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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 62

by K. Anderson

  “Just…” Douglas sighed and dragged his hand over his face. “Have you seen her? Have you talked to her in person?”

  “Yes, and yes,” Anna answered. “I think she really is the best choice.”

  Doug was quiet for a long moment, trying to wrap his head around this whole deal. At last, he let out a long breath.

  “Okay,” Doug complied.

  “Thank you,” Anna said, and he could hear the relief in her voice.

  “She wants to have our first session today,” Doug said. “Like, right now.”

  “Well great,” Anna said. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Oh I don’t know,” Doug shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to see if it was okay with you.”

  “Yeah, of course,” Anna said easily. “You guys do whatever she says is best. We’re trying to get you well, remember.”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course,” Doug nodded. “And you’ll be home tonight, right?”

  “Yeah, like I said, probably around ten or eleven,” Anna said. “I’m going to. Kathy and I are about to go find a place to eat.”

  “Okay,” Doug said, feeling nerves creep up inside of him. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  “See you tonight,” Anna replied, and with that she hung up the phone.

  Now that he had gotten approval from his wife, Douglas could think of no more ways to procrastinate. He sighed heavily and gathered his confidence, and then moved back into his home. Nicole sat exactly where he had left her.

  “Well, we got the okay from the boss,” Doug laughed nervously. “I guess we can get this show on the road.”

  “Great,” Nicole smiled and stood up. “I’m just going to go run and get the table from my truck.”

  “Oh,” Doug blinked. “Do you need any help?”

  “No,” Nicole smiled over her shoulder as she walked away. “Just tell me where we can go to set up once I get back inside.”

  With that, Nicole left him and went outside to get her table. Meanwhile, Doug racked his brain to think of where on earth they could go in the house to set up the table. The best place Doug could think of was the small garden room that led out into their back yard. The floors were beautiful white marble, and the windows there revealed the beautiful landscaping of the yard and their pool, but white, gauzy curtains offered them a measure of privacy.

  Doug had just come to that decision when Nicole finally arrived back in the house. She had a large duffel bag slung over one shoulder, and behind her she rolled a large case. Doug looked over at her, shocked that she was somehow managing to haul such a heavy load.

  “Are you sure you don’t need help?” Doug asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

  “Let me do my job Mr. Price,” Nicole winked at him. “Now just tell me where I need to set up.”

  “Right,” Doug shook his head. “This way.”

  Doug proceeded to lead Nicole through the kitchen and to the small garden room.

  “Oh this is lovely,” Nicole said, taking a look around the small room.

  “I thought it would be a nice place for you to set up,” Doug said, continuing to stand awkwardly.

  Nicole looked around the room for a moment and smiled.

  “Yeah, I think this will do very nicely,” she said at first, but then frowned.

  “What is it?” Doug asked, looking around to see what exactly had inspired that reaction in her.

  “Nothing serious,” she waved off his concern. “But would you happen to have a small table, or maybe even a TV tray that I could use to set up a few things.”

  “I think I have something that will definitely work,” Doug nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

  Doug left the room and went upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms. They had always intended to use them for their children when they had them, but since that had yet to happen, they were largely just used for storage. One of them had various pieces of furniture that they had never really found a place for in the whole scheme of the house. In that room was where he was sure he would find the sort of table she needed.

  He crossed the hallway and entered the small room, and quickly identified the table he had in mind. It was about the size of a small desk, and he figured it would be just about perfect for what Nicole had in mind. He picked it up and headed back down the stairs.

  By the time he returned to the garden room, Nicole had already set up the table. He couldn’t help but be impressed.

  “Here’s a table,” Doug said, stepping into the room.

  “Great!” Nicole said. “Just put it right here.

  She indicated an area right next to the table, and Doug set it there as she had asked. Doug watched as she laid out all manner of oils, as well as towels and even a robe on the table. She picked up the large robe and held it out to Doug.

  “Here,” she said. “Go change into this.”

