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Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2)

Page 14

by Randall Morris

  “Lucian has told me that you wield two scythes. Where is the other?”

  Shadow raised Damnation into the air.

  “Lucian has lied to you, my king. I wield the scythe of Cain but I cast the scythe of Asmodeus into the River Styx.”

  The Dragon blew torrents of fire from all three of his mouths, igniting the human traitors. He shook and tried to free himself, but the icy prison that crept up to his waist remained unbroken. Muan hid behind Shadow, shaken by the display of power.

  “We shall see if you speak the truth or if you lie like your father, Shadow.”

  The Dragon removed his claws from Abaddon and Bifrons and raised both claws into the air. He muttered several curses under his breath. Damnation flew through the air and into the Dragon’s left claw. Five other scythes came flying through the air and distributed themselves evenly in the Dragon’s claws.

  “I count six. It appears Lucian has lied to me, as you have stated. You only carry the scythe of Cain. I will not, however, simply grant your request. Another middle demon made it here before you and claimed the throne of Cain.”

  “Tell me his name and I will kill him.”

  The Dragon rolled back his three heads and laughed. The foundations of Hell shook.


  Leviathan’s shallow breaths hurriedly left his open mouth as Tannin and Belial entered his tent. They looked at each other and then back at Leviathan. They knew what they had to do. The time had come for one of them to rise to the rank of major demon. Tannin tried to remove the scythe from Leviathan’s hand, but he held on to it with all of his remaining strength. Tannin looked over at Belial, who waved his staff and pointed it at Leviathan’s arm. His arm began to shake and his grip on the scythe loosened.

  Tannin was able to pry Leviathan’s scythe loose from his hand. He gripped it in both of his hands, brought it high in the air, and paused a moment. Leviathan looked at Tannin.


  “This is the department of jealousy. We want what you have.”

  With that, Tannin brought down the scythe and split Leviathan’s head right down the middle. Once Leviathan forced his last breath, the scythe hovered through the air and rested above Belial’s outstretched hands.

  “I don’t think so, Belial. We’ll divide his artifacts in half but you’ll have to fight me for the scythe. Drop it on the ground.”

  The scythe continued to hover in the air. Tannin’s hands gripped his daggers and he waited for a reason to use them.

  “For first pick of Leviathan’s artifacts, I will do as you ask.”

  Tannin nodded and Belial let the scythe fall to the ground. Leviathan’s armor, once the ever-bleeding armor of Cain, floated piece by piece into the air and attached itself to Belial’s shrouded form.

  “I’ll take his armor as my first trophy. What’s your first pick?”

  Tannin grinned and then kicked over Leviathan’s throne. A onyx shield rested on the ground. Tannin picked it up and attached it to his arm.

  “The shield is called Dragonscale. It is exactly what it sounds like, a scale from the back of Satan. An impenetrable shield against all swords and sorcery. Leviathan almost never used it.”

  Belial frowned.

  “I want that.”

  “Too bad. You chose his armor.”

  “I didn’t know he had that.”

  Tannin shrugged.

  “Sucks to be you?”

  “Actually, it doesn’t. I could just kill you right now and take it from you.”

  Belial once again pointed his staff at Leviathan’s scythe and it flew through the air into his open hand. He moved in quickly with the vanishing mists around him barely able to keep the speed. As he raised the scythe over his head to strike down Tannin, Tannin brought Dragonscale up to meet the scythe. The collision of scythe and shield sent both demons flying backwards, winded but otherwise uninjured.

  “Belial, you dumbass. What part of impenetrable do you not understand?”

  “An object that protects against major demon scythes shouldn’t exist.”

  “And yet… it does. Would you like to cry about it or would you like to try to win it from me in a duel? We’ll step outside Leviathan’s tent, announce to our armies that General Leviathan is dead, and let them watch as we determine who should take his place.”

  Belial became pensive and looked to be weighing his options.

