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Loving Kalvin (The Kennedy Boys Book 4)

Page 26

by Siobhan Davis

  “Book your flight, Kal,” Ky says before hanging up.

  I call Riley immediately and he answers straightaway. Blaring music rings out in the background. “Give me a minute,” he roars down the phone, and I hold the handset away from my ear. The noise mutes, and then Riley is speaking in a more level tone. “Sorry about that. It’s loud as fuck in there.”

  It’s Friday night and I don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out where he’s at. “You at the frat?”

  “Affirmative, and you need to get your ass here, stat.”

  Tiny hairs lift at the back of my neck. “Is Lana okay?”

  “Look, dude, I don’t want to get involved in your business, and I know stuff is awkward between you guys right now, but I figured you’d still want to know this. Chase is putting the moves on Lana again. Usually, I wouldn’t be concerned ’cause Lana’s got no interest in him, but she’s kinda sad tonight, and she’s been drinking. I’m worried she might be about to do something she’ll regret.”

  Oh, hell to the no.

  That asshat is not laying a finger on my girl.

  I’m already pulling on clothes. “I’m on my way. Keep her away from him till I get there?”

  “I’ll do my best. Hurry the fuck up.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  A few hours earlier


  It’s Friday night and I’m lying face down on my bed, wallowing in self-pity. I had a late study session this evening—cramming for my exams next week—so there was no point going home tonight. Hewson would be fast asleep by the time I arrived. I’m not sure why today, of all days, I woke up so depressed.

  It’s all tied to Kal and the fact we don’t have a future together except as co-parents.

  He’s been completely up front with me, and he’s kept his word in relation to Hewson. That’s all that should matter. He’s spending time with our son and providing for both of us. He’s paved the way for my parents to reunite. Things are slotting into place, so I should be ecstatic, yet all day I’ve felt like I’m on the verge of tears. Like the tiniest thing will set me off.

  I’ve got to face facts.

  I’ve lost Kal.

  I’ve lost that dreamy vision of the future I had—the one where the three of us were a proper family. Where Kal was living with us and we were raising our son together as a couple. As a team. And it hurts so much. It hurts to see him collecting Hewson and going off by himself. If I’d told him when I first discovered I was pregnant, I would have that life now. But there’s no point in crying over all the what ifs. I don’t have a time machine. I can’t turn back the clock.

  And I shouldn’t be so greedy. So selfish. Kal is doing more than I could ever ask of him. He’s proving to be a natural father, and he’s going out of his way to support my ambitions. I shouldn’t want more.

  The door opens, interrupting my pity party, and Olivia prances into the room. She takes one look at me and jumps on the bed beside me. “What gives?”

  I lift my head. “Just ignore me. I’m having a bad day.”

  She leans back, tucking her hands behind her head and crossing her ankles at the feet. “Someone once told me I was a great listener.” She smirks and I swat her with a pillow. That someone was me. And I meant it. She has listened to me whining about all my drama for months now and never once complained or sought anything for herself. “Come on. A problem shared is a problem halved.”

  I half-laugh and half-moan. “So cliché!”

  I sit up, pulling my knees into my chest. “I’m having one of those ‘woe is me’ days.”

  “Let me guess? This is about Kalvin?”

  I nod. “He’s doing great with our son, Liv. Really great, and I shouldn’t want more, but I do.”

  “You can’t help loving him.”

  “I know, but I think this is it for us. I don’t think he’s going to change his mind. I’ve hurt him too much this time. And I deserve it, I do, but I can’t help thinking what’ll happen when he starts dating again. The thoughts of another girl hanging out with him and Hewson break my heart. And what about when he finds the girl he’s going to marry and spend the rest of his life with? Will some other woman try to replace me as Hewson’s mom? Maybe it’s stupid to be thinking so far ahead, but I can’t help where my head’s gone, and these thoughts are making me ill, Liv. I don’t think I can bear it.” I bury my head in my knees.

  She squeezes my shoulder. “It’s only natural to feel like that, but I don’t think you should give up hope yet.”

