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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 67

by Kay Maree

  “Well, see, now that’s the thing. I won’t be here when you get back.”

  “Okay... Why?”

  “Something has happened to Ruby’s Dad and we are flying back on the first flight we can get. Yes, I realize there is more to that story and I will tell you all of it, but just need to get back to Tennessee first.”

  “Do what you need to do. Tell Rubes I am here if she or the family need anything. Whatever you do though, do not wear your gear back home. Go casual because her family doesn’t know who she works for. Only her dad does. It’s not our place to tell that story and probably not the best time.”

  “Noted, thanks, boss. Sorry to disturb you.”

  “All good. Just take care of her yeah?”

  “With my life.” I said goodbye to him and booked the first flight out I could, giving me enough time to get us to Vegas to the airport. After doing that, I put my phone back in my pocket. “Come on, let’s get you packed so we can head off.” She pulled away with a sigh and kept packing. I knew once we had stopped at my place so I could get some stuff packed, she would be curled into me the whole trip but I wasn’t about to complain. It was the main reason I still had my truck with a bench seat. Ruby went into her bathroom and took her stuff from there. Once she put that in her bag, she zipped it up.

  “Ready.” I took her bag from the bed in one hand and took hers in the other. Walking out of the bedroom, she looked over and saw the food I had brought in earlier. “Shit. I’m sorry! I forgot all about dinner.”

  “It’s okay, gorgeous, just chuck it in the freezer so it doesn’t start to make the place smell and we can toss it when we get back.” I didn’t want to put it in the trash not knowing how long we would be gone for. She nodded and ran to do that while I headed out the front door. I put her bag in the back and opened up my door. After she locked the house up, she ran around to my side and climbed in. Following behind her, I started up my truck and pulled out of her drive, heading to mine. I stopped in my driveway and half expected to be just running inside but when I took my keys out, she slid over to the other side and opened the door. Unlike her place, mine hadn’t changed since I had gotten home. Was I about to look like a stalker with all of our photos still on the walls? I understood why she had taken hers down though. She took my hand again and we walked up the path to my front door. I unlocked it and let her walk through first, closing the door behind me.

  “Be right back.” I left her standing in my hall and walked down the hall to the back room. Opening up the closet in the spare room. I pulled one of my bags out. Closing the door behind me, I went into my bedroom and threw some clothes into it. I kept Raven’s words in mind, packing nothing that screamed MC club. I threw my phone charger into my bag along with anything else I might need. Closing it up, I looked up and saw Ruby standing in my doorway. Her eyes were on the photo beside my bed. It was my favorite. We had taken it not long after we had started dating. She normally hated that cute shit but one night, we were lying in bed and she was falling asleep tucked into me. I took the photo of us, her eyes closed and me with my lips pressed against her head.

  “Every photo is still in the same place it was the last time I was here. Even that one.”

  “I couldn’t take them down or put them away. It was my reminder of what else I am working for and another reason to stay clean and sober. I’m doing it for me but second to that, I am doing it for us. I couldn’t let go of that.” I grabbed my bag and moved over to her. She looked up at me before pressing her lips against mine. Snaking my arm around her waist, I pulled her closer to me and returned the kiss. Reluctantly pulling away, I pressed a kiss to her head.

  “Come on, I have a flight to get you on.” She gave me a small nod before pulling away. I wish I could keep her here and not have everything happening back home, but life had thrown her another curve ball. Hopefully this one wasn’t about to destroy her like the last one did. I locked up my place and led her back to my truck. We got in and she curled back into my side. Next stop; Vegas.



