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The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan

Page 117

by Rick Perlstein

  Gleason, Jackie, 166

  Gleeson, Jan, 444

  Glenn, John, 718, 720

  global warming, xx

  Glomar Explorer, 462

  “God Bless America” (song), 568, 791, 793, 796

  Godfather, The (film), 7, 95, 468, 527

  Godfather, The: Part II (film), 329–30, 424, 758

  Gods from Outer Space, The (von Däniken), 175

  Gold, Vic, 441, 612, 620, 635, 783, 803–4

  Goldblum, Jeff, 582

  Gold Diggers of 1937 (film), 346

  Golden Gate Bridge, 571

  Goldman Sachs, 334

  Gold Star Mothers, 5–6

  Goldwater, Barry, xix, 22, 81, 142, 158, 239, 248, 269–71, 294, 302, 308–9, 321, 331–32, 335, 406–8, 426, 441, 451–52, 465, 478, 489, 505, 521, 530, 544, 554–56, 633, 646, 652, 676–77, 682, 691–92, 732–36, 747, 753, 755–57, 774, 777, 785, 790, 795

  Goldwater, Barry, Jr., 158

  Gone With the Wind (film), 353

  Good, Sandra, 499

  Goodman, Andrew, 733

  Good Morning America (TV show), 593

  Good News Movement, 449

  Goodyear, 342

  government, public cynicism about, 178–79, 254, 315–16, 469

  Government Printing Office, 231

  Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women, 459

  Graham, Billy, 154, 235, 301, 541

  Graham, Katharine, 462, 654

  Graley, Ezra, 298, 307

  Grammer, Billy, 623

  Grand Kremlin Palace, 254

  Grand Ole Opry, 218, 221, 252

  Grand Ole Opry Band, 623

  Grand Rapids, Mich., 180, 214, 216, 482, 533

  Grand Rapids Press, 216

  Grange, Red, 40, 47–48

  Grangeville, Idaho, 669

  Grant, Cary, 771, 796

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 295

  Gray, Alexander Charles, 246–47

  Gray, Amelia, 397

  Gray, L. Patrick, 54, 56, 64–65, 78, 235

  Gray Panthers, 61

  Grease (musical), 167

  Great Britain, 331, 558

  Great Depression, 50, 83, 86, 167, 198, 242, 246, 333, 356, 455, 583

  Great Falls, Va., 182

  Great New York City Fiscal Crisis, 475–78, 480–83, 491–92, 496, 500–502, 504, 514–17, 525–27, 533, 555, 590, 620, 634

  Great Society program, 53, 74, 286, 294, 453, 696

  Great War, see World War I

  Green Bay Packers, 532

  Green Berets, 21

  Greenburg Tribune-Review, 457

  Greene, Lorne, 21

  Greenfield, Meg, 557

  Green Planet Health Food Restaurant, 61

  Greenspan, Alan, 312, 413

  Gregg, Judd, 503, 602

  Greider, William, 462, 522

  Greystroke, Lord (char.), 35

  Gridiron Dinner, 225

  Griffin, Elisabeth “Betsy,” 777

  Griffith, D. W., 552

  Gross, H. R. “Charlie,” 247, 394, 490

  Grosse Point, Mich., 495–96

  Ground Round restaurant, 166

  Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 68

  Guevara, Che, 224, 607

  Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn), 483–85

  Gulf of Aden, 436

  Gulf of Thailand, 433

  Gulf of Tonkin, 9, 71, 276

  Gulf Oil, 54, 211, 422–23, 616, 689

  Gulfport, Miss., 776

  Gunsmoke (TV show), 696

  Gunther, John, 632

  Gurney, Edward, 97, 129

  Guru Ji, 700

  Guy, Theodore “Ted,” 71–72, 109

  H1N1 virus (“swine flu”), 745

  Hac Bao (“Black Panther”) unit, 421

  Hackman, Gene, 149

  Haerle, Paul, 490

  Haggard, Merle, 53–54, 58, 204, 218

  Haig, Alexander, 109, 187–88, 190–91, 315, 658

  Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 51, 78–80, 109, 115, 121, 125, 132, 137–39, 149–54, 171, 178, 185–86, 199, 217–18, 234–35, 237, 268, 282

