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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 6

by Anya Merchant

  She ran her thumb across the head of his cock and smeared a small bead of precum around, and then pulled away.

  “Alright, that should be good,” she said, picking up the machine.” Now this device is designed to extract our sperm in a…sensual manner. All you need to do is allow it to run its course. I’ll leave the video on to help.”

  Dr. Andreas took Julius’s cock and gingerly inserted it into the hole of the machine. It was heavy, and he had to turn onto his side and let it rest on the examination table. For a moment, he felt nothing, and then…

  It was a warm, wet, and gentle sucking sensation that felt unlike anything Julius had ever experienced before. He gasped, and felt his back arch up as the machine slowly increased its pace. The teacher on the screen had begun sucking the teenager’s cock, and as Julius watched her giving a pornstar quality blowjob, it felt almost like he had been sucked into the film.

  Dr. Andreas was watching him carefully, and began rubbing his back and hair. She walked around to the other side of the examination table and crouched down in front of his face.

  “I realize that you may have some hang ups about it, but it’s okay for you to cum here, Julius,” she whispered. “I need you to cum for me, so I can get a nice sperm sample.”

  The machine was so warm and slick, and it had an almost vacuum tight seal around his cock. It was sucking him off to a rhythm, working the full length of his shaft with precision and expertise that sent pleasure flooding through his body with surgical focus.

  “Go ahead Julius, cum,” whispered the doctor. “Watch the boy on the screen, he’s going to cum for his teacher. I need you to cum for me.”

  Julius turned his attention towards the porno. The boy was having the head of his cock licked by his teacher, and after a couple seconds of it, began to explode out, spraying her face with his powerful load. Julius turned back towards the doctor and saw a strangely erotic expression on his face, and then lost it.

  He came powerfully, and the machine continued sucking all throughout it, filling itself up with every drop. Dr. Andreas smiled, and rubbed his hair. It was strange, but Julius felt almost like she had gotten a certain amount of fulfillment out of the experience as well.

  The device powered down, and Dr. Andreas removed it from him. She looked at it almost like a hunter would look at a trap that successfully managed to ensnare an animal.

  “Julius? Doctor? Are you guys down there?” The voice of Maya called from the stairs. “Dinner is ready!”

  “You should head on up,” said Dr. Andreas. “I will meet you upstairs once I have properly put this into storage.”

  Julius nodded, and began getting dressed, feeling incredibly conflicted about what had just happened.


  As he made his way back up into the hotel lobby, Julius felt slightly confused. He did his best to shake it off, and walked into the dining hall. It was empty, and he could see through the sliding glass windows on the side wall that everyone was sitting down by the tables next to the outdoor stage area.

  He slid the doors open and walked into a loud chorus of greetings. Julius could see drinks in almost everyone’s hands. Even his mom, who tended to be very strict when it came to her own behavior, was sipping on a martini and chatting with Jess. Julius saw Dana and Allison sitting at their own table, and made his way over to them first.

  “You know, for a body guard you’re pretty laid back about your protection duties,” he joked as he sat down. Dana made a noise and opened her mouth in mock indignation.

  “There’s not really a lot to protect you from, Jewels,” she said. “But you are right, I was lazy today. What can I say, I’ve been overdue for a vacation and this island fits the bill.”

  They chatted for a while, with Allison silently listening in, as was her style, and then Julius stood up and looked around the area. Maya had come out from the kitchen and was sitting at a table alone, and when his eyes met hers, she smiled and waved him over. He felt strangely nervous as he sat down next to her, and couldn’t help but be taken a little aback but her beautiful face and eyes.

  “Hey there,” he said. “What’s on the menu for tonight?”

  “Just about everything,” she said. “We greet our guests with everything we’ve got!”

  As though on cue, Anna and Jess began walking out of the kitchen with huge plates of food. There was steak, fish, several different salads, tropical fruit, vegetables, and more stuff that Julius couldn’t immediately identify.

