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Fallen Angel

Page 4

by Rose, D. L.

  Ben felt it like a jolt through his body. Her eyes widened slightly and then she smiled a silky knowing smile as if they shared a secret but Ben had no idea what it was. With a seductive glide she made her way over to where he stood, reaching past him for a flute of champagne with a strawberry in the bottom. She sipped it, all the while never taking her eyes off of him.

  “You have the advantage my lady, do I know you?”

  “You should, although you have fallen far from grace. We are both angels are we not?” She folded one arm beneath her bosom and sipped her champagne again.

  Ben’s eyes were immediately drawn to the sweet valley revealed by her low cut, exquisitely tight dress. His eyes darting away, he tried to place her in his memory. Her hair was a riot of curls half piled on her head and half cascading down her back over feathered wings.

  “I must commend you on your costume, you look truly ravishing.” Ben smiled devilishly as his gaze raked her from head to toe.

  “And I you my dark lord, you look rather wicked from afar and even more dangerous up close.” Eloise boldly looked him over from his shining black Hessians, his black skin tight breeches, and loosely tucked black shirt, open at the neck to reveal a triangle of skin. He wore a black cloak lined on the inside with blood red silk. He finished his costume with a black tie mask and red prosthetic horns on his head. “How do they stay on?” Eloise daringly ran her fingers through his hair feeling the bottom of the horns.

  “A feat of my valet and simple paste I’m afraid.” Chills ran down the back of Ben legs when he felt her fingers on his scalp. His body hardened as she smoothed his hair back down and tucked some behind his ear. “Your wings are quite lovely, how did you earn them, might I ask.”

  “By bringing devils to heel of course, and reforming them.” Eloise flirted shamelessly. She was having more fun under her angelic guise than she had ever had. The champagne was delicious and the little bubbles were like feathers tickling her nose and throat. She had almost finished her first glass and already she was feeling giddy.

  “Would you care to dance my angel?” Ben leaned close and brought her free hand to his lips. He kissed her knuckles languidly and even gave them a little lick. His angel blushed beautifully all the way to the soft curves of her breasts.

  “I would be delighted to, my devil.” Eloise swallowed the last of her champagne including the strawberry at the bottom. An explosion of tart sweetness filled her mouth and she nearly moaned in delight.

  Ben pulled her onto the dance floor and spun her into a tight circle of couples dancing far closer than the waltz called for. No one cared who anyone was tonight, the only purpose was to be merry and enjoy all the perks that anonymity offered. His angel laughed openly as he spun her wildly but always in control. He held her body close to his, savoring each caress of her hips against his and the feel of her body under his hands. She was rosy and breathless by the time the dance was over and they retreated back to the refreshment table where she gulped down another glass of champagne, only this time, she plucked out the strawberry with her petite fingers and held it to his lips. He ate it in one bite, sucking her fingers into his mouth and licking the juice from the tips. He was rewarded with a breathy gasp.

  “You will have to excuse me for a moment my devil, while I go powder my nose.” She turned away but not before looking back at him over her shoulder and giving him a smile lush with promise.

  Eloise cut her way through the crowd in search of Eleanor and a ladies room. Spotting her sister by the door, she was talking to a man dressed as a prince who turned and walked away as soon as Eloise approached.

  “Who was that?” Eloise enquired.

  “Oh just some man, it’s impossible to know who anyone is here, although that is quite obviously Bradley over there in that ridiculous costume.” Eleanor pointed to a cluster of women surrounding a nearly naked Zeus. His toga had fallen off his shoulder and all that held up his skirt was a gold painted rope around his waist.

  “Oh dear. I don’t want to be here when his costume completely falls off.” Eloise giggled and quickly looked away.

  “Have you finished with Lord Black? Can we please go home?” Eleanor begged.

  “Not yet dearest but my plan is going perfectly. The night is still young Eleanor, find that prince and make him dance with you.” Eloise tried to move away.

