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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 5

by Anya Merchant

  “This is it,” said Maya. “Let me welcome all of you to Granos Resort.”

  “Is all of this…just for us?” asked Julius.

  “It’s always been more of a small operation here,” said Maya. “There used to be a couple more staff members, but most of them left with the coming of the plague.”

  “That’s so sad,” said Laura. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be, they just went home,” said Maya. “The last man we had working here left long before this crisis began.”

  She led them toward the front of the building. Allison, Anna, and Dr. Andreas were already there. The doctor smiled, and then gestured to the resort behind her.

  “Julius and Laura, if you follow Maya she will show you to your rooms,” she said. “After that, you are free to do whatever you want for the day. Just be back at the hotel by sundown.”

  Julius nodded, and Maya led them inside. The main lobby was fancy in a high class hotel sort of way, but managed to do it without coming off as pretentious. There was an elevator, and Maya went up to it and pressed the button.

  “I assigned each of you a room on the third floor,” said Maya. “I hope you don’t mind. We have so much space that each group of people gets their own floor. Me and the other employees are on 4, and Dana and Allison are on 2.”

  “How does all of this work?” asked Julian. “I mean, there are just three of you here, right? This hotel is too big for just three people.”

  The doors opened, and they stepped onto the elevator.

  “Well like I said, we used to have more,” replied Maya. “But even then, there wasn’t a lot for each person to do. Solar panels on the roof and in the backyard completely power all of the electronics here. There are several freezers completely stocked with food, and now that the government is in charge, we have supplies flown in every couple of weeks.”

  The elevator rose up to their floor, and opened to a hallway full of identical doors.

  “Me and the other girls share jobs whenever it’s necessary, but for the most part, I handle the runway, Jess does the cooking, and Anna cleans. And it works surprisingly well.”

  The doors that she led them two were only a few feet away. She handed them each a key, and then smiled.

  “Again, let me know if there is anything I can do,” she said. “My current job is to make you feel welcome!”

  “Thanks Maya, you rock,” said Julius.

  She walked back into the elevator and disappeared behind the closing doors. Julius looked over at his mom, and realized for the first time in a little while that she was still frustrated.

  “I don’t like the idea of you having your own room here,” she said.

  “Excuse me?” asked Julius. “I had my own room at home, didn’t I?”

  He unlocked the door and swung it open. The room was impeccable, with a large flat screen TV, a king size, incredibly soft looking bed, and a tiny mini fridge off to one side. Julius walked into it and felt himself unable to hold back a smile.

  “Sweetie, I just don’t think it’s a good idea!” said his mom. “You need more protection than I can give you from afar!”

  Julius sighed. He was having too much fun to argue.

  “It’s fine if you hang out here as long as you ask me first,” he said. “But I reserve the right to kick you out at any time.”

  Laura smiled, and then walked over and gave him a hug. She felt soft up against him, and for some reason, it made him feel hot and uncomfortable. He stepped away, and then walked over to the door.

  “I’m going for a walk on the beach,” he said. “I’ll be back later.”

  Before his mom could respond, he was already inside the elevator, heading down to the ground floor and the tropical, outside world.


  Julius took the side door out of the hotel. It led him right by the pool, and he noticed that some swimsuits and tropical shirts had been laid out for him on one of the lounge chairs, as if in anticipation for him going for a swim. It was hot, and he decided that putting on appropriate clothing would be a good choice.

  He grabbed the clothes, and then doubled back to the men’s locker room. Like everything else he had seen in the hotel, it seemed bigger than it needed to be. It was spotless, with rows of curtained showers and unused lockers. Julius found himself wondering just how long it had been since a man had been inside it.

  As he took his shirt off, he remembered with a slight start that he still had his father’s gun strapped to his chest. He had grown used to its weight and feel against him, and as he unstrapped the holster, it almost felt like he was suddenly a little more naked, and exposed.

  Still, it didn’t seem to him like there would be much immediate use for it. He opened up locker number 42 and placed the weapon inside of it. Part of him wondered if he would ever need to take it out of there, or if this was its final resting place.

  He changed into the tropical clothes, and then made his way outside. It was close to noon, and the sun seemed to shine down with even more intensity than it had before. Julius found himself wishing that he had a pair of sunglasses.

  The hotel was only about a ten minute walk from the beach, and most of it was downhill. He had found a pair of sandals along with his new clothes, and enjoyed the feeling of having his feet air out. The main route down to the ocean was a thin little walking path, paved and neat, surrounded by dense jungle on either side.

  Julius could hear birds chirping and various insects buzzing about. It reminded him of his own time in the quiet seclusion of the forest, and he found himself wondering about how welcome the prospect of him going out on his own on another camping trip would be to the hotel staff.

  The path unceremoniously spilled out onto the beach at its end. The sand was uniform, and aside from a couple of shells scattered along the edge, totally clean. It seemed to extend for at least a mile in either direction, and Julius found himself wanting to just walk along it.

