Book Read Free

Must Be Doing Something Right

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by Wendi Zwaduk

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Must Be Doing Something Right

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-167-4

  ©Copyright Wendi Zwaduk 2010

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright June 2010

  Edited by Jess Bimberg

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Wendi Zwaduk


  For my crit partners who worked tirelessly to help me get this into shape, you gals rock.

  EH – thanks for giving me the nudge to finish this story

  AT – thanks for explaining the legal mumbo-jumbo

  To JPZ,

  We ‘Must Be Doing Something Right’ because it’s still one helluva ride

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Blazer: Ford Motor Company

  Formica: Formica Group


  Chapter One

  I want a woman who will drive me crazy in every possible way.

  If she loved him in return.

  Nathan Waterford slammed the door to his navy blue Blazer and strode across the asphalt into Besta Pizza Around. He smoothed his hand over the lump of bills in his pocket and tucked the insulated pizza bag under his arm.

  On a steamy Saturday night in July, he’d rather be in bed with the woman of his dreams, not working to earn a dime he didn’t need. His day job as an estate lawyer paid the bills, but being at the pizza shop got him closer to Courteney, the woman in his heart.

  Hell, if he played his cards right, his desires might come to fruition. One day…

  Crestline, Ohio wasn’t a teeming metropolis, but Nate and his business partner, Arran Mayes aimed to create the best little restaurant in the quiet farming community. The scent of tomatoes and yeast swirled around Nate, making his stomach rumble. When did I eat last?

  Behind the bar, Arran stood drying a beer stein. “Well, you got your wish, my friend.”

  As he slapped the silver bag onto the polished wooden bar, Nate glanced at the remaining patrons in the dining room. A couple giggled in the corner booth, while a trio of students wolfed down the last few slices of pizza at the round table under the window. Good times. He remembered being so carefree, before he had to become a man and work for a living.

  “And you’re talking about what?” Nate shook his head and leaned on the bar rail. “Get me up to speed.”

  Arran sighed and plunked the glass onto the towel. “You missed drama involving your girl.”

  His wish? His girl?

  Confused, Nate stared at his ruddy-haired friend. If his memory served him, Courteney Bennett belonged to no man. Nate had seriously considered making a play for the saucy little romance writer. From her chocolate-coloured tresses and her consuming mocha eyes, down her curvy body to the tips of her toes, he longed to make her his. He itched to grasp her hips while driving into her from behind. She turned him on like no other.

  Thank God the bar covered the tent in his jeans.

  “Don’t look at me like you’re surprised.” Rolling his eyes, Arran picked up a wide mouth wine goblet. “As you know, Courteney and Byron split two months ago. Well, he came back to—” he hooked his fingers in the air, “—make things right.” Arran snorted. “His version of making things right meant parading his new girlfriend, Amber something–or-another, right under Court’s nose. The jerk.”

  Nate rubbed his forehead with the pads of his fingers. “Where’s she now?” Courteney deserved so much more than the half-wit playboy. Not that Nate could talk. He’d bragged about his one-night stands in the past. Did she see him in the same narcissistic light as Byron? Nate hoped not.

  “In the office.” After he placed the goblet on the towel, Arran balled the soggy washrag and tossed it into a nearby basket. “She went in there about five minutes ago.”

  “Is she crying?” His one weakness—a woman weeping. Hell, she’d cried enough when the bastard dumped her. “That asshole doesn’t deserve her tears.”

  Arran twisted the cap off a bottle of beer and plopped the drink in front of Nate. “I think she needed closure.” He nodded to the office door. “Not that I have to suggest this, but why don’t you check on her? She’d probably like the—” he cleared his throat, “—company.”

  Trust his best friend to play matchmaker. Nate lifted his brow and downed a large gulp of beer. “And my being there will provide said company? Oh, sure.” He kept his fingers crossed. In his thirty-six years, no one had affected him like Courteney. Each smile, each glance spiked his blood pressure. When she cried on his shoulder, he fought the urge to kiss her until she understood how much he cared for her. Would she understand why he didn’t tell her the truth—that he worked at the restaurant to break up the tedium of estate law and to see her? Because he loved her?

  “Can’t hurt.”

  He headed to the office with hurried, but determined steps, then stopped mid-stride. He needed to slow down and think things through. Jumping in at full force would cause some serious issues. If she leaned on him now, he’d be incapable of holding back. And that could be dangerous. Showing her the contents of his heart could destroy the friendship because the woman had the awesome power to cut him down to size with one little word—no.

  If they made love, he’d find it impossible to let her go. But what would happen when he explained to her about his day job? Would she call him a liar? He dragged a ragged breath into his lungs. If he didn’t try, then he’d never know if she reciprocated his passion.

  “Then I’ll talk to her.”

