie? Sharp. Kinda lemony.”

  Steve’s shoulder slumped under his hand. “Yeah? Okay, so I’m avoiding you. So what?”

  “Do I make you uncomfortable, Steve? Whiskey,” he told the bartender. “With a beer chaser. And a Coors Light for him.”


  “No problem.” Sliding onto the barstool next to Steve, Kamen leaned close, scenting him. God, he still smelled good. There was nothing more intriguing than a man who ran from him.

  “What are you doing here?” One nervous hand raked through Steve’s brown hair, those puppy eyes cutting to him, then away.

  “What do you think? This isn’t exactly my kind of place.”

  “I know,” Steve said, spreading his hands in a helpless gesture. “Why are you stalking me, man? I’m not interested.”

  “But you are. I can smell you right now.” Steve had gotten hard the minute he’d walked up. It had all but made him drool.

  “Well, my body might not know what to do, but my brain is smarter than that.” So defiant. Steve crossed his arms, lower lip pushing out.

  “We’ll have to work on the brain, then.” The body would follow him anywhere.

  “No. No, we won’t work on anything. Just leave me alone, man.”

  That lean body vibrated next to him, Steve looking like he was about to bolt.

  “So you don’t want to go have a steak with me?”

  Steve glanced over, eyes wide. “What kind of steak?”

  “I thought we’d go to the Steaksmith.” Kamen didn’t know of a wolf anywhere, let alone in Colorado Springs, who would turn down a steak at that restaurant. The way Steve’s mouth was watering, he didn’t think Steve could resist, either.

  “A steak dinner, then. No strings.”

  Look at that man, bargaining like a wheeler-dealer. Kamen nodded. “No strings.”

  “Well… okay.” Steve got up, pushing a few bills across the bar. “I’m hungry.”

  “Oh, honey, you have no idea.” Grinning widely, Kamen rose too, finishing off his beer. He put one hand under Steve’s elbow, fingers clamping down when Steve tried to pull away. “Indulge me.”


  “You don’t get to be alpha without being one,” Kamen agreed, pulling Steve along.

  “Are we in a hurry?”

  “We have reservations at seven-thirty.”

  Steve dug his heels in a little. “You think I’m that easy?”

  “No. I thought if you turned me down I would go alone. I love steak.”


  Kamen took his truck, shushing Steve’s protests, knowing he had a better chance of ending the night with Steve if they only took one vehicle. They got their table, ordering up a nice pinot noir and the signature spinach cheese balls.

  “So why are you running from me so hard, Steve?”


  Woo. There was that hunted look again. It was so damned hot that Kamen had to shift in his seat, adjusting himself.

  “What scares you so much?” Kamen asked, rephrasing.

  “Well, the whole butt-fucking thing, for one.”

  Dishes rattled when the waiter heard that, plunking their wine down and leaving without even breathing the bottle or letting Kamen taste it. Someone was working on losing a tip.

  It did make him smile though, because Steve got so red, even his ears went hot.

  “We can take that slow, honey.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  Kamen let it go, engaging Steve in other conversation, asking about his job as a self-employed electrician, asking how Steve had met his best friend. They smiled and laughed and actually got along, and he thought Steve was even prettier when he forgot to be nervous.

  The steaks came, and that was a purely sensual experience. Cracked peppercorn and a cognac cream sauce made the tender sirloin even better. The best part was watching Steve eat. He moaned and closed his eyes over every bite. Kamen figured he just needed to figure out how to get Steve to unwind like that in bed.

  They had mocha cake for dessert, with fresh whipped cream, and by the time they finished, Steve was a bit tipsy and a lot happier, from the looks of it.

  “That was really good,” Steve told him, staring right into his eyes. “Thanks.”

  “You’re quite welcome. I should drive you home.”

  “No!” Eyes going wide and panicky again, Steve shook his head. “No, just back to my car.”

  “Babe, you drank three quarters of that bottle of wine. You shouldn’t drive.” See him. See him be all reasonable.

  “Oh. Right. Well, all right, you can drive me home. But no funny business, yeah?”

  “I won’t promise anything.” He got Steve up and headed out, stuffing them both in his truck. He’d had a lot less wine, and he was a sight bigger than Steve, so he was good to go. It was too cute the way Steve dozed off,
head against the window, mouth falling open to let little snores come out.

  He pulled up in front of Steve’s apartment building. Shaking his head at the way living arrangements had worked out for Steve, Colin, and all of their little friends, Kamen poked Steve in the ribs. “We’re here.”

