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The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan

Page 115

by Rick Perlstein

  Casper, Wyo., 788

  Castaneda, Carlos, 175

  Castellanos, Alex, 645

  Castro, Fidel, 512–13, 535, 564, 566, 568, 634, 636

  attempted assassination of, 471–73

  Castro, Julian, xix

  “Cat, The” (torturer), 66

  Catalina Island, 340–41

  Catholics, Catholic Church, 104, 107, 289, 300–301, 319, 348, 364, 443–48, 459–60, 552, 580, 620, 640, 701, 727, 733, 738

  Catholics for Free Choice, 444

  Catholics for the Right to Choose, 446

  Catholic University of San Diego, 444

  Caulfield, Jack, 96–97

  Caverhill, Leah, 176

  Cavett, Dick, 221–22

  CBGB club, 612

  CBS, 18–20, 56, 89, 92, 110, 132, 171, 179, 185, 217, 234, 236, 250, 300, 302, 305, 332, 334–35, 391, 405, 416, 489, 492–93, 522, 535, 550, 559, 577, 598–600, 638, 662, 689, 693, 708, 741, 761, 764, 772, 775

  CBS Evening News, 8

  CBS Morning News, 593

  CBS News, 8, 92, 600, 741, 779

  CBS Radio, 174, 179

  Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, 367

  Census Bureau, U.S., 569

  Centennial Bell, 709

  Center for Law and Social Policy, 478

  Centers for Disease Control, 745

  Central America, 576, 633

  Central Highlands, 420

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), xiv, 51, 56, 99, 101, 109, 131, 137–38, 184, 191, 260–62, 266, 268, 298, 431, 439, 462, 491, 505–7, 509, 512–13, 519–24, 527, 529, 564, 574–78, 598–600, 606, 620, 626, 634, 655, 678–79, 690, 705, 721, 723, 738, 789

  assassinations and, 416–19, 428–29, 461, 471–73, 504–5, 511, 535–37

  domestic spying by, 330–32, 461, 472, 504

  foreign wars and, 557–58

  “MKULTRA” program of, 744

  Central Park, N.Y., 134

  Cessna 500, 195

  Chamberlain, John, 163, 465

  Chamberlain, Neville, 432

  Chamber of Commerce, 497

  Chancellor, John, 16–17, 81, 87–88, 429–30, 797

  Chaney, James, 732–33

  Channing, Carol, 141

  Chapin, Dwight, 64, 125, 136

  Chappaquiddick scandal, 469

  Chariots of the Gods (von Däniken), 175

  Charleston, W. Va., 292, 295–99, 305, 307, 500

  Civic Center of, 322

  Charleston Daily Mail, 298

  Charlie Daniels Band, 716

  Charlotte, N.C., 154, 494, 553–54

  Chase, Chevy, 519–20, 531–33, 555, 667, 699, 716–17

  Chase Manhattan, 481–82

  Chattanooga, Tenn., 691

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 582

  Chavez, Cesar, 438, 719

  Checkers (Nixon’s dog), 660

  Cheech and Chong, 164

  Cheney, Liz, xix

  Cheney, Richard Bruce, 487–88, 523, 526–27, 529, 635, 734, 741, 774, 787–89

  Cher, 4, 716

  Cherokee County, S.C., 735

  Cherokee Indians, 128, 772

  Cherry, Fred, 11, 65, 102

  Chicago, Ill., 25, 28, 30, 58, 63, 74, 90, 127, 166–67, 202, 206, 243, 281, 304, 347, 363, 379–80, 482–83, 493, 499, 553, 596, 599, 603, 628, 639, 679, 725, 786, 795