  “You forget, Tannin, that I was here with my entire army before you. I still haven’t heard your army arrive.”

  As if arriving on cue, Murmur entered Leviathan’s tent and bowed.

  “Your army has arrived, Lord Tannin. We await your command.”

  “Wait with them outside, Murmur. Something interesting is about to happen. Belial is trying to decide whether he wants to die in this tent or outside.”

  Murmur nodded and left. Belial chuckled.

  “There’s the classic overconfidence I’ve had to listen to over the centuries. I will enjoy taking Dragonscale from your cold, dead hands. Step outside and I’ll end your life quickly. I prefer to have your army watch me destroy you.”

  Tannin exited Leviathan’s tent and saw Murmur waiting right outside with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Tannin frowned at him.

  “I told you to go wait with the army.”

  “I wanted to be here in case Belial chose to die in the tent. It would have been fun to watch. Besides, Jess and Aim are with the army. We’re good.”

  “You have too much trust in those two.”

  “It’s no more trust than you have in me, Lord Tannin. When I tell them to get something done, they get it done. They’re a lot stronger than they were when you sent them with me to Earth.”

  Their conversation was interrupted as Belial exited Leviathan’s tent.

  “I’ll break the news to my army and you break the news to yours. We’ll meet back here in front of Leviathan’s tent to fight for control of the department.”

  “Agreed. Hurry back, Belial, and don’t scratch my scythe.”

  Belial laughed as he walked away. Tannin turned back to Murmur.

  “If I lose, I want you to lead my armies in an attack on Belial’s forces. I don’t want that asshole running this department.”

  Murmur raised one eyebrow at Tannin’s unexpected command.

  “You’re putting a plan in place in case you lose? Who the hell are you?”

  “Right. The overconfidence thing. Belial does have a small chance of winning though. Just be ready, just in case. Keep Aim and Jess close. We can’t have Belial killing you right after the duel if he somehow manages to kill me.”

  Murmur looked around to make sure that no one else was looking before he removed the small, glowing white stone from his pocket and handed it to Tannin. Tannin looked it over with a confused, but interested expression.

  “Shadow gave it to me a long time ago. It might help you since I haven’t ever seen Belial actually reveal himself and take a solid form. Figure out a way to touch him with it and it should force him to appear.”

  Tannin looked uncomfortable with the gift but he pocketed the small stone.

  “You know, this kind of confirms the rumors that Shadow’s family is somehow tied to the angels. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “He assured me that he isn’t. He’s a lot of things but I don’t think he’s a liar or a traitor.”

  Tannin nodded slowly, not exactly confirming whether he agreed or was simply acknowledging Murmur’s opinion.

  “When I win this battle, you will replace me as middle demon of coveting. Stay alive, Murmur. I’m serious. Keep Jess and Aim close to you.”

  Murmur put his hand on Tannin’s shoulder.

  “Kill him quickly, Lord Tannin. Belial is a creepy weirdo.”

  “So you’re going to be a middle demon? Way cool. Once you die, will I become the middle demon of coveting? We just need to kill you?”

  Aim looked hopefully up at Murmur with the traces of a grin on his face. Jess cut in.

  “I wouldn’t help you kill Murmur, you idiot. He’s like a big teddy bear!”

  Jess stood on her toes and pinched Murmur’s cheek. Murmur slowly started moving his open hand towards her throat and Jess backed away. Aim laughed.

  “I’m hoping the two of you haven’t just been sitting down here thinking of new ways to annoy me. I seriously hope you’ve been training.”

  Aim picked up a dirt clump and tossed it in the air. He pulled his crossbow from his back, took aim, and split the clump in half before it had time to fall back to the ground. Jess waved her staff and Aim’s crossbow was pulled from his hands. A hole appeared in the ground and Aim’s crossbow floated into it. Moments later, the crossbow was being buried in dirt. Aim flipped off his sister and went to dig his crossbow out of the ground. While their demonstration seemed to comfort Murmur a little, he still looked uneasy.

