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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 63

by K. Anderson

  Suddenly Doug felt Nicole’s hands on his own. She lifted them up, and guided him to cup her breasts even as she moved to straddle his hips on the table. Doug tentatively squeezed his fingers around her soft orbs, and he moaned as he felt her nipples harden into his palms.

  “Just like that,” Nicole whispered softly, her eyes drifting closed.

  As he fondled her breasts, Douglas felt Nicole drag her fingertips down his chest and stomach, and his cock jerked as she once again wrapped her fingers around his base. Doug moaned as she began to gently pump at him, and once again he began to thrust his hips at her satisfying touch.

  “You haven’t been touched like this in a long time, have you?” Nicole murmured softly, her lips brushing against the shell of his ear.

  “No…” Doug responded breathlessly as she tightened her grip a little.

  “It feels good, doesn’t it?” she urged him softly.

  “Yes…” he nodded fervently, his hands running down her body to slip between her thighs. He heard Nicole gasp as he ran his fingertips through her wetness, gathering it up to swirl around her clit.

  “That feels good…” Nicole whispered again into his ear. Doug felt her shudder under his touch, and he groaned a little from that alone.

  “But it’s not what I want…” Nicole flexed her hips, and Doug gasped at her wet slit teased at his tip.

  “Well what is it that you want?” Doug asked in a rush of air as she continued to tease him without mercy.

  Nicole looked up into his eyes, her own eyes smoldering.

  “I want you inside of me…” she whispered.

  Chapter 7

  With that, she lowered herself down onto his cock. Doug gasped, and immediately gripped her hips, holding her still as he completely sheathed himself within her hot center. He groaned as he heard her gasp, and his whole body shook as he tried to gain control over himself.

  It had been so long since he had been inside a woman that he feared just the slightest motion would send him over the edge. Slowly, he gained control over himself, and he slowly pulled out of her, and then pressed back in.

  “Oh God yes…” Nicole let out in a rush above him, and Doug felt the familiar surge of power that came from giving a woman pleasure.

  In less than a second, Doug flipped Nicole over. She looked up at him in shock, and wrapped her legs around his hips as he began to establish a rhythm inside of her.

  “You feel so good…” he growled between his teeth. He gradually increased his speed.

  “Ah, yes…” Nicole bit out between her pants. “You’re so thick, don’t stop…”

  Doug felt another flare of power and pleasure at her words, and he tightly gripped her hips between his hands as he continued to pound into her. He heard Nicole release soft whimpers with each hard thrust, and he could feel her inner walls beginning to flutter and pulse around his cock. The sensation was incredible, and he let out a harsh groan.

  “You’re so tight,” he growled into her ear as he continued to thrust within her.

  “You’re so big…” she whispered back, biting at his earlobe.

  Doug felt another sharp surge of pleasure, and he redoubled his sped, ushering his climax forward.

  “I’m getting close….” He panted breathlessly as he picked up his rhythm yet again.

  “Oh, so am I…” Nicole panted as well. “Please, don’t stop…”

  Doug pounded into her, and he watched as she lowered her hand down over her stomach, and dip her fingers between her legs to toy at her clit. Doug heard her moans increase in fervency and frequency. He pounded into her harder still, mentally coaching himself to hold out until after she had reached her peak.

  “Oh, Doug…” Nicole’s breathing hitched as she spoke. “I’m… I’m coming!”

  Sure enough, just as she announced the arrival of her climax, Douglas felt her inner muscles slam down around his shaft. He let out a harsh groan, and pumped into her frantically. He felt his balls draw up and he groaned loudly as his load burst hot and fast into Nicole’s womb.

  Nicole’s inner muscles continued to milk him as he came, and he felt himself relax all over. He braced himself on his elbows to keep from completely falling on top of her and crushing her under his weight. He panted, and he felt his body relax. The effects of his massage and his climax worked together to make him feel like he was made entirely of jelly.

  When he at last gained a measure of composure over himself, he got off the table and braced itself on the edge. Nicole, too, rose, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “How do you feel?” she asked, concern in her eyes.

  “I feel…” Doug searched for the right word. “Unbelievable.”

  Doug turned toward Nicole and looked her body up and down. He was at a loss to try and describe how that whole experience had made him feel.

  “Well, I’m glad you feel better,” she said with a smile as she began to dress herself. “Do you want to start setting up appointments?”

  Doug’s mind whirled.

  “Um, yeah,” he said. “What if we do four weekdays and then Saturdays?”

  “Sounds great,” Nicole smiled. “How about Monday through Thursday for the weekdays?”

  “Yeah, that would be great,” Doug nodded, in slight disbelief that he was discussing business terms naked and covered in oil.

  “Perfect,” Nicole smiled at him. At this point, she was once again fully dressed. “Why don’t you go put your clothes back on, and I’ll go put my gear back in my truck, and come back with a contract. Okay?”

  “Okay…” Doug nodded, and immediately moved over to the small half bath.

