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Derek (Hunter PI & Security #1)

Page 35

by Sharon Cummin

  I would never understand people and things they did when it came to love. I'd been more in love with Jennifer than I thought was possible, and she was taken away from me. I would have always been there for her. I would have loved and protected her forever. How could anyone that had someone that loved and trusted them just throw it all away? How could they hurt them intentionally? How could they hurt them physically?

  The next morning, I was up, with breakfast on the table, before anyone else was up. Jenny came bouncing through the kitchen with a smile on her face. Jean walked through, looking much less excited, only moments later. I handed her a cup of coffee, and she smiled up at me.

  “How was last night?” she asked. “Did you get the clarity you were looking for?”

  “You told her where I was,” I said, through clenched teeth.

  She was barely containing a laugh, and it took all I had not to laugh just watching her.

  “So she found you then?” she asked.

  “Oh, she found me,” I answered. “She came through that door ready for battle.”

  “I can't even imagine,” she said, as she walked to the fridge to get Jenny a glass of milk.

  “I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself,” I said. “I didn't know she had it in her.”

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “I'm not sure,” I answered honestly.

  “I like her,” she said.

  “It's obvious whose side you're on in all of this,” I said. “Never thought you'd turn on me.”

  “I did no such thing,” she said, as she put her hand to her chest.

  “Whatever,” I said. “Get some breakfast.”

  I made Jenny a plate and called her back into the kitchen to the table. Joe came through shortly after, and we all talked while we ate. I looked around the table at my family and couldn't stop my laugh from seeing a huge smile on Jean's face. That woman was something else, and I knew everything she did and said was out of love.

  I tried all day to shake the feeling running through my body. Bridget asked me to let it go, but I was done. I knew she'd be pissed if she found out, but I couldn't sit around any longer, knowing that fucker did more than hit her. She wouldn't give me answers, and there were only two other people that could. John wasn't someone I talked to, so I couldn't ask him. The only other person had a huge stick up his ass when it came to me. I wasn't sure if he was going to be straight with me or run like a little bitch to tell on me, but I knew I had to take the risk and grabbed my phone.

  Me: That fucker that hit her in college, what was his name?

  It didn't take long for a response to come.

  Doug: I don't know what is going on between you two or what you have done to her, but she came at me last night with an attitude I didn't know she had.

  Me: Has nothing to do with me. That's all her. You should have seen what she did to me. The woman walked into a bar ready to tear me a new one, not thinking twice about all of the eyes that landed on her the second she called me out. His name?

  Doug: She's pissed that I told you anything. After last night, I think I might be a bit afraid of her. She's Gabby's best friend, and she's family. If I tell you, it won't be pretty when she finds out. The guy hit her twice, and I beat his ass good.

  Me: I'm glad you were there to protect her, but he shouldn't have touched her.

  Doug: It was years ago. It's over.

  Me: It's not over for everyone. I know you see that shit just as much as I do.

  Doug: What are you going to do?

  Me: That's not for you to worry about.

  Doug: Why do I think there's more to the two of you or this story than I know?

  Me: His name.

  Doug: Fuck! His name was Todd. That's all I know.

  We went back and forth for a few more minutes. By the time we were done, I had a first name and the location of the bar the punk worked at. He'd warned me several more times that she was going to rip me apart when she found out I was digging in her business. My only advice to him was that he'd better not be the one she finds out from. I guess it was more of a warning than advice, but that didn't matter as long as he got the point.

  It was midnight by the time I'd sent my brother a text with the first name, bar name, and year I needed him to start looking for. When he sent me back asking which case it was for, I told him it was my own private case.

  When I walked through the lobby the following morning, I could feel her smile, but I couldn't see her face. I stopped at the edge of her desk and waited for her to look up at me, but she wouldn't do it. The woman was something else. I started to walk toward the elevator and stepped in. Just as the doors began to close, I stopped them.

  “Thanks for the text. It's good to know I don't have any fingers to break. It's also good to know that my name has been the only one leaving your lips like that.”

  I took my foot out from between the doors and let them close. Then I rode up to my floor with a smile on my face. There hadn't been anyone around when I'd said it, but I knew her face had turned just as red as if I'd said it to her in a room full of people. Part of me wanted to go back down to that lobby and take her across her desk just so I could hear it again, but I knew that wouldn't go over well with anyone but me.

  Drake was on my ass the second I walked through the door. Without a word from my mouth, I walked into my office and sat down behind my desk. He was right behind me, closing my door, and sitting across from me.

  “What's going on with you?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked in return.

  “You've never had your own private case before,” he said. “Spill that shit.”

  “Not gonna happen,” I said.

  “When I dig into this fucker, I'm pretty sure I'm going to find him connected with the name of someone you know. Why don't you just give me that name now and save me some time.”

  I shook my head, and he let out a huff.

  “Derek,” he snapped. “What the fuck?”

  “I just need to know where he is and what he's up to. Where does he work? Where does he live? What does he do with his time?”

  “Why?” he asked. “You're my brother, and this shit is freaking me out. You're all I've got, Derek. Don't fucking leave me hanging here worrying about what's going on with you.”

