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The Wizard Assassin

Page 10

by Whiskey Flowers

  "I am not feeding you any kind of lies" Prince Jordan replied. "I am telling you the truth, you would have done the same thing."

  "Don’t give me your excuses" Prince Jason snapped.

  "What is he doing in here" Princess Farah, Jordan’s wife said looking at Dax. This was the first time Dax had ever really saw the woman and her voice made everyone turn around at look at him.

  "You even brought your fucking bastard to the palace" Prince Jason snapped. "Doesn’t your treachery no any bounds?"

  "You care to say that in my face?" Dax said as he walked behind Prince Jason.

  "Who told you that you can address me bastard?" Prince Jason snarled.

  The punch was already on its way before Dax even knew he threw it. Dax was shocked to even see the blow moving forward and inwardly gasped as his fist crashed against Prince Jason's nose leaving a spray of crimson hanging in the air as Prince Jason crashed to the floor. Dax heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed to his right, it had to be Jason's son and didn’t even look at the man as he stuck out his hand and sent a small bolt of electricity into him. His cousin crashed to the ground but would recover in a few moments, Dax though only cared about what was in front of him.

  "My name is Dax" Dax snarled as he looked down on the now frightened man. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are talking to but rest assured I don’t give a shit about your predicament. Fuck you and your father, none of you have ever done a damn thing for me. Feel sorry for yourself out of my range of hearing."

  "Stand down Dax" Prince Jordan said looking at him. "My brother is not your enemy, he is just angry.”

  “Stand down and go away” Princess Farah said looking at Dax.

  “My son stays” Prince Jason said looking at his wife. “You can leave though, I don’t want or need you here for anything.”

  “Your shame me by having him in this house” Princess Farah replied.

  “I don’t give a shit about your shame” Prince Jordan snapped at his wife. “This conversation is between me and my family, not you.”

  “I am your wife” Princess Farah said shocked.

  “In name only” Prince Jordan replied. “If you don’t like my son being in here then you get out. Speak poorly of him again and I will have you removed from my presence, am I clear?”

  “I am going to be Queen!” Princess Farah screamed. “You cannot talk to me like this.”

  “I will talk to you anyway I please witch” Prince Jordan said coldly. “Now shut your mouth or leave, I won't ask you again.”

  “You have even turned traitor on your own allies” Prince Jason said as he climbed off the floor. “People help put you in power and this is the thanks they get.”

  “Shut your mouth” Dax said coldly. “You lost, get over it. At least you will get to keep your life. You are throwing a fit like a child, what do you hope to accomplish with it? Do you think because you said some bad words that it will change anything?”

  “It will change nothing” Duke Nettleton said as he walked through the door. The Duke looked at Dax then averted his eyes to Prince Jason.

  “You must be real happy with yourself” Prince Jason said angrily as blood still leaked from his nose.

  “I am” Duke Nettleton said with a smile. “You will be a broke commoner with no title or money, getting by only because of Duke Bartlett’s grace. My daughter will be Queen, perhaps if you would have married her when I tried to make the match so long ago. You called her a troll didn’t you? Now you will get to live like one.”

  “You all will get exactly what is coming to you” Prince Jason said angrily. “Already your alliance is falling apart. Yes I called Farah a troll, she looks as ugly as you do. If given a chance I would rather live like a troll than live with one.”

  The next couple of moments went by quickly, Duke Nettleton drew back his hand but the younger man was ready for it. Prince Jason ducked the blow and threw a punch to the Duke’s midsection. Prince Jason was not a mage or a good fighter based on the punch he threw but when it slammed into Duke Nettleton the older, thinner man toppled over like he was kicked by a mule. Prince Jason wiped his nose on his sleeve and looked at Dax who moved out of his way. Prince Jason’s son recovered and followed Prince Jason out the door with his mother.

  “Stop him” Duke Nettleton groaned as Princess Farah rushed over to her father. Dax looked at Asher who shrugged and also got out of Prince Jason’s way.