  Doug’s mind was in a haze as he gathered up his clothes and put them back on one garment at a time. He was having a hard time processing what exactly had just happened. He decided that he would take care of business first, and then work to process the emotional aspect of what had just occurred.

  When he was dressed, he moved back out into the garden room. He was surprised to see that the room was vacant, except for the single table that he had brought down himself. He moved the table against the interior wall of the room so it didn’t look out of place and random. He knew Anna would certainly ask about its placement, and he knew that he would have to remain calm as he explained why he had brought it down there. Once again, he decided to focus on the moment at hand before he tried to manage the future.

  He moved out of the garden room and through the kitchen back into the living room, where Nicole was seated on the couch, waiting for him. He saw a small stack of papers on the coffee table in front of her, as well as a pen.

  “I will have some more official documents drawn up later,” Nicole spoke as Doug began to look over the papers. “This for now is just an agreement that says you will pay full price for the trial treatment and not the usual half.”

  Douglas ran his eyes over the document and took in the words there. He found that he was in agreement with everything, and he signed his name at the bottom of the page where it had been indicated.

  “Great,” Nicole smiled at him, holding out her hand for the papers, which Doug easily handed back over to her.

  “We’ll continue with the trial period for the next two weeks,” Nicole said as she stood. “And then we can readjust our terms for a more permanent arrangement. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Doug nodded, and stood as well.

  “Thank you very much for your time,” Nicole smiled as she turned and headed toward the door.

  “Thank you.” Doug blinked and hastily moved to open the front door for Nicole.

  “See you tomorrow, same time?” Nicole asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “Um, no!” Doug said, and Nicole frowned. “I… I actually tend to run late at work. But I could always use my lunch hour for this.”

  “Alright,” Nicole shrugged. “Whatever works for you. What time would that be, exactly?”

  “That would be from twelve to one,” he said. “And if that conflicts with your own lunch hour,
I assure you I can give you more than enough compensation.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt of that,” Nicole smirked, and her eyes traveled down to look at the crotch of his pants. Doug flushed and became flustered.

  “I meant… monetary compensation,” Doug stammered, shifting a little on his feet.

  “Of course you did,” Nicole said with a laugh. “But either way, there’s no need. I am an independent operator. I can take lunch whenever I want.”

  “Oh, great,” Doug laughed nervously, blinking.

  “I do have another appointment that I have to make, though,” Nicole said, moving further down the driveway. “Have a good evening.”

  “And you as well,” Doug called after her as she headed toward her truck.

  Doug watched as she got into the vehicle and revved the engine then drove off. He leaned heavily in the doorway, and his mind spun as he tried to process what had just happened. Once Nicole’s truck was out of sight, he moved back into the house and shut the door behind him.

  Doug moved through his house numbly, making his way up the stairs toward his bedroom. He opened the door to enter, and then let it close behind him. He undressed, going through his usual process of hanging up his suit. He vaguely noted the remnants of oil on his shirt from when he had put it back on. Thankfully though, it was just his undershirt, and he wouldn’t have to throw one of his dress shirts out.

  When he had undressed, he moved into the bathroom and got in the shower. He made sure his skin was clear of all the oil that had been massaged into him, as well as his hair. When he was satisfied that he was clean enough, he got out of the shower and dried himself off.

  He put on a pair of boxer briefs, and then promptly moved over to his bed. He pulled back the covers and then slid in. he laid down, and finally allowed his mind to wander over what had happened.

  The first thing he felt was an overwhelming sense of guilt. He had cheated on his wife. There was no question of that in his mind. After years of commitment and loyalty, all it had taken to break him down was a few months of celibacy and an attractive masseuse. He felt his stomach sink at the thought of explaining what had happened to Anna.

  He wondered if he should tell his wife at all. He found arguments for both sides. If he told her, there was a good chance they could just work through it together, and then it would all just be a single bad spot on their marriage. On the other hand, though, she could just decide that that was the last straw, and she could move to have their marriage ended with perfectly just cause.

  In either one of those scenarios, though, he would have to call off his interactions with Nicole. And if he was perfectly honest with himself, he wasn’t sure if that was something he wanted. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he was forced to realize that he did not want that to happen at all.

  Nicole had made him feel things that he hadn’t felt in years. Her massage in combination with their sex had made him feel about five years younger, and more relaxed than he could remember feeling in his entire life. He had a strong feeling that if they kept up their treatments, they would certainly meet their original goal. And if they kept having sex, he would not feel so frustrated all the time. With that combination, he would certainly stop having his migraines, which was what Anna had wanted in the first place.

  Doug experienced a rush of guilt at trying to justify his own lecherous needs with what had been Anna’s idea. He knew that she had no idea that he would have sex with the therapist. But now that he had gotten a taste for it, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to just let it go so easily. He felt that he was already addicted to Nicole, and he knew that this was only going to be the beginning of a long relationship, and one that was likely going to be destructive to his marriage.

