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The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan

Page 118

by Rick Perlstein

  Jewish Defense League, 488

  Jewish National Fund of America, 705

  Jews, 224, 236, 253, 447, 450, 485, 552, 594, 623, 629, 645, 651, 679, 700, 706, 712

  JFK Airport, 111

  Ji, Maharaji, 208, 221

  Jimmy Carter Presidential Campaign—New Hampshire Campaign Manual, 609

  Jimmy the Greek, 169, 196

  John Birch Society, 293, 403, 405, 432, 460, 633

  John F. Kennedy Federal Building, 672

  Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye (book), 277

  Johnny Belinda (film), 367–68, 370–72

  John Paul Jones Award for Inspirational Leadership, 65

  Johnson, Andrew, 216

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 9–10, 14, 20, 71, 74, 81, 94, 131, 215, 240, 261–62, 276, 286, 288, 294, 317, 320, 330, 414, 417, 454, 487, 518, 557, 579, 585, 620, 628, 632, 655, 730, 736, 755, 769

  Johnson, Van, 351–52

  Johnson, Virginia E., 104–5

  Johnson administration, 191, 222

  Johnston, J. Bennett, Jr., 132

  John Thomas Dye School (Bel Air), 397

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 330

  Joint Economic Committee, 318

  Jolson, Al, 375

  Jones, James Earl, 570

  Jones, Jerry, 541, 549

  Joplin, Scott, 167

  Jordan, 252

  Jordan, Barbara, 262–64, 718

  Jordan, Hamilton, 585, 608, 653, 720–21

  Jorgensen, Earle, 397–98

  Jorgensen, Marion, 397–98

  Joseph, Chief, 304

  Journey’s End (play), 344

  Julius (hairdresser), 793

  Junior Achievement companies, 387–88

  Jurges, Billy, 249

  Justice Department, U.S., 22, 54–55, 167, 189, 216, 222, 236, 352, 374, 393, 461, 473–74, 506, 535

  Criminal Division of, 256

  Internal Security Division of, 415

  Juvenile Justice Act, 302

  Kalmbach, Herbert, 64, 108, 124, 138–39, 151, 217, 254

  Kanawha County, W. Va., 308, 324, 458, 590

  textbook controversy in, 292–300, 305–7, 322, 443–44

  Kanawha County School Board, 292–94, 296, 298, 450

  Kankakee, Ill., 607

  Kansas, 219, 255, 314, 674, 704, 762, 771

  Kansas City, Kans., 314–15, 743, 745

  Kansas City, Mo., 578, 586, 734, 751, 770

  1976 Republican National Convention in, 639, 699, 703, 732, 746, 753–54, 757–58, 760–61, 765, 767–804

  Kansas City Times, 237

  Kansas State University, 82

  Kant, Immanuel, xvii–xviii

  Karras, Father (char.), 205, 210–11

  Kasten, Bob, 473

  Kastenmeier, Robert, 260

  Kaye, Peter F., 660, 754

  KDKA radio station, 242

  Keane, David, 692

  Kearns, Carroll D., 363

  Kearns Committee, 365

  Keating, Charles, 306

  Keaton, Buster, 167

  Keene, David, 597, 631, 634, 734, 740–41, 767

  Kefauver, Estes, 651

  Kelley, Clarence, 567, 690

  Kelley, Ed, 98

  Kelly, Ed, 379

  Kelly, James M., 670

  Kemp, Jack, 790

  Kemper Arena (Kansas City, Mo.), 771–72, 788, 798–99

  Kennedy, Anthony, 91

  Kennedy, Edward, Jr., 289

  Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 52, 71, 78, 119–20, 137, 147, 155, 160, 181, 288–91, 469, 491, 563, 593, 613, 624, 628, 642, 666, 670, 683, 693, 700, 743, 745

  Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 211, 564–65, 567, 758

  Kennedy, John F., 78, 81, 119, 138, 203, 213, 215, 236, 240, 270, 318–19, 330, 373, 401, 403, 405, 518, 536, 557, 568, 577, 579, 585–86, 615, 620, 625, 629, 633, 655, 658, 688, 758, 796–97

  and attempted Castro assassination, 471

  extramarital affairs of, 563–67

  Kennedy, John F., assassination of, 76, 145, 472, 504, 545, 705, 738, 755

  conspiracy theories on, 276–77, 505, 512–13, 564–66

  Kennedy, Robert F., 7, 21, 62, 119, 216, 277, 406, 549, 554, 610, 614, 688

  and attempted Castro assassination, 471, 473

  Kennedy, Rose, 277

  Kennedy administration, 137, 406, 536

  Kennedy Center, 658–59

  Kennedy family, 119, 185, 277, 471, 565

  Kenosha, Wis., 333

  Kent State University, 12, 90, 155

  Kentucky, 331, 490, 686, 691

  Kentucky Club Pipe Tobacco Company, 244

  Kepone, 559

  Kerner, Otto, Jr., 63, 145

  Kerr, Clark, 88, 544

  Kerrigan, John, 288

  Kerry, John, 13

  Key Biscayne, Fla., 108, 254

  Keyes, Ralph, xvi

  Keynesian economics, 310–11, 478, 480

  KGB, 484, 721

  Khartoum, Sudan, 62

  Khmer Rouge, 427, 463, 481

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 184, 403–4

  Kiker, Douglas, 255, 417

  Killers, The (film), 22

  Killers, The (TV show), 407

  Kilpatrick, James J., 110, 549, 558

  Kincaid, James, 314

  Kincheloe Air Force Base, 467

  King, Coretta Scott, 276, 535, 629, 719

  King, Diana, 448

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 7, 196, 226, 228, 276, 304, 472, 552–53, 628, 664, 688, 695

  FBI and, 331, 534–35, 548, 564, 690

  King, Martin Luther, Sr. “Daddy,” 629, 663, 724, 801, 803

  King’s Birthday, The (play), 37

  King’s Row (film), 349

  Kinsey Institute, 106

  Kipling, Rudyard, 21

  Kirbo, Charles, 653, 721, 730

  Kirkland, Lane, 331

  Kirkpatrick, James J., 647

  Kirlian photography, 176

  Kissinger, Henry A., 759, 764, 768, 779–80, 788–89

  Kissinger, Henry Alfred, 121–22, 142, 159, 182–83, 187, 189, 191, 225, 256, 309, 426, 428, 431–32, 463–64, 466, 484–88, 490, 497, 511, 523–24, 526, 528–29, 537, 556, 559, 597–98, 605–6, 613, 632–36, 656–58, 660, 667, 671–73, 676, 692, 727, 752

