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Loving Kalvin (The Kennedy Boys Book 4)

Page 12

by Siobhan Davis

  She tightens her grip on my hand. “Does it help?”

  “I can’t speak from personal experience, but I think so. I see a lot of the same girls show up every week, and they say the support is helping them get through it.”

  “I think my boyfriend’s going to break up with me.” Tears pool in her eyes. “We’ve been together six years, and I know he blames himself, but he can’t always be there to protect me, you know?”

  “It’s hard for the people who love you to see you in pain.” That I can attest to personally. Although, my loved ones’ empathy was misplaced because I was a filthy little liar. I had no entitlement to their compassion. A new layer of revulsion washes over me, but I force it aside. This isn’t about me.

  Lucinda’s door eases open, and the previous client leaves with her head down not looking at either of us. “Ms. Parker?” Lucinda smiles, beckoning her forward, and we both rise.

  I squeeze her arm. “It was nice talking with you. I’ll leave you in Lucinda’s capable hands.”

  She clasps my hands tightly. “Thank you.”

  She is still on my mind, hours later, when I’m lying in bed, overtired and unable to fall asleep. If she had only known who she was talking to, I doubt she would’ve been thanking me. Turning over, I bury my head in my pillow, praying for darkness to take me under.

  Kal is waiting outside my dorm the next morning. He’s lounging against the wall, dressed in figure-hugging dark jeans and a pure white shirt, looking sinfully good. His arms are more defined than I ever remember, his biceps bulging in a sculptured way under the short sleeves of his shirt. His broad shoulders and molded chest are totally drool-worthy and I’m sure my tongue is hanging out in a most unattractive fashion. Running a hand through his dark hair, he pushes off the wall and saunters toward me, whistling under his breath and grinning, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he says, yawning, and I can’t fight my smile.

  “Still not a morning person, I see.” I shouldn’t tease him, but it’s too easy to fall into comfortable patterns.

  “Definitely not.” He shudders, as if something nasty just crawled up his spine. “But I’ve had to condition myself. My fault for signing up for too many early morning classes.”

  “I can always use my tried and tested wake-up method.” My lips fight a smirk.

  “Oh, hell to the no. An impromptu shower in bed is not my idea of fun.”

  I nudge him in the ribs. “Aw, come on. You secretly loved it.”

  “Yeah, I secretly loved you jumping all over my bed pouring a pan of ice cold water over my head,” he drawls, rolling his eyes.

  “It worked though. Like a treat.” I titter as the memories flood my mind. “Man, you are such a cranky pants in the morning.”

  “Hey.” He nudges my hip. “Don’t be mean. I’m not cranky now.” His hand darts out, and he removes my book bag without invitation. “Ride with me?”

  “Are you even going my way?” I suddenly realize I have no clue what major he’s pursuing.

  “Nope,” he says, popping the P. “But I have plenty of time to drop you off at class first.”

  “How long are you going to do this?”

  “As long as it takes.” His expression is defiant and resolute. “I heard what you said last night, Lana, but I don’t agree. It’s not going to deter me. I came here for you, and I’m not giving up. You’re too important to me.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Even if it’s not what I want?”

  He leans down slowly, pressing his delectable mouth to my ear. The familiar citrusy scent of his cologne swirls around me, and my knees turn weak. “You can protest as loudly as you like, but we both know the truth.” His sexy voice, combined with his warm breath and his mesmerizing scent, fry my brain, and I can’t even form a response. “You want this too.” I sway slightly on my feet, and he chuckles, holding onto my elbow to steady me.

  Clearing my throat, I step away, snapping out of it. “What am I going to do with you?” I wail.