  Doug took the robe, and then took a deep breath. Fortunately, there was a small half bath inside the garden room, and he moved over there. Once inside, he slipped out of his suit and underclothes and laid them out over the sink. Then, he put on the robe. Then, he braced himself and headed back out into the garden room where Nicole was waiting for him.

  “Very good,” she said, appraising him. “Now, actually, you’ll have to take that off as well, and then lay down on the table.”

  Doug was floored for a moment.

  “You mean…” he gestured to the table, and then back at himself.

  Nicole raised an eyebrow.

  “Naked?” she asked with an amused smile. “Yes, you will have to be naked.”

  Doug felt his face go pale.

  “It’s a full body massage,” she explained. “So I have to have access to your full body.”

  Doug stammered for a moment, at a loss for words.

  “Don’t worry,” Nicole shot him a smile. “We’ll start with your back, and when you turn over you can use a towel to hide anything you don’t want me to see. Okay?”

  “Okay…” Doug said with hesitation.

  “Great,” Nicole said. “Now go ahead and lie face down, make yourself comfortable. I’m going to be doing some things over here to keep getting ready, so I won’t look at you.”

  Doug nodded, and Nicole turned her back. Doug let the robe pool to the floor as he pushed it hastily off his shoulders. He looked at the table, and he moved over to it, then stepped up and laid out his body across its length. He put his face into the cushion, though he was somewhat unnerved that he couldn’t see.

  “I’m ready,” he said, trying to keep his voice calm despite the fact that he was more nervous than he had been in a very long time.

  “Great,” Nicole said pleasantly. “Then let’s get started. I’m going to start with your neck, okay?”

  “Okay,” Doug confirmed.

  The next thing he knew, he felt Nicole’s hands on his neck, and he couldn’t help but flinch.

  Chapter 6

  “Easy there,” she chuckled softly, even as she began to work her fingers into his neck.

  Doug was stiff at first, but he was eventually forced to relax as her hands worked their magic. The sensations she created were incredible. He had not felt so clear minded in a long time. She then moved down to his shoulders. Her touch was rough at first, but as she worked out some of his major knots, she relented into more soothing touches. Then, she proceeded down his spine.

  Doug left as though he might fall asleep as she worked from his spine and moved outward and then back in and down. Always with the rough touches first and then the gentle. The rougher, more forceful touches were easy to abide by. It was the softer, gentler touches that were beginning to try Doug’s resolve. Especially as she got lower and lower toward his buttocks, he felt excitement rise up inside of him.

  Doug tried to remember that this was a professional type situation, and that even though they were in his home, she was giving him therapy. She was not just running her smooth, perfect hands up and down his body for pleasurable purposes. No matter how much he told himse
lf that, though, it seemed that his body would not understand.

  In fact, his body was reacting to her touch, and it was all he could do to keep quiet as pleasure rolled form his head to his toes and back. Doug didn’t know if he was going to be able to keep cool when she reached his backside. But fortunately, just as he thought she would touch him there, she diverted her path, and gently traced back up to his arms.

  Doug sighed a little in relief as she began to work on his arms, but he quickly found that there was not much difference in her touch there than any other part of his body. He rough and then soft touches were driving him crazy. He found it exceedingly sensual when she massaged his hand. His mind was spinning by the time she finished his left arm, and then she still had to move on to his right.

  Doug was doing everything he could to keep his racing blood away from his cock. The last thing he wanted was an erection in this scenario. It seemed, though, that no matter how many state capitols or dog breeds he could think of, his body was intent upon getting aroused, and with Nicole’s constant touches, it seemed he was helpless.

  He was grateful for a brief break when she finished with his arms, but he was somewhat anxious to see where she would go next.

  “Are you ticklish, Doug?” she asked from somewhere at the other end of the table.

  “No, I’m fine,” Doug answered, and he could hear a tightness in his voice.

  “Good,” Nicole said.

  With that, she began to massage his feet.

