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The Wizard Assassin

Page 9

by Whiskey Flowers

“I have tried to meet you in battle many times, to test myself against this wolf” Runes replied. “You don’t fight in every battle.”

  “Don’t need to” Dax replied. “Where is that tosser Connor Botweiler at? I have his amulet.”

  “Recovering” Sergeant Tenkay replied.

  “Now that we are all here, what are your terms?” Baron Wellington asked the Saul.

  “We will turn over any prisoners of war and your mages in return for safe passage back to Saul and no repercussions” The Saul replied. “We know the crown is in your ally’s hands and that an army marches here to bolster your forces. We suspect in a month you will be able to drive deep into Saul and get your revenge. What we also know is that we are already dead men, I can throw everything we have at you and kill this small force you have left before your back up arrives. You will win this war but lose the battles ahead, what say you?”

  “You expect me to forgive the raping and pillaging I am sure your army has done?” Baron Wellington asked.

  “Yes” the Saul replied. “Many of our dead litter the field, you have already taken your revenge out in blood. Also I was speaking in terms of your best case scenario, none of us knows how many men you have marching to your aid. They could be just a bump in the road for us.”

  “So you want to force a truce before they get here just in case” Baron Wellington stated. “Smart move, crude, but very smart. How is this going to work? What assurances do I have that you have the power to sign such a treaty?”

  “I am prince Takery Torenson” the Saul replied. “My mother was offered to have me marry King Jason’s daughter and much gold in return for our help. We already received the gold and are willing to cut our losses to end this.”

  “I thought you were a Takery but was unsure” Baron Wellington replied. “The chin gives it away, so does the red hair.”

  “Just like I know you have the prince with you” Prince Takery said looking at Dax.

  “Not me” Dax said holding his hands up. “I am the bastard, you have me confused with my half brother, Prince Asher.”

  “So I do” Prince Takery replied. “Here is my document, it is very simple to read and contains no double language.”

  Dax watched Baron Wellington look over the document and eventually sign it. Baron Wellington called for a great feast to be held signaling the end of war and invited Prince Takery and all of his people. Dax smiled at Runes and Tenkay then shrugged his shoulders as he left the tent. They had backed the wrong party in the fight but Dax was just happy the entire thing was over. It had been a year and a half since he last saw his parents and knew they had to be worried sick about him. Dax’s part in this entire thing was over, he was a backup plan that didn’t need to be used for the crown and instead was sent to front where he would have ended up any way. No more though, Dax would ask to end his commitment early. When everything was said and done the number of men Dax killed or had attributed to him would have his sword with so many bands the thing would be black.

  “You are looking pleased with yourself” Captain Runes said as he caught up.

  “This entire thing is finally over” Dax replied. “My part in it is anyway. I thought my commitment would be tough but not this tough.”

  “You seem like you made it out okay” Runes replied.

  “Well so did you” Dax replied.

  “What you see here is all of my force” Runes replied. “I lost many men in this war, they gave better than they got but ultimately they were lost. Of the non-mages only Tenkay and Jennings remain.”

  “Well a lot has been lost to this war on all sides” Dax replied. “The only thing that matters is that this entire thing is over with, finally I can leave.”

  “You make it sound like you are not staying for your celebratory feast” Runes said.

  “I aint” Dax replied. “I am going to get all of my stuff together and leave right now. I hate the war, I hate being here.”

  “The mighty wolf hates war?” Runes asked.

  “I am heading straight back to Duke Bartlett and then to see my family” Dax replied.


  A Different Mission

  Dax paced around the room half nervous and half angry. He had made decent time in getting to Galen and was now in the palace. Dawn was better company than he thought she would be during the trip back and despite not being physically attracted to her he would be content to have her as a wife. Underneath her acidic exterior lay a woman who was a little insecure. She was a noble but was not that influential in her family, the only thing she had going for her was that she was a mage and was guaranteed a job working for the kingdom as long as she wanted. Unlike most during their commitment, mages received a decent enough wage that would make them middle class if they chose to pursue it for a living. Her cousins would always be wealthy, Dawn worried about stacking up to them and saw Dax as a way to level the playing field. Dax had become comfortable around Dawn but now Dawn was elsewhere in the palace and Dax received horrid news, he would have to spend almost an entire day with his birth father.

  "He isn't going to bite you Dax" Asher said looking over at a nervous looking Dax. "Part of his reason for not seeing you was other people. Father is far from perfect, he has multiple mistresses but fortunately he hasn’t had any more children out of wedlock. We only have to do this one thing then you are done with all of this."

  "I don’t understand why I have to be here" Dax replied. "I don’t need to see anyone abdicate or be crowned."

  "You are technically the son of the Duke of Bartlett" Asher replied. "Both of his children need to be present as high-ranking nobles."

  "Bartlett isn't my father" Dax replied. "My father is Linus Davary."

  "Linus Davary is the man who raised you" Asher replied. "He also did so without a formal application for adoption. Duke Bartlett did fill out one and in the eyes of the kingdom he is your father."