  “Where are you going, Lord Black is still by the refreshment table?”

  “The ladies room if I may,” Eloise smiled and turned away again.

  “Good luck with those wings,” Eleanor called after her.

  After some contortions and the aide of a tipsy maid, Eloise returned to the ball room and her handsome devil. He greeted her with another glass of champagne and she gulped it greedily.

  “Careful darling, we wouldn’t want you falling from grace as well.” He pulled her close and put his arms around her. Eloise’s heart kicked into a rapid gallop but she remained outwardly calm. She remembered the incident in the library, how she wanted to humiliate him, and took deep even breaths. However; she couldn’t stop the bloom in her cheeks every time he stroked his hands up and down her sides.

  “I’m curious,” he moved closer to her and whispered against her ear, “How do you take your wings off?”

  Chills ran up and down her spine as his lips brushed the sensitive skin of her ear. Eloise gulped. His nearness or perhaps the champagne was making her light headed. “They are made with loops tied around my arms at the shoulder.”

  He brought his hand up to her shoulder and slowly brushed aside her hair, his fingers finding the cream colored ribbon. “Ah, I see.” His hand slid up her neck until his fingers weaved into her hair and he cradled her head in his hands, gently tipping it back. He leaned down as if to kiss her.

  Eloise panicked. “Wait, not here.” She looked over her shoulder to the door way where Eleanor had been standing but she was gone. Eloise knew at some point she would have to allow him to kiss her but if Eleanor saw, she would never hear the end of it. The ballroom was becoming overly stuffy and Eloise was finding it difficult to keep her head straight. She needed all her wits about her if she was going to play this devil for the fool. Otherwise she might end up losing her own game. “It’s too warm in here don’t you think?” She looked up into his eyes with what she hoped was the right form of encouragement without being overtly bold.

  Her devil scanned the crowd before returning his gaze to hers. “I know just the place.” He escorted her from the ball room into the main salon. Guests were everywhere including every dark corner and alcove. Some were laughing and talking, others were kissing, and some made Eloise look away in embarrassment. Her devil took her up the main stairs and down a hall off the main hall. They were surrounded by darkness and the noise from the party had faded to a dull buzz. He opened a door and ushered her into a small room furnished with books, cozy chairs and curio cabinets. A small fire was slowly dying in the hearth. The door clicked as her devil locked it and then moved to the fire. He squatted before it and tossed a small log into the fire, reviving the starving embers.

  “Where are we?” Eloise asked as she looked into the glass curio cabinets filled with odd rocks and figurines.

  “Lord Welchly’s curiosities room,” her devil replied. He looked truly wicked with the firelight casting wavering light over his shadowed form.

  Eloise held her hands together to keep them from trembling. She didn’t feel in control of the situation but couldn’t stop now. She had Lord Black right where she wanted him and when the time came to put a stop to whatever this was, she had every faith he would stop. For all her dislike he was an honorable man and she knew that if she said no to his advances he would listen. What scared Eloise is that she wasn’t sure what she would say no to. She hadn’t decided where to draw the line yet because she had little to no experience in this arena. She had certainly been kissed before but she wanted to bring him to his knees and she wasn’t confident enough in her kissing abilities to think a mere peck would suffice.r />
  Ben stood after flames greedily ate at the log and turned towards his angel. If it was possible she looked even more beautiful in the dark than in the light. She was facing away from him, slightly bent over to peer into a glass cabinet. He took the opportunity to admire the curve of her derriere. He ached to undress her so he could run his hands along her bare skin. It was not something he could do here at a ball, in a curiosities room. It would be a waste of her beauty. He needed her in his bed, in blazing candle light, so he could properly worship every inch of her.

  “Would you like help removing your wings?” He moved closer to her, dying to put his hands on her.

  She turned and smiled. Her hand moved to one shoulder and un-tucked a small bow. She pulled it loose undoing one side and then pulled her arm out of the other loop. “I will need your help putting them back on; an angel cannot be seen without her wings.”