  “Why didn’t you stop him?” Princess Farah said as she looked angrily at her son.

  “For what reason?” Asher asked. “Grandfather was behind killing his father, who was also my grandfather. You do things Farah without thinking about how they affect everyone else.”

  “I am your mother, you will use my name” Princess Farah said as she helped her father up.

  “You disowned me months ago in your fit of rage” Asher replied. “Like father, I see you in an entirely different light now. You don’t get to rage at me and tell me what to do. You lost that privilege when my grandfather died.”

  “Don’t blame your mother Asher” Duke Nettleton said as he caught his breath. “She only did as I said.”

  “She betrayed her husband and children” Asher replied. “And she has been a horrid person ever since I have known her.”

  “Enough of this” Prince Jordan said as he straightened his back and stood up out of his chair. “Asher if you do not have anything nice to say to your mother then don’t say anything at all. I want to get this thing over with as peacefully as possible.”

  “Your brother needs to be thrown in jail” Princess Farah screamed.

  “I dare you to try it” Prince Jordan replied.

  “If I had my staff…” Princess Farah began.

  “You would have done nothing” Prince Jordan said as he left the room.

  “He is still angry with you” Duke Nettleton said as he wiped a tear from his daughter’s eye.

  “It is like he is a different person” Princess Farah replied. “He is going to be king, he should be excited. Instead he belittles me and pushes me away at every moment.”

  “He is a different person” Asher replied. “He finally sees his worth and is tired of dealing with you just like I am. At least you still have Ashley, she is as devious as you are.”

  Dax felt weird listening to the conversation and left the room, Dawn was on the other side of the door looking at him angrily.

  “What?” Dax asked as she started walking with him.

  “Why were you so mean to my aunt?” Dawn replied.

  “You heard what she said to me?” Dax asked.

  “She just sees your mother as a threat” Dawn replied. “She didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Then she should keep her mouth closed” Dax replied. “Especially since my mother is supposed to be on her way here to Galen.”

  “My aunt would never allow her inside of this place” Dawn replied.

  “Doesn’t matter” Dax replied. “She is going to her own home and I don’t think Prince Jordan cares what she wants. I wouldn’t be surprised if he invited them just to spite her.”

  “Well why didn’t you go after Prince Jason for attacking my grandfather” Dawn said as she pulled Dax to a stop.

  “I already struck the man once” Dax replied. “And I don’t owe your grandfather any allegiance, if you were Prince Jason and saw the man behind your father’s death you would strike him too. Now what do you want?”

  “We are supposed to be having a great feast and a dance for King Jordan’s coronation” Dawn replied. “Plenty of girls and women will be there, now that you have been adopted I suspect a lot of them will try to sink their claws into you. Everyone is going to want to meet the Wolf, I wouldn’t be surprised if people started trying to fix you up with their daughters or friends.”

  “So what does any of this have to do with me?” Dax asked.

  “You remember that you are spoken for” Dawn replied. “I will give you your space but if I see even one girl come a
nd try to smile in your face…”

  “I will tell her to go away” Dax replied. “If they weren’t interested before my adoption then I am not interested now. You don’t have anything to worry about, I remember our deal.”

  “Good” Dawn replied. “Are you ready for King Jordan to be crowned?”

  “I am ready to get this whole thing over with” Dax replied. “I want to put the Wolf to bed and just be Dax. Duke Bartlett though wants me to parade around in this get up or a version of it until the day is over.”

  “You already know I like it” Dawn replied. “It looks good on you, brings out the color in your eyes. If only you would smile more and show off those dimples, I can tell what my aunt saw in your real father.”

  “Linus Davary is my real father” Dax replied.

  “You know what I mean” Dawn replied.