  “He's connected to Bridget,” I said. “That's all you get. I don't want a word spoken to the guys, Doug, Gabby, or her about this. She'd be pissed as fuck if she knew I was looking. I'm not giving you more than that. I can't. Just find the fucker.”

  “Did he do something to her?” he asked.

  “Drake,” I snapped.

  “Fine,” he snapped back. “I get it. I'll start looking later today. I have something I have to finish first.”

  “I'll start now,” I said sarcastically.

  He walked toward the door and turned the knob.

  “You like her,” he said.

  “Don't even start,” I said. “It's not like that. You know I don't want a relationship. She doesn't either. You heard us at that picnic. We don't agree on anything, except that neither of us would ever move from where we live, so I guess we agreed on something. She's just a friend.”

  “Just a friend,” he said.

  “You heard me,” I said. “Get out of my office.”

  “A friend,” he said again. Then he let out a loud laugh and walked out my door. “So damn stubborn.”

  I flipped him off, but he wasn't there to see it. There was nothing wrong with looking out for a friend. I would have done it for anyone.

  I spent the whole day scouring the internet to find shit on the guy, but I didn't have his last name. That was all I needed, as long as it wasn't Smith or Jones or something like that. My brother walked into my office and smiled.

  “Didn't find his ass yet?” he asked, and I shook my head. “Don't you have a meeting to get to?”

  I looked at the clock on my laptop and jumped up from my chair.

  “Shit!” I snappe
d, as I grabbed my keys and phone and took off for the door.

  “We wouldn't want your friend to worry about you,” he said.

  “Fuck you!” I yelled back over my shoulder, as I hurried toward the elevator.

  I slid into the seat next to her ten minutes late. She shook her head, as she looked down at the time on her phone. When she looked back at me, I narrowed my eyes in warning.

  “Work,” I said, and she nodded her head with a cocky smile on her face.

  We went for coffee after the meeting, and neither of us mentioned her text or my comment in the lobby. We talked about normal day to day shit. She talked about Gabe and asked about Jenny. Then she asked about Jean, her new friend. When she asked what I'd done all day at work, I told her I was working on a case for the police. There was no way I could tell her what I'd really been doing.

  “They've been giving you guys more and more work. I bet it's doing great things for your company,” she said.

  “It is,” I replied. “I might have to hire another guy soon. We're getting swamped, and I'm the only one that works on the police cases. If I need help, I have Walker help me. He's been busy running back and forth for the divorce, but he helps as much as he can. He's looking forward to being done with that. I don't get people. How could she have been sleeping with his best friend while he was off risking his life and making a living for her and the kids he thought were his? I don't get it sometimes.”

  “Neither do I,” she said. “I could never be with someone else if I was in a committed relationship. If she felt that way, she should have left him. I guess I'm old fashioned.”

  “That's not old fashioned,” I said. “It's called respect and honesty.”

  I instantly felt bad when I said the word honesty. She'd kick my ass if she knew what I was doing, and I wouldn't blame her a bit.

  When I heard my phone ding, she looked down at where it was sitting on the table but didn't speak. When I heard the second ding, I could she her fidget in her seat.

  “Are you going to check that?” she asked.

  I could see something in her eyes, and if I didn't know better, I would have sworn it was jealousy.

  “No,” I said with a smile. “Why?”

  “No reason,” she said, in a defensive tone.

  “If it will make you feel better, I'll check it,” I said.

  “Don't do me any favors,” she said, looking down at her hands that were wrapped around her coffee cup.

  I picked up my phone and hit the button.

  “It's from my brother,” I said.

  “Doesn't matter,” she replied.

  Then I read his words and knew my entire body tensed.

  Drake: I have a name.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  Shit! She saw me tense too.

  Drake: You looked for that shit all day. It took me ten minutes. Guess you better stick to what you do best and leave the real work to me.

  “He's being an ass,” I said.

  Me: Fuck you! Now that you have a name, find the fucker attached to it.

  When I heard the ding again, she let out a sigh.

  Drake: You're welcome, asshole.

  I set the phone down next to me and looked up at her.

  “You were the one that wanted me to check it. Not sure what you thought I'd find,” I said. “If I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous.”

  “Not me,” she said. “You can talk to all the women you want.”

  “You're giving me permission,” I said. “That's interesting. I didn't know I needed it, but thank you.”

  “You're an asshole,” she snapped, as she stood up, grabbed her stuff, and headed for the door.

  “Were we done here?” I asked with a laugh, as I grabbed my keys and phone and took off after her.

  “We are now,” she shouted over her shoulder at me.

  She'd made it to her car door, but I pushed it closed before she could get between it and the car. Then I took a step forward so her stomach was pushed up against it.

  “Do you really think I could deal with more than one pain in the ass at a time?” I asked, as the weight of my body held her still.

