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Pack Mentality 3: Big Bad Wolf

Page 3

by Julia Talbot

“You’ve been pretty serious about him,” Elam continued. “That doesn’t bode well.”

  Raising a brow, Kamen sipped his coffee before answering. “I’ve been out with him twice.”

  “That’s once more than any man you’ve ever seen before.”

  “I don’t think I have to remind you that your job as alpha is to produce cubs, Kamen.”

  “No, that used to be the job of the alpha.” Kamen shook his head. “Times have changed, folks. My job is to make sure we have a safe place. That we have a source of income should we have to pick up and move, and that those that choose to breed can do so.”

  Elam leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “Which means you should lead by example. The pack is willing to allow a single dalliance. Half of the males in the pack do that. But you can’t get serious about him.”

  Kamen set his cup aside, letting his polite veneer slip. “You aren’t trying to tell me what to do, are you, Elam?” If he let this kind of shit pass without pushing back, he might as well roll over and show his belly.

  Shoshanna put a hand on Elam’s arm when he started to snarl. “No. He’s merely suggesting that Steve isn’t worth losing the respect and admiration of part of the pack.”

  So reasonable. Kamen met her eyes, saw the resolve there. Yeah, Shoshanna was the dangerous one.

  “Well, I appreciate your concern. When you have a problem that actually questions my ability to run this pack, I’m sure you’ll be back. Until then, I suggest you both butt out.” Kamen stood, his hackles up, his muscles ready to fight. “I think you should go.”

  Elam growled, popping up to his feet, hands clenched into fists. It was his woman that stopped him, rising more slowly, catching Elam’s hand. “We’ll go, Alpha. But rest assured we’ll be back the first time you screw up.”

  That kind of threat he could understand, even admire. Kamen nodded. “I’m sure you will. Have a good one, Shoshanna. Elam.”

  Elam would have argued, Kamen thought, but Shoshanna pulled him away. Some day that man would cross the wrong person, and he would get himself killed. Shoshanna he would have married if he swung that way. She was something else.

  Did all that mean he meant to stop seeing Steve? Hell, no. That meant he just needed to really start. After all, they weren’t even dating yet.

  * * *

  Supper had gone well, Steve thought.

  Oh, he’d been a dork for sure, just like he always was. He’d only spilled his beer once though, and then only on Liam, not one of the girls.

  They’d been very nice, really. Very supportive. It had all but made him insane.

  Liam and Sasha and Jenny were just seamless and you could tell it went all the way around. It wasn’t just about Jenny being in the middle. The way they touched each other and looked at each other…

  Steve sighed, unlocking the door to his apartment. They hadn’t been any help with telling him how to say no. In fact, they had all seemed tickled as pigs in shit. Especially Myra.

  A shadow fell across his doorway, and Steve whirled around, teeth bared, ready to take down whoever it was sneaking up on him.

  “Hey, honey,” Kamen said, smiling at him, blue eyes twinkling. “Looks like I have perfect timing.”

  Oh, God. His heart started racing and his palms got sweaty, just like that.

  “Uh. I guess? Do you want to come in?” he asked before he could even think about it.

  “I’d love to. Thanks.” Kamen followed him in, shutting the door behind them.

  Locking it.

  “You… you want a beer or something?” Steve asked, wiping his hands on his jeans.

  “Sure. How was supper?”

  “It was fine. Jenny made lamb. How did you know?”

  Kamen laughed, the sound as warm as the hand that fell on his shoulder. “Nothing happens in the pack without me knowing it.”

  “Oh. Right.” Ducking out from under that heavy hand, Steve went to the little kitchen and got a beer. “So what’s up?”

  “I wanted to see you.” Wandering, Kamen rifled through his stack of schematics, stroking the keys of his laptop. So tactile.

  “Well, here I am.”

  “So I see.”

  He glanced over to meet Kamen’s eyes, and both of them cracked up, laughing until they were breathless. It was just too ridiculous.

  “I got a visit from the underlings today,” Kamen finally said, eyes going serious. “They want me to stop seeing you.”

  “Do they?” Weird. It wasn’t like they were a thing.

  “They do. They want me to settle down and breed. What do you think?”