  Dax thought the coronation never would end. Prince Jason was stripped of his titles and money and carted off. Prince Jordan was now named King Jordan and crowned by a collection of Dukes who cheered loudly. Dax had to be there the entire time while awkwardly standing next to Bethany who was nothing but smiles. The only thing that kept Dax going was the look on Queen Farah’s face during the entire thing, she went from happy to sad as King Jordan totally ignored her until the end when he grasped her hand and held it up after placing a dainty looking crown on her head when they were announced as King and Queen. Now though all of the glad handing would start and the assembled nobles would be in a hurry to kiss each other’s asses.

  “You looked relived brother” Bethany replied.

  “I am not your brother” Dax replied. “You barely spoke to me in training.”

  “Because I had to gather information” Bethany replied. “It was nothing personal, I had a role to play and I think I did it nicely. Even picked up a prince out of all of it. You should be nicer to me, you are speaking to your future Queen after all.”

  “When are you going to stop manipulating my real brother?” Dax asked.

  “Come on now Dax” Bethany laughed. “It is my right as a wife and a woman. Men have been falling crazy over what is between a woman’s legs for far longer than me and you have been alive. Every woman should know how to talk a man, especially her man. You are going to be manipulated by Dawn if she can land you, besides it is all in good fun. I just wanted to land the man, I got him now. I should thank you though for the shape I received him in, he has really started to pack on the muscle.”

  “When can we leave this place?” Dax asked.

  “Not yet” Bethany replied. “I have to show off my new brother, you don’t know these cretins but a lot of them look down on the non-magical. Once it became known that I was a wizard you should have seen how many offers for my hand went away. I went from being the woman everyone wanted their firstborn son to marry to being a woman they try to place their fifth son with. Well I guess I could also mention the many broke men out there that were looking to be taken care of by my father’s money.”

  “What would make them change their mind about you?” Dax replied. “You still can't have children and you are still a wizard.”

  “I am going to be Queen one day though” Bethany replied triumphantly. “And many of the women here are widows thanks to the war, a good majority of them sided against us. They are going to want to get to know you, a man who wouldn’t mind being father for another’s seed. I aim to ruin their attempts.”

  “You are using me to get back at girls you don’t like?” Dax asked.

  “Men as well” Bethany asked. “You are not one to hold your tongue and I think all the mages need taking down a peg.”

  “Whatever” Dax replied. “What happens when this night is over?”

  “Well I am living here” Bethany replied. “I think you and father are traveling back to Bartlett.”

  “Hopefully after a few days” Dax replied. “My parents should be here within a few days and I want to see them.”

  “Here comes one” Bethany said and subtly looked over in the direction of a man around the age of King Jordan and a female a few years younger.

  “Lady Bartlett” the man said and put the fakest smile Dax had ever seen. The man had hair that looked as stiff as wood and wore an expensive purplish outfit. The amulet on his chest and the staff the man carried let Dax know he was a mage. The woman he was with batted her eyes at Dax, Dax ignored her and put his attention on the man. The only thing Dax could see in the brief moment he looked at her was that she was also a mage and carried a thinner staff than the man did.

  “Lord Michael” Bethany smiled. “So nice to see you again and Lady Janes, it is always a pleasure.”

  “We saw you standing over here and thought you might like to have some company” Lord Michael replied. “There are not many opportunities for magic users to mingle.”

  “Is that what we are?” Bethany replied. “I would hardly call a wizard a magic user, you both have said so yourself multiple times.”

  “Maybe you misheard” Lord Michael replied. “I probably said something along the lines of wizards not being as strong as mages.”

  “Maybe” Bethany replied. “I don’t think I misheard you though when you stated that no one but the idiotic would ever be with someone that can't continue the blood line. I think I overheard you and your sister talking about it. I guess I can't really blame you, I am just lucky Prince Asher could see past all of that.”

  “Asher is a good man” Dax added. “He will make a fine husband one day and an even better king.”

  “I don’t think we have ever been introduced” Lord Michael said looking Dax over. “How does it feel to go from the street to mixing with high society?”