  Chapter Five

  Ben took slow deliberate steps as he closed the distance between them. He picked up a lock of her hair and admired the warm tones of gold and honey catching the glow of the fire. Letting it go, he ran his hand down her arm until catching her hand and bringing it to his lips.

  Eloise shivered with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. The stark difference from the stern and disapproving Lord Black, and the devil standing before her now, was enough to make her laugh in disbelief. It seemed Benjamin Black was a multifaceted man. Eloise preferred this seductive scoundrel to the rigid self-righteous prig he presented to the world in the light of day. She would remember him this way for the rest of her life and maybe one day in the future should they happen to meet again--and he behave as his usual boorish self--she would smile and wink; thinking of this moment and laugh at his befuddlement. Feeling bold, she reached for the cord of his cloak and pulled the knot free.

  He took her arms and pulled them around his neck bringing their bodies flush against each other. Her soft curves brushed against his harder frame and she shivered again. “As much as I would love to stand here all night memorizing the way you look in the firelight, these parties are not known for lengthy privacy. Others will want to take advantage of our paradise.”

  Eloise gulped. “Will we be interrupted?” She had no idea what she was specifically asking but it sounded right for the moment.

  “The door is locked my love but time is of the essence.” He swooped down and caught her lips. The kiss wasn’t aggressive but nor was it a sweet languid introduction. His insides were burning for her and he needed the sweet heaven she offered.

  Eloise was completely taken by surprise. She had expected as much but the feel of him holding her, the feel of his lips merging with hers, and insistent pressure for her to open was more than she had anticipated. She was overwhelmed but not frightened and that strengthened her resolve to keep going until she could break him. She opened her mouth ever so slightly and was rewarded with the fascinating sensation of his tongue exploring the inside of her lips. It was exceedingly pleasant so she opened more and he took over. Following his lead she relished the velvety wetness and reciprocated stroke for stroke. He still tasted of strawberry and champagne and each tangy sweet kiss only fueled her curiosity to feel more and experience more.

  She squeezed her arms tightly around his neck pressing her breasts and hips to him in an enjoyable fashion. Nerve endings fired all over, she never knew that her breasts could be sensitive to pleasurable sensations such as being pressed against a man or that having his hands stroking up and down her back would make her want to purr like a kitten. She was nearly off her toes from the force of pressing herself against him and her devil seemed to like it too. She could feel the hard ridge of his manhood trapped between them. It was her first time facing such blatant male arousal and it was a jolt to awareness. She didn’t know what came next and now that her mind was fuzzy with her own desire she couldn’t think of what to do next.

  The devil came to her rescue. His hands had been busy undoing the back of her dress while his tempting angel had been busy fusing her body to his. Ben was not complaining, he would be dreaming of her for weeks if not years after this evening. If only he knew who she was, maybe they could continue this affair outside of the Sinners’ ball, but there were rules at functions like this and rule number one was no revealing of identities. He opened her dress to the small dip of her lower back and nearly groaned when he found nothing but bare warm skin. The front of her bodice was now loose and--breaking from the kiss--he began to trail hot licks from her lips to her jaw line, working his way to the valley between her breasts where he pressed a burning kiss and she gasped.

  Her devil was changing the game again. Her skin was on fire wherever his tongue touched and although Eloise knew she was walking a very fine edge she couldn’t help but want to know what would happen if she jumped. How much further would she let him go? What scared her was her own desire to keep going, to let him lead, to know what would happen and how blissful it would feel. Her thoughts were dangerous and Eloise didn’t want to think about the consequences. She wanted to be in the moment and glory in the way her body felt. She still felt in control of herself and surely there were still a few more steps to go before she was in truly dangerous waters. After all, she was mostly dressed and he was fully dressed. He didn’t look on the verge of losing control, so therefore she must continue. She wanted to leave him in a burning pile of passion, unfulfilled and aching in want of her.