  Hall, Manly P., 350

  “Halloween Massacre,” 526–30, 534, 788–89

  Halperin, Morton, 142

  Hamill, Pete, 5

  Hamilton, Alexander, 263

  Hamilton, Haven (char.), 581–83

  Hammarskjöld, Dag, 418

  Hammer, Charles, 588

  Hammer, Hazel, 588

  Hampton, Lionel, 257

  Haney, Lewis Henry, 390

  Hanford, Calif., 201

  Hanna, Mark, 775

  Hannaford, Peter, 335–37, 619, 768, 789–90

  Hanoi, 2, 4, 8, 10–13, 15, 17, 21, 66, 69–70, 101, 106, 240, 319, 321, 419, 432, 436, 638, 668–69, 748

  “Peace Committee” in, 70–71, 102, 109, 146

  Hanoi Hilton, 12–13, 70

  Hansen, Cliff, 707

  Happy Days (TV show), 463, 465, 514

  Harding, Warren, 1, 441

  Hare Krishna, 700

  Hargis, Billy James, 615

  Hargrove, Robert, 574

  Harkin, Tom, 319

  Harlem, N.Y., 303, 319

  Harlow, Bryce, 480, 799

  Harper’s, 114, 602, 609

  Harriman, Averell, 653

  Harrington, Michael, 453

  Harris, Fred, 550, 589, 593, 613, 620, 628–29, 655

  Harris, Lou, 315, 446–47, 530

  Harrison, William Henry, 605

  Harris Poll, 93, 109, 157, 225, 267, 332, 446–47, 490, 530, 597, 725

  Harry Truman Library, 586

  Hart, Gary, 316–21, 517, 626, 678

  Hart, Jeffrey, 119, 465

  Hart, Peter, 614

  Hart, Phil, 678

  Hart, William S., 340

  Hartford, Conn., 519

  Hartford Courant, 235, 301

  Hartmann, Robert, 442, 464

  Harvard Business School, 571

  Harvard Law School, 100

  Harvard University, 35, 75, 129, 185, 187, 215, 290, 296, 343, 366, 432, 449, 454, 458

  School of Education, 295

  Harvey, Paul, 689

  Harvey House restaurants, 340

  Hasty Heart, The (film), 375

  Hatfield, Mark, 426, 443, 569, 764

  Havana, 473, 645

  Hawaii, 3, 66, 97, 127, 710

  Hawkins, Augustus F., 677, 680, 745

  Hawkins, Tex., 294

  Hayden, Tom, 221

  Hayek, Friedrich von, 390

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 625

  Hays, Wayne, 328–29, 690, 766

  Hayworth, Rita, 343

  Hazlitt, Henry, 390, 394, 691

  Health, Education, and Welfare Department, U.S., 320

  Hearst, Catherine, 210, 507–8

  Hearst, Patricia, 208–10, 220, 224–26, 237, 248, 257, 415, 507–10, 512–13, 524, 533, 567, 620, 638–39

  trial of, 616–19, 656

  Hearst, Randolph, 208–10, 224

  Hearst, William, 237, 580

  Hearst Castle, 617

  Hearst family, 639

  Hearts and Minds (documentary), 424–25

  Hébert, F. Edward, 327–28

  Hellcats of the Navy (film), 561

  Hellman, Lillian, 460–61

  Helms, Jesse Alexander, Jr., 117, 229, 441, 443, 451, 456, 487–88, 632–33, 641–45, 647, 740–42, 754, 757–60, 763–64, 767–69, 771, 780, 793, 795–96