  “Oh wow, this looks amazing,” said Dana. Julius couldn’t help but agree. All of them began serving themselves, and Dr. Andreas made her way outside and stood up on the stage with a glass in her hand, ready to speak to all of them.

  “I just wanted to thank everyone for handling the situation that we’ve all been placed in so commendably,” she said. “It hasn’t been easy for any of you, and especially for you, Julius. But we mustn’t let the circumstances get us down. Let’s continue to pull together and make the best of what we have here!”

  There was a resounding cheer from everyone sitting down, and glasses were clinked together in agreement. Anna walked over and sat down at the table with Julius and Maya. She was wearing a loose summer dress that was low cut in front and showed off her ample cleavage, and she smiled as though she had a little secret.

  “Hey Julius,” she said, locking eyes with him. “How was your little examination with the doctor?”

  Julius opened his mouth to answer, and felt something brush up on the inside of his leg. He looked down, and saw that Anna had maneuvered her foot onto his crotch and was gently rubbing it against his package.

  “It was…good,” said Julius. “A good first step towards understanding more about what’s going on.”

  “I almost forgot that’s why you were here,” said Maya. “I hope the tests don’t make it too hard for you to relax.”

  “Oh no, I’m sure they won’t,” said Julius. He was just finishing up with his food, and when he looked over at the middle table he caught his mom giving both him and Anna a dirty look, as though she knew exactly what was going on.

  Dr. Andreas watched over all of them almost as though she had taken on the responsibility of an administrator. She walked up to the side of the stage and fiddled one of the speakers, and suddenly some upbeat, island music was on the air.

  “Hey, why don’t we do some dancing?” asked Anna. She had worked Julius’s cock up into a proper erection by this point, and was giving him a sultry, seductive look.

  “You mean…you and Julius?” asked Maya. Her voice has an almost undetectable undertone of incredulity to it.

  “Yeah!” said Anna. “I mean, he can dance with whoever he wants, of course.”

  She stood up and walked around the table to him and grabbed one of his hands. Maya stood up and looked at him expectantly. He wasn’t sure exactly what to do, and to complicate matters even further, his mom, who had been giving him a disapproving look from across the room, suddenly stood up in a huff and walked back into the hotel.

  “You know, it’s been a long day,” said Julius. “I think I should just turn in and get some rest.”

  Anna just smiled at him, and then spun out onto the dance floor and began moving to the rhythm on her own. Maya looked at him expectantly, and he picked up on the hint and pulled her into a hug.

  “Let’s enjoy ourselves tomorrow, okay?” she said. “I want to help make this time fun for you, even if that isn’t the main point.”

  “That sounds great, thanks,” said Julius. He pulled away from her, and the two of them looked into each other’s eyes and shared the moment. Part of him wanted to lean in and kiss her, but Dana shouted out to him from across the room, and the opportunity was lost.

  “Hey Jewels, do a shot with me before you turn in!” Dana called. She was standing next to the outdoor bar and had a bottle of liquor in her hand. Julius laughed, and walked over to her.

  “Alright, fine,” he said. “But just one…”

e shots later, Julius was in the elevator and humming a song to himself as it carried him up to the third floor. It was only a little after nine, but between the events of the previous night and the plane trip, he was already feeling the accumulated exhaustion of the day taking its toll.

  He walked over to his door, and after fiddling with his keys momentarily, realized that he had left the door unlocked when he had left before. Julius swung it open and walked inside.

  His mom was sitting on the bed, watching him, and he felt himself suddenly getting a little irritated with her.

  “Have you ever heard of resecting other people’s privacy, mom?” he asked. His tone was angrier than it should have been, and his mother seemed to react to it.

  “Honey, this is not okay!” she yelled. “We talked about this before. There are women out in the world, and even on this island, who will take advantage of you if they get the chance!”

