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Must Be Doing Something Right

Page 2

by Wendi Zwaduk

As he stood, he withdrew a condom from his wallet. She bit her lip and snatched the foil packet from his hands. “Let me.”

  He crooked his brow and the corner of his mouth kinked. “Please do.”

  As she grasped his girth, she slid the prophylactic over the taut skin. He fisted his hands in her hair and growled. When she looked up, he claimed her mouth, swallowing her cries. He entered her with measured strokes. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh!”

  “Relax.” Kisses fluttered over her cheeks and lips. “Look at me. I won’t hurt you.”

  As she opened her eyes, she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him to her. The pressure passed little by little, and spiralled into bliss. She dug her nails into his shoulders in an attempt to find purchase. Her hands shook.

  Nate panted with each thrust, driving deep into her. As his pumping increased, his eyes rolled back into his head and he gasped. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so damn wet. You fit me perfectly.”

  His words of praise were the last kick as she toppled over the ragged edge into sensual oblivion. “Nate!”

  He threw his head back and groaned. “Yes!” With one final surge, he filled her to the hilt.

  As he collapsed onto his forearms and buried his face in her neck, Courteney stared at the ceiling. The realisation of the act crashed within her mind. Yes, it was the best orgasm of her life and the most erotic lovemaking, but things with Nate wouldn’t be the same. Women were notches on his belt, not treasures he savoured. She wanted commitment and love. Sifting her fingers through his sandy locks, she fought to keep her emotions at bay. Crying wouldn’t solve anything.

  As much as she knew she had to, she didn’t want to let go of her best friend.

  Maybe what they’d done wasn’t so right after all.

  Chapter Two

  A knock at the door interrupted the cuddle session. Nate couldn’t drag enough air into his lungs to speak. Holding Courteney seemed right. Why had he taken so long to indulge in her?

  Before, she’d been involved with someone else. Then, he feared she wouldn’t give him a chance. God’s honest truth, he knew he’d lose his heart to her.

  Fear be damned. She owned his heart and his soul, and he liked it.

  The knocking continued, accompanied by a shout through the wooden barrier. “Thank God the customers left, or you two would’ve given them quite a concert!”

  Courteney bolted upright and clasped her hands over her mouth. “Oh my God! He heard us!” Her cheeks flushed a bright crimson. Loose strands of hair fell around her shoulders.

  Unable to keep from touching her, Nate smoothed an arm behind her back and pressed a kiss to her temple. “So he listened in. He knows passion when he hears it.” Crooking a finger under her chin, he brought her gaze to his. “I don’t regret a moment.”

  While she scooted off the desk, Courteney pulled her tunic and bra down over her breasts. Although he would’ve preferred her nude, he didn’t resist her need to cover her body. Still, her silence chilled his blood. “Court? Talk to me.”

  “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” She shook her head

  “What?” He tossed the used condom into the trash and wiped his hands on a tissue. “Tell me.”

  She reached the door and twisted the knob and stopped. “There’s no going back. This…our friendship has changed.”

  He stood and pulled his jeans up over his hips. “You’re right, it’s better.” Did she regret being with him? “Come here.” Did she know something she wasn’t telling him?

  “I can’t.” Hanging her head, she slipped through the opened door. “I have to go now.”

  “Wait, Court.” His words echoed in the silent room. Nate pounded his fist on the oak desktop. Nothing turned out how he wanted. What the hell happened? Why did she flee? Because they made love before bringing emotions into the relationship? Spotting her torn panties behind the desk, he snatched them up and stuffed them into his pocket. Maybe he should’ve gone with the direct approach and told her how he felt. If he just said he loved her, what would she do? He patted the thin panties in his pocket. How did he feel? He cared about her, more than anyone, but he let her run away. God, he needed to tell her his secrets and his deepest desires as soon as possible.

  Arran strolled into the office a moment later. “Well, I assume you had a good time.” He crinkled his nose. “Why’d she bolt? She left her tips on the bar and ran out of here like a scared child.” Arran leaned against the doorframe. “You didn’t spank her, did you? I told you to save the corporal punishment shit until the third date.”