  Doug nearly groaned as she ran her healing touch over his foot, and then began to work up the back of his leg. Again, her touches were rough and then soft, and she moved at a slow, steady pace up his leg, over his calf and then inching up the back of his thigh. Once again, he was filled with nerves as she approached his sensitive buttocks.

  This time, though, she did not relent, and she began working the muscle there. Doug almost gasped at the pure pleasure that course through his body. He clenched his teeth and tried hard to stabilize his breathing. Again, the rough touches were bearable, but her soft, gentle strokes were enough to undo him.

  Finally, she relented and moved back down the table, only to begin the whole process again on the other leg. Doug schooled himself through the process, working on remaining calm as she slowly but surely worked her way up his other leg. He felt her once again move in on his buttocks. She repeated the process, and Doug tracked the progress of her hands, eager for this portion to be complete.

  He was relieved when she reached the point at which she had stopped last time, but this time she continued. In fact, she used her hands to gently massage at both of his globes, moving in what felt to Doug like a deliberately slow and sensual movement. His body was becoming highly aroused, and if it had not been for the fact that he was lying on his cock, it would have been raging and erect by now.

  “You okay, Doug?” Nicole asked him even as her thumbs spread his cheeks and ran along the muscle inside of them.

  “Uh-huh,” Doug managed to get out. He was sure he heard Nicole chuckle. Finally, her hands left him, and Doug relaxed.

  “How are you feeling?” Nicole asked.

  Doug knew very well that he couldn’t tell her that he felt more sexually excited than he had in years, so he took stock of the rest of his body’s sensations.

  “I feel very relaxed,” he said. And it was true. The tension that his back had been carrying, and the pain he had been dealing with was all gone.

  “Great,” Nicole said, her voice smooth and soothing, much like her touches. “We’re going to move on to your front now. So whenever you’re ready, just flip over onto your back. I’ll turn around and you can tell me when you’re ready. Oh, and here’s this.”

  Doug felt Nicole place something in his hand.

  “You can use this to cover up anything you don’t want to see,” she said. “Just let me know when you’re all set up, okay?”

  “Okay,” Doug confirmed.

  He lifted his head up out of the cushion to make sure that Nicole was indeed turned around. Then, he flipped his body over on the table, and eagerly laid the towel over his exposed cock and balls. He willed his length to remain flaccid, if only for the remainder of the massage. Then, he laid back on the table with a soft exhale, resting his head back on the cushion. He took a moment to brace himself, and then decided he could go on.

  “Ready,” Doug said.

  “Great,” he watched as Nicole turned around to face him. “I’m actually going to start with your face this time. Go ahead and close your eyes for me.”

  Doug nodded, and allowed his eyes to drift closed. Nicole began to run her fingers and hands along his face, honing in on his temples, and then even his scalp. He kept his eyes closed, knowing that he would likely come face to face with her cleavage if he opened them. Somehow, even that knowledge alone was enough to turn him on.

  Fortunately, she moved away from his face.

  “I’m going to put a towel over your eyes to keep the light out,” she said. Doug nodded, and she covered his eyes, effectively blocking out some of the light streaming in.

  Her hands moved down to his neck, and the trial began again for Doug as her hands worked at his tense muscles. The front of his torso was highly sensitive, and Nicole seemed to notice, as she chuckled as soon as his nipples hardened.

  “Sensitive?” she asked him, and Doug released a ragged gasp as her ran the tips of her fingers over his achingly hard nipples.

  “Yes,” Doug said raggedly, desperately trying to keep his heart rate down, and keep his blood away from his cock.

  Nicole laughed lightly, and continued with her normal process. Doug soon found, though, that as her hands moved lower, it was harder for him to keep still. By the time her hands had reached his pelvic arch, it was all he could do to keep from arching up off the table into her hands. Fortunately, it was there that she removed her hands, and moved down to the end of the table.

  “And I’ll do the top of your legs now,” Nicole said.