  Chicago, University of, 25

  Chicago Cubs, 247–48, 340–41, 670

  Chicago Daily News, 2, 180, 549

  Chicago Executives Club, 517, 595

  Chicago River, 25

  Chicago Seven, 156, 221–22

  Chicago Sun-Times, 274–75, 281, 509

  Chicago Tribune, 19, 42, 51, 54, 61, 84, 95, 101, 109, 113–14, 117, 119, 129, 133, 146, 153, 156, 166–67, 234, 237, 255, 266, 344–45, 603, 639

  children, runaway, 207–8, 301–2

  Children of God, 62

  Chile, 56, 174, 179, 181, 298, 535, 558, 655, 711

  Chiles, Faye, 767

  Chiles, Lawton, 75

  China, xx, 50, 109, 112, 119, 183, 192, 253–54, 357, 436, 473, 485–86, 559, 562, 605, 607, 616, 619, 636, 668, 738, 758

  China, People’s Republic of, 452, 488

  Chinatown (film), 274

  Chi Omega, 248

  Chisholm, Shirley, 171

  Choice, Not an Echo, A (Schlafly), 703

  Chou En-lai, 473

  Chowchilla, Calif., 744

  “Chowder and Marching Society,” 261

  Christian Democrats, 423

  Christian Freedom Foundation, 325

  Christianity, Christians, xv, 29, 36, 86, 102, 201, 236, 246, 249–50, 293, 295–97, 323–25, 433, 437, 445, 449–50, 481, 520, 588, 594, 610, 620, 649, 651–53, 691, 702, 776

  Christianity Today, 113, 301, 324–25, 443, 448, 481, 705

  Christian Reconstructionist movement, 324

  Christian Science Monitor, 385

  Christopher, George, 804

  Chrysler, 333, 716

  Chubbuck, Christine, 266, 283

  Church, Frank, 332, 404, 418–19, 423, 491, 504–5, 511–12, 520–21, 535–38, 565–66, 577–78, 593, 598, 601, 630, 654–55, 679–80, 690–91, 695, 719–21, 724

  Church Committee, 332, 416, 472, 504–5, 511, 521, 524–25, 534–38, 555–58, 563–65, 577–78, 600, 614, 655, 678–79, 690, 738, 749