  He opened his mouth to say he thought that was a great idea, but it was a deep growl that came out instead. “No. No, you’re mine.”

  Where in hell did that come from?

  Kamen moved close, so fast that Steve barely had time to blink, pulling him right up against that huge, muscled body. “That’s what I thought,” Kamen said, before bending to give him a kiss that curled his fucking toes.

  Groaning, Steve went up on tiptoe to get more, just opening up to let Kamen fuck his mouth with that hot tongue. Jesus, he was good at that. So good that it left Steve gasping, had him wanting to get naked and do all sorts of naughty shit.

  Like a mind-reader, Kamen moved, pushing Steve back and started on his clothes, ripping at them. “Need you, honey. Need to make sure…”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I get it,” Steve agreed, pushing his nude form against Kamen’s clothed one, getting off on the rough scrape of cloth against his skin. Of course, he didn’t last long with just that. Nope, he started working the buttons of Kamen’s shirt, his fingers fumbling horribly.

  “Here. Let me help.” Pushing him back, Kamen stripped, baring every inch of his skin.

  The big guy had scars that Steve had never seen before, as hurried as they’d been, and he started tracing them. There was a big one on the left pec, torn by someone’s teeth. A small, smooth round one sat on Kamen’s hip, a burn maybe.

  Kamen all but purred, which wolves didn’t do. Purr. They didn’t. But Kamen did, shifting this way and that to give Steve more to look at, more to touch.

  After exploring everything but, Steve finally admitted he wanted to touch Kamen’s cock, and he reached down to wrap his hand around it. Hard, hot as a brand and curving up toward Kamen’s belly, it was like a work of art. Steve chuckled. It was like finding out that you liked modern art after years of thinking you only liked the Renaissance masters.

  His thumb rubbed over the head, making Kamen arch and groan as the pad of his finger found the tiny slit at the end. That? That was power. An odd sort of power, but a pleasurable one. The sounds Kamen made had his own cock throbbing, leaking.

  “Finally giving in, honey?” Kamen asked, watching him like a hawk, licking those pretty lips.

  “More like accepting the inevitable. You’re a force of nature, man.”

  “There you go.” He got a kiss as a reward, hard and deep, Kamen arching into his touch. One big hand caught his cock, pulling it in time with his own strokes, getting them going together.

  Fuck, that felt good.

  Steve just let himself melt into it, let Kamen consume him. If it worked for a couple of studs like Liam and Sasha, why not let it work for him?

  Kamen groaned, pushing him back toward the couch, but Steve dug his heels in.

  “Steve?” Kamen asked, breaking the kiss to look at him.

  Steve grinned a little, feeling really damned bold. “I have a bed. It’s not as messy as the couch.”

  They’d never made it to a bed. Steve had a feeling it would blow his mind, if Kamen had all that room to spread out.

  “I like the way you think. Come on.”

  They stumbled to the bedroom, both of them touching like crazy, enflaming each other. Now that Steve had decided to let go, it was easy. So damned easy.

  The bed had clean sheets on it, which he sent up a little thank you for when they tumbled down on it. Oh, they smelled like him, but they weren’t skanky o
r anything. Kamen seemed to like them, rolling to his back and stretching out.

  “Come here, honey,” Kamen said, beckoning with a crooked finger.

  Steve went. Amazing himself. He crawled right up that big body, his ass settling in the cradle of Kamen’s hips. “Hey,” he said, feeling that hard cock rubbing against him, making him shiver.

  “Hey. That butt-fucking thing still scare you?” Deep lines crinkled around Kamen’s eyes when he smiled.

  “Hell, yes. But I’m willing to give it a go.” His eyes went wide at his own words. It was like someone had taken over his damned body.

  Someone horny.

  “That a boy,” Kamen said, giving Steve’s cock a few quick yanks. “I knew you had it in you.”

  “Not yet. Give me some time.” Oh, fuck, he was a great big doofus. He really was.

  “Oh, I like the way you think.” Kamen’s hands settled on his hips, rubbing him up and down, really giving him some friction back there.

  It felt good. Really good.

  Things got even better when Steve got the up and down motion going on his own and Kamen could let him go to grab his aching cock and rub it up and down.