  As she stared out the open window, Courteney rubbed her chilled arms. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. How did she not see Byron Solaran’s true colours before? Because she’d been overpowered by the little thing called ‘love’. At least she thought it was love. Now, she held strong doubts.

  She watched him fondle Amber on the tailgate of his truck while the raven-haired vixen wriggled between his toned thighs.

  Had he ever really belonged to her? Probably not. He didn’t belong to Courteney any more than he bought into her dream to write romance novels for a living.

  “Fuck me! Now!” Amber’s cries echoed through the crisp night air as Byron pummelled into her. She shrieked his name and with a flick of wrists, Amber tore open the front of her button-down blouse to bare her breasts.

  Courteney shifted against the window frame. The movement rubbed her quivering thighs together.

>   Did they know she watched? Was this performance for her benefit? Why did the sight of Byron and Amber rutting like wild animals turn her on? Byron treated her like dirt and had stomped all over her heart with his Italian leather loafers.

  She thought back to the times she watched Byron fuck his friend, Samantha, during a threesome. It was the act—being the silent observer. It turned Courteney on and made her horny as hell. Blame her voyeuristic tendencies—seeing other people fucking was hot. Her fantasy served as the storyline for her next novella.

  Behind her, the door creaked open and snicked shut. From the corner of her eye, she saw Nate inch towards her. The chill surrounding her body shifted to fever in an instant.

  Damn, the towering man knew how to knock her off-kilter without laying a hand on her. But he was her best guy friend and so very off-limits, even if he personified the hero in her most recent novella. Of course, she portrayed the heroine, and together they played out every one of her darkest fantasies. But lately, the lines between reality and fantasy blurred. Each time she saw Nate, she bit her tongue to keep her true feelings at bay.

  Forcing her gaze back to the scene beyond the window, she nibbled her bottom lip. If Nate came closer, if she caught the scent of his woodsy cologne and he put his hands on her, she’d succumb to her desires. The sex show in the parking lot had her sexual organs flared. Her inner voyeur could only take so much stimulation.

  A split-second later, Nate’s breath warmed the back of her neck. So he personified sexy…lots of guys looked hot. Nate knew her better than anyone, but she wanted a forever man, not a one-night-stand. He rarely dated a woman twice. Could friends make good, lasting lovers, especially if she already loved him?

  His large hand draped over her shoulder. She snuggled into the crook of his arm and twined their fingers into his. “He’s a fool for letting me go to be with a sleaze like Amber, but then again, maybe they deserve each other.”

  “True.” He wrapped his free arm tight around her. “Sex under a streetlight is risky. You never know who’s watching.” He propped his chin on the top of her head. “Not that I know about such childish behaviour.”

  “Uh-huh.” She snorted. “And I’m a twenty-seven-year-old virgin.”

  “Then I guess we both have secrets to hide.” As he rubbed his cheek over her hair, he chuckled. “How do you feel about this? I think it’s pretty good material for your next short story.”

  Her heart pounded behind her ribs. ‘This’, meaning her ex and another woman having sex, or ‘this’, meaning her reaction to Nate being close, yet so out of bounds? “Seeing Byron screwing around with someone else doesn’t bother me. Hell, that’s how I found him the day we split.” Smoothing her left hand over their intertwined fingers, she caressed his knuckles. “I can probably turn this into something, but…” she trailed off, afraid to say more.

  What if Nate learned her true desires?

  As he leant back, he unwound his arm and tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear. His emerald gaze raked over her profile. She clenched her jaw. If he’d just talk, she could disarm him with a joke or a snappy comeback. But did she want to? The idea of getting lost in his embrace wound through her brain. What would it feel like to make love to Nate? She bit the inside of her cheek to rein in her raging hormones.

  “You like to watch.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. He knew her fetish—one of them. Forget his one-night stands for now. Ignore his tendency to flaunt his sexual prowess. Liquid lust pooled low in her belly and soaked her panties. She might as well jump in head first and clue him in on more. “I do.”

  She placed his left palm on her breast to relieve the delicious ache. She squirmed in his arms. Men like Nate didn’t fall for women like her, but she refused to think about the severity of the situation. If the light of the morning sun reflected the poor judgement of their behaviour, she’d deal with it. For now, she’d relish in the heat of his arms.

  As his smooth lips danced over her earlobe, she shivered. His mouth should’ve been labelled as a registered weapon.

  “Then watch and let me make you feel good.” He nipped her neck, sending a fever crashing through her system. His husky voice warmed her to the core. “I like to watch, too.”

  Rational thought left her brain. She wanted—no, needed—to feel. She backed into him, rubbing her ass over the bulge in his jeans. A ripple of lust surged through her veins. If she moved a little to the side, his cock would touch right where she wanted him.