  Helms, Richard, 298, 308, 428–29, 505, 520–21, 535, 600, 744

  Helsinki Accords, 491, 497, 759, 768, 780, 790

  Helter Skelter (Bugliosi), 498

  Hemingway, Ernest, 295

  Hendersonville, N.C., 391

  Hendersonville Country Club, 391

  Henry Hudson Parkway, 475

  Hepburn, Katharine, 379, 766

  Herberg, Will, 447

  Herbert, Don, 387, 395–96

  Herblock (cartoonist), 192

  Hercules C-130s, 616

  Heritage Fo
undation, 305–6, 450, 456, 460, 675

  “Public Policy Studies” series of, 450

  Herschensohn, Bruce “Dr. Happiness,” 239, 258

  Hersh, Seymour, 12, 16, 18, 99, 236, 298, 330, 416, 461–62, 789

  Hibernia Bank, 225

  Hicks, Louise Day, 287, 290, 292, 443–44, 458, 670

  Highlander Folk School, 247

  High Times, 716

  Hill, Avis, 296, 443

  Hill, Rod, 507

  Hillerse, 297

  Hills, Carla, 760

  Hillsboro, Oreg., 314

  Hilton Hotel, 722

  International Ballroom at, 310

  Hindenburg, The (film), 654, 659

  Hipple, Hugh, 340

  Hiroshima bombing, 358, 464

  Hiss, Alger, 260, 780

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 59

  Hitchcock, James, 651

  Hitler, Adolf, 127, 179, 194, 224, 356, 369, 373, 432, 557, 662, 672, 712

  Hitler Youth, 258

  Hoboken, N.J., 500

  Ho Chi Minh City, 430

  Hodges, Joy, 340–41, 352

  Hoffa, James R., 132, 705

  Hoffman, Abbie, 156, 221–22

  Hoffman, Dustin, 658

  Hoffman, John, 156

  Hogan, Lawrence, 301

  Holden, Ardis, 382

  Holden, William, 382, 398

  Holiday Inn, 607, 614, 689, 728

  Holliday, Judy, 525

  Hollywood, 7, 83, 165–66, 274–75, 320, 339–41, 345–54, 366–68, 371–78, 380–84, 386, 391–93, 397, 399, 404, 439, 441, 468, 540, 566, 645–46, 659, 688–89, 696, 714

  Communist threat and, 356–58, 361–64, 367–70, 378, 391, 402, 404

  star-making machine of, 342–45

  unionism and labor unrest in, 359–65, 369, 374, 389, 398

  Hollywood Canteen (film), 13

  Hollywood Citizen, 366, 376

  Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions (HICCASP), 355, 357–59, 378

  Hollywood Reporter, 351, 368, 378, 388, 392

  Hollywood Writers Mobilization, 357

  Holshouser, James, 645

  Holtzman, Elizabeth, 256, 315

  Holy Communion, 444

  Holy Roller Church of the Nazarene, 449

  Holy Spirit Church (Creston, Iowa), 580

  Holy Trinity (Washington, D.C.), 448

  Honolulu, Hawaii, 137

  Hooker, Thomas, 686

  Hoover, Herbert, 156, 243, 355, 402, 455

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 54, 331, 357, 404, 534–35, 544, 564, 690

  Hoover Institution, 336

  Hope, Bob, 134, 166, 349, 423–25, 428

  Hopper, Hedda, 364, 367, 370–71, 373

  Horan, Marvin, 298, 307

  Horne, Alistair, 68

  Hortonville, Wis., 250

  Hosea (prophet), 494

  Houghton Mifflin, 295

  House of Representatives, California, 286

  House of Representatives, U.S., xiv, 127, 139–41, 189, 216–17, 219, 260, 263, 269, 321, 326–30, 338, 416, 427, 451–53, 460–61, 472, 481, 485, 502, 506–7, 517, 521, 548, 559, 569, 600–601, 657, 680, 733, 737–38, 741, 755, 766