  “What’s wrong, big guy? You don’t normally look this nervous.”

  “Tannin’s worried that we’re going to be in a civil war after his match with Belial. I just wanted to make sure the two of you didn’t have your heads up your asses. You’re ready to fight, right Jess?”

  “Of course. We’ll keep you safe, mister middle demon of coveting. Don’t worry so much.”

  Jess winked at him and then slugged him in the arm. Aim returned, having finally dug his crossbow out of the ground. Murmur signaled to Tannin’s army to follow him to Leviathan’s tent.


  “I killed Agrat and Naamah with their entire armies. Give me more demons to command and I’ll assault Vixen where she lives and take her down as well.”

  Baal gave Leech a skeptical look in response. Leech pressed his point.

  “I took down two armies larger than mine. Now I’m out of demons in the home stretch. I can press in on Vixen and leave her with nothing to command. Then you can walk in with your scythe and cut off her head.”

  Baal’s eyes looked far away as if he wasn’t listening.

  “General Baal?”

  “How the hell did you take down the armies of two middle demons with the small army I gave you? I was expecting you to return a long time ago with your entire army slaughtered and you barely clinging to life.”

  “And the fact that I’m still alive and still in command of a small force bothers you?”

  “Explain how it happened.”

  “I’m a badass.”

  “Leech… tell me what happened.”

  Leech sighed.

  “Gangrene joined his forces to mine. I’ve made him my lieutenant considering the possibility that Shadow is…”

  Leech let his sentence trail off. Baal laughed.

  “Shadow is fine. Stop playing the pity game with me. It won’t get you what you want.”

  “How do you know that Shadow is fine?”

  “I received a report from the Dragon earlier today. Shadow made it to the lowest circle of Hell and made a claim for Cain’s position. The spot is contested, because another middle demon from murder made it there before him, but Shadow carries Cain’s scythe. I imagine they will attempt to kill each other and then we’ll have a new major demon.”

  “Who was the other demon?”

  “No idea. It’s also not relevant to our current situation. The department of murder is useless to us until they figure out who their leader is, pull their heads out of their asses, and help us fight this war.”

  “I’m on the verge of crushing Vixen, Baal. March with me and we can destroy her.”

  “I can’t leave the battle we’re currently fighting. I wouldn’t expect a young, little demon like you to understand the complexities of running a war, but I don’t have any demons to give to you right now.”

  “The demons-in-training.”


  “I’ll take command of the demons-in-training. I doubt they’re of much use to you here.”

  “You want those idiots? You’re going up against Vixen and her final middle demon. Their army will destroy you.”

  Gangrene entered Baal’s tent and bowed.

  “Who is this?”

  “My name is Gangrene, General Baal. I have a message for Leech.”

  “He’s busy talking strategy with me. State your message.”

  “I have decided to stay on as your lieutenant, Lord Leech, but…”

  “See? We can win this, General Baal. Gangrene is a skilled fighter and with his army…”

  “Lord Leech, I no longer have an army.”

  “What the hell do you mean you no longer have an army?”

  “News is spreading that Lord Shadow is alive and that he is returning as a newly appointed major demon. My army has left to rejoin him. I considered leaving as well, but I imagine you’re about to run off on a suicide mission. I figured I should watch your back for a little longer.”

  Baal sighed.

  “It’s a hopeless mission, Leech. Your cavalry has already joined back in with my armies and is fighting in the battle here. You should join in as well. I can give you a force to command here but I can’t give you demons to run off with.”

  “General, I can make this work. I’ll trade my cavalry for all the demons-in-training in our department. It’s more than fair. My cavalry can join in here and fight. The demons-in-training are just sharpening weapons and playing squire. I am close to winning a third of this war on my own. Please trust me.”

  “Gangrene, leave the tent.”

  Gangrene bowed and exited.