  Of all the ridiculous things… Nate’s cock twitched in his pants. Spanking her appealed to him, but not out of reprimand. “I did no such thing, but I don’t think you’ll want to use your desk again.” He chuckled and patted the lingerie in his pocket. “We initiated it.” He rolled his tongue around his dry mouth, savouring the last remnants of her taste. He had to talk to her and hold her once again.

  “I suspected as much, seeing as you left a mess on the floor.” Arran strolled to the windows and folded his arms. “Are you going to tell her the truth and not just about the furniture? She trusts you. Be honest with her and give her a chance.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” He clenched his jaw. “I can’t tell her, yet.”

  When women found out he practiced law, dollar signs appeared in their eyes. It didn’t matter that he dealt with estate planning or that much of his case load consisted of pro bono work for people in the nursing facility with his grandmother. He didn’t like lying to Courteney. If he knew for certain she loved him for the man inside, not the image, then he’d tell her everything.

  Hell, he’d marry her on the spot.

  “Nate, I can see it in the way you watch her, the way your eyes are glued to her ass as she walks past. You have it bad for her.”

  “And I had her.”

  But not enough.

  Nate dug deep to find anger in his soul and came up short. He cared too much for Courteney to feel any resentment. But when she walked out, she tore his soul apart. In her defence, she didn’t understand and he wasn’t forthcoming with reasons for her to stay.

  Still, she got under his skin like no woman before. When she smiled, she brightened his day. The touch of her hand comforted him.

  Shit, he had it bad, just like Arran accused. Still, her words from the other day came rushing back to him in a blur. I won’t love another man who lies. I want a lover who trusts me enough to be honest with me. I’m tired of men who care about money, status, and nothing else.

  Dammit. He’d worked hard to get where he was. Could she share his pride?

  Anger and embarrassment ebbed and flowed in his veins.

  So why keep up the lie? Because he needed to be sure she loved him.

  Did she love him? Right now, he wasn’t certain of anything.

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Arran rubbed his thumb and forefinger over his eyes. “Even the mighty fall and why not fall for her? Courteney will make her man happy.” He paused and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Even if he’s a sack of shit who’s afraid of commitment.”

  Nate clasped his hands and cracked his knuckles. “I’ll take her tip money to her.” He couldn’t let her get away without an explanation. The friendship was too strong to throw aside, even if he did indeed detest commitments. She proved to be the exception to his rule.

  “Just be good to her. She won’t admit it, but she’s got a thing for you, too.”

  Grabbing the wad of bills on the bar, Nate rushed out of the restaurant and into his Blazer. If she had a thing for him, as Arran mentioned, then maybe they had a chance for something beyond out-of-this-world sex. If she still spoke to him once he told her his truths, then he’d act on his baser urges and make her his forever.

  “Give me time, Court. I’ll prove I’m not an ass.”

  * * * *

  The short drive home seemed to take ages.

  Courteney rubbed her forehead as she pulled into the narrow parking lot. She c
onsidered calling her friend, Abby, for some best friend advice, but she knew without making the call what Abby would say—Live a little.

  Tonight, Courteney had acted out of character and what good did it do? Nate probably stood with Arran laughing at how easily she’d caved to him. Just another conquest for a lonely night.

  Angry tears burned behind her eyelids. How could she allow such foolish behaviour? Because she liked him. More than she should. Didn’t everyone get to make one major mistake in life?

  Awesome sex with Nate wasn’t a mistake, but risking their friendship was. She’d refuse him the next time he wanted to jump in the sack.

  Dammit. She’d left her tip money there on the bar! She shook her head. Getting out with her pride intact seemed more important than a few bucks. When she shifted, cool air from inside the car slid over her bare pussy. Well hell. The big, handsome jerk probably still had her underwear!

  Courteney grabbed her purse, punched the button on her keys to lock the compact car, then escaped into the apartment. As she fell against the closed door in her living room, tears streaked down her cheeks. No matter how hard she tried, he got under her skin and remained like a tattoo. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. At least she’d have fond memories to look back on when the nights got cold.