  Doug nearly groaned. His legs had nearly been the death of him last time, and she was sure that this time would be no different. Sure enough, as she worked her way up his legs, he felt his excitement mount ever higher. By the time she reached his groin, her hands dipped under the towel and her hands worked at the muscles of his hips and his pelvis. Doug though he might lose his mind just as she relented and began again along his other leg.

  All too soon, though, she had worked her way up that one as well. Doug’s heart pounded furiously in his chest.

  “I’m going to take off the towel now do I can get your lower abdomen and groin,” Nicole said, and Doug felt his heart clench.

  “But, I, I don’t…” Doug stammered.

  “Trust me Doug,” Nicole soothed him, running her hand up and down his thigh. “I’m a professional.”

  Before Doug could protest any further, Nicole had removed the towel. Doug blushed furiously, and he knew very well that his cock was boasting a semi-erection already.

  “We’ll get started again,” Nicole said, her voice calm and level.

  Doug felt her hands on either of his hips, digging hard into the muscle there. Doug tried to brace himself as she slowly but surely centered in toward his cock. He could feel it growing, and soon it began to throb. He heard Nicole chuckle, and he felt a rush of embarrassment.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said quickly. “I just- I…”

  “Hush,” Nicole said soothingly, as she worked at the muscles just above his slightly twitching cock.

  Doug felt Nicole wrap her fingers softly around his base, and with her other hand lightly cup his balls, which were tight and full. He gasped at the sensations she was creating, and he could no longer keep still. He groaned gutturally and arched his back up, flexing his hips into her touch.

  “God, you’re so worked up,” Nicole whispered, her tome marveling at him.

  “Yes,” Doug hissed out form between his teeth.

  “I’ll stop if you want me to,” Nicole said softly, even
as she began to gently pump at his shaft. “I just couldn’t resist at least touching you a little. All you have to do is say the word…”

  Doug groaned as Nicole traced a fingernail over his frenulum, sending a jolt of intense pleasure shooting throughout his whole body. He wished he could muster up the self-control to tell her to stop, but it seemed that years of sexual frustration was keeping him from doing so.

  Doug at last decided to surrender to his body, and he moaned as Nicole set up a perfect rhythm, gently jerking his cock. Doug flexed his legs as pleasure coursed through his body and he panted slightly as she sped up. He felt her drip some oil onto his cock, making all of her movements smoother and much more intense. Doug hissed as she focused in on the ridge of his cock, just below his head. The pleasure was intense, and Doug felt his eyes roll back into his head.

  “Oh God…” he panted out, rocking his hips and thrusting slightly into her hand. Her other hand was still gently massaging his balls, and he was lost in the sensations she was creating.

  “You like this?” Nicole whispered.

  “Uh- huh…” Doug responded mindlessly.

  Doug felt Nicole take the towel off of his eyes and Doug blinked as the light came rushing back into them. He quickly focused in on Nicole, who was looking up at him with and expression of pure lust.

  Suddenly, she took her hands off of his member. Doug nearly groaned in protest, but he held his tongue as he saw her slowly begin to remove her shirt. His eyes widened as she then slipped off her bra. Doug’s jaw dropped as a pair of perfect, perky breasts were revealed to him. Unable to help himself, he began to touch himself, picking up a demanding pace and groaning at the sensations.

  He continued to watch as Nicole slipped out of her shoes, and then slowly lowered her pants down her shapely legs. Doug moaned as he took in the sight of her firm, round buttocks, and then her perfectly shaved mound as she turned to face him.

  “You like what you see?” she asked him.

  Doug nodded wordlessly as Nicole began to run her hands over her own body, cupping her breasts and kneading her nipples between her fingers. Doug felt his breathing increase to heavy pants as her hands lowered even further to part her folds and toy at her clit. Doug felt himself shudder as Nicole released a soft moan. He increased his sped as he touched himself. He felt a climax approaching almost imminently.


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