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Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

Page 14

by Russell Brunson

  Introduce what you’re going to teach during the webinar. The 3 Secrets, of course, are designed to counteract or negate the top three false beliefs you just mentioned. You already created the titles of these 3 Secrets, so you can plug them in here and introduce them to everyone.

  Here’s what we’re going to cover during the next 45 minutes or so.

  Secret #1: Funnel Hacking > How to Ethically Steal Over $1,000,000 Worth Of Funnel Hacks From Your Competitors For Under $100

  Secret #2: Funnel Cloning > How to Then Clone Their PROVEN Funnel (Inside of ClickFunnels) in Less Than 10 Minutes

  Secret #3: My #1 Traffic Hack > How to Get The Exact SAME Customers Who Are Currently Going to Your Competitors’ Funnels… To Start Coming To Your Funnel Instead!

  Okay, now you’ve got the first part of the presentation scripted. Next, let’s dive into the actual content delivery.

  SECRET #14


  Everything you have done to this point has been designed to encourage curiosity, build rapport, and introduce the new opportunity. Now we’re transitioning to the content section of the presentation. You’ll be tempted to switch into teacher mode at this point. And if you’re not careful, it will destroy your sales.

  This is not a teaching presentation; this is a presentation to inspire people and cause them to actually take action to change their lives. The teaching is what you do AFTER they have purchased. Teaching does not have a place in the webinar. It’s the surest way to kill sales. Remember, you are focusing on identifying their false belief patterns, breaking them, and rebuilding them with the truth.

  I’m sure that for some of you this concept doesn’t make sense or you got a little upset about it. When I first tried to sell something I had created that I knew would change people’s lives, I did it in teacher mode. I taught my best stuff, knowing that as soon as they heard it, they’d want more. Right? Wrong.

  Instead, people told me my content was amazing, but then they just left with all the cool new stuff they had learned. They never actually implemented what I had created for them. While I was trying my best to help them, it actually hurt them because they didn’t shift their beliefs, didn’t buy anything, and never changed their lives. I was a failed expert and coach. I honestly believe that the greatest service you can provide for someone is getting them to buy something. The act of buying creates a commitment that causes them to actually take action.

  Dozens of my friends have come to my events as free guests, where someone sitting next to them had paid $25k to be in the same room. The strange thing is that so far none of those friends have ever actually launched successful businesses from the info they got at the event. None. Yet for those who paid to be in the room, our success rate is almost 100%.

  One of my early mentors, Bill Glazer, explained that I was actually keeping people from success because I was teaching them. I was SO confused, and it took me a few years before I understood what he meant and how to change my method so it worked.

  Over the years, I slowly learned how to structure my content in such a way that it teaches and inspires, but also (and most importantly) causes people to take action. For some of you, this will feel strange at first because you aren’t teaching them all the cool stuff you want to share. But you need to understand that the type of teaching you are doing here is the foundation for change.

  I remember being frustrated the first time I did a presentation this way, but when I was done, two very distinct things happened. Instead of making just a few sales like I normally did, I made hundreds of sales. And second, 10 times more people than usual told me that the content changed their lives.

  It’s kind of funny. Even though I wasn’t “teaching” them, I was breaking beliefs that had held them back for years and giving them new, empowering beliefs. This is actually teaching in its most pure form, it’s just different than what you’re used to. The time for teaching strategy and tactics will come. But they need to come in with the right belief systems first.

  10. State the Secret

  Here you quickly state the first secret.

  Secret #1: How to Ethically Steal Over $1,000,000 Worth of Funnel Hacks From Your Competitors For Under $100

  Then you transition immediately into the next slide by saying, “Now let me tell you a quick story…”

  11. Share Your Epiphany Bridge

  Next, you will tell your second Epiphany Bridge story, which will kill the #1 false belief they have about the new opportunity you are presenting. This story will help the audience better understand the new opportunity. Remember, the goal isn’t to teach them, but to tell the stories around it to give them the epiphanies that will create desire and belief. They have to figure it out themselves.

  12. Show Other People’s Results

  The audience will immediately think, That’s great for Russell, but he’s like a superhero! You’ve already positioned yourself as an expert, as someone successful. So you show some results that ordinary people have gotten from your vehicle. Go back to your initial beta group and start sharing some of those great results, testimonials, and stories that are tied to this first secret.

  The cool thing is it didn’t just work for me, it works for all kinds of people. Look, here’s Joe, and he always thought __________ was true, but after he took that leap of faith and tried things this way, this is what happened…

  13. Break the Related Beliefs

  Of course, people are going to have lots of other false beliefs and objections about this secret, right? We made a list of all their false chains of belief in Secret #9, then you listed each one that was related to it in Secret #10. So it’s time to revisit the rest of your list from earlier. It’s time to break any other core beliefs they might have related to the vehicle.