  I heard a loud rumble come from her chest and knew she was ready to fight. When my mouth came down on the back of her neck, I felt her body relax. My hand wrapped around her hair and pulled her head back gently with a hint of roughness, and my mouth covered hers. My other hand moved around her waist and went beneath her jeans. When my fingers slid into her panties, I knew she was going to be slick, but I hadn't expected her to be so damn wet for me. My hips moved forward, and I knew she could feel my hard cock against her back. When her hips moved and pushed her forward against my fingers, I thrust two of them into her and fucked her deep and fast. I swallowed each of her moans, as I kissed her hard. My cock was hard as steel by the time she came apart around my fingers. When she said my name, it slipped out from between our lips. I pulled my hand from her pants, stuck my fingers in my mouth, and sucked.

  “So good,” I said, as I pulled them out, leaned forward, and took her mouth with mine again.

  Then I thrust my hips against her one more time before turning and walking toward my truck.

  “Take your ass straight home,” I called out, as I opened the door to my truck and got in.

  She got into her car and grabbed her phone. Seconds later, I heard the ding of mine.

  Bridget: Or what?

  Me: Don't fucking play with me, Woman.

  She was looking down at the phone, but she wasn't typing anything.

  Me: I need to know your safe. Go home. Please!

  She put her phone down and backed out her spot. Then she turned in the direction of her house, just like she always had, and drove away. I wanted so badly to follow her to make sure she got there safe, but I didn't do it. I knew I had to trust her. Following her wouldn't have done anything good for either of us.

  I looked around the lot of the coffee shop and had never been so glad that there weren't any lights around. Having my fingers inside of her, watching her fall apart from my touch, was exactly what I think we both needed. It didn't matter that I was driving away with a cock so fucking hard that I felt like it was going to crack in two. Knowing she'd gone home with a smile on her face and the feeling of my fingers inside of her had been totally worth it.

  I spent the next three days going back and forth with my brother on the information he was getting for me. He'd found the fucker, but he hadn't seen any movement on him in two years. It was four o'clock that Thursday afternoon when my brother came barreling through my door without even knocking.

  “He's in jail,” he said. “The fucker killed a woman.”

  I got on the phone and called one of the guys I'd been working with at the local police department right away. There was no way I was taking my brother's word for it. I had to know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what he found was the truth. By five o'clock, I had everything I needed.

  “She dated him,” my brother said, as soon as I hung up the phone. “I saw that. Bridget dated him. He brutally killed a woman he was dating. What if he had hurt her?”

  “Stop!” I snapped. “You can not breathe a word of this to anyone, Drake. Do you hear me?”

  “He hurt her,” Drake said, looking like he was going to be sick.

  “No,” I said, as I shook my head at him. “He didn't hurt her. I just needed to know where he was. She's fine. Do you hear me, Drake?”

  There was no way I could let my brother think that anything had happened to Bridget. If he treated her even the slightest bit different, she'd know, and she'd hate me for it. I didn't want him thinking of her any different than he already did. She was an amazing woman. That was all he needed to know.

  “Yes,” he said. “I'm so glad he didn't. She's a good woman, Derek.”

  “She's a great friend,” I said.

  “You are the most stubborn guy I know,” he snapped.

  “Not the first time I've heard that,” I said.r />
  “I see the way she looks at you. You're making a huge mistake. You're going to lose her, and you're going to regret it forever.”

  He was wrong about that. I wasn't going to lose her, not when she wasn't mine in the first place. I grabbed my phone and typed out a message.

  Me: Can you pick Gabe up today? I need to talk to Bridget after work.

  Doug: You found him, didn't you?

  Me: I did.

  Doug: You need to think before you do whatever it is you're planning to do, Derek. I'm saying that as a friend of yours, not as hers. Do not get yourself in trouble for something that happened years ago. You have a good thing going with your company. Don't let your emotions and feelings for one person ruin that.

  Me: Thank you, but I'm good. It's not what you think. This is going to help her.

  Doug: I'll get Gabe. I hope you know what you're doing digging into old shit.

  Me: Thanks!

  At exactly five o'clock, I stepped out of the elevator and walked over to her desk.

  “Meet me at the spot you took me that night. We need to talk,” I said.

  “I have to pick Gabe up,” she said.

  “Doug is getting him,” I said. “Get your stuff. I know you won't get in my truck, so I'll follow you there.”

  “Derek,” she said.

  “Just do it,” I said.

  “What did you do?” she asked.

  I shook my head and walked toward the door. When she came out a few minutes later, I was in my truck waiting. She looked over at me, and I pointed to her car. When she shook her head with attitude, I laughed. How could she be so different with me than she was everyone else, I wondered? Then I thought about myself. I was different with her too. I'd never been bossy or cocky with Jennifer. I'd also never taken Jennifer against the hood of a car either. She'd never pushed me the way Bridget did. They were so different. It was the craziest thing.

  I heard a honk and looked over and down at Bridget's car. Then I saw the cocky look on her face, as she backed out of her spot and took off. I followed behind her down that same path we'd taken in her car that day. The thought of her alone at night on that same path got to me again. How could she freak out over simple shit but be willing to drive alone into total darkness without a second thought? That woman was driving me nuts.


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