  “Mom, you are acting like a crazy person!” he said. “Just shut up about this already!”

  Laura walked over to her son and slapped him across the face. It wasn’t a hard strike, and Julius was more shocked by it than anything. He looked at her, feeling a little bemused at her reaction. His mom took a few heavy breaths, and then grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him onto the bed.

  “I told you I would take care of you, and I meant it,” Laura said, sliding his shorts down and off him. “I’ll do whatever it takes to take care of you, sweetie.”

  “Mom wait, this isn’t…” Julius’s words trailed off as his mom worked his cock out of his boxers and began stroking it up and down. Her hands were so soft, and it felt so good. Laura licked her palm a couple of times and then began rubbing the wetness onto his cock, creating a rather effective lube to help her hand glide up and down his shaft.

  “Honey, I love you,” she whispered. “Just come to mommy whenever you get an urge, and I’ll do what needs to be done.”

  She accelerated her pace, rubbing her free hand on her son’s chest as she jerked him off. Julius felt himself becoming incredibly conflicted. It felt amazing, beyond what a hand job had any right to feel like, but that was only because he understood how wrong and nasty it was. This was beyond the limits of what a mom should do for her son, and he felt ashamed and embarrassed and incredibly aroused, all at the same time.

  “That’s it sweetie,” Laura whispered. “I want you to cum for mommy, and nobody else.”

  She began making light moaning noises, and brought her face close to his cock. It took all of Julius’s self-control to keep from grabbing her head and forcing his cock into her mouth. He was already on the verge, and as his mom began to bring her lips closer, he couldn’t hold out any longer.

  Laura lifted up slightly as he began to shoot, and Julius’s load splattered onto the top of her breasts, exposed by the cut of her night gown. She looked so beautiful, he found himself thinking. He wanted to see more of her, to see her naked body and to enjoy it as he would enjoy any woman’s. And somehow, as if it were a flood breaking through a dam, the guilt and shame behind the thought crashed into him all at once.

  “Mom, this isn’t right,” he said. “You have to go…”

  “Of course sweetie,” said Laura. She picked up a towel nearby and wiped herself off, and then walked over to the door.

  “Just remember that I love you,” she said as she walked out into the hallway.

  “I know mom, I love you too,” he replied.

  The door closed, and Julian lied back on his bed, letting the events and happenings of the day sort themselves out in his mind as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


  The bed was comfortable, and Julius wanted nothing more than to sleep in it for a couple hours longer. Unfortunately, fate had other plans, and a banging on his door pulled him awake.

  “Jewels, wake up!” called Dana from outside his door. She knocked again, harder this time, and even holding his pillow over his ears wasn’t enough to block out the obnoxious noise.

  Julius got up, yawned, and then slowly willed his legs to carry him across the room. He had slept in just his boxers and a t-shirt, and didn’t realize until he was already turning the doorknob that he had a rather bold case of morning wood.

  “What do you want?” he asked. Julius only opened the door partway, but Dana seemed to take that as more than enough of an invitation to enter, and slipped into the room underneath his arm.

  “Oh wow,” she said, giggling. “I didn’t realize you were in such a compromising state.”

  Julius rolled his eyes, but did feel inclined by his own modesty to throw on a pair of sweat pants. Dana seemed to be eyeing everything he had brought with him, picking things up and examining them almost like a curious child.

  “Is this typical behavior for you, barging into people’s rooms uninvited?” he asked. Julius still felt tired, and wanted nothing more at that moment to be asleep in his warm, inviting bed.

  “Jeez, why so grumpy?” she asked. “Did you get into some trouble with one of the new island vixens last night?”

  The truth was not something Julius was looking to share with her. Dana seemed almost like a bratty sister in the way she acted towards him, and he could only wince at the prospect of relying on her to keep a secret.

  “What are you doing here, Dana?” he asked her. “I would be sleeping right now, if it wasn’t for you.”