  I hated my brother right now. Who the hell calls someone to tell them that their father was being rushed to hospital and they would call tomorrow with more news? As if I was going to be able to sleep knowing that shit. My whole family was back in Tennessee together and I was here away from them all. I had never felt more alone in my life. If it wasn’t for Freddie though, I don’t know what I would have done. He had come in and handled everything like a boss. He booked our flights and got us to Vegas airport in record time and checked us in. I was glad one of us was thinking clearly because it was taking everything I had not to break down in the middle of this airport. Once we landed in Tennessee, he hired a car so that we didn’t have to worry about getting from the airport to Mom and Dad’s. It was too late to go to the hospital when we landed and I knew no matter what level bitch-fit I threw, I wouldn’t get to see him so we went straight to my parent’s place. The plan was to get some sleep before going to check on him in the morning. If anything happened, my brother would call me and we could be there a lot sooner. I hadn’t told any of the boys that I was coming. I was going to leave that surprise as punishment for Oscar calling me and telling me not to worry. What a dick move. I let out a small sigh as Freddie pulled into Mom and Dad’s driveway. Reaching over, he took my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

  “He’ll be okay, Rubes. Your brothers would have called if there was bad news.” I snorted. He had a point, they were good at the bad news. Not so much with the good news.

  “Are you still club hitman?” The asshole laughed at me before leaning over and pressing his lips against mine.

  “I’m not killing your brother for you. You may not feel it right now but you would regret it later.” With another quick kiss, he pulled away and got out of the car. I watched him round the front of it and came and opened my door before getting the bags out of the trunk. I made a face at him when he grinned at me because I knew he was right.

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t. You love me, now move your ass, babe. It’s late and you need sleep because you are grumpy as hell right now.”

  “I’m not grumpy!” I let out a huff that contradicted my last statement. He lifted a brow questioning me. Damn him for still being able to read me so well. Taking my keys out of my bag that still had Mom and Dad’s house key on it, I led him up to the front door. When I moved out, Dad refused to let me give my key back. He told me to keep it for when I came home. The boys on the other hand, he had taken theirs back without hesitation. I felt my chest tighten at the thought of Dad again. I knew I would be praying tonight. It was something I hadn’t done in a long time and while it seemed selfish of me to ask when there were more deserving people in the world, I wasn’t ready to let my dad go just yet. I didn’t think I ever would be. I just wanted him to hang around a little bit longer. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door and led Freddie inside. I turned the lights on and led him down to my room. Now that we had stopped, I could feel the exhaustion creeping up on me. I wasn’t about to admit defeat though.

  “Are you hungry?” Freddie sat the bags down and shook his head.

  “No but you should eat though. You didn’t even touch your food earlier.”

  “I’ll eat if you eat.”

  “If that’s what it takes then lead the way.” Freddie had tried to get me to eat something while we waited to board the flight but I was too worried to eat. I knew there was no getting around it now.

  “Let’s go see what they have.” I had no doubt that Mom would have this place stocked. She always did because rather than learning to cook and fend for themselves, the boys would come over here for dinner every night. Mom didn’t care because it meant she got to see them and that they weren’t just surviving on a takeout diet.



  After a sleepless night of Ruby tossing and turning every five minutes, I argued until she at least ha
d some coffee before I would leave. She didn’t like it but I had the keys so unless she wanted to hot wire the car, which she was totally capable of doing, there was nothing she could do about it. I watched as the thought crossed her mind but she just sighed in defeat. I just hoped after she saw her dad, I could get her to eat something. Pulling up at the hospital, I had barely parked before she was out and headed for the doors. I was gonna have to do my best to keep up with her or I was gonna lose her. I got to the entry just as the nurse told her where she could find her dad. Ruby took my hand and we made our way down the corridor to the elevator.

  “Did they say anything?” She shook her head.

  “No, just that he was in the cardiology ward and was waiting for the surgeon to come see him.” Her voice shook as she spoke and I knew where her head had gone and with that news, it was hard not to. We stepped into the elevator and she pushed the button for the cardiology ward. I squeezed her hand as she let out a shaky breath.

  “No news is good news.” She shot me a look. I knew that was hard to believe given the ward that he was in, but I was going on the theory, as morbid as it may be, better a ward than the morgue. The doors opened and we stepped out, walking in silence as we followed the signs on the walls then looked for his room number.

