by Joshua Bloom
Hynam, Joseph “Pete,”
Illinois: Champaign-Urbana antiwar protests; Maywood. See also Chicago; Chicago Black Panther Party of Illinois
Immanuel Church, Los Angeles Black Congress
immigrant rights activism,
imperialism. See anti-imperialism; colonization
“In Defense of Self-Defense” (Newton)
Independent Socialist Club
Indianapolis, Black Panther chapter,
informants and provocateurs, Anthony; Black Congress; Butler, Chicago Panthers including Hampton, CIA’s Jay Kennedy, Connie Matthews disappearance and, New Haven; New York 21, O’Neal, vs. Pratt, Progressive Labor Party turn and, purges of, Sams, “Cotton” Smith, torture and murder of, See also COINTELPRO
Institute for the Study of Social Change, Social Movements Project, UC Berkeley
insurgent movements, Black Panther demise as; Black Panther discipline and power as; Black Panther escalation as (1968); Black Panther lawfulness sustaining; Chicano; Civil Rights Movement, ,14; concessions eroding appeal of, conflicting visions; Democratic Convention (1968); disruption essential to, guerilla warfare not viable for (1970s); Hutton as martyr of; Islamist; law and custom within; Michelsian “Iron Law of Oligarchy” argument, political context; political leverage created by practices of, political opportunity thesis, responses to repression, ,13; short-lived, social democracy inviable for (1970s); Sugrue evaluation of North and West black mobilizations; today. See also allies—insurgencies broadened through; antiwar activism; Black Liberation Struggle; Black Panther Party political practices; draft resistance; mobilization; protests; revolutionary movements; urban rebellions
insurrections; Black Liberation Army (BLA); Black Panther allies for and against; Black Panther factionalism over, immediate, Jackson brothers’ Newton after prison for; “Radio Free Dixie,” urban rebellions. See also armed resistance to authority; guerilla warfare
integrationism, Civil Rights Movement; militant younger generation rejecting
intercommunalism, revolutionary,
Intercommunal News Service, Black Panther Party
Intercommunal Youth Institute (IYI)/Oakland Community School/Children’s Institute, Oakland,
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Activist Organizations Committee
international allies. See Black Panther Party allies—international; revolutionary movements; Third World
international anti-imperialism. See global anti-imperialism
International Conference of Revolutionary Journalists, Pyongyang
international human rights movement, to free political prisoners
International Longshore and Warehouse Union, San Francisco State student strike allies
International Socialist Club
Iranian Students Association
Iraq, war
“Iron Law of Oligarchy” argument, Michelsian,
IRS, Activist Organizations Committee
Irwin, Ronald
Islam, Nation of. See Nation of Islam (NOI)
“It’s All the Same,” Douglas graphic in Black Panther newspaper,
Jackman, Marvin
Jackson, George
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Jonathan,
Jackson, Lewis
Jackson State College, Mississippi
Jackson State Prison, Michigan, busing to
Jacobs, Hal
Jacobs, Paul
Jalovec, Richard
Jamal (Eddie Joseph)
Japanese: internment after World War II; Tokyo Communist League
Jeffers, Alvin
Jeffries, Judson
Jennings, Billy X
Jennings, Eugene,
Jersey City, raid of Black Panther office
Jewish Left, fund-raiser for Black Panthers
Jews, retribution payments to
Jiang Qing
Jim Crow/legal segregation: civil disobedience against; Civil Rights Movement dismantling; Hilliard family and
Jimenez, Jose “Cha Cha,” 92
Joe Lewis Milk Co.
John D. Rockefeller Foundation
Johnson, Armelia (Newton)
Johnson, Cedric
Johnson, Deborah (Akua Njeri),
Johnson, Jackie
Johnson, Lyndon Baines: blacks vs.; civil rights support, and draft resistance; election (1964), Great Society programs; Kerner Commission, and Martin Luther King; vs. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP); and Oakland racial tensions; urban rebellions; Vietnam War,
Johnson, Matthew, Hunters Point killing (1966),
Johnson, Mrs. Verde
Johnson, Paul B.