  I learned a cool way to do this from Jason Fladlien. We were doing a webinar and he kept track of every objection he could think of during the whole thing. Then at the end, he spent about 90 minutes busting every objection on the list. He’d say, “You’re probably thinking __________, right? Well, __________.”

  You’re probably thinking you need a lot of money to drive traffic, right?

  Well actually, you only need 100 clicks a day.

  You’re probably thinking you need to know how to code, right?

  Well actually, you can just clone other people’s funnels right inside ClickFunnels.

  He went on and on like that for about 50 false beliefs that I hadn’t even mentioned in the main webinar. I was starting to sweat because we’d been on for three hours and he was still talking. What were people going to think? But what actually happened was amazing.

  At the end of the webinar, we sold three times more during his 90 minutes of “You’re probably thinking X, right?” than we sold in the first 90 minutes of the webinar. We were live for three hours and had a record-breaking day. He just kept breaking false beliefs until there were no more objections that anyone could possibly think of. There was absolutely no resistance left.

  And it didn’t just work that one time. Our Inner Circle clients Brandon and Kaelin Poulin were already killing it on their webinars, selling around $200,000 a month. Then they heard me mention this strategy and tried it out. At the end of their webinar, they went on for 30 minutes just busting through false beliefs, and ended up doubling their sales!

  So go back to your lists of false beliefs you created in Secret #9, find the ones associated with this secret, and quickly break those beliefs that may be holding your followers back. These stories are usually told in 30–60 seconds. Just mention the false belief and give a quick story or one or two sentences about why that belief is wrong and what the truth is.

  14. Restate the New Belief as an Undeniable Truth

  Finally, you’re just going to restate the secret as an undeniable truth. The old belief pattern has been shattered, and you’ve installed a new one. And that’s the most powerful thing you can do as an educator and an expert.

  So now I’ve
shown you how you can ethically steal over a million dollars’ worth of Funnel Hacks for under $100. Isn’t that awesome?

  15.–24. Rinse and Repeat for Secrets #2 and #3

  Once you’ve gone through these steps for the first secret, go back and repeat steps 10 through 14 for the other two secrets. That’s going to be the majority of your webinar content.

  When you change your presentation to this style, you are giving them more than just strategies and tactics. You’re giving them a paradigm shift. You’re changing their world from I CAN’T to I CAN and I WILL. That’s the biggest gift you can give people—hope and belief in themselves. When you go through this process, you’ll spend 45 to 60 minutes breaking those underlying issues and, all of a sudden, the huge domino falls down. They have a new belief in the One Thing, and the whole world is open to them.

  After the webinar, you’ll hear people saying, “I learned so much in that webinar. I had this emotional change.” Again, you as the educator might feel like you didn’t teach that much. But you did more than teach. You completely transformed the way they view the world, which is what you need to do if you’re expecting them to adopt your new opportunity.

  25. The Transition to Selling

  As I start to move from the content section to the stack and closes, I use a few techniques to cement the new concepts into their minds and make a simple, non-stressful transition to the selling section of the presentation.

  The first thing is to show them how they could actually get the results they desire most, if they actually follow what I showed them. So I’ll go back through my 3 Secrets and say something like:

  So let me ask you a question. If you followed what I showed you in Secret #1 and found a funnel that is already working, then you did what I showed you in Secret #2 and used ClickFunnels to build out a similar funnel in just 10 minutes, and then you used Secret #3 to get traffic from the SAME place your competitors are getting it from, do you think you could be successful?

  When you break it down like that so they can connect the dots, they have to say yes. If they’ve said yes to that question, that means all the internal beliefs have been knocked down, and the Big Domino has fallen.

  When I’m speaking onstage and can actually see the audience, those who are nodding their heads to that question are the ones who end up running to the back of the room to buy. If anyone isn’t nodding, something in my presentation didn’t convince them the Big Domino was true.

  When you sell in person, you have the ability to ask follow-up questions and figure out their specific false beliefs. Then you can address those concerns and close them. You don’t have that luxury in group sales like webinars. So you have to include as many objections and false beliefs in the presentation as possible.

  That first transition question will help you gauge whether they are sold. And it will help them convince themselves that they are sold, as well.

  26. The Question

  Now it’s time to start the actual sales section of the webinar. You’ve taught the 3 Secrets. You’ve broken false beliefs. It’s time to reveal what you have to offer. The hardest part of selling on a webinar for most people is transitioning into the close. They get nervous and shaky—the hesitation and lack of confidence shows in their voice and body language. I used to get nervous too, until I learned a magic question from one of my mentors, Armand Morin. He taught me that the best way to make that transition is to simply say:

  Let me ask you a question…

  That’s the secret. It takes off all pressure and lets you make a seamless transition.

