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The Wizard Assassin

Page 11

by Whiskey Flowers

  Dax smiled and walked towards the door, the courtyard was a little bigger than twenty meters but with the crowd Dax thought the fighting area would shrink to about 15 or 16 meters, more than enough to take Connor out. Dax went into the courtyard and could hear people talking excitedly about the duel. More than a few whispered a little too loudly and let their confidants know they still thought of Dax as a bastard and were happy to see him get put down.

  “I won't hurt you too bad” Connor said holding his staff. “And I will try to make this quick.”

  “Thank you for the mercy” Dax said as he shot a nervous looking Asher a smile. “We will let my brother call the start of it, unless you want someone else to do it.”

  “It doesn’t matter one way or another” Connor said and leveled his staff at Dax. “Just hurry it up.”

  Asher looked at Dax who nodded then Asher yelled go. Dax had lightning streaking towards Connor immediately as the boy was yelling his spell and gripping his amulet tightly. Dax smiled as he knew Connor probably thought Dax would go for his amulet instead of a straight up battle. Connor went down as Dax floated the mage’s staff over towards him and held it. The fight was over so soon that people gasped in shock as Dax walked out of the courtyard after grasping the staff. In a mage duel the loser was required to give up their staff, Dax wondered what use he would have for the thing.

  “Well that was fun” Dax replied. “Asher I don’t really have need for a staff.”

  “You could give it back” Asher replied. “It looks like Connor is getting to his feet now.”

  “I didn’t get him as hard as I could have” Dax replied. “Here you go, if you want him to have it you can give it back to him. Here comes Dawn and I am not sure if she is happy or furious. What I do know is that whatever it is I will never hear the end of it.”



  “Was this really necessary?” Dax asked Duke Bartlett as he looked over at the man still yawning in his seat. Duke Bartlett had demanded they leave the morning after the coronation and before Dax’s parents could reach the city.

  “We wouldn’t want to be late to our own ambush and assassination” Duke Bartlett replied.

  “Ambush?” Dax asked as he woke up fully.

  “Yes” Duke Bartlett replied. “Apparently the former Princes Jason and Joran along with their allies are supposed to kill me and Duke Nettleton. I know my death is supposed to happen on my way home from the capital, I decided not to keep my attackers waiting.”

  “You wanted to leave before they were properly set up” Dax replied. “Always a step ahead.”

  “Of course” Duke Bartlett said. “I needed everyone to see us leave and in this carriage. What they don’t realize is that an identical carriage left an hour ahead of us.”

  “Who is inside of it?” Dax asked.

  “A bunch of mages” Duke Bartlett replied. “Your friend Appleton is among them, he is impersonating me. All of the guards are also mages in disguise, it cost me a fortune to get the information then pay the mages but it will give me reason to cut off the royal family from my generosity.”

  “I heard most of them are living on an island or something” Dax replied.

  “They are, well maybe” Duke Bartlett said. “I don’t know how many of them still live there, I think more than a few of them have secretly left. They were supposed to be my guests, but now they will live there and will have to make their own way. I will now only set them up with a job and a place to stay, something they will find demeaning. Maybe servant to the new baronet.”

  “You aim to put me there?” Dax asked surprised.

  “Of course” Duke Bartlett replied. “One of many places. The land will eventually revert back to me or my descendants anyway. Giving you a place on the island ensures they will have no sympathy from anyone with enough clout to make things difficult. I couldn’t imagine you siding with them against me.”

  “Like I said, always a step ahead” Dax replied. “I am just glad my part in this is almost over.”

  “Over?” Duke Bartlett laughed. “Your part in this thing is far from over. I know you and Prince Asher talk, he has told you about your ultimate part in all of this.”

  “About being king?” Dax replied. “Of course he told me.”

  “It shouldn’t come to that” Duke Bartlett replied. “I think Jordan will make a fine ruler and will treat all of his people with respect. Just like I know you will treat everyone in your lands with respect. When are you and the Nettleton girl making everything official?”

  “She wants it done as soon as possible” Dax replied.

  “I do as well” Duke Bartlett replied. “She will make an okay wife, not like the one I have.”

  “Where is Ashley anyway?” Dax asked. “Won't she be upset that you left without her?”

  “I told her to enjoy the palace and that we will return in a couple of weeks once I set up my surprise for her” Duke Bartlett laughed. “I had to make sure they would attack us and besides I needed to have a conversation with you away from the ever present ears in the palace.”

  “You don’t trust your allies?” Dax asked.

  “Of course not” Duke Bartlett replied. “We are all in it for ourselves, do you think Duke Nettleton would have agreed to the coup if none of his bloodline would be on the throne?”

  “I guess not” Dax replied. “So what did you want to talk about other than a bunch of rebels coming to kill us.”

  “When you met Prince Jason, what did you think of the man?” Duke Bartlett asked.

  “You saw how I dealt with him” Dax replied. “He was a loud mouth who was used to people cowering before him. Did you see the shock in his eyes when I knocked that fop on his ass?”

  “I missed that part but saw the aftermath” Duke Bartlett replied. “What do you think he thinks of you?” Duke Bartlett asked.