  I lift my head. “It would be easier if he wasn’t so Goddamned irresistible, and I swear my ovaries have gone into meltdown since I’ve seen him with our son. That only makes him more desirable. I didn’t think it was possible to love him any more than I did, but I do. The love I have for him is infinite. Whether he loves me back or not, it doesn’t matter. He is it for me. I know there’ll never be anyone else. I’ll be this lonely old spinster, and he’ll be married with kids, and Hewson will want to go and live with his dad, and I’ll end up on my own.” I pour every ugly, miserable fear straight from my heart, realizing how pathetic I sound.

  “Wow. That’s one hell of a pity party you got going on.” She scrambles to her feet. “I know what you need. You need to get drunk and let loose. Just drink and dance and forget about all the stuff in your head. Riley and I are heading to the frat. Come with us.” She extends her hand, and I let her pull me up.

  I’m not convinced I’m in the party spirit, but it sure beats hanging around here feeling sorry for myself.

  We’ve been here a couple hours, and the place is packed to the rafters. Now that exams have commenced, it’s a much-needed stress reliever. I’ve had a few wine coolers and I’m nicely buzzed. “Hey, pretty lady,” Chase says as he approaches. “I think someone’s been avoiding me.” His breath oozes across my ear, and I step sideways, away from him.

  “You know I have been, and you also know why.” I fold my arms sternly across my chest. Chase practically called me a gold digger the last time we spoke, revealing a side of him I didn’t much care for.

  He scrubs a hand over his jaw. “Look, about that.” He leans into my ear. “I was way out of line, and I apologize. I know you’re not that type of girl. Kennedy just gets on my fucking nerves.”

  “Apology accepted, Chase, but it changes nothing between us. Sorry.”

  Not sorry.

  His face drops, and a twinge of guilt sparks in my gut. His hands land on my hips. “I respect that, Lana.” He presses his mouth to my ear. “And I’m not hitting on you, I swear.”

  Says the guy with his hands on my hips.

  “But I just need to know one thing.”

  Removing his hands, I step back, peering at him suspiciously. “What?”

  “Not in here.” He gestures toward the other room. The one Liv and I have affectionately christened the weed room. “It’s quieter in there. I can hardly hear myself think out here.”

  I’m keen to get this over and done with, so I stupidly agree. I’m trailing Chase when Riley steps in front of me, blocking my path. “What are you doing?”

  “It’s not what you think.” He pins wary eyes on me. “I’m not interested in Chase. This is my last conversation with him, and then we’re done. I’m going to make sure he understands.”

  “You can’t trust that guy.”

  I sigh, spotting Chase frowning over his shoulder at us. “I know, which is why I’m shutting this down now.” I smile up at Riley. “Thanks for watching out for me, but I got this.” I maneuver around him and head toward Chase.

  He guides me into the cloud-filled room, and my nostrils twitch. I think I’ll get high just breathing the air in here. Leading me to a little nook in the corner, he lounges against the wall, piercing me with a pitiful look. Every part of me goes on high alert. “I know who you are, Lana.” His tone is deceptively soft. “
Now that whole thing with Kennedy makes sense, but I want you to know that you aren’t alone. You don’t have to put up with it anymore. I can help you.”

  My eyes narrow. “What are you talking about, Chase?”

  “You don’t have to pretend with me. I know.”

  I scratch the side of my head, utterly confused. “Know what?”

  “That he paid you off to withdraw your statement. Everyone knows he raped you and bought your silence.” My mouth falls open. What the actual fuck? Before I can protest, he continues. “And I’m guessing he followed you here to continue tormenting you and he’s got you right where he wants you. You can’t let him get away with this, Lana. People like him, people with money, they think they rule the fucking world. They think they are above the law and that they can get away with anything. But he can’t. He can’t do this to you. My uncle is an attorney, and I’ve spoken to him about it. You can tell the truth, no matter what confidentiality agreement they got you to sign. There are ways around it. I’ll help you.” He moves to take my hand, but I swat him away.