  A roaring noise pulled his attention to the sky. He looked up and saw the plane that had brought him to the island taking off. That was it, he thought. Now he was officially a resident, without any way off the island and back to his old life.

  The plague had already been a turning point, but the idea of being on an island, separated from everything he knew by thousands of miles of water, and with no way back, gave him more than a little pause. He like the people he had met so far and his mom was there with him, but the question of what his new life would be like still loomed large in front of him.

  “Hey,” called a voice. “Are you enjoying things so far?”

  Julius looked over his shoulder and saw Maya headed down the path towards him. She had changed into a swimsuit, and was wearing a thin summer skirt around her waist.

  “To be totally honest, I don’t know,” he said. “It’s just so much to take in…”

  She walked over and stood next to him, not looking at him but out into the ocean.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t even imagine just how difficult it is to be the last one…the last man, I mean.”

  He turned and looked at her, and felt his eyes being drawn to her beautiful tan skin and luscious black locks of hair. The suit she was wearing was pink and it clung close to her toned body.

  “Well it definitely does have its perks,” he said. “The men’s locker room here is the first one I’ve ever been in that’s clean.”

  Maya laughed and playfully pushed him on the shoulder.

  “You should see the women’s one! Anna skimps on cleaning it half the time.”

  He smiled, and watched as more waves crashed into the beach.

  “So what’s the deal behind this place, anyway?” Julius asked after another moment. “Why have I never heard of Granos Island?”

  “It’s a bit of a long story, but in a nutshell…the old owner hated men.”

  Julius looked at her and blinked a couple of times.

  “Are you being serious?” he asked.

  “Yeah. We
ll, originally, the island was being developed into a resort, but the owner died and left it to his wife. This is about 5 years back, before I started working here. She continued it as a resort for a little while, but she banned all men from the island, and made it so expensive and exclusive that the only people that ever came out here were her and her gal friends.”

  “How did it end up in the hands of the United States government, then?” Julius was rubbing one of his hands on his chin thoughtfully.

  “The woman died, and had a lot of unpaid taxes to account for,” said Maya. “This was not too long before the plague happened.”

  “Wow…” said Julius. “I wonder if she’d be celebrating if she could see what was going on, or be rolling over in her grave, now that this place has been essentially turned into one man’s personal safe haven.”

  Maya scoffed and then splashed some water onto him with her foot.

  “You are already letting this go to your head, I can tell!” she said.

  “Well…maybe a little,” said Julius, with a smile.

  Their eyes met, and Julius felt a strange heat build in the air between them. He leaned a little closer to her, and she seemed to blush a little. Suddenly, a large wave jumped up the shore and splashed into their legs, breaking them out of the moment.

  “Anyway, I have to go help out Jess with some of the cooking,” said Maya. “But please Julius, don’t hesitate to come and find me if you need someone to talk to. I’ll be there for you, anytime.”

  “Thanks,” he replied. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Maya turned and walked back up the path, leaving Julius alone with the waves and his thoughts. He ran one of his toes through the sand for a moment, and then slipped his sandals back on and headed down the beach.

  Julius walked for a while, making it up and around the bend of the island. As he came around to the other side, he saw a towel laid down on the sand. He walked closer to it, and then heard a call coming from the water.

  “Fancy seeing you here!”

  He turned, and saw Anna walking out of the ocean, dripping with water and completely naked. Julius averted his eyes for a moment, but felt them being drawn back. She had large, well-formed breasts dotted with tiny pink nipples, and a curvy, seductive frame.

  “Just walking along the beach, getting a sense of the island,” he said. “I didn’t expect to run into anyone.”

  Julius wasn’t sure if it was alright for him to look at her or not, and felt his face heating up slightly. Anna, on the other hand, strode confidently across the sand and walked right up to him. Just as she had when they’d first met, she stood a little too close to him, a habit that only made the situation even more intense for Julius.

  “I love to swim out here,” she said. “The water feels sooo nice.”

  She giggled, and then reached her hands out and began undoing the top button of Julius’s tropical shirt. It was impossible for him to not look at her now, and he felt his dick rapidly expanding in his shorts just from having such a gorgeous woman so close by.

  “You should join me, Julius,” she whispered. “We could swim together, and have some fun…”

  He looked at her and smiled, trying to get a sense of just what was going on inside her head.

  “It seems like you’re making me a pretty forward offer right now, Anna,” he said.

  She pulled even closer to him, and brought her face near his. One of her hands began slipping down his stomach, and into his shorts.

  “Come on Julius,” she whispered. “You’re the only man left. Show me what you’ve got.”

  She leaned in and kissed him, and pushed her tongue into his mouth with force. Julius felt his body responding almost as though it were on autopilot, groping at her developed bust and feeling pleasure shoot through him as Anna began to stroke his cock.

  There was a towel laid out nearby, and the two of them collapsed down onto it, making out wildly and grinding their hips into each other. Julius quickly pulled his shorts down, and began rubbing his hard cock against Anna’s warm mound, both of them ready and eager for action, when…

  “Anna!” shouted Jess from around the corner of the trees. “I need more help in the kitchen.”