Jones, Audrea/Audrea Dunham,
Jones, Charles
Jones, Jeff
Jones, Kathy
Jones, LeRoi/Amiri Baraka
Jones-Tawala, Harold
Jordan, June
Joseph, Eddie Jamal
Joseph, Peniel
Junior, Nathaniel
Justice on Bay Area Rapid Transit,
Justice Department, U.S.: vs. Black Panthers, Hampton and Clark killings investigation. See also FBI
Kamerun (now Cameroon), National Student Union
Kang Ryang Uk
Kansas City: antiwar protests; Black Panther community programs,
Karenga, Ron; Black Congress; Black Power Conference (1966); COINTELPRO disinformation on; conflict with Black Panthers; Kwanza created by. See also US
Katara, Abayama (Alex McKiever)
Katsiaficas, George
Keating, Edward
Kennedy, Jay,
Kennedy, John F.,
Kennedy, Robert
Kenner, Martin
Kent State University: killings, student strike
Kenya, Mau Mau rebels
Kerner Commission,
killings of blacks by law enforcement: Attica Prison; Black Panther’s Ten Point Program; Chicago including Hampton and Clark (1969), COINTELPRO planning; Detroit; Dowell (Richmond); Greensboro student strikes; Hutton (Oakland), Jonathan Jackson; George Jackson; Jackson State College, Matthew Johnson (Hunters Point), liberals questioning; Los Angeles; Lowndes County; Newark; Pope; Seattle; Watts rebellion (1965)
Kimbro, Long John and Kathy
Kimbro, Warren
Kim Il Sung,
King, Coretta Scott
King, Daniel
King, Ed
King, Martin Luther Jr.; Abernathy close to; antiwar; Communist Party ties sought by CIA, FBI targeting; funeral; Hilliard view of; and Hutton killing; Jesse Jackson with; march from Memphis to Jackson (1966); martyr for America; memorial; national holiday in honor of; Poor People’s March; vs. poverty; and rift in Black Liberation Struggle; SCLC, Vivian ally of; Watts
King, Martin Luther Jr.—assassination (1968); Black Panther Party expansion after, Carmichael and; one-year anniversary; Pratt and; SNCC and; unrest after,
King, Robert Hillary
King, Yvonne
Kinshasa, Kwando (William King)
Kissinger, Henry
Klein, Elaine,
Kline, J. Anthony
Klonsky, Michael
Koch, Edward
Kopkind, Andrew
Korean War: draft used for, See also North Korea
Kranzberg, Janet
Ku Klux Klan
Kunstler, William
Kurose, Guy
Kwanza, Karenga’s creation of
Labor Department, U.S., Moynihan Report,
Lacy, Leslie and Jim
Landau, Saul
Land and Folk
Laney College in Oakland, student strikes
Latinos/Chicanos: Basta Ya! newspaper; Black Panther allies, Columbia University workers; Coordinating Committee of the Mexican Student Movement; George Jackson prison leadership; Mission High in San Francisco; Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America (OSPAAAL); PFP; San Francisco police officer shot in Mission (May 1, 1969); San F
rancisco State College, Los Siete de la Raza; UFAF conference. See also Chile; Cuba; Puerto Ricans
Lauter, Paul
“Law and Order” politics: Nixon, Rafferty; Reagan, student strikes,
Law Center for Constitutional Rights
Law Enforcement Group (LEG)
Lawrence, Robert
lawyers: ACLU; Andrew; Axelrod; Brotsky; Kermit Coleman; fees; Alex Hoffman; Kline; Kunstler; Marshall; Montgomery; National Lawyers Guild; New York 21; Peter Frank; for political prisoners; pro bono; Robert Truehaft; Jean Williams, See also Garry, Charles R.; legal costs
Lazerow, Jama
LCFO (Lowndes County Freedom Organization),
lead-abatement projects
League of Revolutionary Black Workers
Leary, Howard R.
Lee, Richard C.