  If I thought that Chase genuinely cared about me, and honestly believed what he said was the truth, then I might feel differently. Might be touched that someone cared enough to want to intervene. Makes a change from the usual reception I receive.

  But I’m not buying this.

  Chase showed his true colors the last time we spoke, and the look of pity on his face is as fake as the tits on that brunette across the way he keeps sneaking glances at. He’s got some kind of agenda with Kal. This isn’t about me at all.

  “I don’t need your help,” I clip out. “You are way out of line and way off the mark. Kal did not rape me nor did he buy me off. I retracted my statement because it was a lie, and I had only said it to hurt him. I retracted it in court because I wanted the public to know this was on me, not him, and I am pure sick of people like you trying to manipulate the situation for your own end. I don’t know what your beef is with Kal, but I won’t be a part of it.”

  Chase’s lips curl into an unattractive snarl. “You’re making another mistake here, Lana.”

  “Screw you.”

  “I know you wanted to,” he sneers, his eyes roaming over my body in blatant disinterest, “but I’m not into Kennedy’s sloppy seconds, even if I was prepared to take one for the team.”

  “You’re a sick individual, and I want nothing more to do with you. Stay away from me.” I push past him.

  “Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you,” he calls out. “It didn’t have to be this way, but you’ve left me no choice.” His words peter off as I stalk away, leaving him for dust.

  When I reenter the main party area, I make a beeline for the counter. I’ve had enough of this, and it’s time I did something about it. Most people know my real identity on campus now. I haven’t missed the secret looks, the finger pointing, or the hushed whispers these last few weeks. No one has hurled abuse at me, at least not yet, but that doesn’t mean they are oblivious to the rumors doing the rounds. I’m finally learning to ignore people’s prejudice. It infuriates me to no end, though, that my sacrifice seems to have been in vain. People still think Kal did it, and I’m going to put an end to these new rumors once and for all.

  I duck behind the counter and pull the megaphone out of a cubbyhole. Kicking off my shoes, I pull myself up on the counter beside the three other girls dancing their booties off. The crowd hollers when I stand up straight. Clearing my throat, I glance at the DJ in the far corner of the room as I raise the megaphone to my mouth. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please.” My voice booms out across the room. The DJ looks up. “Can you kill the music, please. I have something I need to say, and I want to ensure everyone hears.”

  My heart is thumping wildly in my chest, and a line of sweat drips down my spine. Butterflies are having a field day in my gut, but I’m glad my voice rang out confidently, that resolve zips through my veins spurring me on. I know I can do this, and it’s the right thing to do.

  I’m doing this for Kal. For Kal and Hewson.

  Our baby hasn’t been on this campus once for a reason. I don’t want people finding out about him yet. But when we move in to our new apartment, the news will spread like wildfire, so, it’s important I put this latest rumor to bed first. The last thing I want is other students believing our son is the product of rape. He was conceived in love, and I don’t want anyone casting doubt on that.

  The DJ mutes the music, and the crowd stills. Most everyone has turned toward the counter, giving me their undivided attention. Groups trickle out from the weed room, curious. “Most of you probably know who I am,” I begin to explain, “but I want to state it for the record. My name is Lana Taylor, and I’m the girl who accused Kalvin Kennedy of rape.”

  A shocked gasp ripples through the crowd. Olivia and Riley push through to the front, and my friend gives me a big smile and an encouraging nod.

  “I know there are all kinds of rumors floating about, and I wanted to help put them to rest. Kalvin Kennedy did not rape me. And he didn’t pay me to withdraw my statement. I did that all on my own because I had falsely accused him of something he didn’t do. Kalvin and I have known each other since we were two. I’ve been in love with him as long. I’m not going to delve into details of our personal lives, but our relationship has been difficult the last few years. He did things to hurt me, and I was hurting a lot, so I told a lie. The worst lie a girl could ever tell about a boy. It was a horrible mistake, and the guilt and self-loathing is something I will carry with me to my grave. I’m ashamed of myself.”

