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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 4

by Anya Merchant

  “You tell me your name, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know,” Julius replied.

  “It’s Dana,” she said, extending her hand to shake his in a way that seemed very feminine and dainty. “I already know yours, Julius. We all do.”

  He couldn’t resist letting out a chuckle.

  “What a world we live in,” he said. “Are you sure you don’t want to take a selfie with me? I doubt it will be a week before I hit celebrity status.”

  “You know, I never finished checking you for hidden weapons,” she replied. The other commando in the back groaned and rolled her eyes. Dana put her hands on her hips and glared at her playfully.

  “Oh, shut up Allison,” she said.

  Tim laughed, and then playfully flicked Dana on the shoulder.

  “Something tells me that you weren’t getting laid even back when there were plenty of men around…”

  She glared at him, as though she couldn’t believe what he had just said.

  “You’re mean!” she said. “I might have to put you under arrest if you keep saying such slanderous things!”

  “Oh, I’d like to see you try,” said Julius. He smiled at her, and felt something spark between them as she met his gaze. Dana slowly moved her upper body closer to his, and then lifted her leg up and straddled him on the bench.

  “You know, what happens in these vans, stays in these vans,” she said. The other commando seemed to be almost in a state of disbelief, and turned away from the two of them.

  “Is that so,” said Julius.

  He let his hands slide up Dana’s chest slowly, testing the waters. She was still wearing the thick, bullet proof vest, and she had to help guide his hands in order to take it off. She leaned her face in close to his and kissed him once, just a quick peck.

  “This doesn’t mean anything, just so you know,” she said. “I’m really horny, and this might be my only chance for a very long time.”

  “But of course,” said Julius.

  Dana unzipped the black combat pants she was wearing and slid them down to her ankles, exposing the black panties she had on the seemed to match surprisingly well. Julius did the same, and pulled his erection out through the flap of his boxers, both of them working to minimize their movements and keep the other commando in the front from seeing anything.

  She pulled her panties to the side, and slowly lowered herself down on top of them. Julius and Dana shared a weird moment, and it felt like the two of them were bonding in a way that was as intimate as much as it was friendly. The head of his cock pushed at her entrance before slowly sliding in, and as his cock was slowly engulfed, an amazing feeling of unbridled horniness came over him.

  “Oh yeah, Julius,” said Dana. “I’m so glad I got this assignment…”

  “Mmmm…I bet you are,” he moaned.

  The van went over a couple of potholes in the road, bouncing Dana on his lap and causing his dick to twitch with excitement. Dana gasped, and he could feel her juices soaking down onto his crotch. Allison was doing her best no to look, but Julius caught her peeking out of the corner of his eye and suddenly felt as though the situation had become exponentially hotter.

  “Oh god yes,” whispered Dana. “Fuck me Julius,”

  “This is my hidden weapon, Dana,” he said. “Do you still want to confiscate it?”

  He began to pull her back and forth on his cock. The van continued hitting bumps, and each one seemed to send sexual shivers through each of their bodies. It was almost as though it was urging them on, pushing them to enjoy their forbidden, illicit encounter even more.

  Soon, Dana was also getting into it. She began to grind her cunt onto his dick like a woman possessed. Another huge bump sent her flying into the air, and she came down on Julius’s cock with a thud, and then began to shudder as she climaxed powerfully.

  “Oh yeah…” she moaned, melting and collapsing onto him.

  Julius reached his arms around, grabbed her butt, and began pumping his cock upwards into her as he pulled her down. Every couple of strokes he would spank one of her plump cheeks, just for fun, and soon enough, he also could hold out no longer. He made no attempt to pull out and shot his seed deep inside her, breathing heavily as his body filled with intense pleasure.

  “We…we shouldn’t have done that,” said Dana. She climbed off him and quickly began putting her clothes on.

  “It’s okay,” said Julius. “Just think of it as a friend helping out another horny friend.”

  Allison coughed, and he set about making himself decent. It was a weird situation, but compared to all of what he’d been through in the previous day, it seemed perfectly normal. Dana sat back down beside him and leaned against his shoulder.

  “So what is going on in the rest of the world, right now?” asked Julius. This is a question that had been on his mind since first finding out about the situation.

  “Surprisingly, people seem to pulling together,” said Dana. “Women seem to be pulling together, I mean. It’s pretty shocking that this would be the case, but it is. A lot of grudges died out with our old leaders.”

  Julius thought about this for a moment. Everyone in the back was silent for a while, and he found himself drifting off to sleep.


  The van came to a stop, waking Julius. Dana had her head resting on his shoulder, and he shook her awake.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” he asked. “Where are we?”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t say anything,” she replied. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  The double doors of the van swung open, and Dana snapped back into commando mode, picking up her rifle and gesturing for him to step out with it. Julius could see his mom climbing out of an identical van a couple of feet away, also guarded by several women.

  They were on a runway, and a medium sized jet plane stood a couple hundred feet away from them. There was an armored limo behind him, and as he turned and looked at it, the president climbed out of the back, followed by a woman with glasses and a lab coat on.