  “Oh come on, don’t be like that,” she replied. “I’m your bodyguard and trusted friend. And it just so happens that the water pressure in my shower is less than adequate. Let me use yours, pretty please?”

  Julius sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Thank you! Thank you!” she said. “I’ll make it up to you!”

  Dana disappeared into the shower, and Julius sat back down on his bed. His cock was still rock hard, and he felt it aching for release. The fact that there was an attractive woman in his bathroom didn’t make it any easy. It seemed a little odd to him that Dana had picked his room out of all the ones available in the hotel to come to, but he brushed it off.

  The relationship that the two of them had was more one of friendship than anything, despite the encounter they had shared in the past. Julius felt the memory of it come back into his mind, and couldn’t resist slowly stroking his dick as he reminisced.

  There was another knock at the door, and he almost jumped with surprised. After doing his best to reduce the visibility of his hardness, he walked over to the door and opened it. Standing on the other side was his step mother, and she walked into the room with the same presumptuous attitude as Dana.

  “Good morning, Julius,” Laura said. Her tone had a singsong quality to it, almost as though she was humming the words.

  “Mom, you should go,” he said. “I’m trying to get some rest right now, seriously,”

  He tried to guide her back out the door by the shoulders, but Laura was not having it. She broke away and then walked over to his bed and sat down on it, crossing her legs and smiling at him in a way that somehow managed to be both motherly and seductive.

  “Julius, sweetie, I can see the state you’re in,” she said. “Come on, have a seat.”

  She patted on the bed next to her, and he felt his legs slowly walk him over to her, as if led by the head of his hard cock. He sat down, still intent on getting his mom out of the room as quickly as possible, but also feeling himself slowly giving into the idea of having her around.

  “Mom, really, you should go,” he said. He faked a yawn, and then lied down and stretched out as though he was about to go back to sleep.

  “I’m guessing you had some interesting dreams last night, just judging by how excited your little guy is,” said Laura. She let her fingers walk up his thigh and gradually closed in on his dick.

  “Mom, you don’t understand,” he said. “You can’t…right now.”

  His mother just smiled and wrapped her hand around his cock. It felt so good that Julius’s next complaint died in his throat, and he closed his eyes and let
his head lean back as his mother began jerking him off.

  She was humming a tune that he had heard many times throughout his childhood, and would bounce her soft hand up and down to match the rhythm of it. Julius felt a wave of both nostalgia and horniness wash over him, and felt himself wanting to cuddle with his mom and fuck her senseless at the same time.

  The sound of the bathroom door opening cut into the room as though it were a wrecking ball going through a wall. Laura jumped to her feet and turned a shade of red that was deeper than Julius had ever seen before. He also quickly moved to cover himself, grabbing a sheet and pulling it over his crotch.

  “Yeah, your shower is way better!” said Dana. She walked out wearing only a tiny hotel towel that seemed too small for her or anyone’s body. She was a pretty girl, and Julius felt himself getting even more excited at the sight of her.

  “Oh, hey Laura,” she said. “I didn’t realize you’d stopped by.”

  Julius’s mom looked at him, and then back at Dana, and then back at him. She let breathed deep and let out an indignant noise, and then crossed her arms.

  “Yes, I was just checking up on Julius,” she said, “My son.”

  There was a short pause, and then Julius cleared his throat.

  “Well now that you’ve done that, and now that you’ve taken a shower, Dana, we can all get on with the day,” he said. “So if you don’t mind…”

  The two women finally took the hint, and both of them made their way out of the room. Julius fell back onto his bed and briefly debated taking care of himself before going back to sleep, deciding in the end that he should save his load for the doctor and her sensitive research later that day.

  He slept for another hour or so. When he finally did wake up, Julius felt even groggier than he had earlier that morning. After mulling about for a minute, he manage to haul himself out of bed, and after taking a quick shower, he dressed himself in loose, summer clothing and headed downstairs for breakfast.


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