Lee, Grace
Lee, Joyce,
Lee, Odell
Lee, Saundra
Lefcourt, Gerald
Left: National Lawyers Guild; Scandinavia, Socialist Workers Party; and Soledad Brother (George Jackson). See also Black Panther Party allies—Left; Communist Party; Marxism; New Left; Ramparts magazine
Left Wing Socialist Party of Denmark
legal costs; fund-raising for; lawyers’ fees; for Los Angeles Black Panthers (1969); for New Haven Panthers and Seale defense; Los Siete de la Raza. See also legal defense committees
legal defense committees; Kenner directing; New Haven. See also lawyers; legal costs
legal segregation. See Jim Crow/legal segregation
Lenin, V. I.
Lennie, Brother
lesbians, Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement,
Lescallet, Gary
leverage. See political leverage
Levine, Victor
Leway organization, Chinatown
Lewis, Oscar
Lewis, Thomas Melvin
liberation schools: Black Panther, Puerto Rican Young Lords
liberation theology
Lichbach, Mark Irving,
Lincoln Hospital, Puerto Rican Young Lords taking over
Lincoln University, Pennsylvania
Lindsay, John V.
Little, Larry
Lloyd, George
Locke, Hubert
Lockwood, Lee,
logo/symbol, black panther: Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Lowndes County, Alabama, figs,
London: antiwar protests; rally for Black Panthers
Long Beach, Black Panther chapter
looting, urban rebellions
Lopez, George “Gio,”
Lopez, Yolanda
Los Angeles; antiwar protests; Black Congress, black migration; black nationalists; Black Panther community programs, Black Panther Political Party; Black Power; Black Student Alliance; Conference of Baptist Ministers; “Free Huey!” rally (February 18, 1968); Friends of the Panthers; police brutality, figs. See also Southern California chapter of the Black Panthers; Watts
Los Angeles County Welfare Rights, Los Angeles Black Congress
Los Angeles Times, Watts rebellion (1965)
Lowndes County, Alabama; black panther logo, figs, Black Panther Party; “Bloody Lowndes,” Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO),
Lucas, Robert L.
Luciano, Felipe
Lumumba Shakur,
Luthli, Albert
Mack, John W.
Mack, Larry
Mack, Lee Faye
Madison, University of Wisconsin student strikes
Mailer, Norman
Makatini, Johnnie
Malcolm X; Africa; Afro-American Association and, Ali/Clay and, anti-imperialism; armed resistance to authority recommended by; assassinated; birthday rally (May 1966); Black Panther appeal; Bunchy Carter politicized by; Eldridge Cleaver and; draft resistance; Harlem; Ericka Huggins and; martyr; memorial on two-year anniversary of death (February 21, 1967); Nation of Islam (NOI), Newton and, OAAU; photo in Chicago office; plebiscite notion; political education in; rehabilitation of; ten-point platform; Watts rebellion and; widow
Malcolm X Society
Mali, Pan-African Cultural Festival
Malone, Skip
Mamadi, Keita
Mao Zedong: American Negroes supported by, Bunchy Carter versed in; Chinese American Red Guard and; Little Red Book; Newton and; “ping-pong diplomacy,” political education in; Robert F. Williams meeting
Mar, Warren
marches: Hunters Point supporters, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963); Memphis to Jackson (1966); Poor People’s March
Marcuse, Herbert
Marighella, Carlos,
marijuana, Rules of the Black Panther Party on
Marine, Gene
Marine Corps: “It’s All the Same” Black Panther newspaper graphic, New Haven protests; Vietnam, Robert F. Williams
Marshall, Thurgood
martial arts instruction, Black Panther schools
Martinez, Adolfo
Martinez, John
Martinez, Tony and Mario
martyrs; Bunchy Carter and John Huggins; Hampton; Hutton; Jonathan Jackson; George Jackson; Martin Luther King; Malcolm X; “revolutionary suicide,”
Marx, Karl
Marxism: anti-imperialism; Black Panther ideology, Garry; George Jackson; Miranda debate; political education in; RAM
masculinism: Black Panther; literary establishment; OAAU
Mason, Irving
Matthews, Connie,
Matthews, Tracye,
Mau Mau, Kenyan rebels
“Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers” (Wolfe)
Maywood, Illinois
McAdam, Doug,
McCarthy, Eugene
McClellan Committee in Congress
McClymonds High School conferences, Oakland,
McConahay, John B.