  Administration Committee of, 328

  Agriculture Committee of, 328

  Appropriations Committee of, 328

  Armed Services Committee of, 327

  Banking and Currency Committee of, 51

  Buildings and Grounds Committee of, 690

  Committee on Internal Security of, 415

  Committee on Science, and Astronautics of, 451

  Currency and Banking Committee of, 328

  Ethics Committee of, 600

  Foreign Affairs Committee of, 109–10, 327

  Intelligence Committee of, 558, 576

  International Relations Committee of, 635

  Panama Canal Subcommittee of Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee of, 665–66

  Pike’s Select Committee on Intelligence of, see Pike Committee

  Republican Study Committee of, 456

  Rules Committee of, 308, 327, 599

  Select Committee on Intelligence, see Pike Committee

  Select Committee on Missing Persons in Southeast Asia, 668

  Steering and Policy Committee of, 328

  Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) of, 260, 367–68, 371, 378, 415

  Ways and Means Committee of, 311–12, 327

  House of Representatives, U.S., Judiciary Committee of, 64, 189–90, 218, 237–38, 251–57, 259–65, 267, 281, 315–16, 319, 473, 718, 778

  impeachment inquiry of, 216–17, 219–20, 222–24, 231, 237–38, 251–52, 254–56, 259–65

  House Republican Conference, 75

  Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S., 760

  Houston, Tex., 207–8, 219, 450, 452, 559–60, 664–65, 673, 759

  Houston Music Theater, 673

  Howard Johnson’s, 62, 101, 127, 571, 574

  Howe, Allan T., 690

  How the Good Guys Finally Won (Breslin), 659

  How to Be Awake and Alive (Newman), 575

  How to Be Your Own Best Friend (Newman), 575

  Hoy, Robert, 306

  Huambo (formerly New Lisbon), 612–13

  Huddleston, Walter, 331

  Hudson, Pastor, 494–95

  Hughes, Howard, 462

  Human Condition, The (textbook anthology), 295–96

  Human Events (conservative newsletter), 394, 452, 742, 757

  “Human Life Amendment,” 301, 752, 761

  Human Rights in the World Community (congressional report), 485

  Human Sexual Response (Masters and Johnson), 104–5

  Hume, J. H., 336

  Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, 319–20, 334, 372, 492, 517, 563, 589, 593, 613, 622, 642, 653–54, 661, 664, 672, 677, 680, 683, 691, 695, 700, 719, 721, 745

  Hungary, 402, 406, 422, 618

  Hungate, William, 262, 473

  Hunsecker, J. J. (char.), 565

  Hunt, E. Howard, 50–52, 54–55, 75, 78–79, 101, 108, 123, 134, 137, 139, 154, 232, 253, 263, 509

  Hunt, Howard, 659

  Hunter College, 474

  Huntley, Chet, 171

  Huntsville, Ala., 213

  Hussein, King, 252

  Huston, Tom Charles, 99, 125, 238–39

  Huston, Walter, 379

  “Huston Plan” (1970), 511, 600

  Hutchinson, Edward, 220, 260, 315–16

  Hutschnecker, Arnold, 254

  Hutton, Lauren, 425

  Hyde, Henry, 493–94

  Hyde Park High (Boston), 626

  Iceland, 112

  Idaho, 332, 338, 404, 442, 536, 577, 686, 690–91, 706, 741, 786

  Idaho, University of, 512

  Idaho City, Idaho, 679

  Idaho Falls, Idaho, 695

  Illinois, 63, 75, 81, 111, 119, 133, 145, 242, 414, 423, 440, 457, 459, 497, 506, 529, 569, 596, 619–20, 628, 631, 635, 637, 641, 654, 683, 773–74, 804

