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Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2)

Page 15

by Randall Morris

  Dante closed his eyes and smiled, as if imagining being ripped in half. Violence of any kind seemed to amuse him. Shadow wasn’t afraid in the slightest, but he noticed Muan’s hands shaking out of the corner of his eye.

  “The middle demon of violent death, huh? Do I win a prize for brutally murdering you? What makes you think you have a claim to my uncle’s throne?”

  “You should stop referring to it as your uncle’s throne, young demon. It was not his right. It is not something that can be passed down or inherited. I am the eldest middle demon in the department of murder and the Dragon has recognized my claim.”

  “I just returned from the Dragon and he recognized my claim as well. What do you suppose we do about that, ancient assassin? I’ll gladly prove to you right now…”

  Muan cut him off.

  “Dante, I challenge you for your position as the middle demon of violent death.”

  Dante laughed so hard that he fell over backwards in the sand. The sand clung to his blood-stained rags. When he got back to his feet, he was wiping away tears of laughter. Muan was not amused and his hands were no longer shaking. Anger held his clenched fists steady.

  “Now I have to kill little midgets to earn a fight with Shadow?”

  Shadow grinned.

  “You’re simply not worth my time, Dante. If you kill Muan, you can have the major demon position. If Muan kills you, I guess we don’t have a contested spot anymore, do we?”

  “And people call me insane? You realize how idiotic this is, right? I’ve been killing demons for thousands of years. I eat a demon larger than that little guy for breakfast every morning.”

  Muan looked back at Shadow, also questioning his judgment. Shadow nodded at him reassuringly. Dante removed his cape and handed it to a demon in his army, which had just arrived. Shadow pulled Muan aside.

  “With all due respect, Lord Shadow, are you insane?”

  “They outnumber us. If I didn’t present a challenge that was a direct insult to his ego, we would have another civil war on our hands. I can’t afford to lose another army right when I’m about to become a major demon. Besides, you volunteered for this.”

  “And you finally agree that I’ll win?”

  “I didn’t say that. If he kills you, I’ll run in and cut him in half with my dual bladed scythe. Damnation will slice him clean through. I promised him the major demon spot; I never said how long he could keep it.”

  “Thanks for the confidence boost, boss.”

  “Hand me your weapons.”

  Muan handed over his bone daggers, poisoned knives, and his blowgun. Shadow closed his eyes and muttered a few words over them. After his cursing, the weapons glowed a darker black.

  “They are middle demon weapons now. If you win, you’re a middle demon. If you don’t, then I hope you find an entertaining way to die.”

  Muan chuckled.

  “Of course. Why die if you can’t have some fun with it?”

  Muan clutched the amulet of Iktomi around his neck and went to meet Dante. Dante didn’t wait for any kind of official start; he pulled the crossbow from his back and shot Muan through his left leg. While the move surprised Muan and caused him pain, he countered by quickly removing his blowgun and firing off several darts. Dante was able to deflect them all with his knives.

  Hoping his leg would hurt less as a bigger animal, he changed into a grizzly bear and lunged at Dante. Dante dodged the attack and laughed.

  “No one told me I would be fighting Iktomi, Jr. No matter though. I’ve killed changlings before.”

  The next time Muan lunged, Dante caught his arm and sliced one of the bear’s paws clean off. Shadow tightened his grip on Damnation.

  Muan changed into a gorilla, but a bolt still protruded from his leg and he was still bleeding from the stump where his hand used to be. Dante turned to Shadow.

  “I’ll spare the little guy’s life if you just declare him the looser. He’s got some fight in him and I don’t think your army can sustain any more losses.”

  Muan approached Dante from behind, brought his large gorilla arms around him, lifted him into the air, and applied as much pressure as he could. Dante continued to laugh like a maniac, even as his eyes started to protrude from their sockets. He clicked his boots together and blades appeared out of the back of his shoes. He drove his feet backwards into Muan’s chest. Muan roared and then punched Dante, who sailed through the air laughing. Muan then fell to one knee, now bleeding from his chest in addition to all of his other wounds. Muan grabbed a small jar from his belt and opened it. He poured the liquid all over his injuries, reattached the jar to his belt, and then disappeared. Dante laughed again.