  Nate’s long fingers pinched and plucked her nipple through the fabric of her bra and tunic. A sigh escaped her lips. If she gave him free rein, she’d find heaven in his arms.

  With each cry echoing from the parking lot, Courteney’s control splintered. She didn’t want to watch any longer. She wanted to participate—with Nate.

  “Ever made love on the boss’s desk?”

  His question, spoken against her neck, sparkled along her nerve endings. She clamped down on her bottom lip and gasped for air. Hell yes, sex on the desk sounded naughty, risky, and oh, so erotic. The words caught in her brain—made love. Could he feel the same things for her?

  His hand on her shoulder meandered down her arm. He settled it on her hip and the zipper of her denim skirt. Instead of pulling away as common sense dictated, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel. A small whimper bubbled from her throat.

  “Yes, little one. Tell me you like this.” Nate lifted the hem of the garment, baring her cotton-covered ass to the cooler air in the office. “I want you.”

  She froze for a split-second before going with the feeling. “Then take me.” Little one? Yes, she wanted to be his little one, his heart, his soul. His everything. The steel behind his zipper stabbed the small of her back. He wanted her. A fresh sizzle of heat zipped up her spine.

  As she turned in his arms, she smoothed her hands up his chiselled chest. His flat nipples puckered beneath her palms. Did he work out every day? A thought occurred to her—what did he do besides work at the restaurant? When he squeezed her ass in his large hand, she moaned and forgot her train of thought.

  Nate cupped the back of her skull and kissed her, eliciting another whimper. Long fingers tugged on the waistband of her panties. She closed her eyes. Of all the times to wear the sensible underwear! The sound of ripping fabric split the air. She gasped as cool air danced over her slick pussy lips.

  One of his fingers speared into her heat. She whimpered again. Her brain swam as his pace increased, thrusting in and out of her body. The stroke of his long finger across her G-spot sent spikes of delicious heat from her core to her heart. Foreplay had never been this…overpowering.

  “Yes, sweetheart. Move those hips and show me I’m doing something right.” He chuckled and nipped her jaw, making her forget everything but the feeling of his steady embrace. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  While she ground her body on his digit, she clawed his shoulders. Could she get closer without climbing into his skin? “Nate!”

  With shaky hands, she fumbled with the buckle on his belt and the zipper on his jeans. No need to keep the fun all to herself. As he continued to kiss her, his tongue tangled with hers. His taste, a unique combination of mint gum and cola, tickled her senses. Although his teeth clashed with hers, she clung to him tighter.

  As he inched them to the desk, he cleared the top with the swipe of his arm. “Arran has too much shit on the desk.” Papers, a phone and a picture frame clattered to the floor in a heap. He shrugged. “Oh well.”

  Courteney shoved his unbuttoned jeans and boxer shorts down to his knees. His cock, long and thick, pointed to her. The tip glistened in the silvery moonlight filtering through the window. She fisted her hands to rein in her last threads of control.

  Still, one little lick, one tender touch… How could it hurt?

  His voice came out in a low rumble. “Ride me.” Leaning back on the desk, he pulled her against his chest. She situated her knees on either side of his waist and eased his T-shirt
up over his pecs. Her mouth watered. Not a hair in sight, just tight, rippled skin.

  Enveloped in desire, she didn’t even whimper in protest as his cock prodded her backside. “We won’t fit.” Her gaze dipped to where his body pressed against hers. “You’re too big.”

  Cupping her jaw, he smoothed his thumbs over her cheeks. “You’re a perfect fit for me, but let me take control. I promise not to hurt you.” When she nodded, he straightened and wrapped his arms around her. “Hook your legs around my waist.”

  She did as he asked and allowed him to switch their positions. The cool wood of the desktop chilled her fevered skin. Grasping the hem of her tunic, Nate dragged the fabric over her breasts, exposing them to his hungry gaze. He licked his lips. “Gorgeous.”

  A shiver skated through her veins. She fought the urge to cover her 34 B’s. He’d mentioned in passing that he liked boobs—the bigger the better. Her breasts were no more than a handful. As he palmed the mounds, he didn’t seem to mind the size.

  When he opened her thighs for his inspection, she licked her lips. “You like?”

  Dragging his nose over her cleft between her legs, he breathed her in. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  The sensations sent tingles from her core to her heart. As his mouth roamed her pussy and settled on her clit, she shrieked. Lights flickered behind her eyes. With long, flat licks, he kissed her nether lips. He thrust into her channel with his tongue. Every muscle in her body strained. Orgasms weren’t supposed to be this explosive or fast—were they?

  His nails dug into her hips. “The way you react, I can’t hold back. I need to be inside you. Now.” His green eyes darkened and glittered. Did he want her to beg? She would, again and again.


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