  “Oh, God.”

  “You like that, huh?” Kamen asked, grinning up at him, as feral as any wolf Steve had ever seen.

  “I do. I don’t have any… I mean, I’m out of condoms though.” He hadn’t bought any in maybe two years.

  “Good thing I brought some.” A resounding slap stung his ass. “Go get my pants, honey.”

  Steve didn’t really want to go, but he did anyway, figuring he’d save his ass another hand print. Kamen had a whole string of condoms in his pocket, as well as a little tube of lube.

  He stared at the lube, his fingers shaking. Jesus. Was he really going to do this?

  “What’s taking you so long?” Kamen called.

  That voice was like a leash attached to his cock, pulling him back into the bedroom. Yeah, it looked like he was gonna do this. He went right back where he’d started, crawling up on top of Kamen and settling back against those heavily muscled thighs.

  “Okay, what now?” he asked, holding out the lube and condoms.

  “I take this.” Kamen grabbed the lube. “And you take one of these.”

  Nodding, Steve tore off one of the condoms and let the rest fall to the bed. Then he opened the little foil package so he could roll the latex down on Kamen’s cock, smoothing it into place. How weird did that feel, doing it for someone else?

  “You’re so hard,” he said, rubbing both hands up and down Kamen’s prick, staring down.

  “You make me that way,” Kamen agreed, pushing up into his touch. “Keep that up.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to go down.”

  “I meant the touching.”

  “Ow!” Jesus, what was it about Kamen slapping his butt? “Okay! Okay!”

  “While I do this.” The little cap on the tube of lube yielded under Kamen’s hand, and Steve watched how careful Kamen was to get each and every finger wet.

  “You’re not gonna put all of them in me!” Steve blurted. “Right?”

  “Maybe eventually. But not tonight.”

  “Oh.” Well, what the hell could he say to that? He didn’t even know that was possible.

  “Don’t panic.” Reaching around behind him, Kamen pushed two slick fingers right down between his ass cheeks, pressing against his hole.

  Where no man had been before, that was for sure. Steve tensed up all over, sucking his breath in. Right. Don’t panic. He could do that.

  “Honey, you need to breathe. Loosen up. Come on.” One finger slipped right inside to Kamen’s first knuckle.

  Steve let his breath go, felt the loosening of that little ring of muscle. Oh, that was much better. So much better. Hell, when Kamen’s finger slid all the way in it almost felt good.

  “Hot. God, you’re hot, Steve. Gonna feel amazing around me.” Pushing, rubbing, Kamen gave him more and more sensation. It was a pleasure to watch, Kamen’s skin flushing a deep red, face set in harsh lines.

  “When?” His back arched at whatever Kamen had just done inside him, hitting some little spot that made him see stars. “Christ!”

  “Again, honey?”

  Yes. Again and again. Please. Steve wished he could say it out loud, but all he could get out was a series of deep moans. His head managed to bob up and down in a nod though.

  Kamen found that sweet spot again, touching him until he wanted to scream. Then another finger slipped inside him, opening him right up. Getting him ready.

  “Okay. Okay, now.” He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to have more. Kamen needed to get in.

  “Yeah, babe. Now.” Kamen lifted him, letting him hover right over Kamen’s cock. “It’s best this way the first time. You can control it.”

  “I don’t care. Damn it, just get inside me.” Pushing back and down, Steve took the head of that thick flesh right into him. His body jolted, everything going crazy, inside and out. He’d read about a man’s cock going soft when someone… did what Kamen was doing to him. His wasn’t at all. Not a bit.

  “That’s it, Steve. That’s it, babe. Oh, fuck, you’re tight.”

  Panting, he grinned wildly, nodding hard. “I’ve never done this before. Is it safe to move now?”

  “God, yes.” Hips rolling up, Kamen got him going, showing him the rhythm. Kamen was pure sex, growling for him, touching him all over. His nipples stung under hard pinches, his cock got sweet strokes and pulls.

  Steve figured he was just gonna explode.


  “Come on, babe. Faster,” Kamen urged, pulling and pushing, getting him moving even faster.