  Doug’s thoughts lingered there until he drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning, Douglas was awoken by his alarm. He did not have a workout with John that morning, but he knew he needed to get a workout in. So, he put on a pair of jogging shorts and headed outside. He cleared his mind as he ran his usual three miles, and looped his way back to his home. Once inside, he took his morning shower, and dressed in a navy suit and white shirt, then headed downstairs.

  As usual, he was greeted by the scent of coffee, and the sight of his wife at the breakfast bar. A wave of guilt crashed over him, and he stayed quiet as he moved over to the coffee machine.

  “Hey,” he heard Anna call to him, and he felt his stomach sink.

  “Hey,” he said, turning to her with a smile. “What time did you get back in?”

  “About ten thirty,” she answered, her tone dismissive. “But hey, tell me how the massage went! How do you feel?”

  Doug knew that most honest answer would be that he was feeling guilty, but he knew that he couldn’t give that answer.

  “I feel great,” he said, and it was true. “I feel like I’m five years younger.”

  “And your back and neck?” she asked hopefully.

  “They feel fine,” he shrugged. “Very relaxed, actually.”

  “Well that’s great,” Anna said, her expression brighter. “How do you like Nicole? I know you were expressing some doubts over the phone.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Doug nodded. “But as usual you’re right. She’s very professional, and I think that after this little two-week trial period we’ll be able to negotiate a more permanent financial situation for her.”

  “Great,” Anna smiled. “I think I’m going to take her on as my therapist as well.”

  “What?” Doug said, unnerved by the idea of Nicole being so close with his wife. “I mean… why do you need massage therapy?”

  “Those pains in my lower back, remember?” Anna said, her expression dimming as soon as she realized he had completely forgotten.

  “Oh,” Doug blinked. “I’m sorry… I… yeah, I just forgot, I guess…”

  “My job has its stressed too, Douglas,” she said. “And if Nicole is good enough for you, she is certainly good enough for the likes of me.”

  Doug did not respond, and looked down into his cup of coffee.

  “I’m going to pick up Kathy,” Anna sighed as she gathered up her things.

  “Okay,” Doug said. “Have a good day.”

  “You too,” Anna said, not meeting his eyes as she made her way out of the house.

  Doug ran his hand over his face and let out a long sigh, guilt and regret once again taking hold of him. He decided against having breakfast, doubting if he would be able to stomach it. He filled up his thermos with coffee and gathered up his briefcase from his office, then made his way out to his car.

  Chapter 8

  Doug’s life soon picked up into a new, different pattern. For once, work was not the sole purpose of his attention. He found himself constantly looking forward to his sessions with Nicole. Nicole, for her part, never disappointed. In each one of their sessions, she would give him her specialty full body massage, and then the two would make love, all in the confines of his lunch hour.

  Douglas would return to work with new vigor, and he was able to focus even more on the tasks he had to accomplish. But even then, his mind was fixated on Nicole, because he knew that Anna’s appointments were at six. And even though these appointments were private, he got a sense of pleasure just from knowing that she was in the house with him.

  Doug always had a hard time making it all the way through the day on the two days of the week when he wasn’t getting treatments from Nicole, though. While he was void of stress or pain, it seemed that his libido had shot up exponentially. Doug found it hard to think of anything but his own sate of arousal, and at work he was having a hard time concentrating.

  When his lunch hour finally came, he knew that he had to go home. He could barely keep himself from fidgeting in his agitation. So, as soon as the twelve o’clock hour was upon him, he picked up his briefcase and headed home.

  He quickly drove home and immediately retreated to the confines of his bedroom. He collapsed onto his bed and immediately went to
work undoing his pants. He sighed as he wrapped his fingers around his shaft, and easily worked his cock into a herd, pulsing erection.

  As he began to stroke himself, he found his mind wandering to none other than Nicole. Suddenly, he got an idea. He shot bolt upright in bed and immediately reached for his phone. Without hesitation, he dialed Nicole’s number. It rang a few times, and Doug was getting to be afraid that she wouldn’t pick up.

  “Hello?” she finally answered.

  “Hey!” Doug said excitedly. “Hey… um, I was just wondering, if… if you were, you know, free right now.”

  “Free for what?” Nicole said, and Doug could hear her tone grow sultrier.

  “Well, I mean…” Doug sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I just wondered if, you know, you could come over.”

  “Doug,” Nicole sighed. “I can tell you’re beating around the bush, and frankly, it’s really not a turn on to me.”

  Doug was taken aback a little by her words.

  “If you want me,” Nicole went on. “You’re going to have to ask for me. Plain and simple.”

  Doug took a deep breath and tried to gather his wits about him.

  “I…” Doug said shakily. “I want you.”

  “What was that?” Nicole said, her voice teasing. “I’m not sure I heard you correctly.”

  Douglas felt his stomach tie itself in knots as he gathered words to express his need.

  “I need to be inside of you,” he all but growled into the phone.

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Nicole purred into the phone. “I’ll be there in five. Don’t get yourself too worked up before I get there.”

  With that, Nicole hung up the phone. Doug released a long huff of air and collapsed back on the bed. Just the phone encounter had left him hard and aching and he hoped that Nicole would hurry up.


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