  During the middle of her pity party, the doorbell buzzed. She jumped. Who needed to talk to her at three in the morning? She peeked through the peep hole and her blood ran hot and cold.


  With shaky fingers, she unlocked the deadbolt and opened the wooden barrier. “Hi.”

  “Hello, hon.” Nate’s green eyes shimmered in the fluorescent outdoor lighting. He filled the entryway with his muscular body. “You forgot your tips, Court.” He held out his hand. “I thought you might want your money.”

  While she stared at the bills folded in his palm, she debated taking them. The notion of slamming the door in his face wagered with the idea of pulling him into her arms. She ground her teeth together. If she spoke, she’d offer up her heart and what would he do with it? The uncertainty tore at her mind. Still, she couldn’t form a rational sentence.

  “I shouldn’t have stopped by so late.” Nate cocked his head and a lock of hair fell across his forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Thank you for thinking about me.” Forcing her common sense aside, she stepped away from the entryway. “I’m not in the mood to be alone. Why don’t you come in?”

  His brows darted up, but he didn’t move from his spot on the stoop. “Are you sure?”

  The bit of confidence she’d reserved evaporated. She shivered. Why’d she cave so easily? The relationship wasn’t the same. Any other time, he’d walk right in and plop down on the couch to watch whatever movie played on the late viewing.

  “I think we need to talk.” Gulping air to calm her senses, she nodded. “Yes, we need to talk.”

  As he edged past her, his arm brushed her breast. Tingles shot from her chest to her core and settled in a lump on her heart. Images of their lovemaking flashed in her mind, toying with her.

  Damn her body for betraying her need for separation.

  Nate tossed the wad of money onto the scarred coffee table. “We should do more than talk. There’s too much between us.” His shoulders slumped and he stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets. “Court, I never meant to hurt you.”

  She wrapped her arms tightly around her body and wished they were his. Unnerved, she closed her eyes to compose her thoughts. If she looked at him for much longer, she’d definitely launch herself into his embrace. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she blew out the breath and opened her eyes. “Tell me the truth.”

  “What truth?” The colour rushed from his cheeks.

  As she notched her chin in the air, she measured her words. Don’t scare him away. “You saw an opportunity. I know you. Women are plastic to you—disposable.” She stared at him, refusing to let him see her discomfort. “I don’t want to be one of the many. I want to know what’s going on with us.” I want to be with you.

  His eyes widened. Did he have more to hide than his reason for putting the moves on her? Nate rubbed his jaw with the pads of his fingers. “You have never been one of the many—ever.”

  No? Why didn’t she find comfort in his words? She switched gears. “You said you don’t regret it. I don’t either.”

  There, she’d said it. She liked making love to him. Liked feeling him in her embrace and her body. Liked the sizzle of his kiss. Who was she kidding? She loved him.

  His gaze softened and a grin tugged the corner of his mouth. She clamped her lips shut. Try as she might, she couldn’t read his thoughts.

  Someone wanted to play the world’s worst joke on her. Nate, from his unruly sandy hair and broad shoulders to his sculpted chest and strong legs, could have any woman. Hell, he could pose nude and make tons of money. She balled her fists and squirmed. Why’d he have to look at her with such emotion swimming in his emerald eyes?

  Nate closed the small gap between them and brushed a lock of hair off her forehead with a whisper-thin touch. “You’re beautiful.”

  As he spoke, her eyes widened and her heart slammed within her chest. Did he mean what he said? Heat flooded between her thighs. God, she hoped so. She tried to speak, but no words formed.

  “Little one, I’ve wanted to kiss you, to make love to you for so long.” He dipped his head, their lips a whisper apart. “You haunt my dreams.”

  “Really?” Her voice squeaked. Had she just vocalised her thoughts?


  He pressed kisses to her mouth, devouring her. When she opened to him, his tongue tangled with hers. She moaned. The man embodied sin and sex and he wanted her! She clutched his shoulders, drawing him closer. Whatever changed his mind about taking the friendship to the next level, she applauded it.