  Lightning shot up Steve’s spine, and he leaned back, hands on Kamen’s thighs so he could get more leverage. Stretched. Full. God, he was full. It felt too good to last, and his balls started warning him that he wasn’t gonna make it.

  “Two minute warning, man,” he told Kamen. “Gonna go off.”

  “Then come on. I got the best seat in the house.”

  Fuck. Fuck, fuck. Steve groaned as he shot across his own thighs, his come splashing Kamen’s belly too. Jesus, he would never have thought a man could come from this.

  Eyes going wide, the hottest blue he’d ever seen, Kamen came for him, throbbing inside him. He’d never felt anything like it, and his body clamped down, holding Kamen deep, not willing to let go.

  Man, when he gave in, he did it all the way.

  Kamen petted him, eased him down to lie on that broad, fuzzy chest, and hummed in his ear. “Good, honey.”

  “Mmmhmm. Sleepy.”

  “Let’s get this rubber off, then. We’ll take a nap. Then we’ll discuss going back to my place.”

  “Sure. Uh-huh. Whatever you say.” Steve figured he could go back to saying no later. Right now he was too tired.

  Chapter 4

  They went back to his place.

  Not that it surprised Kamen at all. He was pretty much used to getting his way. They’d napped a few hours, then Kamen had roused a very worn out Steve and hauled his ass out to the truck, stopping to get some big old burgers from the Sonic.

  Now it was time for a shower.

  “Come on,” he said, pulling Steve up off the nest of the pillows they’d been wallowing in. “Time to bathe.”

  “Oh, cool. I’m kinda gross.” Steve blinked at him, brown eyes foggy with too much napping, but got up and followed him, no problem.

  Hell, Steve didn’t even flinch when Kamen bent and scented his throat, licking a little. That wasn’t gross at all. No, that smell was hot as hell, all him and Steve mixed together.

  The water splashed down on them, warm and comforting, easing tight muscles. Sex always made him laugh. It was the best workout around, besides maybe hunting. Mmm. Hunting.

  “What was that growly noise for?” Steve asked. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “The moon is cycling. Have you ever been out on a real hunt?”

�Of course I have!” Steve whapped him, the wet splash making him bark with laughter.

  “Since you were an adolescent?” All young pack members had to learn, but a lot of them lived in the city later in life and lost touch with the natural world.

  “Well, no.” Steve ducked his head, ears going red.

  Kamen didn’t think it was from the hot water. “You should come with me next time. I have plenty of private acreage. I won’t let you run too wild.”

  “I’ll think about it. Let me wash your back,” Steve said, turning him around.

  Grinning, Kamen stretched, showing off a little. “Sure. Knock yourself out.”

  Steve soaped him up, really working on washing his back. Each little cut of muscle and flesh got attention, Steve working down steadily, only pausing when those hands reached his ass.

  Biting off a chuckle, he wiggled a little. “What’s the matter? Squeamish?”

  “No. After today I think I qualify as a member of the butt-fucking club. I just don’t want to offend you.” The cloth moved over his ass like a rocket, so fast he almost missed it.

  “Yeah. Well, make sure you do a better job on the legs.”

  “Ha ha,” Steve said, whapping him with the washcloth. But Steve knelt right down there on the tile floor and washed his legs, even getting his feet.

  Now that was confidence inspiring. So was the way Steve stayed right there when Kamen turned around, his cock sliding against Steve’s cheek.

  “Gonna clean me up here too?” he asked, smiling down and smoothing the wet hair out of Steve’s eyes.

  “Uh-huh.” Instead of the cloth, Steve used his hands, one over the other, pulling him like a champion tug of war fighter.

  “Uhn.” His cock hardened in a complete rush, his abs pulling in, his thighs like stone. “Keep that up, will you?”

  “I don’t think you need much help with that.”

  “I meant the stroking, you little shit.” Lord love him. Steve was a smartass. Kamen was glad as hell to hear it, because that meant Steve wasn’t afraid to give him crap. Which meant that Steve was there of his own free will.

  “Oh, I can think of something better than that.” Rinsing the soap off, Steve leaned up and took his cock into that hot mouth, making the whole world go white with static.


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