  “I’ll wait out here.” Ruby stopped and turned to look at me.


  “I’ll just let you have some privacy with your dad, babe. I’ll be right out here though if you need me.”

  “Why, when you could be right there with me if I need you? Please, Freddie, whatever I am walking in on, I need you there with me. Don’t let me do this alone!” I stepped closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. I could tell she was close to losing it.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. I’ll come in. I just thought you might want to have some time alone with him.” I heard a muffled no against my chest. I pressed my lips to her head. “Come on then.” I put my hands on her shoulders as she turned around and walked into the room. Her dad had been put into a private room and looked asleep when we walked in. Her mom, at least that was who I assumed she was, was lying in bed beside him, her eyes closed as well. Ruby gave my hand a squeeze before stepping forward and resting her hand against her dads. He opened his eyes slowly and had to blink a couple of times to make sure that he was really seeing her.

  “Princess? What are you doing here?”

  “Oscar called me last night and told me that they were rushing you to the hospital. He said he would call me with updates, but I couldn’t just sit around and wait for him to call.”

  “Aww honey! He shouldn’t have worried you like that. I’m fine, really.”

  “Fine and what you are, are two completely different things.” Her mom interrupted.

  “Can someone please tell me what happened?!” Ruby’s Mom turned to look at her.

  “It started around dinner time. While we were waiting for the boys to come over, you father started complaining about chest pains. He told me he didn’t want to eat because he wasn’t feeling well either. It wasn’t like him so I knew it wasn’t just normal aches and pains that he gets. I called the paramedics and told them what was happening. They feared a heart attack so they got me to give him some aspirin to chew on.” While her mom was recounting the story, Ruby let out a small gasp. I rubbed her back as she began to curl into my side. Her dad was watching me. I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to meet his gaze just yet. Her mom had my full attention. “The doctor checked him out and confirmed what the paramedics suspected. He had a mild heart attack so he’s ordered more tests and wants to keep him in for observation. He will need to go on a strict diet and stop drinking with the boys.”

  “I’m right here you know. You don’t need to talk about me like I’m not.” I could tell by the tone in his voice that he was just trying to lighten the mood but neither of them found it funny. “Come here, Princess.” Ruby moved away from me and into his outstretched arms. Her mom moved from the bed making space for him to move over so Ruby could lay down next to him. Her mom stepped over to me and held out her hand.

  “We haven’t been introduced. My name is Emma and this is Robert.” I shook her hand.

  “Freddie. It’s nice to see you, ma’am. I’m sorry it had to be under these circumstances.” Before Emma could say anything, Robert interrupted.

  “How do you know my daughter?” All lightness had gone from his voice. I met Ruby’s gaze and she gave me a sheepish smile. She had warned me I would get the third degree and I didn’t expect anything less. I just didn’t think it would be this soon and expected it from her brothers. Ruby had asked me not to mention the club because her mom and brothers didn’t know about that part of her life. Raven had already given me the heads up that her dad knew about it so I was going to respect that and not lie to them but leave parts out. He would be able to connect the dots.

  “I took my truck to her to be fixed not long after she set up shop. I’d been having trouble finding someone good enough and reliable enough. Gave her a chance and have never looked back.”

  “What is your relationship with her?” I went to open my mouth to answer him but couldn’t. We hadn’t determined that yet. Thankfully Ruby came to my rescue.

  “He’s my better half.”

  “Why is this the first we are hearing on him, Ruby?” Emma asked. The look on Robert’s face though told me different. If looks could kill, I was glad I was in a hospital.

  “It’s not. I talked to Dad about him when I was here four months ago. We were having problems and I ran away from them. Dad sent me back to go and sort them out.” Her dad’s face softened and he continued to stay quiet while Emma and Ruby talked.

  “Your brothers aren’t going to like this.”