  "We both know he only did that in order to make you and Bethany closer" Dax replied. "And he needed a representative of his on the front line. Bastard or not, I look like all of you. I fit the description of the royal family and I went under Duke Bartlett’s banner. It silenced anyone who was wondering if they were doing the right thing."

  "Well it turned out alright" Asher replied. "I hear the Wolf is some sort of legend now and it looks like you have embraced it. It even looks like you and Dawn have become closer."

  "Dawn and I have a working agreement" Dax replied. "I can tell you honestly that we are not a couple."

  "Does she know that?" Asher asked. "She is definitely one of my relatives, conniving, sneaky and arrogant."

  "She is all of that and more" Dax replied. "She has been hanging on my arm because of the war, she likes the attention."

  "And you don’t?" Asher asked.

  "You think it was my idea to have all of this wolf shit all over me?" Dax asked. "Duke Bartlett is making me wear a cape permanently because it looks more heroic. You walk around wearing this breastplate almost everywhere and let me know if it is worth it. I will admit I like the sword though, solid black with a silver wolf's head pommel. I even had the Duke get another one made for my father."

  "You seem to have a decent relationship with Duke Bartlett" Asher replied.

  "Why shouldn’t I?" Dax replied. "I was going to war anyway and the man has made me rich. I got to sell all of my war loot to the royal army, keep all of the money I pillaged and he had a decent house built for me complete with servants. Better than that, none of you stuffy shirts get to call me a bastard anymore."

  "The only reason the Duke is doing this is to keep my father in line" Asher replied. "And me as well. Your match with Dawn is an insurance policy, my father knows he is expendable. If something happens to him and my mother then myself and Bethany still fit the criteria, someone with blood from house Nettleton and Bartlett. If we are not agreeable then there is always you and Dawn. Who would get angry because the Wolf of Bartlett took the throne. I bet if you decided Dawn wasn’t for you, you wo
uld find yourself in a situation like mine."

  "You actually like Bethany though" Dax replied.

  "It was more of a crush" Asher replied. "Now that I have gotten to know her I realize I am out of my element. She is too sly and sneaky for me, had I known this at first I never would have even thought about her in that manner."

  "It sounds like a good story is there" Dax replied.

  "She is too smooth when she talks about things" Asher replied. "I went from hating her to wondering when she would visit me next. I stayed down stairs in that place for long after you left but it didn’t matter since she moved in. In your words she was slicker than a wet bar of soap. First she wanted to learn to work out to get some muscle tone and tried recreating what you showed me until my annoyance got the better of me and I helped her. Next thing I know I was my father's son in more ways than one."

  "You laid the sausage to Lady Bartlett?" Dax said shocked and laughed.

  "Announce it to the world" Asher said crossing his arms.

  "Why would you do something so utterly stupid?" Dax asked.

  "Dax I have learned if a woman wants you, she can have you" Asher replied. "Afterwards I was so shocked I tried to stay away from her. She eventually cornered me and asked if now that I got what I wanted would I abandon her like many men do to women? I should have seen right through that trap and her fake tears. I started explaining my side of things but it all ended in the same activity that started this mess. I have tried to see through her machinations but she is a lot smarter than I am and will eventually get her way anyway. I think about my father and thought I could deal with a woman after witnessing my mother. Mother is the type to yell and scream and I can combat that. Bethany's smooth words and smiles though I have no defense for. I have found it easier to stay out of her way or agree to whatever it is she talks about. At least that way I can pretend things were my idea instead of being maneuvered into place. It is almost like she has been coached."

  "She probably has" Dax replied. "And from a young age. Duke Bartlett is a smooth character, I bet everything that happened was his plan and your grandfather was just his hammer. I am sure he is behind Dawn suddenly becoming very interested in me. Did I tell you what she was offered? She made it seem like your grandfather but I bet Duke Bartlett gave him the idea."

  "Have you and Dawn slept together?" Asher asked.

  "Pit no" Dax replied. "The reason me and Dawn have tolerated each other is because she was offered to become Baronetess. Supposedly your father is going to grant her the title but I think he has been manipulated as well. Your father said he would only do so if she were married to someone he deemed suitable. From what I heard from you about his supposed guilt, can you take a wild guess who that is?"

  "Duke Bartlett is playing a long game" Asher replied. "By making you his son and then seeing to it that you become a landed noble, it is a much easier path to the crown."

  "Well played" Dax replied. "And he has my loyalty. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy making the little money I had but now I could become rich. My parents would never have to work again."

  "I look forward to meeting them" Asher replied.

  "I look forward to seeing them again" Dax replied. "If I become Baronet I suspect my lands will be in between Duke Bartlett's and your grandfather's lands. I can't wait to see their faces and hear their reaction to me being named a noble. It is the biggest thing to happen to my family."

  "But only if you play nice with my acidic cousin" Asher replied shaking his head. "I could never be with someone like my mother, she attacks my father for every little thing and stays in a bad mood for no reason. I think you should deal with my cousin in the same way father is treating my mother now."

  "How is he handling it?" Dax asked.