  “Mmph. Where?” Steve looked around wildly, then relaxed. “Oh, home. Cool.”

  “I’ll walk you up.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Sure I do.” Kamen had a plan. He hadn’t even got to kiss Steve last time, and he was told that he was quite the expert on that. Hell, he hadn’t gotten off. That, he was even better at.

  They stopped at Steve’s door so the fumbling for the keys could start, but Kamen waited patiently, knowing half the battle was sitting back and finding the right moment.

  Steve finally got the key in the lock, letting the door swing open, turning to say good night, no doubt.

  Good thing Kamen had fast reflexes. He pushed Steve right inside, closing the door behind them and pressing close for a kiss.

  Grunting, Steve jerked away for a moment, then pushed right up against him, arms going up around his neck.

  Hell, yes. That was what he needed. What he wanted. Kamen pushed his tongue deep into Steve’s mouth, tasting, luxuriating in the touch. His hands cupped Steve’s ass, lifting him, making the bend in his back easier.

  They moved together, Steve hard as hell between them, even through the cloth of their pants. Kamen rubbed and rubbed, pushing his thigh between Steve’s, giving him something to hump against.

  They broke for air, and Steve stared at him, gasping for air. “This is crazy.”

  “Uh-huh. You bet.” That didn’t stop him from taking another kiss, then another, hoisting Steve up and hauling him right over to the rumpled couch. “Jesus, do you ever do laundry?”

  “On alternating Thursdays. It’s only Tuesday.”

  Kamen laughed, kissing Steve again, fingers starting to work on all those buttons and zippers. Steve wore too damned many clothes.

  “Wait. No. I can’t…” Steve struggled up off his lap, running his hands through his hair.

  Sighing, Kamen sat back on the couch, willing his cock to stop complaining. “Why not?”

  “Because! It’s just… It’s not me.”

  Tilting his head, Kamen breathed deep, smelling a need so big it might just consume them. “You want it. Why can’t we just have some fun?”

  “Why can’t you just give up?” Steve shouted, looking like he was gonna bolt.

  “Because I want you. I wanted you the moment I saw you.” What else could he say? It was the truth. “Now, come here.”

  Kamen held out a hand, and damned if Steve didn’t stumble forward and take it, coming down when Kamen pulled, letting their mouths meet again.

  The floodgates opened. Whoosh. The kiss went hard and deep, zero to sixty in nothing flat. Steve all but climbed his body, slamming against him, mouth trying to eat him right up.

  Lord. Kamen kissed right back, going right back to getting Steve naked, and this time he managed it. That shirt might have torn a little, but it went flying. The pants went too, and the underwear, and Kamen pushed Steve back on the couch so he could spread that body out like a feast.

  Licking, sucking, Kamen worked down from mouth to throat to chest, letting his lips wrap around one tiny nipple, his teeth scraping hard.

  Steve moaned for him, wiggling, squirming under him. Those hands were everywhere on him, sliding down his back, pushing under the waistband of his jeans.

  That was it. Now they were cooking with oil.

  Kamen slid down Steve’s body, his mouth slipping hot and wet over Steve’s belly. He followed the glory trail, loving how Steve’s muscles tensed up for him.

  “Kamen. Man. I need…”

  “I know what you need.” Kamen wasn’t big on sucking without getting something in return, but he’d bet once Steve got into it, it could go both ways. So he let his mouth drop right down over Steve’s cock, sucking it in deep.

  Steve thrashed for him, arching up into his mouth, pushing all the way to the back of his throat. “Shit,” Steve murmured. “Oh, God.”

  Sucking, licking, Kamen gave Steve all he had, waiting until Steve was shaking, waiting until those balls were boiling. Then he very carefully turned so his hips were at Steve’s head, nudging Steve’s mouth with his cock.

  There was a moment of complete stillness, one where Kamen thought that maybe he’d gone too far. Then Steve opened right up and took him in, lips swollen and wet around him.

  Score. Closing his eyes, Kamen gave in to the pleasure, letting all of the little plots and struggles go so he could just feel. Steve might not be experienced at sucking cock, but he must have thought about it a lot. He was damned good at it.

  It lasted forever, but it only went on for a few minutes. Steve started to lose the rhythm of it, hips pumping too hard. Kamen let him have what he needed, swallowing hard around Steve, urging him to let loose. He sucked harder, hand sliding down to find those tight, high balls, rolling them in their sac, pushing Steve to the edge.

