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Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

Page 15

by Russell Brunson

  You might be thinking you can’t get started with this because… Here’s why that’s a mistake that will hold you back from success…

  32. Stack Slide #1

  Reveal the first stack slide with the six-week masterclass on it. Be sure to include the value of the item on the slide.

  When you sign up, you’re going to get instant access to my six-week masterclass, a total value of $__________.

  33. Introduce Element #2: The Tools

  It’s time to introduce the tools you created on your stack slide in Secret #11. I tell them that when they invest today, they will also receive this extra cool thing. Quickly review the tools they’re going to get. Don’t go too deep or you’ll overwhelm people.

  As part of this package, you’re going to get… It’s a tool to help you …

  34. You’ll Be Able To… / You’ll Be Able to Get Rid Of…

  I want them to realize that investing in this thing shouldn’t cost them any money, it should only save them money. So remind them what they are now able to do, but also what they will be able to get rid of. Hopefully the money they save will be more than what they are actually paying. That way, it’s a truly irresistible offer.

  When you have this tool, you’ll be able to __________.

  When you have this tool, you’ll be able to get rid of __________.

  35. The Problem This Tool Solved for You

  When I was first figuring this stuff out, I ran into a big roadblock. I didn’t know how to __________. So I had to create __________ for myself.

  36. How Much Time / Money This Tool Will Save Them

  Talk about all the time and money you had to spend to overcome that big roadblock that the tool saved you from. Maybe you had to spend a year developing email templates, or you had to hire expensive lawyers to draft just the right contracts. Then explain that they won’t have to because you’re just going include the tool for them.

  Way back then, I had to spend __________ and __________ to figure out an efficient way to handle this problem. But I don’t want you to have to recreate the wheel. I’ve already got proven __________. And I’m just going to give it / them to you with this package. Sound cool?

  When you use this tool, not only do you save the time and money I spent to develop it, but you also save what could be months or years of wasted time and money because you’ll be doing it right the first time. There’s no trial and error period.

  37. Break Related Beliefs About the Tools

  As we’ve done in other sections, here I mention any false beliefs they may have about the tools or their abilities to use them, and I quickly break and rebuild those belief patterns.

  38. Stack Slide #2

  This is where the magic starts happening. Show the stack slide again with the masterclass on top and the tools on the second line. Then update the total value price at the bottom to show what the offer is now worth.

  39. Introduce Tangible By-Product #1 (Related to Secret #1)

  Here you introduce the next component of the offer they’ll receive when they invest. It’s the tangible by-product you identified previously.

  When you invest today, you’re also going to get access to __________, which will help you with __________.

  40. Pain and Cost

  Here you talk again about the pain and cost you had to go through to create this first by-product.

  I had to go through __________ and __________ to get __________. But you won’t have to because I’m giving you __________ as a special bonus.

  41. Ease and Speed for Them

  Whatever the pain and cost was to you doesn’t matter, because the bonus is going to make it easier and faster for them to get results.

  This bonus is going to make it faster and easier for you to __________. How? Because it __________.

  42. Break Related Beliefs

  As we’ve done in other sections, here I discuss any false beliefs they may have about the bonus or their abilities to use it. Then I quickly break and rebuild those belief patterns.

  43. Stack Slide #3

  Do you see how this works now? You mention an element, then add it to the stack. Mention another element and add it to the stack. Sometimes you may feel you’re getting repetitive, but that is the key. It helps your audience understand the offer completely. The first few times I did this, I felt silly each time I re-stacked it. But after I added it, and started closing 300% more people during my presentations, I quickly stopped feeling silly. This is the KEY to success when selling to the masses.

  44.–53. Introduce Your Other Two Tangible By-Products

  Repeat steps 39 through 43 for your second and third tangibles. Show the pain and costs you had to go through to create it, then show the ease and speed of use this will create for them. Break any false beliefs, then stack again.

  After you’ve done that for the second and third tangibles, you have your full stack slide.

  54. Stack Slide #5 (The Big Stack)

  I call this the Big Stack slide, because it has the entire contents of your offer, including the value of each piece. You also want to total everything up and have the value be 10 times as much as the actual price will be. (If the value doesn’t reach that level, consider adding something more valuable to your offer.) It should look something like this.

  55. If / All Statements

  Now that we’ve given them the big value price, we need to convince them that this offer is actually worth that much and get them to admit it to themselves. We do that by using something Dave Vanhoose calls “If / All” statements.