  Churchill, Winston, 356, 453

  Church Universal, 570

  Cincinnati, Ohio, 67, 126, 129, 229, 301, 657, 693, 696

  Cincinnati Reds, 226, 248

  “Cinque,” 209, 237, 617

  Ciro’s bistro, 352, 378

  Citizen Kane (film), 208

  Citizens for Decency Through Law, 306

  Citizens for Decent Literature, 452

  Citizens for Reagan, 549, 636, 645, 673–74

  City College of New York, 453

  City University of New York (CUNY), 117, 475, 481

  civil disobedience, 474–75

  Civil Rights Act (1964), 94, 553, 663, 736

  civil rights movement, 227, 552–53

  Civil Service Commission, 410, 768

  Civil War, U.S., 1, 8, 151, 366, 611, 767

  Clapton, Eric, 717

  Clark, Charles T., 483

  Clark, Dick, 558

  Clark, Ramsey, 319, 321

  Clark Air Base, 2–3, 14, 18–19, 107

  Class of ’44, The (film), 167

  Clawson, Ken, 239

  Clayburgh, Jill, 646

  Cleaver, Eldridge, 88–89, 292, 297, 652

  Cleaver, Margaret “Mugs,” 44, 244

  Cleveland, Ohio, 60, 568

  Cleveland Indians, 230

  Cleveland Plain Dealer, 237, 568–69

  Clifford, Clark, 116–17, 120, 122, 654, 729

  Clockwork Orange, A (film), 203

  Club Belvedere (Des Moines), 244–45

  Club of Rome, 112, 323

  Coaching: The Way of a Winner (Rockne), 347–48

  Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 571, 584

  Cochran, Thad, 733

  Cockburn, Alexander, 609

  Code of Conduct, 69–70, 72

  Coffin, William Sloane, 131–32, 447

  Cohen, William S., 262, 778

  Coker, George Thomas, 424

  Colby, William E., 416–18, 462, 504–5, 511, 527, 529, 558

  Cold War, 193, 356–57, 419, 484, 605, 636

  Coles, Robert, 290

  College Republican National Committee, 772

  Collier’s, xiv, 40

  Collins, Quincy, 101

  Colmer, William, 326

  Colombia, 632, 702

  Colony Club (New York, N.Y.), 122

  Colorado, 316–17, 321, 327, 372, 459, 599, 660, 674, 684, 704, 728, 754, 786

  Colson, Charles, 52, 75–76, 97, 137, 139, 142, 150, 171, 217, 221, 649, 651, 659

  Columbia, S.C., 236, 496

  Columbia Journalism Review, 522

  Columbia Pictures, 361, 375

  Columbia University, 229, 460–61, 730

nbsp; Board of Trustees, 461

  College of Physicians and Surgeons at, 104

  Columbus, Christopher, 303, 581

  Columbus, Ohio, 709

  Coming of Post-Industrial Society, The: A Venture in Social Forecasting (Bell), 334–35

  Commentary, 318, 454

  Committee for a Free Congress, 456

  Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress, 675

  Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), 54, 95, 98, 108, 124–25, 129, 320, 549, 660

  Youth Division of, 78

  Common Cause (government group), 142, 320, 328, 784

  Commoner, Barry, 324

  Commonweal, 701

  Commonwealth Club (San Francisco), 90

  Communicating (textbook), 297

  Communications Workers union, 629

  Communist Party, 319, 356–58, 371, 404, 538, 804

  Communist Party, American, 402–3

  Communist Political Association, 354, 357

  Communists, 2, 10–13, 19, 61, 66, 74, 110, 119, 134, 304, 355–59, 374, 377, 384–85, 398, 400, 406, 415, 420–21, 426–33, 436, 447, 453, 458, 484–85, 487–88, 491–92, 513, 540, 551, 558–59, 561, 576, 618, 633, 638, 643, 672, 758, 804

  Hollywood scare and, 356–58, 361–64, 367–70, 378, 391, 402, 404

  Reagan’s stance against, 358–60, 362–63, 367, 371, 385, 402–5

  Community Work Experience Program, 412–13

  Concord, N.H., 631

  Confederate soldiers, 1

  Conference Board, 478–79

  Conference of Studio Unions (CSU), 360–65, 368

  Congo, 418, 537

  Congress, U.S., xiv, 12–13, 37, 53–54, 56, 64–65, 71, 74–75, 83, 94–95, 110, 116, 131, 136, 146, 153, 157, 180–81, 185, 188, 197, 201, 212, 214, 218, 223, 232, 237, 247–48, 255, 259–60, 262, 266, 268, 270, 273, 282, 298, 304, 306, 310–12, 315–16, 320–21, 323, 326–29, 331, 334, 355, 371–72, 405, 413–16, 419, 423, 425, 427, 429, 432–34, 436, 451, 456–58, 464–66, 471, 473, 476, 479–80, 485–86, 503, 506, 511, 515, 517, 521, 524–25, 527, 530, 540–41, 547–48, 550, 556–59, 563, 582, 586–87, 594, 596–601, 604, 620, 630, 660, 669, 681, 690, 740, 755, 768, 780–81, 788, 797

  Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of, 569

  see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

  Congressional Black Caucus, 662

  Congressional Club, 643, 647

  Congressional Medal of Honor, 35, 71

  Congressional Quarterly, 517

  Congressional Record, 60, 231, 507

  Congress Watch, 329

  Conlan, John, 450–51, 651, 744

  Connally, John, 81, 90–91, 266, 518, 620, 667, 742, 764, 778–81

  Connecticut, 57, 131, 140, 198, 228, 680

  Connecticut Federation of Women’s Clubs, 57

  Conservation, The (film), 149

  Conservative Book Club, 324

  Conservative Caucus, 741

  Conservative Digest: A Magazine for the New Majority, 452–53

  Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 440–43, 447, 451, 800

  Conservative Victory Fund, 668

  Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories (Buchanan), 555

  Con Son Island, 13, 16–17

  Constitution, U.S., 53, 64, 94, 116, 144–45, 147, 151, 169, 181, 189–90, 217, 219, 262–64, 272–73, 283, 306, 445–46, 457, 506, 669, 678, 709, 718, 752, 755, 762–63, 798