  Kissinger on the Couch (Schlafly), 777

  Kiwanis, 611

  Klein, Herb, 268

  Kleindienst, Richard, 74–76, 80, 149

  Klute (film), 277

  Knauer, Virginia, 57–58

  Knievel, Evel, 283–84

  Knopf, 336

  Knox, Alexander, 365, 367, 378

  Knute Rockne, All-American (film), 21, 347–49, 351, 391

  Kodak, 342

  Kohoutek comet, 176, 210

  Koh Tang Island, 463–64, 467

  Kopechne, Mary Jo, 119

  Korea, 643

  Korean War, 19, 66, 192, 304–5, 384, 497, 616, 633

  Korff, Baruch, 119, 239–40, 257–58, 264–65, 415, 565

  Korshak, Sidney, 347

  Kovic, Ron, 715

  KPFA radio station, 208–9

  Kraft, Joseph, 55–56, 117, 122, 158, 198, 217, 286–88, 292, 307, 700, 706

  Kraftco, 461

  Kramer, Galand, 2–3, 73, 102, 106–7

  Kremlin, 484–85

  Kristol, Irving, 453–54, 601

  Kroc, Ray, 130

  Krogh, Bud, 188

  Ku Klux Klan, 1, 291, 357, 431, 460, 552, 732–33

  Kurds, 598

  Kuwait, 309, 423

  LaBianca, Leno and Rosemary, 498

  Labor Department, U.S., 227, 454

  La Crosse, Wis., 648

  Ladies Home Journal, 493

  Lafayette Park, D.C., 136, 189–91, 238, 284

  La Guardia Airport, 567

  Laguna Beach, Calif., 256

  LaHaye, Beverly and Tim, 652

  Laird, Melvin, 10–11, 435, 527

  Lake, Jim, 789

  Lake City, Pa., 710

  Lake Erie, 112

Michigan, 112

  Lake Tahoe, 271

  Lamm, Richard, 318, 684

  Lancaster, Burt, 565

  Landers, Ann, 570

  Landgrebe, Earl F., 125, 269, 319

  Landon, Alf, 771

  Landrieu, Maurice, 724

  Landry, Tom, 673

  Landsmark, Theodore, 669–70

  Lane, Mark, 276, 512

  Laos, 74

  LaRue, Fred, 125

  Last Picture Show, The (film), 166

  Last Tango in Paris (film), 7, 107

  Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 646

  Las Vegas, Nev., 283, 376–77, 386, 564

  Late, Great Planet Earth, The (textbook), 299–300, 323–24

  Latin America, 433, 585, 617, 666

  Laurel, Md., 624

  Lawford, Peter, 566

  Lawrence, Florence, 342

  Lawson, John Howard, 359, 369

  Laxalt, Paul, 489–91, 646, 731, 737, 751, 792

  Lay Day speech (1974), 694

  Lazar, Irving “Swifty,” 336

  Lazard Frères, 482

  LBJ Ranch, 417

  League of Wives of American Prisoners of War, 10–11

  see also National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia

  League of Women Voters, 162, 627

  Leahy, Patrick, 321

  Lebanon, 679, 702, 704

  Lee, Jack, 775

  Lee, Robert E., 492

  Leichter, Franz S., 17

  Lelyveld, Joseph, 654

  Le Mars, Iowa, 587

  Lemnitzer, Lyman, 330

  Lenin, Vladimir, 432–33, 484, 607

  Leninism, 606, 702

  Lennon, John, 570

  Leopold and Loeb, 255

  Leppert, Alice (Alice Faye), 343

  LeRoy, Mervyn, 378

  Leslie, Mich., 198

  Levi, Edward, 474, 551, 701

  Levine, Benjamin, 254–55

  Leviticus, 693

  Lewis, Anthony, 469, 558–59, 601

  Lewis, James, 297

  Lewiston, Maine, 9

  Lexington and Concord, 747

  Liberace, 409

  Liberty Bell, 446, 461, 568, 689, 709

  Libya, 184

  Licit & Illicit Drugs: The Consumers Union Report on Narcotics, Stimulants, Depressants, Inhalants, Hallucinogens and Marijuana—Including Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol, 716

  Liddy, G. Gordon, 51–52, 54–55, 64, 76, 79, 97, 124–25, 130–31, 137–38, 145–47, 154, 239, 248, 255

  Liebman, Marvin, 452

  Life, 13, 35, 90, 166, 261, 356

  “Life” (Reagan), 47

  Lifton, Robert J., 19

  Lima, Peru, 576

  Limits to Growth report (Club of Rome), 112

  Lincoln, Abraham, xiv, 79, 128, 158, 181, 213, 233, 278–79, 281, 283, 371, 718, 748–49, 771, 798