  An If / All statement reads like this: “If all this package did was __________ would it be worth $__________?”

  I usually transition by saying something like: “Now obviously, I’m not going to charge you $11,552. But If I DID charge you $11,552, and all it did was __________, would it be worth it to you?”

  Then do three If / All statements based on your three secrets.

  Vehicle (Secret #1)

  If all this system did / got you was __________ (related to Secret #1), would it be worth $__________?

  STOP and wait for them to indicate yes.

  Internal (Secret #2)

  And if all it did was __________ (related to Secret #2), would it be worth $__________?

  STOP and wait for them to indicate yes.

  External (Secret #3)

  And what if all it did was __________ (related to Secret #3), then would it be worth it?

  STOP and wait for them to indicate yes.

  They’ve now said yes 3 times when you asked them if what you are selling is actually worth the total value, usually a 10-time markup. Now when you discount the price to what you’re actually selling it for, they are getting a 90% discount from what they believe (and have said) it’s worth.

  56. I Had 2 Choices

  I like to use the “I had two choices” close at this point because it gets them to agree that you should charge them more in order to make the program better.

  I had two choices with this. I could go as cheap as possible and try to sell as many as possible. But the problem with that is I couldn’t really stack on the value for you. So I decided to go with a second option, which obviously requires a slightly higher investment on your side. But in exchange for that, we can dedicate more time, energy, and resources to help guarantee your success.

  57. What Would the End Result be Worth?

  Before you reveal the actual price, ask them what the end result would be worth to them.

  So if you had a successful funnel today that was making you money, what would it be worth to you?

  And then I STOP and wait for them to answer that question in their minds.

  How much would you pay to have that one successful funnel?

  And then I STOP and wait for them to think about it for a few seconds.

  You can probably see why people pay $__________ for a similar result from me…because it’s not a cost—it’s an INVESTMENT.

  58. Price Drop

p; Now I come back to the full price I showed them right before the If / All statements.

  You’ve already seen how it’s worth $__________.

  And even at $__________, which I charge the public, it’s a great deal.

  But because of __________, I’m going to give you a very special offer…

  59. Price Reveal

  Here is the first time you reveal the actual price. Tell them the real price and give your first call to action (asking them to click on a button, go to a certain website, or call a phone number). Every slide after this will have a call to action link, so when they are ready, they can sign up.

  60. Price Justification

  For years, I ended my sales presentations with the price on the last slide. As I gained experience, I realized that the elements that come AFTER the initial price reveal are vitally important to closing the sale. So we give the initial price, and some people will still have sticker shock. I need to let that price marinate for a while as I justify why it’s actually not that expensive.

  My first price justification is usually related to either showing them what the full price would be outside of the current presentation or comparing it to the price of other options for getting a similar result (apples vs. oranges).

  (Full price example) Now let me put this into perspective for you. If you went to my regular website right now, you could buy this same product for $__________. But because you’ve invested this time with me, and you’ve proven that you really want to get this result, I’m making a special offer just for this webinar.

  (Apples vs. oranges example) If you were to hire a professional to do this for you, it might cost $__________. But because you’re learning how to do it yourself AND I’m giving you all the tools and resources to make it happen fast, you only pay $__________.

  61. You’ve Got 2 Choices

  Now I like to mention the choices they can make.

  So at this point you have two choices. Choice #1 is to do nothing. If you do nothing with the information you’ve learned over the last hour, what will you get? Nothing.

  Or you can choose to take a leap of faith. Just test it out to see if it will work for you.

  62. Guarantee

  Then I reveal that it’s okay if it doesn’t work for them, because they’re covered with our 30-day money-back guarantee. They can test-drive it now and see if it will work for them. They have nothing to lose.

  63. The Real Question is This…

  Now that they know they have nothing to lose, I like to make their choice as simple as possible. Help them see that this really is a no-brainer.

  The real question is this: Is it worth gambling a few minutes of your time to check this out? Even if it only does HALF of what I’ve claimed today, it will pay for itself as soon as __________.

  64. Stack Slide

  Next I show them the Big Stack slide one last time, with everything they’re going to get and the total value. I go through each element line by line one last time to cement the offer in their minds before my final pitch.

  65. Urgency / Scarcity Bonus

  The two most valuable tools in marketing are urgency and scarcity. Here you’re going to add a bonus upgrade that’s only available right then. You can create urgency and scarcity by offering something special to a certain number of people, or for a certain amount of time (or both).