McCreary, Tom
McCutchen, Steve
McGoran, Paul
McGovern, George
McGovern-Fraser Commission
McKinney, Gene
McKissick, Floyd
McLucas, Lonnie
McNamara, Robert
Mealy, Rosemari
Means, Joyce,
medical care; ambulance services; classes in; emergency medical technician (EMT) classes; holistic view of health; poor quality; sickle-cell-anemia programs; Winston-Salem black community; Young Lords programs. See also Free Clinics
medical testing, on conscientious objectors
Melendez, Danilo “Bebe,”
Melendez, Miguel “Mickey,”
Memphis, Tennessee: march to Jackson from (1966); sanitation workers’ strike
Meredith, James
Merritt College: Afro-American Association; Elaine Brown running for Oakland City Council; draft resistance rally; Newton; Newton-Seale incident vs. police (1967); Seale; Soul Students Advisory Council (SSAC)
Metcalf, Ralph
Michelsian “Iron Law of Oligarchy” argument,
Michigan: Ann Arbor antiwar protests; black congressmen; busing to Jackson State Prison; Michigan State University SDS-black coalition. See also Detroit
middle class: black, black exclusion from; white Left
migration. See black migration
militarism. See armed resistance to authority; Army; military training
military draft; Cambodia invasion and; Selective Service System definitions, U.S. reduction of, for Vietnam War, See also draft resistance
military services, U.S.: Air Force; Army, blacks in, Civil Air Patrol; Marine Corps, New Haven protests; “pigs,” vs. student strikes. See also military draft; National Guard; individual wars
military services, U.S.—Vietnam War; black soldiers; draft opposed for black men; draft used for; Marines, number of troops; photo of American soldier grabbing Vietnamese woman; Pratt; Seattle chapter veterans; Michael Soto; U.S. congressional resolution calling for troop withdrawal
military training: of Black America; Black Panther; Cuba and Black Panthers, martial arts instruction at Black Pan
ther schools; Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). See also armed resistance to authority
military weapons: Democratic Convention security (1968); guns for Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (1967); Special Weapons Assault Team (SWAT). See also guns
Miller, Mike
Mills, Kenneth
Milwaukee: Black Panther community programs, police raiding Black Panther headquarters
Mims, Lloyd,
Mind of the Ghetto conferences, Afro-American Association,
Miranda, Doug
Mission Rebels, San Francisco
Mississippi: Democratic Party; Freedom Summer (1964); Jackson State College; University of Mississippi
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
Missouri: black congressman Clay; St. Louis antiwar protests. See also Kansas City
Mitchell, Beth
Mitchell, John,
Mitchell, Roy M.
Mkuba (Lee Berry)
MOBE (National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam)
mobilization; antiwar, black insurgents in North and West; black political organizations, church; civil rights activist; community vs. state repression, innovative; LCFO; Newton trial; New York 21 and; political opportunity thesis and, repression level and level of responses of, urban ghettos/”brothers on the block,” , See also armed resistance to authority; Black Panther Party political practices; insurgent movements; political leverage; protests; rallies; resilience; resonance; social movements
Mohammed Ben Yaya
Molson, Vanetta,
Mondale, Walter
Le Monde
Monges, Miriam Ma’at-Ka-Re
Montgomery, James
Moore, Grady
Moore, Isaac
Moore, Renee “Peaches,”
Moore, Richard (Dhoruba Bin Wahad)
“moratorium” protests (1969), antiwar,
Morocco, Pan-African Cultural Festival
Morris, Aldon
Moses, Bob
mothers: Panther, See also child care
Mothers for Black Liberation
Movement for a Democratic Military
Movement (SNCC newspaper),
Moye, Kelly
Moynihan Report,
Mozambique, anticolonial struggles,
Mshina (Thomas Berry)
Mulford, Donald
Mulford Act,
Mulvey, Harold
Muntaqim, Jalil
Murch, Donna
Murray, George Mason; minister of culture, minister of education, San Francisco State College,
Murrell, Virtual
music, politicization of
Muslims: Islamists. See also Nation of Islam (NOI)