  Lindbergh, Charles, 42, 284

  Linden, N.J., 211, 424

  Lindsey, Hal, 651

  Linkletter, Art, 397

  Lions Club, 595

  Lisagor, Peter, 122

  Lisbon, 121

  Lithuanian Hall (Boston), 627

  Little, Rich, 533

  Littlefeather, Sacheen, 62

  Litton, Jerry, 745

  Litton family, 745

  Livonia, Mich., 683

  Lloyd, Harold, 86

  Lockheed, 616

  Loeb, William, 484, 495, 595, 607

  Lombardi, Vince, 194

  Lombardo, Guy, 568

  London, 149, 299, 446, 656, 682

  Long, Jean, 776

  Long Beach, Calif., 277, 471

  Long Beach Memorial Hospital, 446

  Long Beach Voice for the Unborn, 446

  Long Island, N.Y., 406

  Lorde, Audre, 230

  Los Angeles, Calif., 4, 13, 67, 78, 92, 106, 110, 112–14, 158, 168, 175–78, 194–95, 205, 217, 274, 286, 300, 317, 354, 361, 363, 365, 383, 385, 392, 397–98, 415, 424, 446, 482, 513, 539, 541, 544, 553–54, 568, 637, 639, 652, 684, 694, 697, 710, 719, 765, 800, 804

  Shrine Auditorium in, 356

  Water and Power Department of, 177, 203

  Los Angeles Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy, 355

  Los Angeles County Jail, 178

  Los Angeles Examiner, 382

  Los Angeles Mirror, 367

  Los Angeles Sentinel, 22

  Los Angeles Times, 14, 81, 91, 93, 105–6, 112, 129, 168, 178, 191, 193–94, 202–3, 220, 237, 277, 345, 353, 361, 371–72, 419, 427, 442, 445, 448, 455, 652, 689–90

  Lost Weekend, The (film), 351

  Lott, Trent, 262, 733, 735

  Louella Parsons Day, 349

  Louis, Joe, 247, 662

  Louisiana, 112, 132, 327, 682, 692

  Louisiana Purchase, 665

  Louisville, Ky., 285

  Louisville Courier-Journal, 98, 123, 522

  Love Is on the Air (film), 344, 386, 408

  “Love Israel” cult, 208

  Love Story (film), 468

  Loving Free (Jackie and Jeff Herrigan), 105–6

  Lowell Park, Ill., xvii, 43, 246

  Lowell Park Beach, 243

  Loyola University, 363

  Lss Vegas, Nev., 332

  Lubbock, 673

  Lubell, Samuel, 169

  Luckett, Edith, 379

  Lucy (char.), 600–601

  Lukas, J. Anthony, 180, 251, 254

  Lumumba, Patrice, 418, 537

  Lutherans, 447–48

  Lydon, Christopher, 614

  Lynchburg Bible College, 299

  Lynn, Mass., 500

  Lyons, Eugene, 357

  MacArthur, Douglas, 192, 215, 355, 452

  McCain, Carol, 204

  McCain, John S., 65–66, 71–72, 204

  McCall, Tom, 160

  McCall’s, 203, 276, 493

  McCarthy, Charlie, 759

  McCarthy, Colman, 335

  McCarthy, Eugene, 320, 588, 620

  McCarthy, Joseph, 53, 65, 94–95, 119, 157, 215, 255, 260, 316, 402–3, 452–53, 511, 524, 601, 640

  McCarthyism, 556

  McClain, Fred, 588

  McClellan, John, 426

  McCloskey, Paul “Pete,” 125

  McClure, James A., 442, 456, 577

  McCord, James, 50, 52, 54–56, 60, 75, 95–98, 168

  McCormack, Ellen, 640

  McDonald, Hugh, 513

  McDonald’s, 130, 500

  McDonough, Mrs. Frank J., 15

  McGeehan, W. O., 41

  McGovern, George S., 13, 50–52, 91–92, 97, 117, 120, 142, 155–56, 170, 203, 205, 261, 264, 316–17, 321–22, 456, 578, 585, 588, 614, 626, 642, 661, 700, 703, 719–20, 751–52, 756, 764