  Article I, Section 9 of, 331

  Constitution, USS, 710

  Constitutional Convention, 263

  Consumer Affairs Department, U.S., 162

  Consumer Confidence Index, 479

  Consumer Price Index, 57

  Consumer Product Safety Commission, 478

  Consumer Protection Agency bill, 337–38

  Consumer Reports, 716

  Continental Army, 709

  Continental Congress, 304

  Continental Congress on the Family, 514

  Continental Hotel, 755

  “Convoy” (song), 729–30

  Conyers, John, 415

  Cook, G. Bradford, 108

  Cooke, Alistair, 210, 416

  Cookie Monster (char.), 133

  Coors, Joseph, 306, 456–57, 674, 754, 769, 777, 779

  Coors family, 456–57

  Coos Bay, Oreg., 687

  Copley newspaper chain, 193

  Coppola, Francis Ford, 149, 165, 424

  Cordiner, Ralph, 388–89, 402

  Corleone, Michael (char.), 758

  Corll, Dean Arnold, 207–8

  Corman, James, 693

  Cornell University, 606

  Corona del Mar, Calif., 118

  Corpus Christi, Tex., 110, 470

  Corwin, Norman, 354

  Cost of Living Council, 162, 177

  Cotter, William, 60

  Cotton, Norris, 597, 619

  Council of Business and Economic Advisors (New York, N.Y.), 477–78

  Council of Economic Advisers, 312

  counterspy, 576

  “Countess Amy” (psychic), 176

  Courage to Divorce, The (Gettleman and Markowitz), 103

  Cowan, Paul, 299, 305, 322

  Cowboy from Brooklyn (film), 345

  Cox, Archibald, 100, 123, 185–88, 190–92, 199–200, 579, 719, 789

  Cox, Edward, 658

  Craig from Frisco (adult film), 274

  Crawford, Broderick, 525

  “Creekers,” 296–98

  Creston, Iowa, 580–81


  national obsession with, 61–62

  urban, 474

  Croce, Jim, 279

  Cronin, Alice, 8–9

  Cronin, Mike, 8–9

  Cronkite, Walter, 8, 61, 284, 300, 337, 593, 638, 741, 752, 761

  Crown Center Hotel, 765, 776

  Century Ballroom of, 794

  Cuba, 101–2, 330, 422, 471, 487, 505, 513, 558, 576, 612, 633, 635–36, 705, 754

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 191

  Cukor, George, 43, 380, 525

  Cunningham, Richie (char.), 463

  Curtis, Ken, 696

  Curtis, Thomas B., 782–83

  “Cyclops” (pen name), 18–19

  cynicism, rise in, 178–79, 200–202, 228–29, 254, 302, 305, 315–16, 469, 708

  Cyprus, 511, 523, 557, 702

  Cy’s Moonlight Inn (Des Moines), 244

  Czechs, 422

  Daily Worker, 561

  Dalen, George, 391

  Dales, Jack, 370, 383

  Daley, Ed, 422

  Daley, Richard J., 63, 295, 432, 679, 695, 700, 719

  Dallas, Tex., 504, 512–13, 583, 667, 673, 676

  Dallas Cowboys, 529, 673

  Dallas Morning News, 673

  Damascus, 187, 190, 252, 296

  Da Nang, 421

  Danforth, John, 702

  Daniel, 450

  Dante Alighieri, 573

  Dark Victory (film), 345–46

  Darrow, Clarence, 406

  Dartmouth College, 607, 643

  Dash, Sam, 140, 148–52, 155, 171–72

  Das Kapital (Marx), 246

  Daughters of the American Revolution, 12

  Davenport, Iowa, 243–44, 337, 340

  Davies, Rodger Paul, 523, 702

  Davis, Angela, 447

  Davis, Bette, 43, 346, 356, 386, 606

  Davis, Loyal, 379–80, 382

  Davis, Patti, xviii, 382, 396–97, 542–45, 769, 793

  Davis, Peter, 424

  Davis, Rennie, 221

  Davis, Sammy, Jr., 424–25

  Davis-Bacon Act, 310

  Dayton, Ohio, 699

  D. C. Heath, 297

  Dealey Plaza (Dallas), 512

  Dean, Dizzy, 249

  Dean, James, 386, 514

  Dean, John Wesley, III, 54, 56, 64, 75–77, 80, 102, 121–23, 127, 130, 133–44, 148–52, 156–57, 185–86, 192, 218, 225–26, 232, 234, 236–37, 241, 253, 260–61, 266, 574, 771

