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Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

Page 13

by Russell Brunson

Basically, she’s selling a by-product of her own business. She’s already created the contracts for herself, so it’s no extra work to offer them to others who are learning the same process. What by-products have you created that you could offer your customers?

  Extra training is rarely a good stack item because most people assume that more training equals more work. People want tangible assets that make the core training easier to implement. Scripts, templates, cheat sheets, checklists, timelines, and schedules are all valuable tools you could create. Tools often have a much higher perceived value than the actual masterclass they paid for, so it’s worth investing some time to make something awesome.

  Element #3: Tangible #1 (Related to the Vehicle) You’ll get deeper into false belief patterns in the next secret, but ask yourself this question: What false beliefs do your customers have about the vehicle / new opportunity that you’re presenting to them? What would keep them from believing that this vehicle is right for them? What tangible thing can you create to help them change their belief?

  I love creating case studies or examples to include as this bonus. If I were creating a product about flipping houses on eBay, I’d go and find 20–30 examples of me doing this process, or case studies of my students having success with it. I’d put them together into a case study booklet or video training that people could watch or read as proof that the vehicle works and to get a better insight about how others are doing it. The more belief in the new opportunity I can create, the more likely they will be able to achieve the same results.

  Element #4: Tangible #2 (Related to Their Internal Struggle) Once they believe the vehicle is right for them, what beliefs do they have about THEMSELVES that make them think they can’t succeed? For example, someone in your beta group might say, “That’s cool, but I don’t know how to __________.” Or “I can’t __________.” They might believe in the new vehicle, but they don’t believe in themselves. So you need to create something specific to help them overcome these false beliefs about themselves.

  Maybe they think they’re not technically inclined. What can you create to show them how to hire the right tech people? Maybe they believe they’ve never been able to stick to a diet. What tangible can you create that will help them overcome this internal struggle? Sometimes this element will be specific training that goes beyond what’s in the masterclass. It could also be tangible tools or templates that will give them the confidence to realize they can actually do it.

  One of my best-selling offers (my Funnel Hacking offer) taught people how to build funnels. While it was easy to get people to believe that funnels were the future, they often didn’t believe that THEY could actually build a successful sales funnel on their own. I discovered that one of their biggest fears was writing the copy for the funnel pages. So for this element, I gave people my copywriting course, as well as all my templates and swipe files, so they can easily complete that part of the process.

  Element #5: Tangible #3 (Related to an External Struggle) This is usually the last thing holding someone back from getting results. They believe that the vehicle is right, they believe they can do it, but there is still some outside force that might make it difficult for them to succeed. This outside force might be a bad economy, lack of time, or something else outside their direct control.

  For my Funnel Hacking offer, getting traffic was the big external struggle everyone had. They believed in the vehicle, they believed in themselves, but had fears that no one would ever click into their funnels. So we created a video course showing them how to drive traffic into their funnels.

  For your opportunity, think about what outside things might possibly keep people from success, then create something to help eliminate or minimize that excuse.

  Element #6: Exclusive Bonus Finally, we need to create something that will cause urgency and scarcity. In my ClickFunnels presentation, I offer an upgraded account for those who sign up before a certain deadline. In my high-ticket secrets course, I give the first 10 people a consult call with one of my sales guys. You can also give them personal access to you via an accountability group, a phone consultation, or a mastermind event.

  Here is an example of my stack slide that you can model:

  Once you have your stack slide assembled, you’ve got an irresistible offer—a vehicle for real change. In the next secret, you’ll learn the script used to present and sell this offer. Keep reading!

  SECRET #12


  Ihesitated to call this secret the “Perfect Webinar” because I don’t want you to think this script only works for webinars. It was initially created for webinars under that name. But since then, we’ve successfully used it for video sales letters, teleseminars, webinars, stage presentations, email sequences, and more. It should probably be titled the “Perfect Presentation”, but our community has adopted the name the “Perfect Webinar”, so we’ll keep it the same. Just don’t forget that this script can and should be used in all selling situations, not just webinars.

  In this secret, I’ll break down the script process, then in the next three secrets we’ll walk through it step-by-step. Everything covered so far will be plugged into specific sections of the script. (Yes, there is a method to my madness.) And while it may seem like we’re doing a lot in this script, there is just one goal.

  Get them to believe One Thing.

  That’s it. If you ask someone to believe in more than one thing, your sales will suffer.

  Jason Fladlien once explained:

  The idea is to have a single point of belief that your message is built around and is emphasized over and over and over again from a variety of different angles.