  When they broke for air, he panted his words. “Our tryst in the office was just a taste and I need more—a lot more. From the first time I saw you, I wanted to be closer than friends.” His hands skimmed up her arms. “What can I do to prove I’m worthy of you?”

  She blinked. Him…worthy of her? She didn’t taste bourbon on his kiss, so he couldn’t claim drink as an excuse. Staring at his lips, she considered his words. First time I saw you… More than friends… Well, why hadn’t he said something earlier?

  His mouth hovered a heartbeat from her lips and his breath fanned over her cheeks. “I’m yours to do with what you please.”

  Although she’d never been romanced in her life, she’d bet Nate could charm even the most skilled lovers. She ran her tongue over his bottom lip. “Stay tonight.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Chapter Three

  Nate groaned with a resurgence of lust and another emotion he couldn’t describe. Every wish, dream and desire came true when she asked him to stay. He slid his hands down her arms and settled them on her ass. And God, what an ass! Ripe for his grasp and so smooth.

  The more he touched her, the more he needed her, but how to show her his feelings ran deeper than a superficial longing?

  For all the times he should’ve kissed her and didn’t, for all the times he held her and didn’t tell her the contents of his heart—he owed her everything.

  As she rubbed her nose along his jaw and tipped her head to stare into his eyes, he cursed his decision not to shave. A pale pink streaked across her cheeks from the abrasion. Knowing he’d kissed her and caused the sexy blush sent a fresh wave of heat crashing through his body.

  He drew a long breath to drown in her flowery perfume. The tart scent of mozzarella cheese and yeast clung to her clothes. As much as he wanted to taste her all over, a shower together sounded heavenly.

  “Let me pamper you.” He cupped her chin. “I want to take care of you.”


  “I’ll show you.” With that, he locked the front door and kicked his sneakers off. Taking the lead, he twined his fingers with hers. “You deserve a man
who will treasure you—let me be that man.” Giving her a slight tug, he led her to the bathroom. When she hesitated, he curled his arms around her. Their padded footsteps lightly thumped on the tile floor.

  Her grip on his hand tightened. Her wide eyes darted around the small space. As he twisted the shower faucet, her lips parted and she gasped. Her voice came out in a squeak. “Naked?”

  Surprised by her innocent question, he cocked his head. “Don’t you always shower naked?”

  “Alone.” Her gaze vacillated between the shower stall and his face. “I always shower alone.”

  So he had her near speechless? Nice. Nate dropped a kiss onto her lips. “You’re a goddess.” That dumb fuck she dated didn’t take advantage of the willing, sexy woman on his arm? Well, good. Courteney deserved better. “Follow my lead.”He angled them both towards the mirror and brushed her hair behind her shoulders.

  As she squirmed, her gaze remained low. She rubbed her palms on the edge of her blouse and closed her eyes.

  “Look at me, little one.” He tipped her chin, smoothing his hand over her jaw. “Courteney. Let me see you, beautiful. A man could lose himself in your brown eyes.” As she rubbed her ass against his rock-hard prick, the friction caused a soul-deep ache in his loins. Using sheer willpower, he kept his cock in check.

  Although she hesitated a beat longer, slowly she focused on his reflection in the mirror. Without tearing his gaze from hers, he nuzzled her cheek. “Yes. Pay attention to me and the way you feel. I’ll never hurt you.”

  Steam billowed in the room, fogging the vanity mirror. Only when the image blurred, did she relax and relinquish her grip on her shirt.

  A smile curled the corner of her mouth. “How do you shower?”

  “With you.” Unzipping her skirt, he let the denim pool at her sock-clad feet. “Hop up onto the counter and show me all of your sweetness.”

  When she did as he asked, he sank to his knees. His feet bumped the edge of the shower stall. Swirling his tongue around her bellybutton, he nuzzled her stomach. He liked women with a little meat on their bones. What she saw as too wide hips, he saw as sexy curves. The scent of lavender lingered on her skin. He nipped and sampled her skin, spending extra time at her cleft. Her fulfilment trumped his.


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