  Illinois, University of, 40

  Illinois College, 85–86

  Illinois State Normal University, 86–87

  Immaculate Chapel (San Diego), 444

  Imperial Presidency, The (Schlesinger), 215

  Independence, Mo., 214, 464

  Independents, 727

  India, 592, 729

  Indiana, 125, 160, 208, 269, 301, 321, 550, 578–79, 662, 664, 668, 676, 679–80, 713

  Indiana, University of, 248

  Indianapolis, Ind., 248

  Indianapolis 500, 113

  Indianapolis News, 640

  Indian War, 366

  Indochina, 299, 422, 427, 713

  Inferno (Dante), 573

  inflation, 280, 310–14, 436

  Inouye, Daniel, 97, 143, 147

  Inside the Company: A CIA Diary (Agee), 331, 576

  Institute for Legal Action, 551

  Institute for Policy Studies, 172–73, 415

  Intellectual Digest, 7, 749

  Intelligence Eva
luation Committee (IEC), 141

  Interaction (textbook), 295

  Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 247

  InterContinental Hotel (Manila), 3

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 143, 171, 178, 207, 223–24, 256, 260–61, 377, 393, 520

  International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IA), 359–61, 363–65, 369

  International Association of Y’s Men’s Clubs, 366

  International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 463

  International People’s Court of Retribution, 499

  International Safari Club (Los Vegas), 332

  International Squadron (film), 349

  International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation (ITT), 56, 78, 108, 147, 255, 260–61, 267, 510

  International Workers of the World, 246

  Interstate Commerce Commission, 318

  Inuits, 450

  Investors Overseas Services, Ltd., 54

  Iowa, 5, 216, 262, 316, 319, 321, 339, 343, 558, 578, 580–81, 584–86, 588–89, 592–93, 704, 723, 754

  Iowa Carter for President Steering Committee, 587–89

  Iowa State Fair, 248

  Iowa State University, 588

  Iran, 184, 428, 481, 520, 598

  Iraq, 175, 598

  Irish-Americans, 287, 291

  Irwin, Jim, 102

  Isaacs, Harold, 608

  Isaiah, 494–95

  Islam, 62

  Israel, 7, 175, 182–85, 187, 189–91, 252–53, 300, 395, 423, 497, 517, 523, 526, 567, 585, 629, 679, 714

  Israeli-Palestinian crisis, 679

  Issues and Answers (interview show), 662, 768

  Italy, 112, 416, 616, 677, 744

  It Happened One Night (film), 659

  It’s Not the End of the World (Blume), 103–4

  I Was a Spy: The Story of a Brave Housewife (Miller), 402–3

  Jackson, Andrew, 212, 679

  Jackson, George, 297, 617

  Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 110–11, 115, 142, 201, 316, 426, 485–86, 491, 585, 593, 609, 613, 622–23, 625–30, 661–64, 679, 690–91, 700, 720, 724

  Jackson, Jesse, 200, 712

  Jackson, Miss., 735–36, 742, 745

  Jagger, Mick, 126, 310

  Jahn, Helmut, 772

  Jahn, Marie, 587

  Jamaica, 501

  Jamaica, Queens, 274

  Jamaican Plain High School, 290–91

  Japan, 183, 215, 280, 355, 432, 568, 616

  Japanese-Americans, 319

  Jap Zero (training film), 350

  Jara, Victor, 174

  Javits, Jacob, 319, 321, 334, 497, 527, 791

  Jaworski, Leon, 188, 200, 212, 231, 252

  Jaws (film), 468–70, 472, 581

  Jefferson, Thomas, 212, 255, 318, 517, 666, 679, 708

  Jefferson City, Mo., 243

  Jefferson County, 443

  Jefferson-Jackson fund-raising dinner, 589

  Jennings, Peter, 605

  Jensen, Jay, 106

  Jersey City, N.J., 25

  Jerusalem, 112, 253, 494

  Jesuits, 239, 363, 684, 686

  Jesus Christ, 46, 132, 239, 300, 304, 325, 448–49, 490, 522, 588, 620, 649–51, 706


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