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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

Page 12

by Lisa Campell

  As she reached him, she gave him her hand.

  “Ah…” he sighed as he kissed the back of her palm. “How I looked forward to doing this again. If you must know, I consider it a great honor to be able to kiss the hand of a goddess like you.”

  “You flatter me, my lord.”

  “Believe me, ‘tis no flattery. I only speak the truth. You enchant me with your beauty. I fear I do not want to be broken from this spell.”

  Caroline’s smile was getting thinner by the moment. If they were going to fawn over her looks all afternoon, she might as well catch a quick nap.

  “Thank you,” she forced through gritted teeth. Then, withdrawing her hand from his grasp, she gestured to the sofa.

  “Please, sit. Amelia shall be here with tea any moment.”

  “Amelia?” he asked.

  “My lady’s maid,” she explained.

  “I see.”

  Just then, Amelia walked in with a tray of tea and biscuits. As soon as she was done serving, she curtsied and took her leave, leaving the doors open.

  As soon as they were alone again, Caroline got to filling their cups.

  She thought about Edward, wondering if she had been too hard on him.

  Should I apologize?

  No, she wouldn’t. Apologizing would mean accepting defeat, and to succeed, she needed every win she could get.

  “Miss Caroline!”

  She startled as Lord Whittaker’s voice filled her ears. That was when she realized she had over poured the tea.

  She grimaced in horror as she looked up at him.

  “Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry! What was I thinking?” she gushed as she grabbed a napkin and started to clean the mess she had made.

  “I could ask the same. You seemed so far away. I tried drawing your attention but you wouldn’t even hear me.”

  She smiled at him apologetically as she finally succeeded in drying the table. As she finished, she handed him his cup of tea.

  “Forgive me, it will not happen again.”

  Lord Whittaker scoffed. “I certainly hope it doesn’t. Your father mentioned you were a bit rough around the edges, but I was hoping I’d at least have a wife who would know how to serve my guests tea.”

  Caroline winced. She had never felt so insulted. The superior air in his tone, the way he downturned his mouth in disapproval, the mockery in his eyes.

  She wanted to ask him to leave that very moment, but she couldn’t very well send him away after telling Edward she had chosen him, could she?

  Retreating into her seat, she answered, “Well, there are many things I do not know how to do as lady, not because I wasn’t properly taught or I am incapable of learning, but because I simply refused to. I don’t know if my father was entirely honest with you, but I am nothing like most ladies, Lord Whittaker. You should know this and should accept me for who I am if you do indeed plan on marrying me.”

  He paused, holding his cup midair as she finished. A moment passed before he took a sip and returned the cup to the table.

  “Indeed, you are nothing like most ladies. Sharp-tongued, I see. Very few ladies will talk back to a lord that way. It is no matter, you can be groomed, taught to become more… agreeable. Submissive.”

  He lifted his cup to his mouth and sipped again. Then, taking in the drawing room, he continued, “I wonder if you speak to the duke in this manner. I hear you two grew up joined at the hip. Raises some concern that you were so close, and now live under the same roof, but your father trusts him and so shall I. You should bear in mind, though, that just as I expect you to be a dutiful wife, I also expect the woman I marry to be untouched.”

  He beamed at her once again and she knew then, without a doubt in her heart, that she would never marry this man.

  He could not even pretend to keep on the façade for long. He had taken off his mask and she finally saw him truly for what he was.

  An egoist who would not cherish and love her, for he had no respect for her as a woman. Alas, she had to continue to play along if she must buy enough time.

  “The duke is nothing but an old friend,” she replied, teeth gritted.

  “Good. Good. I shall take your word for it.” He drank from his cup again. “Hmm… this is good tea. I suppose it is true what they say, all the higher lords and nobles keep the finest of herbs for themselves. The finest of homes too, I see. A manor as huge as this, in London. What a sight.”

  “Indeed,” she answered simply.

  “Have you been hearing from your father?”

  She nodded. “He sent word when he arrived in Yorkshire.”

  “I see. He is of the opinion that the wedding should happen at the end of the Season. I think it’s too far away to wait. What are your thoughts?”

  “I believe the Season would serve as a sufficient courtship period. I agree with Father.”

  “You learn very quickly, Miss Caroline, I’m glad. Seeing you so demure and polite thrills my heart. Now I am beginning to believe that we shall have a wonderful marriage. Your father bought my interest with your beauty, but I’ll be needing more than good looks to last me the next five decades, in the very least.”

  Five decades. It was too long a time to live with such a man. Caroline instantly felt immense pity for the woman that would end up with him.

  She phased out as he continued to speak, only listening enough to give him answers when it appeared he had asked a question.