  Do not skip this part! It is the key to getting people to buy immediately. If they leave the webinar, the chances of them coming back and buying later are almost zero. In fact, I usually give a bonus only for those who are actually on live that I don’t offer to those who only watch the replays later. That encourages people to show up live, but it also gives them a reason to sign up before the presentation is over. The deadline is the key.

  66. Closing Call to Action / Q&A Slide

  This is the slide I end my presentation with, and it stays up during the entire question and answer session. There are a few key components to this slide.

  • Recap of the offer

  • Countdown clock for 30 minutes

  • Price

  • Call to action

  Then it’s time to answer questions.

  Sometimes I’ll take questions live from the audience, and other times I’ll actually pre-write many of the questions I know people typically have. I then go through those questions, and give another call to action after each one. That gives me lots of opportunities to repeat the link for people to buy.

  I also try to think about any other false beliefs they may still have, then use our sentence: “You’re probably thinking __________, right?”

  And that is the stack. That single concept has made me more money than anything else I’ve ever done in this business. Study it. Master it. There is no greater gift I could give you than this.

  SECRET #16


  I use two types of closes in my presentations. The first type, “trial closes”, I use almost every 60 seconds or less. The other I use throughout the stack. You’ll want to use both kinds in your presentations as well. Let’s take a look at each of them and how they work.


  Years ago, I had heard rumors of a guy nicknamed “The Pied Piper of Real Estate”. His real name is Ted Thomas, and he is a real estate speaker famous for being so good at selling from the stage that he would have hundreds of people line up behind him, waving their credit cards in the air and walk with him to the back of the room to buy his program. One day I had the chance to witness this in person, and it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen.

  A few years later, I was speaking at an event and noticed that Ted was in the audience. I was so nervous. One of the best closers in the world was about to watch me try to close this room. I did my best to ignore the butterflies in my stomach and delivered a pretty good presentation. While I did get a lot of signups, I didn’t get a huge table rush.

  After my presentation, Ted introduced himself and invited me to lunch. As we ate, he started asking me casual questions. After a few minutes, he started to grin. I asked him why he was smiling. He laughed and said, “What’s your head doing right now?” I realized I was nodding my head up and down—and had been since the moment we started talking.

  He said, “What I’ve been doing is a little technique I call trial closes.” I’ve been asking you dozens of little yes-or-no questions where the only answer is yes. You instantly started nodding, and you didn’t stop until I pointed it out just now.”

  He then went on to explain that the reason I didn’t get a table rush was because the first time I asked the audience to say yes was when I was asking for their money. “When you watch me speak, you’ll notice that all the heads in the audience are nodding the entire time. I am constantly asking simple questions to get people to say yes over and over again, so when I ask them to give me money at the end, they’ve already told me yes hundreds of times before that.”

  I thought that was pretty cool. But to be completely honest, I thought he was over-simplifying his skills. I didn’t think his trial closes could possibly have that big of an impact on sales. But I decided to test it out.

  At the time, I had an automated webinar that had been running profitably for five or six months. I listened to the recording and found a few dozen places where I could add in trial closes. I recorded just the trial closes and inserted them into the audio file. I didn’t expect much, but what happened was amazing! That webinar went from making $9.45 per registrant to $16.50 per registrant—just by me adding in the trial closes.

  From that day forward, I was sold. I wrote out simple trial closes on note cards and put them around my desk. As I worked through my various presentations, every time I’d see a card, I’d use that trial close. Here are some examples of trial closes that I’ve used dozens of times in each of my presentations.

  • Are you ready to get started?

  • Are you all getting this?

  • Is this making sense?

  • Can you imagine if that happen
ed to you?

  • Who here wants a free copy of __________?

  • Would you like to be our next case study?

  • You’ve heard them talk about this before, right?

  • Isn’t that cool?

  • Isn’t that exciting?

  • Am I right?

  • Can you see yourself doing __________?

  • I’m sure you’ve noticed this too, right?

  I could go on and on. It’s become ingrained in how I write and speak. You’ve seen me using trial closes throughout this book, haven’t you? (See what I did there?) (Whoa! I did it again, didn’t I?) Get used to using lots of little statements that get your audience to think or say yes over and over again. The more you can get them to say yes, the more likely they will accept the epiphanies you’ve shared with them and the offer presented. Trial closes are a huge part of telling effective stories.


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