  I then ask them a few things.

  How many of you are excited about what we just talked about?!

  How many of you are feeling a little overwhelmed because we’ve covered so much?

  Then I try to get them to laugh by showing them a picture of someone with a fire hose in their mouth. That usually gets a laugh, and it allows me to explain how it’s impossible to show them everything they need to get results in a 60-minute presentation, but that I tried to cover as much as possible. I tell them that I created a special package for those who are ready to move forward and want to implement this new opportunity.

  Then I ASK PERMISSION to share it with them.

  Is it okay with you if I spend 10 minutes going over a very special offer I created to help you implement __________?

  Then I wait until they say yes or I see heads nodding. I want them to say yes first. Once you get permission, all the awkward feelings about selling disappear.

  In the rare times when no one speaks or there is an awkward silence, I say something like:

  All right, it’s totally fine if you guys don’t want to know this stuff. I already know it. This isn’t about me; this is for you. Are you okay if I spend 10 minutes and show you how it can change your life?

  If you’ve followed the script up to this point, they’re going to say yes and you can introduce your offer. This transition helps you recap everything you’ve said in the webinar up to that point, and once again sets those new belief patterns in place. Once you transition into your sales pitch, you’re going to use one of my favorite techniques—the stack.

  SECRET #15


  I consider this my secret weapon. I learned it after watching Armand Morin speak onstage in front of over 1,000 people. He closed nearly half the room with almost no effort. I pulled him aside to find out what he was doing, and he explained the stack. I started using it immediately and went from closing an average 5–10% of a room at a live event to consistently closing 40% or more. Then I started using it on my sales webinars and saw a dramatic increase in sales each time. It’s worked so well and so consistently that I will never give a sales presentation again without it.

  The big idea is that the only thing prospects remember when you sell is the last thing you showed them. He explained that most sales presentations focus on the core offer, then a list of bonuses and a call to action. So all people remember is the last bonus mentioned. If they don’t think the last thing you offered is worth the price, they simply won’t buy.

  Remember the stack slide you made back in Secret #9? It’s time to use it. As you go through the offer with your audience, you’ll explain the first element of your offer, then show it on the stack slide, all by itself. Then reveal the second element of your offer, and come back to the stack slide that shows the first element along with the second one. You do this for each element in the offer—you talk about it, then add it to the stack slide. So the audience sees the value adding up. The LAST thing you show them before you reveal the price is the full stack slide with the entire offer. When you present this way, the audience associates the price with the FULL OFFER, and not just the last thing you mentioned.

  I’m going to walk you through all the slides I normally use with my stack, so you can see how this works. I always lead in with the transition question from the last chapter, then I start revealing what they’re going to get.

  27. What You’re Gonna Get…

  Here I usually show a digital image representing the course content. I explain that when they invest right away, they will get instant access to my masterclass.

  28. Quick High-Level Recap of Deliverables

  A big mistake people make is going deep into each module explaining what will be covered each week. Don’t do that. It overwhelms and confuses your audience. Just give them a high-level look at each module. Go through this really quickly. It should only take about 30 seconds.

  Here’s what we’re going to cover. Week 1, we’re going to talk about __________. Week 2, we’ll go over __________. Week 3, we dive into __________. Then by Week 4, you’ll be ready for __________. Week 5 we look at __________. And finally, in Week 6, we wrap it all up with __________.

  Now let me show you some people who’ve had a chance to go through this…

  29. Show 3 Case Studies

  Here you will highlight the success stories from the beta group you ran earlier. Over time, you’ll add i
n other success stories as they happen.

  Let me introduce you to… (Tell Case Study #1.)

  Then there’s… (Tell Case Study #2.)

  And probably my favorite story is… (Tell Case Study #3.)

  30. Who This Works For (All-Inclusive)

  After you present the case studies, people often think: That’s great, but it won’t work for me. They think: That person lives in Australia. Or That person is in a different industry. They think their business or personal circumstances are different from the case study details, so it won’t work for them. This is where you make a blanket statement about all the different people it works for. Be as inclusive as possible here.

  So I want to go back and make sure you realize who this is for.

  (Business example) It’s for people just starting out or those who are already successful and want to scale.

  (Weight loss example) It’s for people who have 100 pounds to lose or those who only have five more to go. It even helps people who don’t need to lose weight, but want to build healthy muscle.

  31. Destroy the #1 Reason People Don’t Get Started

  Usually there’s a common reason people don’t get started right away. It’s the elephant in the room. Address it head on so they don’t keep thinking about it through the rest of your presentation. The biggest excuse I hear with ClickFunnels is that they don’t have a product to sell yet. So I tell them they don’t need to have a product. They can use affiliate products. And we actually teach them how to make a product, if that’s what they want to do. Destroy your audience’s #1 objection about the training right here.


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