  The Big Domino I mentioned earlier—THAT is the key thing they need to believe. The whole presentation is created to knock down that one domino, and that’s it. The three secrets you’re about to learn are not NEW things you’re trying to get them to believe. They are the tools you use to attack the domino from a variety of different angles. That is the key to the Perfect Webinar. When you understand this, you’re ready to build out your presentation.

  There are a lot of moving pieces in this script, and every single one of them is there for a specific reason. Make sure you don’t leave anything out. Before we dive into each individual element, let’s look at an overview of the whole process. There are three major parts.

  Part 1: The Introduction / Building Rapport This is where you’ll welcome people to the presentation, build rapport, pique their curiosity, and get them excited. Also, this is where you start actually persuading people. That doesn’t begin at the close, that begins the second you start talking.

  Part 2: The One Thing During this section, you’ll try to pique their curiosity, you’ll identify the Big Domino (the One Thing), and tell your first Epiphany Bridge story (your origin story). Right off the bat, you’re giving people the same epiphany you had when you discovered the new opportunity. This is your first attempt to knock down the Big Domino.

  Part 3: The Three Secrets (Breaking and Rebuilding Belief Patterns) This is the content section of the presentation. You need to identify the false beliefs they have around the following:

  1. The vehicle or new opportunity

  2. Their ability to use the vehicle (internal beliefs)

  3. The #1 thing they believe is keeping them from getting started (external beliefs)

  You already identified these earlier, so all you have to do is tell Epiphany Bridge stories that break their false belief systems and rebuild them with the truth.

  Notice that the three secrets are not trying to get people to believe NEW things. They are simply false beliefs they already have about your One Thing. If you knock down these three beliefs through the content section of the presentation, the Big Domino will fall and they will join your new opportunity.

  Part 4: The Stack Here is where you move from the teaching to the sales portion of the presentation. (Don’t worry if you’re nervous about this. I’m going to give you a magic sentence that will make
the transition seamless and natural.) You’ll then present your offer in a very precise format we call the stack, and you’ll weave in some very specific closes that have been proven to persuade people to take the action they need in order to get results. And yes, you will be using your stack slide during this portion of the presentation.

  That is the bird’s-eye view of the Perfect Webinar structure. After you master it, you’ll be able to give a presentation like this on the fly. But it’s important to really understand the objectives for each section. So the next three chapters will break down each part of the Perfect Webinar slide by slide.

  SECRET #13


  It’s time. Are you ready to put your Perfect Webinar presentation script together? You have all the foundational pieces you need at this point. So we’re just going to go right through the script writing process from start to finish. You’re going to write a whole presentation right now.

  Typically, I create this either in PowerPoint or Keynote, so I’m going to teach the next few sessions slide by slide with an image to show the concept behind each one. If you’re doing a webinar, this graphic shows what you’d put on the slides. If you’re using this script as an email sequence or some other selling system, use the slides as a reminder of what you need to cover at each phase.

  Let’s talk about scripting for a minute. When it comes to presenting webinars, there are two kinds of people. Some like to just look at bullet points on the slide and improvise. And others like to have an entire script written out that they can just read word for word. Personally, I’m in the first group. However, the reason we call this the Perfect Webinar is because we’ve tightly engineered it to deliver the most conversions. I believe it’s as perfect as you can get.

  So for right now, I strongly recommend that you script out everything you’re going to say word for word. That way, you know you won’t forget anything. Once you’ve delivered the webinar live a few dozen times, it will become second nature and you can improvise all you want. And even if you say, “No way, I don’t want to read a script!”, at least go through the process of writing it down as you go through this section. I really want you to be successful right out of the gate. Let’s go!


  In a traditional webinar, this first part of the presentation should take 5 to 10 minutes. If you are using this in other selling environments, you can do this part in a much shorter window. Its job is to build rapport and get people excited about what they are going to learn.

  1. Title Slide

  The title slide is the first thing people will see when they log on to the webinar or watch the replay. It’s got the webinar headline you wrote earlier: How to __________ without __________. The goal here is to encourage curiosity and get people to stick around.

  Hey everybody! Welcome to the webinar. This is __________ and today I’m going to show you how to __________ without __________.

  This is an example of my title slide:

  2. Intro / Rapport

  Earlier you learned about One Sentence Persuasion by Blair Warren. Remember he said, “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.” I like to cover this at the very beginning of my presentations as a way to build instant rapport with my audience. Here’s how we do it.

  Justify their failures. “Now I’m guessing for a lot of you this is probably not your first webinar. The first thing I want to mention is that if you’ve failed at __________ in the past, it’s not your fault. There’s a lot of information out there, and it can be confusing. Many times that information overload keeps you from success. It’s okay.”