  “I really don’t care what anyone thinks. My feelings are the only ones that matter. I spent a lot of time fighting how I feel about him. He doesn’t have to be standing in this room right now but he is because I asked him to be. He’s here when I need him the most. Freddie booked our flights and drove me to the airport. He hired the car here and drove me to your place because I couldn’t come straight here. He’s tried to make sure I ate and unsuccessfully tried to get me to sleep. He’s been my strength this whole time when I have been a wreck. The boys can kiss my ass for all I care.”

  “Well isn’t that just a lovely speech to walk in on.” I turned to the doorway and saw three guys walk into the room, eyeing me as they entered.

  “Be lucky you didn’t have me on your doorstep at midnight to kill you Oscar. You would have missed that speech asshole.”

  “What stopped you?” She motioned her hand toward me.

  “Thanks... I guess.”

  “I did it for her and only because she might regret it later.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Okay enough. Ruby, you can’t kill your brother. Your mother is kind of fond of all of you kids. Oscar, next time you call your sister with news like that, can you wait until you have all the information before your worry her or I’m not sure even Freddie can help you when she kicks your ass.” I could feel the tension easing up a little bit from the room, but until he was home with an all clear, I didn’t think anyone would be relaxing.



  A couple of hours later, the boys had all left and the doctor had been by to check on Dad. The results for the tests they had run when he’d come in were back and while everything looked okay, they were keeping him under observation a little longer. The doctor was a little worried about his blood pressure so he wanted to get it down before he released him. Mom and Doctor Hicks had talked about the new diet Dad was being put on which cut out cholesterol and all the bad shit that Dad liked so much. Freddie had ratted me out to Dad about not eating breakfast so he made him take me to get something to eat. When we came back, my lack of sleep caught up with me because I started to doze off. Freddie had tried to take me home but I wasn’t having it. I don’t know how long I had been
asleep for though when I heard Mom, Dad and Freddie talking.

  “Don’t your family wonder where you have disappeared to?”

  “Ruby and the guys we work with are the only family I have.”

  “So no brothers or sisters then?”

  “No, just me. My parents were killed in a car accident when I was really little. A drunk driver crossed over on to the wrong side of the road and my dad swerved to miss him. Because of the snow, he didn’t realize he was close to an embankment and their car went over.”

  “Oh dear, I am so sorry! That must have been so horrible!”

  “It wasn’t easy. After a while I shut myself off and withdrew from everyone. I was shipped off to live with my aunt but left when I was sixteen. Her husband was an alcoholic who turned verbally abusive if something didn’t go his way. I did my best to stay out of his way but he always found something. The day he turned physical though was the day I left.”

  “Yet you ended up in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction.” Up until now, the questions had been from my mom. I thought my dad had been strangely quiet and I tried not to react when he hit with this low blow.

  “Yes, sir, I did and I’m not proud of it. I could turn around, blame it all on my past and say it shaped me into that but the truth was I should have seen I needed help a long time before I was made to. I couldn’t see that what I was doing was wrong. I craved the high that I couldn’t get anywhere else. I have a lot of good things in my life though that I am using to remind me daily of what I don’t want to turn back into.” I felt his lips press against my head before he spoke again. “I have too much to lose.”

  “Why should we trust that you won’t do it again?”

  “You shouldn’t. I have hurt one person who means the world to you and nothing I do or say could ever erase that. You should however trust in your daughter and her judgment. She knows what she is doing. I love her more than I have ever loved anyone and plan on spending the rest of my life showing her that and making up for all the wrongs that I have done. I never want to see the hurt in her eyes again.” I opened my eyes and just looked over at my dad. He of all people needed to know that I was awake to hear this conversation and he needed to let this go. Freddie was right. They needed to trust I was making the right decision and knew what I was doing. I was not about to hold the past against him any longer. I was letting it go and they needed to as well. I respected where they were coming from and that they were just looking out for me. I was lucky to have a family who loved me and had my back. I let the silence fill the room and left it a little while longer before I was shifting to ‘wake up’. I felt Freddie’s arms tighten around me as I lifted my head off his shoulder.


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