  “It looks like your little mascot has run away, Shadow. Is that what your army specializes in? Running away and hiding?”

  Dante started to laugh again but it was cut short, as he fell to his knees. Muan had snuck up behind him and stabbed each of his calves with poisonous darts. When he walked around to face Dante, his missing hand was back and the bolt in his leg was gone. Dante finally looked slightly afraid.

  “What the hell?”

  “A little healing potion on my injuries and then I turned into a lizard. Not sure if you know this, Dante, but lizards can regrow limbs. My potion accelerated the effect. The double dose of poison now travelling up your legs will paralyze you in a matter of minutes.”

  The fear left Dante and he started laughing again. He got back on his feet and delivered an uppercut to Muan’s jaw. As Muan sailed backwards through the air, Dante threw several knives on paths to pierce him as he fell. Muan saw their approach and turned into an owl. As he flew higher, all of the knives sailed harmlessly through the air below him.

  “I know who you are now, little one. You’re the son of the medic. That doesn’t alarm me though. I am immune to poison. I’ve built up a tolerance over the years. Demons more skilled than you have attempted to poison me in the past. None have succeeded.”


  Tannin started the duel by throwing the glowing stone Murmur had given him at Belial. It struck Belial right where his forehead should have been and he cried out in pain. The mists around him began to vanish and a skull, lit on fire, appeared wearing Cain’s armor. Tannin rushed in with incredible speed but Belial swung his staff and Tannin flew backwards with a large amount of sand, rock, and ash. Belial tried the same attack again but Tannin blocked the magic and incoming debris with Dragonscale.

  Tannin tried to switch to throwing knives but a sorcerer in Belial’s army levitated several small stones and sent them on a collision path with Tannin’s knives. Murmur looked at Jess and Aim and then nodded in the sorcerer’s direction. Aim lined up his crossbow and pierced the demon through his throat, silencing any potential noise. Jess hit her staff against the ground and a mound of sand fell over the recently killed sorcerer, burying him.

  As Tannin tried to rush Belial again but his speed was significantly decreased. He was breathing heavy and Belial took notice. Belial summoned a tornado and sent it spiraling towards Tannin. Tannin dodged out of the way but Belial was waiting for him and he clubbed Tannin with his staff. Tannin stumbled backwards several steps and Belial used his advantage to wave his staff again. The knives on Tannin’s belt levitated in the air. Tannin removed his swords from their sheathes and charged again but lacked his usual attack speed. Before Belial could raise his staff and attack, Tannin struck and severed Belial’s hand at the wrist. While clearly in pain, Belial didn’t cry out. He simply raised his other hand and finished his curse. Tannin’s levitating knives screeched through the air and pierced the back of Tannin’s neck. Tannin looked back at Murmur and tried to speak but blood spilled out of his mouth. As Belial picked up his staff with his remaining hand, Murmur retrieved Dragonscale. Belial cast a spell and lifted Tannin into the air and Murmur called out to him.

  “Put him down! Now!”

  Belial grinned mischievously.


  He waved his staff and Tannin ex
ploded in the air. Little pieces of him fell all over the floor of Hell. Murmur didn’t waste time grieving.

  “Kill them!”

  Tannin’s army was shocked at the death of their leader, but they sprung into battle when they saw Jess and Aim start attacking. Belial shot a lightning bolt at Murmur but he blocked it with Dragonscale. Murmur closed the short distance between them and grabbed Belial by the throat. Just as he was about to break his neck, dark mists started swirling around Belial. Murmur’s hand burned until he finally had to release Belial. Belial fell to the ground, holding Leviathan’s scythe. He swung the scythe over his head and disappeared in smoke and mist.

  “Everyone stop fighting!”

  Murmur’s voice echoed over the battlefield and everyone stopped, afraid of the large demon who had claimed Dragonscale. Jess and Aim made their way to Murmur.