  Julius stood up and rushed to cover himself, but Anna just lied on the towel as the other woman walked over and saw the scene. She was a little older, maybe around his mom’s age, and had the type of disapproving look on her face that only a proper lady can pull off.

  “Sorry, Jess,” yelled Anna. “I’m just getting to know Julius a little better…”

  Jess sighed.

  “Of course you are. Hurry up, we have a meal to cook.”

  She began walking back to the path, and after throwing Julius a big and exaggerated wink, Anna grabbed her clothes and followed along. Julius turned back towards the ocean and just watched the waves for a while longer, wondering just what he’d gotten himself into.


  Dr. Andreas was hanging out around the entrance of the hotel as Julius made his way back. Her face lit up as she saw him, and she waved for him to come over to her.

  “Julius, perfect timing,” she said. “I have a quick test I need to run with you.”

  “Can it wait until after dinner? I’m starving…”

  “It cannot.” The doctor peered at him sternly over the top of her glasses, and Julius suddenly felt a strange guilt that only a medical professional can properly instill inside a person.

  “Alright, let’s do it,” he said.

  She led him into the lobby of the hotel, and then off to the side. There was a small, nondescript door there that Julius had not noticed previously. Dr. Andreas opened it, and led him into a stairway. She turned on a light bulb that seemed to be long overdue for a change, flickering and only scattering the barest amount of light.

  The two of them stepped down into a basement that seemed very different from the rest of the hotel. It was about the same size as the main lobby, but full of equipment that would give any mad scientist a serious case of envy. Dr. Andreas walked over to a counter and picked up a clipboard and then looked at him and smiled professionally.

  “I’m going to have you strip down into your boxers, if you don’t mind,” she said.

  Julius nodded, and began to undress. He was still a little excited from what had happened before on the beach, and had to will his dick into a submissive state. When he was done, Dr. Andreas pointed to an examination table in the center of the room, and he walked over and climbed up onto it.

  “Alright, this shouldn’t take long,” she said. “I just need to do some basic stuff, really.”

  Dr. Andreas pushed a small sliding table with various instruments over to Julius and got to work. She pulled a blood pressure monitor off of it and began wrapping it around his upper arm.

  “So how have you enjoyed the island so far?” she asked. Julius felt the familiar tightening sensation as she pumped the device up.

  “It’s nice, really nice,” he said. “It’s a lot different from my old life, but I guess that is to be expected.”

  The doctor wrote something down on her clipboard, and then pulled the sleeve off. Next, she took the stethoscope around her neck and pushed it against his bare chest. Julius flinched slightly at the cold metal touch of it.

  “The people here are just wonderful, from what the president tells me,” she said. “Alright, take a deep breath for me.”

  Julius breathed in, and the doctor shifted to his side and back and had him repeat the procedure.

  “Alright, looks good,” she said. “Just one more thing.”

  Dr. Andreas walked back over to the counter and pulled something off it that Julius didn’t recognize. It looked like a long tube with a small ball on one end and an open tube on the other.

  “This device is, hmm, how do I say this politely?” She seemed to blush slightly as she spoke. “It’s made to collect a completely unspoiled sperm sample.”

  Julius was a little surprised, but he had a feeling from th
e beginning that eventually this would come up.

  “Alright, I’ll take care of it,” he said.

  “No, I actually…” The doctor trailed off in mid-sentence. “I have to help you with the application and collection.”

  It was hard for Julius to think of a response that didn’t seem awkward. Instead of answering, he just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

  “Don’t worry, it will be very straight forward and quick,” said Dr. Andreas. She hurried over to the other side of the room, and flicked on a flat screen display that Julius had not noticed. There was a DVD player below it, and she turned that on too.

  A busty older woman wearing the clothes of a teacher was holding a ruler seductively as she reprimanded a younger male student. Dr. Andreas fast forwarded the scene slightly, and suddenly the woman was one her knees, unzipping the teenager’s pants and rubbing his crotch.

  “Hopefully this will help you, well you know, get excited,” said the doctor. She walked over to Julius and stared expectantly at his boxers. Julius suddenly found it hard to focus on anything, overwhelmed by the strangeness of the situation. The doctor seemed to notice this, and coughed as though trying to forcibly break the tension.

  “I’m a doctor, Julius,” she said. “This is a medical procedure to me. I don’t mind helping you get into an erect state.”

  Somehow, for him to hear her phrase it in such a way only made it seem even more hot and illicit. Dr. Andreas slowly lowered her hands down to his boxers and began sliding them down his body, almost mirroring the action on the screen.

  Then, she began to slowly pump Julius’s cock up and down. She hadn’t put any gloves on, and the soft, warm feeling of her fingers wrapped around his cock instantly began to make Julius’s mind fill with erotic intent.

  The teacher on the screen was also jerking the teenager off, and was whispering naughty things about detention and punishment to him. Julius looked up at the doctor and saw that she was trying not to look at either the porno or his hard tool, and her face was flushed bright red.


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