  “I hope your trip was comfortable,” said the President.

  “It was actually, surprisingly so,” said Julius.

  “You are going to be heading off to one of the small Caribbean territories the United States has gained possession of recently,” she said. “It’s very remote, but also very safe. A couple of my personal body guards will be going with you, along with your mother, and my good friend, Dr. Andreas.”

  The woman standing next to the President stepped forward and smiled at Julius.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said. “I hope we can work together to better understand just how and why you seem to be so special.”

  “Well, that’s, uh, very flattering,” said Julius. Dana elbowed him, and he felt a little foolish as the real meaning of the doctor’s words finally hit him.

  “Julius, let me be very clear about something,” said the President. “I’m taking a risk by sending you off, one that benefits you much more than it does me, or even the people of this world. That is, if you choose not to cooperate.”

  He shook his head, and she continued.

  “Listen to Dr. Andreas, and do whatever she asks of you,” she said. “If you don’t, we all suffer, and so do the people close to you. And I honestly don’t mean that as a threat.”

  Something in the President’s voice sent a chill down Julius’s back. He fully realized the severity of the situation, but it still seemed a little unreal to him. He found his words catching in his throat as he tried to respond.

  “Y-yes,” he finally managed. “I will. I’m not planning on letting anyone down.”

  The President smiled.

  “Good,” she said. “This is goodbye for now. Take care, and good luck.”

  She walked back into her limo, followed by several more female body guards. Julius watched her go, and then felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. He turned, and was surprised to find his mom nuzzling up against him.

  “Oh swee
tie, I was so worried!” she said. He rubbed her hair and did his best to calm her down.

  “Mom, it’s okay,” he said. “Come on, we have to get going.”

  The two of them walked over to the plan, along with Dana, Allison, and the doctor. His mother insisted on holding his hand as they went, and he found himself feeling a little strange at openly receiving her affection. What had happened the previous day was still fresh in his mind. Though they had crossed a line, it seemed almost like they had come back from it, back to normality.

  There was a butch looking female pilot smoking a cigarette standing outside the stairs leading up into the plane. She quickly threw it down and stamped it out as they made their way over.

  “Is this it?” she asked as they began to board.

  “This is a top secret operation,” said Allison. “I trust that you know how to keep your mouth shut?”

  The tall commando gave the pilot a look that seemed to shake her to the bone. The butch woman nodded generously, and then followed them onto the plane.

  Julius had done a little bit of traveling before with his family, but even the quick glances he had gotten of the first class compartments paled in comparison to what he saw inside the jet. The seats were huge, and looked incredibly comfortable.

  Dana sat down in one with Allison on the inside, and Julius and his mom took the other. There was a peppy looking stewardess that went through the motions of explaining to them how to put on their seat belts, and it almost seemed like a joke to him, given the circumstances.

  “Also, we do have an inflight menu,” she said. “Feel free to let me know if you’re interested in taking a look at our selection of food or beverages.”

  Julius raised his hand.

  “Would said beverages include those of an intoxicating nature?”

  The stewardess smiled and nodded her head, eager to please. He felt his mom glaring at him, but shook it off.

  “I’ll take a vodka martini, if you please,” he said. Dana rolled her eyes at him, but said nothing. He was surprised, but nobody objected to him drinking, and when the woman arrived back carrying his cocktail he began sipping at it gleefully.

  “It’s a little cold in here, can I get a blanket?” asked Laura. The stewardess nodded, and quickly grabbed one for her. The ‘fasten your seat belts’ light began to glow, and shortly after, the plane began to accelerate along the runway.

  “Do you mind if I get under that, too?” he asked his mom. The cabin seemed to be on the cooler side, and as the plane lifted off into the air it only seemed to drop in temperature.

  “Sure, honey,” she said.

  His mom shifted the blanket so it was covering both of her laps, and then inadvertently brought her hand down on Julius’s leg, right next to his cock. He felt himself getting a little excited and tried to move his thoughts in the direction of safe things.

  The flight was long and somewhat boring. Dana and Allison talked amongst themselves for most of it. Laura fell asleep shortly after takeoff, and Julius tried to do the same.

  After about a half hour, his mom’s hand began wandering, sliding closer to his sensitive, partially erect cock. She was still breathing heavily, and as far as Julius could tell, she was asleep.

  “So Julius, tell us about yourself,” said Dana. He opened his mouth to answer her and almost groaned instead as his mother rubbed her hand on his crotch, teasing him with her accidental sleep movements.

  “Uh, there really isn’t much to tell,” he said. “I’m just a high school senior and a pretty regular guy.

  His mom’s hand began massaging his hard member, almost as though it were a pillow. For Julius, it was enough to drive him wild, and he found his legs opening up to let it move more freely.

  “Wow, I guess I am a couple of years older than you,” said Dana. “Well, not all that much. I’m still in college…what about you, were you originally planning on going after graduating?”