  “He hates my guts” Dax replied. “If situations were different I think he would have had me flogged for just existing, that punch I gave him would have had him thinking execution.”

  “Well he escaped and I believe his siblings are probably on the loose as well” Duke Bartlett said after a pause.

  “What do you mean they escaped?” Dax asked.

  “While being transported they escaped with some help” Duke Bartlett replied. “I don’t know where they are at right now or the trouble they will try to get in. I only have ideas about what I would do if I were them, ideas that I think will come true sooner or later.”

  “What do you think will happen?” Dax asked.

  “I think I am their likely target; it is the reason we left so abruptly” Duke Bartlett replied. “They will lose many men during their ill-conceived plot but that would do nothing to stop them. They will try to turn my people against me and against the new king. Anyone with half a brain probably knows I played a big part in putting Jordan on the throne. They will go after my people and try to take over the underworld. Who knows how much money they have stored away or where? I underestimated how resourceful they were, I admit I was still in shock when I heard Jason escaped. I am willing to bet a number of different people might be missing from the island as well.”

  “So what are you going to do about it?” Dax asked.

  “Ah” Duke Bartlett replied. “You mean what are we going to do about it? You are my son now, the famed Wolf. The people of Bartlett are your people as well, you can't leave them to be taken advantage of. Besides, you can't be named Baronet before the rebels are captured and dealt with. What I want to know is what do you plan on doing with Helen and Linus Davary.”

  “My parents?” Dax asked defensively.

  “The very same ones” Duke Bartlett said suddenly looking very serious. “Everyone knows or will know who the Wolf of Bartlett is. I cannot imagine the rebels would spare them, if anything they will be hurt just to get back at you.”

  “I have to go back!” Dax said as he became nervous.

  “And do what, worsen the situation” Duke Bartl
ett asked. “Might I offer a second suggestion?”

  “Yes, please” Dax said desperately.

  “Well no one really knows who your parents are except me and my associates” Duke Bartlett replied. “If you go rushing to meet them, then it would be easy for even a substandard detective to discover who they are.”

  “Well I have to bring them to Bartlett” Dax said as he put his head in his hands.

  “That would be the worst thing you could do” Duke Bartlett replied. “Right now your parents would be victims of opportunity, no one would actively seek them out but would take advantage of the situation if they suddenly found them easily accessible.”

  “Then what can I do?” Dax asked.

  “You can do nothing” Duke Bartlett said. “Already your parents have a fake persona and another life somewhere else, a ruse I made sure they kept. Right now they are supposed to be traveling to Galen as spice merchants to make some coin. I think it would be best if they never make it to Galen, they should just turn around and go back to their fake life in Live Oak until this whole thing goes away. No one will know they raised the Wolf and they will be safer that way.”

  “Then we have to turn around” Dax replied. “Well someone has to turn around get my parents.”

  “It was already done last night as soon as I found out” Duke Bartlett replied. “I am sure they will be upset that they would not get the chance to see you, but overall I think it is for the best.”

  “So how are we going to stop the rebels then?” Dax asked.

  “Well we have to wait for them to attack” Duke Bartlett replied. “Right now we have to be reactive until we find out more about them.”

  “That is if they decide to attack at all” Dax replied.

  “Optimism is great” Duke Bartlett replied. “But realism is life, I think you will maybe have to kill a few more people before this whole thing is over. I finally got a chance to see you in action, you took that mage out without breaking a sweat. I never knew wizards were so powerful, Bethany has never exhibited such strength.”

  “I could have lost the fight if the area were a little bigger” Dax admitted. “Wizards are good in a close up fight, we can get our spells off faster but 40 meters is about my max range. Most wizards though can’t go past a few meters, even then though a swordsman would be hard pressed to take out Bethany if she could see him coming. It would be close for her depending on the speed of the swordsman, but I would still place my money on her.”

  “Well I hope we never have to find that out” Duke Bartlett replied then looked out the window of the carriage. “You know eventually they will come for you, don’t you? You are a bastard and you are the embodiment of everything people like them hate. A false noble with a small somewhat shaky claim to the throne. They are mad at Jordan but they would never allow for you to become king.”

  “What I don’t get is what do they hope to accomplish?” Dax asked. “Even if they kill every Bartlett and Nettleton around, then what? Do they plan on killing King Jordan as well?”

  “Probably not” Duke Bartlett replied but then quickly added “But who knows? Grief is a strong motivator surpassed only by revenge. Someone smarter than me once said reason is often the first casualty of emotion. I think in this case the saying stands correct. Whatever they do I cannot imagine Jordan remaining king, even if technically his siblings are all commoners now they can just declare their being stripped void. If the rebels have their way, in addition to myself and Duke Nettleton, I doubt Queen Farah would survive either. Taking her life and your life would be seen as sufficient punishment to your father along with his own exile. None of this will happen though, I have faith we will put down all of the rebels eventually and King Jordan will have a long and prosperous reign. To do that though I need to flush out the rebels and you are the best option.”

  “You prop me on a pedestal like a fat turkey before feast day because you know it will piss off the rebels” Dax began. “Their morals would not let them see me rise above their station. If my brother is correct, you probably have had this planned for some time Your Grace.”