  He nuzzled the swell of her breasts and slid her bodice lower. Bashfully Eloise looked away. She was exposed to him and his silky lips took the peak of her breast into his mouth. She moaned uncontrollably. Her nerves sang out in pleasure and goose bumps rose all over her body. She had no idea she could feel like this. He suckled from her until she was breathless and panting and then moved to her other breast to repeat the torture. Eloise clung to his shoulders for support no longer sure her watery knees could hold her.

  Ben could sense when she had had enough and could take no more. He returned to her lips and kissed her senseless while he shifted her back to her own balance. He broke the kiss and held a finger to her lips when she began to protest. Grabbing his cloak he spread it before the fire and took her hand. Leading her to the floor he tugged her into his lap and then rolled her beneath him. Her dazed eyes followed his every movement but she uttered no protest as he leaned over her and began to slide her dress upwards. He bent once again to her beautiful breasts unable to resist from drawing a pink nipple into his mouth. She arched against him and hissed in pleasurable pain. Tomorrow she would have evidence of his love bites and the thought sparked a seed of possessiveness inside him. Her legs moved restlessly as they were bared to the room and warmth of the fire. The only sounds were the crackles of the fire, the slide of her dress moving ever upwards and their quickened breathing. When he had reached her hips he looked down at the bounty he had uncovered and ran his hand along a pale lean leg.

  Caressing from knee to dainty foot and back up again he continued his decadent ascent upwards beneath her skirts and last vestige of modesty. She wore no undergarments except stockings and garters. He smiled wickedly as with one gentle touch he brushed against her soft springing curls.

  Eloise nearly jumped out of her skin. It took everything she had to not lose her composure and bolt. Things had progressed farther than she had ever imagined and she was suddenly realizing how naïve she had truly been about what occurred between a man and a woman. She was at war with herself. One side of her desperately wanted to know what happened next and the other warned her that if she didn’t stop now she would regret it. His fingers played against the inner flesh of her womanhood and she shuddered. The sensations were like little bolts of lightning setting off jolts of pleasure inside her. He parted her slick folds and again a voice of warning went off in her head to slow down, to stop, and think about what she was doing but then he touched her again and if felt so amazing she blocked it out. His talented hands found a sensitive bead and his thumb made languid circles over it. Her whole body focused on
that area and she hadn’t even realized she had reached down to grab his wrist--only it wasn’t to stop him--it was to keep him there.

  “Oh God.” She moaned and again he tortured the sensitive flesh.

  “If you like this then you are really going to love this.” Ben slid a finger into her velvety passage and massaged the aching flesh until she was wetter and parting her legs. Her hips had begun to move with him as he stroked her. His angel had begun to shake all over and soon her body would be singing in his arms. She had closed her eyes and was gripping the folds of his cloak while pants of ecstasy escaped her lips. He adjusted his hand and added another finger to the first. “That’s it love, let go and I will take you to heaven. It will feel so much better if you bend your knees and bring them up--oh God yes.”

  Ben began to sweat as she did as he said and she opened for him like the gates to paradise. He reached to undo his breeches, all the while stroking her faster and bringing her ever closer to the pinnacle. She was slick with need and--oh so tight--Ben nearly groaned with abandon at the mere thought of entering her. When he removed his hand from her she whimpered in protest until he covered her lips with his and kissed her deeply. He positioned himself between her legs and dipped into her earthy honey, sliding against her until she bucked her hips in response. He ground his teeth as he entered her in one thrust and sheathed himself in the hot tight haven of her body. He shuddered, nearly spilling himself in that moment, but held on to the determination to see her shatter around him. She tensed at his intrusion, but as Ben began to move, stroking and soothing her stinging flesh, she relaxed and began to move with him. He struggled to maintain his rhythm when all he wanted to do was drive into her. It must have been sometime since she had been intimate with a man or maybe she hadn’t many lovers but either way, her body held him in a tight clasp that threatened his control.


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