  Julius shook his head. His mom’s hand had begun stroking his cock through his pants, and it was all he could do to not moan with pleasure. He couldn’t help but remember the hand job from the night before, and felt himself suddenly feeling hot with shame and arousal.

  “I bet your mom would miss you if you left,” said Dana. “She seems like the overprotective type. Then again, I don’t actually know you well enough to know if you’re a mama’s boy or not.”

  “Oh, shut up,” said Julius. He was breathing heavy, and hoped that Dana wouldn’t notice. “I am not a, oh man, I’m not a…”

  His words drifted off as he felt his dick begin to explode at his mother’s touch inside his pants. He leaned his head back and gave into the orgasm, enjoying it as much as he could under the circumstances.

  “Uh, hello?” said Dana. “Earth to Julius, are you there?”

  “Sorry,” he said. “I just get a little, uh, tense when I fly.”

  She smiled at him. About an hour later, the plane dropped down below the clouds, giving him a view of his new home. It was a tiny island, and though he had nothing to judge the scale of it by, it looked to be no larger than maybe a dozen miles square.

  The plane circled around it a few times, and then slowly began to drop down, banking and turning as the descended. Finally, after several hours in flight, it touched down on the runway of a very small airport, and came to a stop.


  Dr. Andreas stood at the front of the cabin. She adjusted her glasses on her face, and then smiled at the group of them.

  “We have arrived at Granos Island,” she said. “This will serve as your new home.”

  Julius wondered was a little put off by her not specifying for just how long, but brushed it off as the doctor continued.

  “Everything you need here will be provided for. Granos is a small island, only a couple dozen square miles, but it’s heavily supplied. Most of the employees at the resort have been let go for the time being, so for the most part, it will just be the five of us along with a skeleton staff of women.”

  She pulled out a clip board and peered over it for a moment.

  “Ah, here we go. So, I’m going to show you to your lodgings, but after that, all of you are essentially free to do what you please. Dana, you are assigned to Julius as a bodyguard, and likewise with Laura, Allison. You don’t have to be together at all times, but please, if you go anywhere outside of the main resort, let Dana know first.”

  Julius nodded.

  “What is there on the island besides the resort and the air strip?” he asked. “I didn’t really see much else coming in.”

  “To be honest, I don’t really know,” said Dr. Andreas. “Our government hasn’t been in possession of it for very long. What I do know is that there are no poisonous, venomous, or predatory creatures present in what’s left of the jungle, so feel free to explore within reason. Also, I will need you back for dinner each night so I can perform a couple of tests on you. Don’t worry, it’s nothing too intrusive.”

  “This whole thing is already too intrusive!” yelled Laura. She stomped one of her feet down angrily.

  “Mom, please just try and relax,” said Julius. He nodded his head towards the doctor, and then all of them stood up and walked down the aisle to the exit. He stepped outside, and found himself in a world far removed from the small town that he had grown up in.

  The sun was bright, and hot. A soft breeze was in the air, sweet smelling, with a hint of the ocean in it. There was a small building next to the runway, along with dense foliage dotted with palm trees and long hanging vines, and a road cutting through off into the distance.

  “This is...amazing,” he said. It felt like he had won an island getaway, and for a moment he found himself forgetting the circumstances of his arrival.

  There were two cars parked at the edge of the runway, and a woman stood next to each of them. One of them was tan skinned, wiry arms, perky breasts, and a petite body. The other was blond and looked almost like she’d be right at home in southern California, with plenty of curves
and an ample bust that seemed to almost pop out of the tight top she was wearing.

  “Hello!” said the tan girl. “You must be Julius. I’m Maya, one of the caretakers of the island.”

  “Hi,” he said, walking up to her. “This is my mom, Laura, and these two fierce looking gals are our body guards, Dana and Allison.”

  “I’m Anna,” said the blond woman, stepping a little too close to him and grabbing his hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” he said.

  “If you need anything, please feel free to let us know,” said Maya. “We are here to support you, Julius. You are not in an easy situation, and we understand that.”

  Anna was still standing close to him, and she took one of her hands and placed it on his chest.

  “Just live your life as you would normally,” she said. “Do whatever comes naturally…”

  There was a short silence, and then Julius heard his mom sigh loudly behind him.

  “Are we going to be shown to our rooms anytime soon?” she asked.

  Julius did not find himself sharing in her frustration. In fact, the whole situation was overwhelming for him, but in a good way. He found himself wanting to dive right in and get a feel for the island. He couldn’t help but compare his new situation to his old life, and found himself becoming excited at the possibilities.

  “Yes, of course,” said Dr. Andreas. “If everybody will find a seat in one of the cars...”

  This time, Laura insisted on sitting in the backseat with her son. Maya and Dana were in the front, and everyone else loaded into the other one. The drive only took about five minutes, and Julius saw almost nothing but jungle off to the side of the road during it. In fact, he had a strange suspicion that the road they were on might even be the only one on the island.

  They arrived outside of what looked like a large hotel, with a pool on one side and what looked like a café area complete with a an outdoor stage on the other.


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