  “Leech, why are you so eager to cast your life away?”

  “Oh so now you suddenly care? I thought I should have come crawling back inches from death with no army a long time ago.”

  “All middle demons are tested for survivability. The force I sent you with was small and expendable. I just needed you to make it back. You proved yourself resourceful and came back with more demons than I expected. Now I need you to join in the fight.”

  “With all due respect, General Baal, I will either take the demons-in-training and go after Vixen or I will find Shadow and convince him to help me finish her. She’s a problem that we will have to deal with eventually and I have her on the ropes.”

  Leech expected a violent reaction from Baal and he braced himself. Baal looked thoughtful and then nodded.

  “Take the demons-in-training then. When they’re dead and you have failed, try to stay alive. When you come back here, I’ll give you a sizable army and you’ll fight alongside your department.”

  “Thank you, General Baal. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “You can’t, Leech. I have no expectations of your suicide mission other than you returning alive. Once you’ve failed, we can move on from your nonsense. I’m only giving you this shot because you took down two armies more than I was expecting. Try to keep Gangrene alive too. We could use him here.”

  As Leech exited Baal’s tent, Gangrene looked slightly hopeful.

  “Do we have a new army?”

  “Generally speaking, yes.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means Baal has given me command of the demons-in-training.”

  “So, in other words, no. We don’t have an army.”

  Gangrene shook his head sadly and walked away. Leech sighed and looked down at the sand. Something snapped right next to his ear and he jumped back. He saw Lilith smiling at him.

  “Wanna have some fun?”

  “Not now.”

  Lilith gave him a pouting look.

  “So the meeting with Baal didn’t go well?”

  “Not really. All I could get was the demons-in-training.”

  “That should be enough. I heard His High General Lord Shady of the East Winds of Hell is on his way back. We’ll bring him with us.”

  “You’ll call him all of that and you won’t even call me Leech the angel slayer?”

  Lilith giggled.

  “Come with me and I’ll call you whatever you want.”

  Leech tried to fight a smile, but he eventually broke down. Lilith
got behind him and started pushing him towards her tent. He stepped to the side and she went sprawling forward. He caught her before she fell over, lifted her into the air, and carried her over his shoulder.

  “Fine. We’ll go have some fun.”


  “So what do you know about Dante the psychotic demon?”

  “He’s the middle demon of violent death. Lord Shadow, I think you should just let me fight him.”

  “He’s the middle demon of violent death and you want to fight him? If he made it to the Dragon before us then he has to be pretty powerful. I’ll kill him.”

  “He only made it there before us because you stopped to have that meeting with the major demons. He had a head start. I’ll fight him and you can give me his spot when I kill him.”

  “Tell me about him before I decide anything.”

  “He stalks his prey with the stealth of an assassin. He would be brilliant if he weren’t so obviously deranged. When he gets the chance to kill, he goes for overkill every time. Brutal murders from multiple stabbings, decapitations, and occasionally torture when he has the time. I’ve heard that his kill count is in the tens of thousands.”

  “And you think you can kill him?”

  “I know I can.”

  They were interrupted as Gangrene’s army arrived. They bowed. Shadow lifted one of the demons into the air by his throat.

  “Where is Gangrene?”

  “With Leech, my lord. We came to rejoin you as the rumor has spread that you are now a major demon. Lord Dante met us on the way. He’s looking for you.”

  Shadow set the demon back down and a short blade appeared from his throat. It then protruded from his stomach several times before the demon fell over. A demon dressed in rags was standing behind him. He was covered in blood and wore a psychotic grin. His hands trembled slightly as he placed his knife back on his belt.

  “Always nice to get a fresh kill. It satisfies my thirst for blood for a time. I imagine I will be quite content for a long while after I kill you, Shadow.”

  Shadow laughed.

  “Dante the deranged, I presume? It’s laughable that you think you deserve my uncle’s throne. I will gladly rip you in half.”


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