  Eventually, the long afternoon came to an end and she waited for him to leave before heaving a sigh of relief.

  As she started to go up the stairs to her chamber, Aunt Trudy appeared.

  “You’re awake?” Caroline chimed as she saw her.

  Aunt Trudy nodded. “Yes. I heard the earl called today. Did you have a lovely time?”

  Not wanting her aunt to worry, Caroline forced a smile. “Let’s just say I did. I must rest now. I feel a headache coming on.”

  “Oh dear, is there anything I can do?”

  Caroline shook her head, touched by her aunt’s evident concern.

  “I only need to rest my eyes. Thank you.”

  She continued on her way then, not stopping until she reached her chambers. As she fell to her bed, she covered her face with her palm and heaved a deep sigh.

  Who would have thought her life would ever become like this? Caught between a terrible man who wanted her all too much, and a wonderful one who wasn’t quite certain if he wanted her at all.

  The odds did not look good. Not at all.

  Edward met Nathaniel right outside his home as his friend returned from an outing.

  As Nathaniel saw him, he raised his brow in surprise. “Did we agree to meet today? Did I forget?”

  Edward shook his head, going in before Nathaniel as his butler opened his door.

  “No to both questions,” he answered when Nathaniel joined him.

  “Then why have you come?”

  Edward sneered. “Since when do I need a reason to visit my one and only friend in the entire world?”

  He stopped as he reached the door of Nathaniel’s study, waiting for the marquess to open it.

  As soon as he did, Edward shrugged him aside, entering first again.

  He walked straight to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of brandy. Not bothering to get a cup, he popped it open and took a long swig.

  Nathaniel sighed as he watched him. “Isn’t it too early in the day to be drinking?”

  “It’s never too early for me.” He took another swig then held out the bottle in front of him. “Hmm. This is good brandy. I see you have many more. You must give me some to take home.”

  “Are you sure it is wise to be drinking with two ladies about?” Nathaniel asked again as he took his seat on one of the sofas.

  Edward joined him.

  “Damn the ladies! What do they care, anyway? Why should I care?”

  Nathaniel smiled then. A wide one that Edward wished to smack off.

  “Something happened, did it not? B
etween you and Miss Caroline?”

  Edward wanted to deny it but decided it was futile. After all, he had come here to seek advice.

  “How did you know?” he asked, sobering as he put the bottle of brandy away.

  Nathaniel chuckled. “You wear your heart on your sleeve. It’s written all over you.”

  Edward frowned, not liking the fact that it had been so easy for Nathaniel to see through him.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He heaved a deep sigh. “In a bit. Where are you coming back from?”

  “Somewhere,” Nathaniel answered with a small shrug.

  Edward eyed him. There was something in the way his friend had answered that made him know it had been no ordinary outing.

  “You went to see her, did you not? Your mistress?”

  Nathaniel couldn’t deny it. “How did you know?”

  It was Edward’s turn to chuckle. “Because just like me, mate, you wear your heart on your sleeve. How does she fare?”

  Nathaniel immediately softened, his green eyes shining with love. “Very well. I haven’t been able to see her in many days; I’ve been so busy with business and state affairs. I was happy to see her again. I have missed her very much.”

  Edward grimaced. “What is this? The opera? Look at you growing all soft over a woman.”

  “You would be one to talk. You rode all the way here from Grosvenor and attempted to get drunk over a woman.”

  Edward settled into a pout, accepting defeat. “I suppose we are quite the pair,” he grumbled.

  Nathaniel took the bottle from him then and took a swig.

  He nodded as he swallowed. “I suppose we are.”

  Silence reigned for a moment and Edward wondered if he couldn’t be bold like his friend, pursuing love against all odds.

  “You can at least tell me her name. I doubt I know her. Even if I do, you know I would never betray you.”

  Nathaniel exhaled a deep breath. “I know. I trust you. I have just grown so accustomed to keeping it to myself.”

  Edward nodded. “I understand.”

  “Sarah. Her name is Sarah. Sarah Watson. Her father is Billy Watson. He’s quite the famed carpenter.”

  “Billy Watson, I believe I might have heard of him. The name does sound familiar.” He paused, smiling at his friend. “Is she beautiful?”

  Nathaniel beamed. “Very. The sun must be envious, I just know it.”

  Edward’s smile deepened. His dear friend was evidently besotted. Of course, Nathaniel believed his woman was the most beautiful in the world. Edward thought the same of Caroline, and she wasn’t even his.

  “So, you’re going to tell me what happened?” Nathaniel asked again.