  McGrory, Mary, 142, 284, 493, 538, 596, 679–80, 777, 792–93

  Machinists union, 629

  McIntyre, Trapper John (char.), 305

  Mackendree, Starlett, 608

  McKenna, James, 305–6

  McKenzie, Coach, 87

  McKnight, George, 60

  MacLaine, Shirley, 205, 425

  McLaughlin, John, 239

  MacLeese, Alan, 568

  McMahon, Ed, 439

  Macmillan, 294, 304

  McNamara, Robert, 458

  McNamee, Graham, 41

  MacNeil, Christine (char.), 205

  MacNeil, Regan (char.), 205–6, 508

  Macon, Ga., 668

  McPhee, John, 590

  MacPherson, Myra, 650

  McQueen, Steve, 19, 141

  Mad, 179

  Maddox, Lester, 227, 526, 610, 663

  Madison, Ind., 118

  Madison, James, 263, 273

  Madison Square Garden, 700, 717–18, 722, 724–25, 729, 801, 803

  Mafia, 471, 473, 564–66

  Magazine Publishers Association, 462

  Magruder, Jeb Stuart, 52, 75–78, 124–26, 130–33, 137, 139, 147, 171, 590, 659

  Maher, Bishop, 444–45

  Mahon, George, 328, 557

nbsp; Mailer, Norman, 576

  Maine, 262, 708, 778

  Major League baseball, 242

  Making of a New Majority Party, The (Rusher), 453

  Making of the New Majority, The (Rusher), 539–40

  Making of the President 1972 (White), 79

  Makler, Lorraine, 353

  Malcolm X, 7, 145

  Maltese Falcon, The (film), 96

  “Man: A Course of Study” (MACOS) curriculum, 449–51, 744

  Man: A Course of Study—Prototype for Federalized Textbooks? (Marshner), 450

  Manchester, N.H., 604–5, 608

  Manchester Union Leader, 456, 495, 549, 595

  Mandel, Marvin, 681

  Manhattan Project, 197

  Manila, 3

  Mankind at the Turning Point (Club of Rome report), 323–24

  Mansfield, Jayne, 566

  Mansfield, Mike, 71

  Manson, Charles, 498–99

  Manson Family, 62, 207, 499, 510

  Mao Zedong, 607

  Maraziti, Joseph, 251

  “March for Life,” 443

  Marietta, Martin, 534

  Marijuana Mike, 790

  Marijuana Monthly, 716

  Marine One, 726–27

  Marines, U.S., 5, 9, 62, 125, 314, 464–65, 509, 571, 633, 669

  Markowitz, Janet, 103

  Mars, Ted, 651

  Marshall Plan, 134

  Marshalltown, Iowa, 588

  Marshall Tucker Band, 716

  Mars Hills Mountain, Maine, 708

  Marshner, Connie, 305–6, 450

  Marshner, Susan, 450

  Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., 469

  Martin, Billy, 230

  Martin, Dean, 163–65, 176–77

  Martin, Mary, 379

  Martin Luther King Hospital, 694

  Martschink, Sherry, 750–51, 784

  Marx, Karl, 246, 373, 455

  Marxism, 174, 606, 633, 647, 702

  Maryland, 63, 98, 129, 157, 159, 178, 309, 329, 333, 423, 441, 505, 624, 661, 681, 683, 685, 787, 795

  Sparrows Point steel complex in, 333

  Maryland Legislature, 67

  Mary Tyler Moore Show, The, 132

  M*A*S*H (TV show), 304–5, 429, 489

  Massachusetts, 60, 198, 202, 287, 306, 318, 516, 531–32, 625–29, 635, 647, 719

  Board of Education, 287

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 112, 614, 688

  Masters, William H., 104–5

  Mathias, Charles “Mac,” 423, 505, 519, 527, 597

  Matlovich, Leonard, 500

  Matthau, Walter, 688–89

  Maude (TV show), 104

  Maxwell Federal Prison camp, 649

  Mayaguez, USS, 463–65, 483

  “May Day Massacre,” 677

  Mayflower Hotel, 440, 715

  Mayflower Moving, 689

  Maynard, Robert C., 14–15

  Mayne, Wiley, 262, 316

  MCA, 347, 349, 377, 383–86, 388, 398

  Means, Marianne, 580

  Meany, George, 189, 680

  Mears, Walter, 676

  meat boycott, 57, 60–61, 162

  Mecklenburg, Marjory, 301


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