  “Why did you stop the battle?”

  “Belial is gone. He’s on his way to the Dragon to claim the department. There’s no point in destroying each other. Get Tannin’s weapons and armor and bring them to me.”

  Aim looked like he was going to protest being bossed around but Jess elbowed him in the ribs and shook her head. They sent some demons-in-training to gather Tannin’s gear.

  “I am the new middle demon of coveting. All of you will follow me from now on.”

  None of the minor demons or demons-in-training dared say anything. Murmur’s words were met with complete silence. He took this as their acceptance. He allowed the corners of his mouth to creep up into a grin.

  “I killed Tannin and I will kill Belial. This department is mine.”

  Aim looked confusedly at Murmur.

  “Uh… we just watched Belial kill Tannin. You sure you’re feeling alright Mur… uh… Lord Murmur?”

  Murmur nodded.

  “I’m fine. Tannin humiliated me in a duel a while back. I imagine most of you saw it. He kicked my ass with a shield. While I fell in line so that I could become a minor demon, I never forgot what he did to me. When he went to fight Belial, I gave him an angel’s stone. I had grown immune to the stone’s light a long time ago, but it drained Tannin of some of his speed. Without his speed, he lost his advantage in battle and Belial was able to kill him. Not only did I get my revenge on Tannin, I told him to touch Belial with the stone as well. Belial is trying to make it to the lowest circle of Hell drained of much of his power and missing a hand. We will follow him and we will butcher him. At that point, I will take command of this department. Any minor demon, middle demon, or demon-in-training who opposes me will be put to death. Now all of you bow and swear your allegiance!”

  There was some light grumbling as the armies discussed the use of the angel’s stone but they all bowed except for Aim and Jess. Jess approached Murmur cautiously.

  “Where did you get an angel’s stone?”

  “I’m not a traitor, Jess.”

  “I didn’t say that you were. Ok forget where you got it. Why did you use it?”

  “To get ahead. I should have been a minor demon after the trials but I got cocky in a fight with Nightmare. I’m making up for lost time. It worked out for the two of you as well. Once Belial is dead, you will take his place as a middle demon and Aim will take my place when I become a major demon. I won’t forget what the two of you have done for me.”

  Aim tapped his sister’s shoulder. She looked at him. He grinned and then nodded. Jess grinned back at him. The brother and sister looked at Murmur and bowed.


  Raven leaned over and whispered in Lilith’s ear.

  “That little munchkin is so adorable.”

  They looked at each other and giggled. They had finally tracked down Shadow and could see Muan fighting another demon in the distance. Leech and Gangrene rode up next to the half-sisters on their horses.

  “I’m riding ahead with Gangrene to meet with Shady.”

  Lilith leaned over on her horse and kissed Leech on the cheek. Raven turned her head away and refused to acknowledge Gangrene. He sighed.

  “So you’re giving me the silent treatment now, huh?”

  Without looking at him, Raven flipped Gangrene off. Leech chuckled.

  “Wow. What did you do to her?”

  “Pissed her off. If I had known that making her angry would get her to finally shut up, I would have done it a long time ago.”

  Gangrene rode off ahead of their army and Leech followed. When they made it to Shadow, they dismounted. Gangrene bowed at Shadow’s feet while Leech just grinned at him.

  “So Shady is still alive. I had a feeling. How you been bro?”

  “It’ll be General Shady here in a few minutes. Also… I told your dumb ass to not call me Shady ever again.”

  “Well I’m a middle demon. Lord Leech the angel slayer. We’re colleagues now.”

  Shadow laughed.

  “You’ve killed one angel, Leech. One.”

  “Two and one of them was a middle angel.”

  “You killed him with my short sword. I told you a long time ago that if you use my weapon, it counts as my kill.”

  “Whatever, Shady. Everyone else calls me Leech the angel slayer now.”

  “I doubt Lilith does.”

  Leech looked at Gangrene, who was still bowing.

  “Gangrene, get up off the ground.”

  Gangrene stood and Shadow placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

  “It’s good to see you both.”