  Edward knew he could no longer stall, it was time to speak. So, he did. He told Nathaniel of every encounter from the moment she arrived in his home until that afternoon.

  When he finished, Nathaniel broke into a chuckle.

  “If I had known you would be so amused by my plight, I would have told you about it sooner, so that you would have a good laugh,” he grumbled.

  “Oh, come now, Edward. Even you have to believe that it is somewhat hilarious. When you told me you accepted her father’s request, I knew you were in for a hard time, I just didn’t think it would be this hard. It appears Miss Caroline is everything you’ve said of her and more.”

  “You think?”

  “I should love to meet her one of these days, in person. You must make an introduction.”

  “Would Sarah be happy about you meeting new ladies?”

  “She understands that I’m naturally curious about the woman that has my friend wrapped around her fingers.”

  “She does not,” he protested.

  Nathaniel didn’t miss a beat. “Oh, yes, she does. Look at you! I have never seen you so flustered, not even when we were at war. So, just to be certain I got it all, on her first night in your home, she insists on a tour. You two end up on the balcony and she kisses you and runs away. Then, you decide to avoid her—for days. Finally, you meet again in the library and you tease. She leaves, angry, and refuses to speak to you.”

  “That is right.”

  “And today, she tells you she has decided to marry the man her father chose for her.”

  “Precisely,” Edward answered, wondering where Nathaniel was going with this.

  “You came all the way here because hearing that angered you and you are not willing to lose her to another man.”

  “I just told you all of this,” Edward muttered, his patience growing thin.

  “Indeed, you just did. You also told me you do not wish to take her for yourself. You see, therein lies the problem. You are angry, but it isn’t at Miss Caroline, or Whittaker for the matter. Although, I do admit, he is a bit of an obnoxious prick.”

  That part thrilled Edward. “So, I am not the only one who sees it.”

  Nathaniel chuckled. “Anyone who has met the Earl of Clarendon more than a handful of times knows exactly the kind of person he is.”

  “Viscount Wymore doesn’t seem to, though. He appears to be blind to Whittaker’s faults. I do believe he thinks the earl is the best son-in-law he could ever have.”

  “Perhaps he only sees what Whittaker insists on showing him. Although I very much doubt it. Whittaker never bothers to hide his true self. He revels in being a pain. No matter, we are not to be concerned by Whittaker and Wymore, not at the moment. You are my worry.”

  Nathaniel adjusted his seat. “The anger you feel is only aimed at yourself, Edward, because of the conflict within you. You won’t tell me the entire truth, and I respect you enough not to push. I know you have your reasons for not wanting to pursue a life with Miss Caroline any longer. I am certain they are very strong reasons. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that you want her.”

  Edward nodded. “With all my heart.”

  “Are you certain you cannot be with her? If you want her this much, can you not find a way to make it work?”

  Edward wished he could. He wanted to with all his might. Alas, it was one thing he had no power over. He could choose to damn the consequences and be selfish, but he wouldn’t be able to live with that decision.

  He wouldn’t be able to live with not giving Caroline the kind of life and complete happiness she deserved.

  Heaving a resigned sigh, he shook his head. It was a sad fate indeed, destined to forever love a woman he could never have.

  “If that is the case then you must let her go, for good. It is clear that she wants you too, contrary to what she says. She has not chosen the earl. She simply intends to make you jealous and force your hand.”

  Edward’s eyes widened. “You believe so?”

  Nathaniel nodded. “Nonetheless, if you do let her go, she shall have to marry another at some point. Perhaps not Whittaker, but certainly not you. Can you live with that decision for the rest of your life?”

  Could he?

  Slowly, Edward bobbed his head. “I would have to.”

  He remained in Nathaniel’s house a little while longer, drinking until it started to get dark. Then, he returned home.

  By the time he arrived, night had fallen and he went straight to his chamber, ignoring his grumbling stomach.

  As soon as his head hit the pillows, he got lured away by the wiles of sleep into the land of dreams.

  At first, he dreamed of Caroline. Of the life they could have had.

  Then, he lived nightmares. He was taken back to war, that very night that had cost him the love of his life. The night when everything went wrong.

  At around two o’clock in the morning, he awoke, covered in sweat.

  Rising from his bed, he took off his clothes and soaked himself in his bath.

  There would be no sleep again for him that night. Just like every other night when the nightmares kept him awake.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Caroline woke the next morning to music that was both sad and beautiful.

  As she finished dre
ssing for the day, she decided to find who it was that was playing such a soulful tune. She was almost at the music room when she ran into Mr. Giraud.

  Stopping in her tracks, she greeted him. “Mr. Giraud! I almost didn’t see you there. My apologies. Good morning!”


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