  “I have always thought about the possibility of an uprising” Duke Bartlett began. “But I thought the uprising would come from someplace else. It doesn’t matter though, the legend of the Wolf of Bartlett is growing and will continue to do so. After a few brutal encounters and a lot of exaggeration, I could not fathom anyone willing to cross you. The rebels will eventually fade into nothing more than fanatics. After a few years there will only be a few members with no power and we can go about our lives. But before the Wolf can be let off of its leash, I need you properly trained.”

  “Trained?” Dax said surprised. “You do realize there is a little truth in everything, I may not have killed as many people as they claim but I helped more than enough people to reach the pit.”

  “The training I need you to undertake has to do with more than just fighting” Duke Bartlett replied. “Have you ever heard of the Silent Sword?”

  “The group of assassins?” Dax said confused. “I have heard about them sure, every commoner has. They don’t exist though, just think about it. A secret society that is supposedly the real power in Tox? The nobles would have torn them apart a long time ago.”

  “Normally I would say that is true but you fail to take one thing into account” Duke Bartlett replied.

  “What is that?” Dax asked.

  “What if nobles were a part of this society?” Duke Bartlett replied. “What if this society was even ran by a noble?”

  “Say no more” Dax replied. “I don’t think I want to hear any more of this, this sounds like the type of secret that gets people killed.”

  “You can't unhear it Dax” Duke Bartlett replied. “I am influential in the Silent Sword but they are more than a group of assassins. They deal in secrets, they steal, they influence, in short they do a lot more than just assassinate.”

  “So you want me to train as some kind of assassin?” Dax asked. “Not my style, being all sneaky.”

  “There is no style or morals when it comes to winning” Duke Bartlett replied. “Nobles pretend at having morals, the Wolf though only needs to destroy his enemies and for that you need the proper training. You will have to start from the bottom up and despite your reputation, the Silent Sword uses different methods, methods you will have to learn.”

  “Your Grace we have a rider!” Dax heard one of Duke Bartlett’s guards say from outside the carriage. “Execute plan Alpha, execute plan Alpha.”

  “What is happening?” Dax asked as the carriage came to a sudden stop and the doors opened.

  “We should still be an hour away from the ambush, something is not right, we must flee” Duke Bartlett said as he climbed out of the carriage.

  “What do you mean flee?” Dax asked as he climbed out after him.

  “Get on a horse, I will explain later” Duke Bartlett said as two fast looking horses were brought over. Dax climbed on top of one and sprinted after Duke Bartlett’s horse all before the rider even got close. The carriage closed its doors and continued moving along as if nothing happened as Dax ran his horse almost ragged. They fled for about an hour when Duke Bartlett turned off the path into a dense patch of forest. He slowed his horse down and they traveled in silence for another hour until they came upon a clearing with two small buildings that looked like simple homes. Duke Bartlett got off his horse as an old bearded man came outside the home holding a crossbow.

  “The crow flies at midnight” Duke Bartlett said as the stranger put down the crossbow. “Dax we have to split up here after a bit of cosmetics, don’t worry about me, I will make it to Bartlett soon enough and will give you an update.”

  “Where am I supposed to go?” Dax asked.

  “I have a friend that will come and get you” Duke Bartlett replied. “He will take you over to your training, I won't see you for a while after that. Do you want me to forward any messages from Helen and Linus Davary to you as well as that of anyone else?”
br />   “It just seems like this entire year has been nothing but one hellish training after another” Dax replied.


  The Silent Sword

  Dax looked over at the simple stone buildings in the middle of nowhere. There were no trails leading to this area and it was so remote that everything had to be carried by foot. Dax guessed this was the place where he would learn to become part of the Silent Sword, his guide had filled him in on everything he was supposed to accomplish as well as the history behind the Silent Sword during their travel. The Silent Sword was started years ago by King Ballin the Kind, Dax had laughed at hearing this bit of news but he guessed it made sense. King Ballin was supposedly a very generous and merciful king, he wished to keep this public persona but realized some things had to be handled with a heavy hand so he brought about a group of his most trusted knights to secretly act on the behalf of someone called the Whispering Blade. When King Ballin was dying he turned over leadership of the group to his fourth son and made the man swear an oath never to tell of the Whispering Blade. For years that was how the Whispering Blade operated, the name was eventually changed to the Silent Blade, then to its current moniker of the Silent Sword. Over the years many people have tried to tell of its existence, all were silenced permanently by different means. In its current incarnation, the Silent Sword was led by a Triumvirate, one head dealt in secrets and had a network of spies. The other head dealt in strength, this was part of the Silent Sword that dealt punishment. Finally the last part of the Silent Sword dealt in finances, both legal and illegal and was in charge of funding everything. According to his guide, none of the other three heads know who the others are and operate through their seconds if something was really important but normally just used correspondence. Dax figured Duke Bartlett had to be one of the heads from their conversation and if he had to guess he thought the man would be in charge of spying. Duke Bartlett seemed like he always knew too much and was always a step ahead even when he shouldn’t be. Dax couldn’t begin to guess who the other two were but was told the reins of leadership were passed down from head to head.


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