  "By either ignoring her or outright threatening her" Asher replied. "He has had guards physically remove her from his presence a number of times and refuses to be seen with her. She has tried doing the same, the two guards stupid enough to try such a move are still in the infirmary from a blast of his magic and are scheduled to be executed. My mother will be Queen but it is in name only, father is completely done dealing with her and I think she is starting to realize it. After the part she played in his kidnapping and the death of my other grandfather, she has finally pushed him too far."

  "I don’t think I could have someone scheduled for execution" Dax replied.

  "Even if they played a part in having your parents killed?" Asher replied.

  "I guess I am with your Da on that one" Dax replied. "Probably one of the only times. So this whole thing about wanting to get to know me then is just to make his wife angry then is it?"

  "No" Asher replied. "I told you he really wanted to meet you and have a relationship. What I never told you was that he knew you would be in training and wanted me to seek you out. Father is as passive as I am. For him to suddenly be this aggressive means he must be very angry indeed."

  "I don’t see how him and the Dukes will ever work together then" Dax replied.

  "He is mad at the Dukes but father is also a realist" Asher replied. "He can understand where they are coming from and why. Mother though was his wife, if there was a side she should have been on it should have been his. Father sees her as a traitor and I don’t think there is anything she can do to change the situation. Especially when he refuses to see or talk to her, I think today will be one of the few times they are together. You being there is bound to make things interesting."

  "What does your grandfather think about the whole thing?" Dax asked.

  "Don’t know" Asher replied. "I do know mother's dream is falling apart and she really only has herself to blame. She disowned me months ago so we are not really talking."

  "You?" Dax asked. "Why would she be crossed at you?"

  "Because I got to know you" Asher replied. "Of course Ashley told her everything, she threatened me a few times and when we finally saw each other she told me I was no longer her son. I think I should have been more broken up about it than I am but I feel liberated. Mother was an angry spiteful woman for as long as I have known her. Not having her around to dictate my life has been nice. The only person she has that will listen to her garbage is Ashley. I don’t know how you will take this, but I envy you for growing up in a home where both of your parents loved each other and cared about you just for being you. Just listening to your stories about how your father put his time into making you a better man and the love your mother had for you both. It sounded like a partnership instead of what my parents had, my mother was the unofficial boss and my father just stayed out of her way. I guess in a way I resent my father also, he should have stood up to her way before now. I always knew I would raise my kids differently, now though it looks like I won't get the chance."

  "Yeah you will" Dax replied. "There are plenty of children in orphanages that have no mother or father. The war we just had probably made the situation worse, just pick one out, that is what I am going to do along with some other stuff."

  "Other stuff?" Asher replied.

  "I am going to reduce taxes for anyone who takes in a child from an orphanage, maybe I will exempt them altogether" Dax began. "Of course that is provided they actually make a home for the child and not just take one for the exemption. I still have to work out all the fine details."

  "What does Dawn think about this?" Asher asked.

  "She is pretty much willing to do anything to get the title" Dax replied. "She is all about appearances, she thinks appearing on the arm of the Wolf raises her profile somehow."

  "It probably does" Asher replied.

  "So here you are" Bethany said as she walked into the room. "I was wondering where you were at my love. Outside is a mad house, I don’t think I have ever seen this many nobles in the same place. Are you ready for today?"

  "What do you want Bethany?" Dax said. "I doubt you were looking for Asher just to have idle chitchat, especially when you know this is the first time we have seen each other in months."

  "Can't y
our sister just seek out her future husband just because she misses him?" Bethany asked.

  "No" Dax and Asher both said simultaneously.

  "Together for only moments and already back at it" Bethany replied. "I think Dawn was looking for you brother."

  "She can keep looking" Dax replied. "She is nowhere near as smooth as you are and I never liked her from the start. Now what do you want?"

  "If you must know, Prince Jason has just shown up to the palace along with his son and wife" Bethany began. "He is in a foul mood and is seeking out your father, I just thought Prince Jordan would like to have my love present. Especially since his mother plans on being there as well."

  "I can't let him face Uncle Jason alone" Asher replied. "Mother is a complete bitch but Uncle Jason is nothing more than a pompous noble who has always looked down on father. Dax can you come with me?"

  "Come with you?" Dax replied. "Your mother hates me for whatever reason and I am sure this uncle of yours does also. He didn’t have a reason not to seek me out when I was growing up, at least to see if I needed anything since he more than had the resources."

  "Which is the reason I want you there because you have no reason not to tell off my mother or my uncle if they need it" Asher replied. "I lack your boldness."

  Dax shrugged and followed Asher and Bethany down the hallway of the palace and into a room where he could see the back of a man with balding ash blonde hair like his standing in a threatening pose looking at Prince Jordan. That had to be Prince Jason Dax thought as the two people next to the figure, a man and woman both with brown hair didn’t have the same body language.

  "Finally, you have to face me traitor" Prince Jason said looking over at Prince Jordan. "I am amazed you didn’t stay hidden until after everything was over."

  "I am not a traitor Jason" Prince Jordan replied. "I was put into a situation and had my children threatened. We both know the only reason I am here is because of who I married, not anything I have done."

  "You are a disgrace to the throne" Prince Jason spat. "Don’t feed me your lies."


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