  He closes the gap between us again, peering into my face. His eyes bore into mine, and I get lost in his gaze. His breath trickles over my skin, ensnaring me in a mystical web of desire. Every part of my body craves his. My eyes flit to his mouth, and I bite my lip, my mouth watering deliciously. His eyes follow the movement, and his tongue darts out, licking his tempting lips. A little whimper escapes me. “I can think of plenty of things.” He moves his face closer, until his mouth is only a hairsbreadth from mine. It would take nothing, literally nothing, to breach that tiny gap and kiss him. I’m terrified of how much I want to. I hold my breath and my body rigidly still, afraid to move a muscle. “None of them PG-rated,” he whispers.

  Oh dear Lord. Everything south of my belly is rejoicing at his insinuation, and a hot flush creeps up my chest and over my cheeks.

  A myriad of emotions flitters across his face. His smile falters a little, and he moves back creating some space between us. I’m already mourning the loss, and it’s that moment when I acknowledge I’m a lost cause. I’ve always been powerless to resist his charm, and, once again, he has sucked me in, almost effortlessly. “Please, let me take you to class?” There’s a vulnerability in his tone that melts the remaining icicles in my heart, and I figure there isn’t much point protesting any further, so I let him lead me around the corner to where his truck is parked.

  “Have you declared a major yet?” I ask when we are both seated in the truck, desperate to stick to less-threatening topics.

  “Yep. Architecture.”

  That doesn’t surprise me. Kal always had an eye for good design, and he was constantly drawing when we were younger. Where most kids drew people or scenes, Kal sketched buildings. “Good for you.” At least one of us is pursuing our ambitions. He shoots me a strange look as the truck glides out into the traffic. “You know I still have the drawing,” I say.

  “Our house?” he asks, instantly understanding. He’d been twelve when he created the vision of our future home, complete with a stylish library and workspace for me. He let me keep the drawing, and every so often, I take it out and cry. I’d been so sure when he’d designed it that we would be together in that house at some point in the future. Married and with children to fill all the space. It soon became abundantly clear that was a childish dream that would not come to fruition.

  I nod, trying to mask my sadness.

  “No way.” He runs his fingers through his hair, smiling. “I’d like to see it sometime.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  An awkward silence settles over us.

  He clears his throat a few minutes later. “Did Olivia mention I stopped by last night?”

  I shake my head. “She was already asleep when I got back, and I didn’t get a chance to talk to her before she left for the track this morning.”

  “She runs?”

  “Yeah. Not seriously or anything, mainly to keep in shape.”

  “I haven’t seen her at the track at all. Like ever.”

  I twist in my seat, staring at him in shock. “You go to the track?”

  Slapping a ball cap down on his head, he chuckles. “You don’t have to sound so surprised.” I send him a knowing look, and he chuckles again. Kal is one of the laziest people on the planet. His idea of exercise is lifting the remote. He’s lucky he’s got good genes and a fast metabolism which allows him to eat like a horse and still look like he’s stepped off the pages of GQ magazine. “I run a few times a week and do a couple sessions in the gym in the fitness center.”

  “Ah, that explains all the”— I stop before I embarrass myself—“eh, stuff you’ve got going on.” I gesture flippantly at his body. Heat floods my cheeks. It’s a feeble recovery but the best I can come up with in my current sleep-deprived state. My brain cells tend to take a hike when confronted by Kal’s uber-hotness anyway.
  “Someone’s been checking me out.” He winks, and his grin turns wolfish.

  “Hard not to when you keep turning up everywhere.”

  “Told you I was going to be your shadow.”

  “Stalker, more like,” I cough, and he laughs.

  “See.” He reaches out and squeezes my knee. “We can totally do the friends thing.”

  No, we totally can’t.

  And just like that, my good mood evaporates.

  What am I doing?

  A worried expression appears on his face. “Stop overthinking this, and, please, don’t shut down on me. Let’s just go with the flow and not think about any of the heavy stuff. Can you do that?”

  I’m too tired to go over old ground, and I know how pigheaded he can be when he fixates on something. I shouldn’t do this. It’s risky and most likely headed for a major crash and burn, but I find myself nodding. I’ve missed him so much, and I’m tired of trying to keep away from him. Since I’ve discovered he was here, he has consumed my every free moment. Maybe it’s time to throw caution to the wind and see how things pan out. I ignore that troubled inner voice whispering negative thoughts in my ear.