  Gangrene finally ventured a question.

  “Lord Shadow, who is Muan fighting?”


  Leech looked worried.

  “Shady, you realize that Dante is the middle demon of violent death, right? Why the hell are you letting that little imp fight him? You should be out there.”

  “I couldn’t stop him. He challenged Dante to a duel. If he loses, I’ll kill Dante. I was kind of stuck after Muan issued the challenge though. Dante’s army is much larger than what I have available to me. Speaking of armies…”

  Shadow looked behind Leech and Gangrene and saw Lilith approaching with a large number of demons-in-training.

  “Leech… you aren’t really a middle demon, are you?”

  “I really am. Baal promoted me.”

  “Then why is your army a bunch of demons-in-training? That really doesn’t help us… at all.”

  “I’ve been… well… it’s a long story. It ends with Gangrene working for me now.”

  Gangrene shifted uncomfortably. Shadow looked like he was about to address Leech’s last comment but Lilith ran up and jumped on him. Shadow nearly fell over. He eventually patted her on the back, hoping that some form of returning her hug would get her to stop.

  “I knew you weren’t dead, Shadypants! I just knew it!”

  “That’s great, Lilith. Leech, please get your girlfriend off of me.”

  Lilith climbed down off of him and Shadow pulled her in for another hug. She kissed him on the cheek and started to cry. Leech pulled her away.

  “Damn it, Lily! I told you he was alive! You don’t need to get all emotional! Get ahold of yourself!”

  Leech carried Lilith away as she began to sob uncontrollably. Gangrene noticed Raven standing there.

  “Lord Shadow, this is Raven. She’s…”

  Raven looked hungrily at Shadow. She walked up to him and kissed him deeply on the lips. Gangrene’s jaw dropped. When she finished, Raven grinned slyly at Shadow, walked up to Gangrene and closed his mouth with her hand, and then walked away. Shadow laughed.

  “That must be one of Lilith’s sisters.”

  Shadow wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and laughed some more.

  Muan saw Leech, Lilith, and the others approach but he mostly ignored their presence. His fight with Dante wasn’t going very well. He had turned into an elephant, an anaconda, and several other threatening animals. Dante countered all of his attacks like some kind of insane zookeeper. As he turned into an owl and flew back into the air, he heard Gangrene shouting at hi
m from the ground.

  “You’re letting the fight get too close! You need to attack from a distance!”

  Muan knew Gangrene was right. He was lousy at close combat whether it was fighting with daggers or swiping with animal claws. It would be difficult, however, to attack Dante at a distance because Dante was quick to close the gap between them whenever he was on the ground. The only respite he had found so far had been when he took to the air.

  Dante continued to throw and shoot various things into the air but they all either fell short or it was very easy for Muan to dodge them. Muan had worked with various spellcaster demons prior to this fight to produce a bomb that could potentially help him ensnare Dante and he shook a few of them loose from a pack on his belt and caught them in his talons. He circled around Dante in the air for a while. When he thought that Dante had lost track of him for a moment, he dropped the bombs.

  When the bombs hit the ground, the exploded and a dark blue smoke erupted from them. As the smoke closed in on Dante, he laughed maniacally. The smoke turned into hands that pulled Dante to the ground and held him there. He continued to laugh.

  Muan flew to the sport directly above Dante and turned into a hippo. When he hit the ground, pieces of Dante flew in every direction. After he squashed Dante into jelly, Muan turned back into himself. He wiped Dante’s remains off of him and then started to do a little dance.

  “I’m a middle demon! I’m a middle demon! I won!”

  Muan didn’t realize that he was being surrounded by Dante’s former army. Shadow and Leech ran to him and brought up their weapons before they could get too close.

  “I am the new undisputed commander of this department. You will not kill Muan and you will not attack us unless you would like to die a death more gruesome than the one Dante just suffered.”

  One of the demons in Dante’s army stepped forward.

  “Guys, we really shouldn’t fight this. We can’t kill General Shadow or his friend Leech the angel slayer.”


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