  A hard moan vibrated around him, and Steve came for him, shooting into his mouth, his throat, hot and wet and bitter-salty.

  The taste was enough to make him crazy, make him buck and growl. Steve gasped, and that was all it took. The soft puff of air had Kamen coming like a pup in the first rut, his whole body tight and shaking with it.

  Now, that was the way to reciprocate.

  Chapter 3


  “Col! Hey, man, I’m glad you’re home.” Steve paced, wishing he still had a corded phone so he could wrap the little spiral around his finger. Maybe he’d go buy one today.

  “Hey, Steve. How’s it going?” Man, Colin sounded relaxed and happy. Which was cool, but Steve was anything but relaxed and happy.

  “It’s going. Kinda strange, actually.” What was with his life and the strange, anyway?

  “How’s that?” Colin asked.

  “Well, you know at your wedding, I kinda hooked up.”

  “Kinda?” Colin laughed at him, the sound fond and exasperated. “That’s like being pregnant. Either you do or you don’t.”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure I wanted to…”

  “So, what? Did this chick throw you down and have her way with you? Who was it?”

  “It wasn’t a she.” There. He’d said it.

  Silence reigned for a long moment. Then Colin took a deep breath. “Well, that’s not entirely unusual with our breed, man.”

  “You’re saying you always thought I was queer?” His voice rose an octave.

  “No! No, man. I’m saying that it’s not a big deal.”

  “Yeah?” Steve paced to the other side of the room. “You never really did.”

  “Well, sure. But look at Liam and Sasha.”

  Oh, God. He laughed helplessly. “That’s what Kamen said.”

  “Kamen? As in alpha Kamen? Jesus Christ, Steve. You shoot high.”

  “I’m not the one who started it! He won’t leave me alone.”

  “What?” Colin sounded utterly perplexed now.

  “He’s like, stalking me or something,” Steve said, waving his hand even though Colin couldn’t see him. “I don’t know what to do to make him stop.”

  “Uh. Well. He’s the pack alpha, man.”

  “So I just roll over and show my belly?”

  Colin sniggered. “He’d probably rather do you from behind.”

  “Not helping!”


  They sat there for a moment without a word, then Colin said, “I’m the wrong guy to talk to. Why don’t I set up supper with the pack?”

  “The whole pack?” Jesus Christ. He should have just called the newspaper.

  “No, stupid. I mean Jenny and Sasha and Liam. Myra. Me.”

  “Your own little pack?” he asked, pondering that while he chewed on his thumbnail.

  “Something like that. Come to supper.�

  “Well… They’re more your friends than mine, man.” What could it hurt though? Maybe he should.

  “They’d love to have you though. How about tomorrow night?” Colin asked, the sound of a smile clear in his voice.

  “Okay. At your place?”

  “Sure. Come around six. We’ll talk about it then.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  They hung up and Steve stared at the phone a moment before shaking it off and heading for the laptop to get some work done. He was way behind on his billing.

  * * *

  The swiftness of it kinda surprised Kamen.

  He and Steve weren’t even seeing each other. Not really. One hand job and two blow jobs didn’t make a dating game, did it?

  The pack seemed to think otherwise, because two days after the trip to the steakhouse, Elam and Shoshanna showed up at Kamen’s house. The two of them fancied themselves the up and coming alpha male and female, and they often came to Kamen to speak on behalf of their little band of supporters.


  The elders whined and licked his hand while he watched Elam maneuver the potholes in his driveway.

  “Go on, guys,” Kamen said. “Get out of here. You know what Elam thinks of you.”

  Soft huffing met his words, the elders trotting off out back to meet with the gray wolves they ran with that protected them when Kamen wasn’t there. If it was left to Elam, they would just starve, like in the old days. Kamen maintained that in the modern world, there was no reason to kill anyone that way, even if they had a rough time becoming human anymore.

  “Howdy, Elam. Shoshanna,” Kamen said, nodding when they stepped out of the truck. “What can I do for you?”

  “Glad you’re home, Kamen. We wanted to talk to you.” Elam’s yellow eyes gleamed with malice. The little asshole just didn’t know any other kind of emotion.

  “Well, come on in. You want some coffee?”

  “Oh, that would be nice,” Shoshanna said. She was nicer than her male counterpart, with a genuine maternal feeling for the pack. That made her at least three times as dangerous.

  They settled in with coffee and some little biscotti things someone had given Kamen before he asked again. “So, what’s up?”

  “Well, it’s about Steve,” Shoshanna began.


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