  I want to spend time with him—I miss his company.

  There, I’ve admitted it.

  His answering grin almost blinds me.

  Kal pulls up in front of the business school, and I can’t believe the whole journey passed by in a blur. He puts the truck in neutral. “Now that wasn’t so difficult, was it?” He gives me a saucy wink, and I roll my eyes, my fingers curling around the door handle. “Wait!”

  He hands me a cup and paper bag, and my brows lift. “It’s that yucky green smoothie you like, the one that looks like edible grass, and a chocolate doughnut.”

  “Are you trying to fatten me up?”

  “Dammit! She’s onto my evil plan,” he quips. “I’m trying to fatten you up so all the assholes on campus leave you alone.”

  I roll my eyes again. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “And you’re as delusional as ever. You’re gorgeous, Lana, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed.”

  “If this is about Chase—”

  My explanation is cut short by a primal growl.

  “Dude, did you just growl? Like legit growl?”

  He scrubs a hand over the light layer of stubble on his chin. “What can I say? That douche brings out the beast in me.”

  While I don’t owe him any explanation, and we are only tentatively trying the whole friends thing I still feel bad for ditching with Chase on Friday. I don’t want to intentionally hurt Kal ever again. “Nothing is going on with Chase. We’re barely even friends.”

  “I know you think I’ve ulterior motives, but that guy is trouble. I know for a fact he has his sights set on you, and not in a good way.”

  “Now who’s the delusional one?” I open the door, climb out, and walk around to his side.

  Kal lowers his window, poking his head out. “Trust me on this. I know I’ve no right to ask anything of you, but just promise you’ll be on your guard around him.”

  I sling my bag over my shoulder, taking a tiny sip of my smoothie. “You are worrying for nothing. I have minimal free time, so even if he wanted to hang out, it wouldn’t happen.”

  He looks somewhat appeased. “Thanks for this,” I say, shaking the paper bag under his nose. “I’d better go.”

  “Lana?” he calls out as I move to turn around.

  “Yeah?” I stare into stark, brilliant blue eyes. Eyes that have always drawn me in. Eyes that know me inside and out.

  Straining out the window, he twirls a lock of my hair between his thumb and forefinger. “Thank you for jumping to my defense last night.”

  “It’s the least I can do.”

  He looks like he wants to argue but thinks better of it. “You know what that means?”

  I sigh. “Yeah. My ID is blown.” I’m not happy about that fact, but I still don’t regret what I said. I couldn’t stand by and let that girl unfairly berate Kal. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve had to deal with worse.”

  He visibly stiffens. “What does that mean?”

  I groan. Why did I have to open my big mouth? “I’ll tell you another time.”

  “If anyone says or does anything, you need to call me.” His tone brokers no argument. “You still have my number?” I nod. “Send me a text so I have your new one.”

  “’Kay.” I slant him a wave as I start up the steps.

  “Oh, and, Lana,” he shouts, and my foot stalls. I spin around. “One more thing. I won’t be happy until you forgive yourself, and that’s my new goal in life.” The truck’s engine purrs to life as I gawp at him. “And you, of all people, know how much I love a good challenge.” He blows me a kiss and winks. “Have a great day, honeybun.” And then the truck is pulling away from the curb, leaving me there with my mouth hanging open.

  I was wrong before.

  I’m not just screwed.

  I’m royally screwed with bells on.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Dude,” Brett mumbles in a sleep-laden tone early the next morning as I stagger around the room, trying to get dressed without waking him. “Not again!”

  “Dude. This whole wooing shit was your idea.” I squint in the dimly lit room, scouring the floor for my sneakers. “Fact, friend.” I smirk as I toss his words back at him.