  Allay their fears. “If you’ve been concerned in the past that you just can’t succeed with __________, I want to put those fears to rest. You can do this. You just need the right person to explain it to you.”

  Throw rocks at their enemies. “The big corporations want you to think you need a lot of venture capital or some fancy college degree to be successful. I’m here to tell you they’re wrong. They have their own reasons for wanting you to think that, but it’s not true.”

  Confirm suspicions. “If you’ve ever thought that the government and the banks actually want you to fail, you’re probably right. They don’t benefit from you succeeding. They want to keep you in debt and in need. The difference with us is that we actually care about your success and truly want to see you living the life of your dreams.”

  Encourage their dreams. “So that’s what we’re here for. I know you have a dream to change the world and make an impact, and I want to show you how to make that happen during this webinar.”

  3. The Ruler: Goal #1—The New Opportunity (Make It Inclusive)

  The next slide is what I call the “ruler.” It’s the measuring stick people will use to judge your webinar. If you don’t tell them what your goals are, even if you do everything perfectly, they may be upset because their goal was different than yours. So I like to tell people right away what my goals are, what I want them to get from the presentation. If they aren’t looking for a similar goal, they have the opportunity to leave at that point.

  The goal is always to help them to see that this new opportunity will give them their greatest desires, increase their status, and help them achieve their goals.

  I also take this opportunity to be inclusive of any people who aren’t sure whether they are in the right spot. I don’t want people wondering during the whole presentation “Is this for me?” I want them to know up front that this is exactly what they need.

  My goal for this presentation is to help two types of people. For those who are beginners, you’ll get [what the presentation / new opportunity will do for them, or how it will fulfill their desires]. For more experienced people, you’ll get [alternative].

  Sometimes my inclusion is for beginners versus advanced, but other times it’s based on different parts of the market who may be watching. For example:

  If you own a retail store, you’ll get __________ from my presentation, but if you own an online store, you’ll get __________ from the presentation.

  4. The Ruler: Goal #2—The Big Domino

  This next slide is typically an extension of my goal, and it’s where I first show them the Big Domino. Remember you created your Big Domino sentence earlier? It looked like this:

  If I can make them believe that [new opportunity] is key to [what they desire most], and / but it is only attainable through [specific vehicle], then all other objections and concerns become obsolete.

  So this slide restates that sentence in the form of goals.

  Remember, they need to believe that your specific vehicle is the ONLY way to get what they desire most.

  5. Qualify Yourself

  Here is where you introduce yourself and let people know why they should listen to you. I’m not a big fan of bragging, but you need to make sure you have postured yourself in a way that they see you as an expert and an authority. This shows them you have already achieved what they desire.

  Don’t get into the game of sharing every stat about yourself and reading a 10-page bio. This is annoying and does not build rapport. Briefly touch on the external result, but then dig a little deeper and talk about the internal result your achievement gave you as well. These are the two things you’ll be discussing with your first Epiphany Bridge story.

  6. Epiphany Bridge Story #1 (Origin Story)

  This is where you transition into your backstory for your first Epiphany Bridge story. Tell your origin story, the series of events that first convinced you this new opportunity was the vehicle for you. This will be your first attempt to knock down the Big Domino. Use the Epiphany Bridge script to tell the story in a way that gives them the same epiphany you had. If you succeed, they will be sold after this first story. And everything else you say from this point forward will strengthen their initial “aha”.

  7. Liken Your St
ory to Them

  After you tell your epiphany story, some people will think, “That’s great, but it has nothing to do with me.” So next you need to make it relevant for them. The way you do that is to reframe it in some way that’s familiar to their situation. Tell them what’s traditionally been done. Then explain why that’s hard or confusing. Finally, explain how your solution makes it easy or better.

  You guys probably don’t want to be in the potato gun business, but funnels still apply to whatever you do. Here’s how you traditionally sell your products—you put a whole bunch of products on a web page and hope visitors buy something before they leave. Here’s why that’s hard—you have no control over where they’re clicking or what they’re seeing next. It’s just a big hodgepodge of products.

  Funnels make e-commerce scalable, because you’re leading the customer down a path where they only have to look at one product at a time. And the upsells help you earn more from each customer.

  8. Case Study / Proof

  If you have a quick case study of someone you’ve worked with having success with this, or an example that helps them see how it will work for them, you would include that here.

  Not only has this worked for me, but here is a story about Trey, who was on this same webinar recently, and look at the transformation he’s had in just 6 short months!

  9. Transition to the 3 Secrets

  For many people, the initial story will get them excited, but objections and false beliefs will also start to pop up as soon as you introduce the new opportunity. This is where you transition to the content section of the webinar, where you will start breaking and rebuilding their false belief patterns.


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