  “Is that what this is?” Dax replied as he stuck out his hand and floated two glasses of wine over to him and Bethany. “I have no feelings about it one way or another. Would you like a piece of cake sister?”

  “Yes please” Bethany said as she took a sip of wine then snatched a floating saucer topped with cake out of the air. Bethany concentrated and made the plate and the glass hover in midair. She was not that talented a wizard and Dax knew she had to be straining but was probably trying to put on a show. Dax took hold of the magic and sat his drink and cake next to hers. He could see how relieved she was when he took over the strain and figured he could hold the magic for at least twenty or so minutes.

  “Well you have to admit your prospects in suitable wives has risen for the better” Lord Michael replied.

  “I guess so” Dax replied.

  “Brother finds noble women boring” Bethany said with a tease. “He was looking for a girl with a sizable figure and thinks it would be easy to find one that would more than love to date the Wolf of Bartlett.”

  “Why would you stoop so low when you can have a noble woman?” Lady Janes asked. “Commoners are below your station.”

  “My mother is a commoner” Dax replied. “I am sure the rumors of my birth have been well circulated.” Dax watched as the woman’s face went bright red for a moment at her outburst. Dawn caught his attention and started walking over towards their party.

  “I think what my sister means is that now you can have someone with a little more money and influence” Lord Michael said smoothly. “Maybe you could even find yourself in a relationship with a mage who doesn’t mind your inability to procreate.”

  “Now you sound like sister Milord” Dax laughed. “Good thing I listened to her, here comes my beloved now.”

  “Pardon me” Dawn said from behind the two intruding nobles. “My mother would like to meet you dear. She has heard so much about the Wolf of Bartlett and want to meet the man.”

  “Excuse me” Dax said looking apologetically at the two. “I’ll put the cake away.”

  “I don’t want you around Bridget Janes” Dawn said softly. “Her husband was one of the first people killed and she has two children at home. She never really liked Henry Janes and was only with him for the money and the fact he was also a mage. Now she i
s looking for a man to sink her claws into.”

  “Your mother isn’t here is she?” Dax asked.

  “Of course not” Dawn replied. “She wouldn’t be caught dead here, Aunt Farah would really rub her nose in it that she was crowned Queen and my father would never travel anywhere without her.”

  “Dax Davary, masquerading around as a noble” Connor Botweiler said from Dax’s left. Dax had taken enough insults from the man to know his voice instantly, Dax turned around and gave Connor a small smile.

  “Connor Botweiler, the only mage in recorded history to lose a battle to a wizard” Dax replied. “I am happy to see you up and around again.”

  “You were defeated by a wizard?” the girl on Connor’s arm said looking up at Connor.

  “He had his weapon taken away then was put down” Dax replied.

  “Dear leave poor Connor alone” Dawn replied. “He was on a different side but it is all over now.”

  “You got lucky” Connor said and had a noticeable pause.

  “You wanted to call me a bastard didn’t you?” Dax laughed. “Don’t feel so bad, no one could fault a mage for not being able to take down the Wolf.”

  “You lost to him?” the girl on Connor’s arm said as she looked up.

  “Of course he did and you don’t know anyone who could beat me either” Dax replied.

  “You talk big while we are inside” Connor replied. “In a mage duel I would show you who is strongest.”

  “I’ll take you up on that” Dax said. “Ladies and gentlemen we have a special treat” Dax said loudly and waited until everyone looked his way. “Lord Connor Botweiler has agreed to spar me to provide a bit of sport for everyone. Is it going to be with the sword or magically?”

  “With magic” Connor said gritting his teeth.

  “It was a joke Lord Botweiler” Dax laughed. “It wouldn’t be a fair fight at all for you to fight a weaponmaster with too many enemy kills to count, with the sword. A magic duel it is then, perhaps out in the courtyard?”

  “None of your little tricks this time” Connor replied. “Just me and you.”


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