  “Remind me to keep my mouth shut next time,” he says, in between yawns. Brett and I are the perfect combo—both night owls and class-A jokesters—a match made in roommate heaven. I snicker to myself, thankful he doesn’t have a direct line to my thoughts. I’m going soft in the head.

  “Duly noted.” I toe on my sneakers, grab my wash bag, ball cap, and keys, and head for the door. “Catch you later, bro.” A loud rumbling sound rips from his mouth, and I quietly chuckle as I tiptoe out of our room.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom, I hop in my truck and make it to the coffee place before the crowd descends.

  I’m sitting on the low wall across the road from Lana’s dorm fifteen minutes later, sipping on an espresso as I wait for her to make an appearance. For the first time in a long time, I feel unburdened. Yes, we’ve got a shit ton of crap to wade through, but things are heading in the right direction. Nothing or no one could deflate my good mood today.

  My heart soars when Lana appears in the doorway. My eyes roam her body, and intense longing grips me on all sides. She’s wearing tight skinny jeans that mold to her perfect legs like they were spray painted on. A loose, sheer off-the-shoulder light-pink sweater covers a white tank. Pink and white Converse adorn her feet. Her long hair is still damp from her shower, cascading in soft waves down her back. Without even trying, she is one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen. Her head darts around, and I smile as she clearly looks around for me.

  “Yo! Beautiful!” I holler, claiming her attention.

  She bounds down the steps and walks toward me, smiling, looking happy and carefree, and I wish I could freeze frame this moment. Capture it for all eternity.

  “Hey.” She drops down beside me, dumping her bag at her feet. “What you got for me today?” She gestures toward the paper bag resting on the wall beside me.

  “Who says it’s for you?” I tease, wiggling my brows.

  She nudges my shoulder. “I know it’s for me, hand it over.” She holds her palm out. “I missed dinner last night, and I’m ravenous.”

  I hand the bag and the cup to her, with a frown. “You need to eat, Lana,” I chastise, raking a line over her slim body. “You’ve lost too much weight as it is.” It hasn’t escaped my notice.

  She takes a massive bite of the muffin, closing her eyes and moaning, and it’s like a shot of liquid lust straight to my cock. I squirm a little, discreetly adjusting my jeans so she doesn’t notice
the boner I’m currently cultivating.

  “I stayed late in the library last night, and I was too tired to grab something on my way back,” she admits in between mouthfuls. “It’s not like I don’t eat on purpose. Sometimes, I just forget.”

  “You should’ve called me. I would’ve picked something up for you.”

  “That’s sweet, but you know I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Why not?” I ask, tucking her hair behind her ears.

  “Because I’m not your responsibility.” She shrugs, finishing off the last of the muffin.

  I wish I’d brought her something more substantial. “I’m taking you to lunch today.”

  “No can do.” She stands up, brushing crumbs off her lap. “I already have plans.”

  If she says with Chase, I’m going to hit something.

  “We have a standing girls lunch date every Wednesday. I’d never live it down if I bailed for lunch with a boy.” She says the word like it’s dirty.

  I swoop down, grabbing her bag and slinging it over my shoulder. Without thought, I link my hand in hers and urge her forward. Her palm is soft and warm against mine, her touch flooding me with so many feels. Her eyes flit to our conjoined hands, but she makes no comment, allowing me to steer her toward my truck. “That’s cool. Once you are eating.”

  When we reach the truck, I put her bag in the back and wait until we are en route to the business school before I broach my next subject. “You still like bowling, right?”

  “Is the Pope Catholic?” she jokes.

  I smirk. “Bet I beat your ass now.”

  “Not a chance,” she smugly replies, leaning back in her seat and arching her arms over her head.

  The motion causes her tits to strain against her thin sweater, and I can’t draw my eyes away. I don’t remember them being so voluptuous before. They’re fucking magnificent, and visions of sucking on her hard nipples jump into my mind, tempting and distracting me. My cock throbs painfully in my jeans.

  “Kal!” Lana screeches, and I swerve, the truck narrowly avoiding eating the sidewalk.


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