  Dean, Margaret “Mo,” 659

  Dean, Maureen “Mo,” 136, 141

  Dean Martin Comedy Hour, 163–65

  Dearborn Station, 347

  Deardourff, John, 777

  Death Valley Days (anthology show), 407, 409

  Death Wish (film), 274–76

  Deaver, Michael, 162, 335–37, 539, 646, 802

  Deaver & Hannaford, 335–37

  Debs, Eugene, 304

  Decatur, Ala., 624

  Declaration of Independence, 441, 461, 475, 487, 708–9, 712–13

  Deep Throat (film), 105, 743

  Defense Appropriations Bill, 601

  Defense Department, U.S., 2, 416, 526, 529

  see also Pentagon

  “Defense League,” 701

  de Havilland, Olivia, 353, 355, 358–59, 374

  Deihm, Mrs. Charles, 569–70

  Dekabrist (Soviet ship), 706

  Delaware, 214, 481

  Deliverance (Dickey), 295

  Dell Paperbacks, 234

  Dellums, Ron, 127, 327, 456, 473, 524

  Delta Queen (tourist paddle wheeler), 435, 665–66

  DeMille, Cecile B., 375

  Deming, Shelley, 278

  Democratic National Committee (DNC), 78, 97, 101, 123, 138–39, 316, 320–21, 586, 589, 593, 620, 624–25, 730, 754

  Democratic National Convention:

  of 1896, 407, 646

  of 1960, 536, 566

  of 1964, 331

  of 1968, 90

  of 1972, 155, 170, 585, 622, 624

  of 1976, 714–15, 717–20, 722–26, 801, 803

  of 1980, 715

  of 2012, xix

  Democratic Party, Democrats, 17, 23, 50–54, 56, 59, 64, 75–76, 80, 83, 90–91, 93, 97, 108, 115–18, 120, 127, 130, 137, 140–43, 145, 160–61, 170–72, 189, 194, 212–14, 216, 218, 220, 231, 246, 251, 260, 262, 264, 279, 286–87, 302, 310–11, 313–15, 328, 331–32, 355, 367, 372–74, 377, 401, 403, 405, 409–10, 412–14, 423, 425–26, 451, 460, 482, 484–85, 502, 505–6, 517, 520, 536, 548, 550, 553, 556–59, 563, 565, 578–81, 585–89, 592–93, 598–600, 614, 624, 626, 628–29, 643–45, 653–56, 660–61, 664, 668, 675, 677–78, 680–81, 683–84, 690–91, 693–94, 699–700, 703, 705, 710, 715, 718–21, 724–27, 730–33, 735, 744–45, 763, 771, 780, 789, 792, 797–800

  as “apologizing for America,” xix

  Watergate Babies of, 318–22, 326–29, 480, 517, 644

  see also elections, U.S.

  Democratic Study Group (DSG), 320, 327–28

  Democrats for Nixon, 406

  Dempsey, Jack, 40–41, 48

  Dempsey, Lena, 609

  “deniability,” 97

  Denmark, xviii

  Dennis, David, 319

  Denny, Dick, 607

  Dent, Harry, 735–36, 741, 774–76, 778–79, 786

  Denton, Jeremiah, 3, 65–66, 68–69, 71, 323

  Denver, Colo., 111, 318, 684

  Denver, John, 574

  Denver Post, 619, 660

  Depression, Great, 50, 83, 86, 167, 198, 242, 246, 333, 356, 455, 583


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