  I look around the room, and I have everyone’s devoted attention. This feels strangely cathartic, and my heart opens wide as more words filter from my mouth. “I let myself down, because that girl you all read about is not the person I am. I let my parents down, too, but, most of all, I let Kal down. He’s my best friend, first and foremost, and I treated him appallingly.”

  A loud snort from the side of the room causes a few heads to turn. I cast a quick glance at Chase, lounging against the wall with a jeering expression on his face. Ignoring him, I continue. “I confessed in court because I wanted the public to know the truth, so this wouldn’t follow him around. It’s sickening that it wasn’t enough. That people still think the worst of him hurts me so much, because he doesn’t deserve it. Kal’s a good guy, a great guy, and I want you all to give him a chance. To know the truth when you hear it. To understand he’s not the guy you’ve been led to believe.” A layer of stress lifts off me. I sway a little on my feet, feeling drained and suddenly exhausted.

  A few startled gasps emerge from the crowd, and people start stepping aside. “That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for …”—my words falter as I spy Kal weaving his way through the masses, right toward me—“listening.” I manage to get the last word out, although it is barely louder than a whisper.

  Kal lifts his head up when he reaches the counter, his piercing blue eyes locking on mine. The look of fierce determination on his face has my heart skipping a beat. He holds my waist, lifting me clear off the counter. Ever so gently, he places my bare feet on the ground, keeping a hold on me. His head dips, and he never takes his eyes from mine as he lowers his face toward me. “I love you, Lana Taylor. I love you so much.” His words are loud, and clear, and they seem to reverberate around the room. Then his mouth is covering mine, and he’s kissing me like he’s never kissed me before. The room disappears. The noise fades. It’s as if it’s just the two of us. Glued to one another, as close as two people can get without getting naked. His hands hold me firmly around the waist as his mouth explores mine. My hands are planted against his impressive chest, and the steady thump, thump of his heart vibrates under my palm. His tongue sneaks into my mouth, and I silently swoon. Our lips move against one another in perfect rhythm, and my body comes alive from his caress. My heart feels like it’s going to grow wings and take flight.

  A thro
at clearing breaks us apart. “Get a room for fuck’s sake,” Riley says, with a teasing grin. Kal wraps his arms around me, keeping me close against his body.

  “That was frigging awesome, girlfriend. I’m so proud of you.” Liv manages to grab me away for a sneaky hug.

  Kal instantly tucks me back under his arm. “Thanks for the heads-up, man. I owe you.” He high-fives Riley as Liv and I trade puzzled expressions.

  Riley slings his arm around Liv’s shoulders, kissing her cheek. “Anytime.”

  Kal looks down at me. His eyes are dark with lust, his lips swollen from my kisses. “Can we get out of here?”

  I lean up on my tiptoes, kissing him quickly. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  I grab my shoes, hurriedly slipping them on before I give Liv one final hug and let Kal lead me out of the basement. People stare at us as we leave, but the reception is a lot less hostile than usual.

  I have only taken two steps outside when Kal grabs me, pushing me up against the wall, pressing his hot body against mine. “I can’t believe you did that.” His lips graze the column of my neck, and I shudder as intense desire sweeps over me.

  “It better fucking work,” I pant, gasping as he sucks on my neck, right where my pulse beats wildly.

  He chuckles, lifting his head, and I pout at the loss of his mouth on my skin. He grins, reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ears. “You’re so beautiful, Lana. I don’t think I’ve told you enough. You’re like the brightest star in the sky, lighting my life in so many ways.” He runs the tips of his fingers over my cheeks, and his feather-light touch sends delicious tingles all over my body. He presses a kiss under my jaw and then a quick one on my lips. His expression turns serious. “I forgive you.”

  “You do?” My breath hitches in my throat in hopeful anticipation.

  He nods. “I read your book, and I heard what you said back there, and I can’t stay angry at you anymore. Not when we love each other so much. Not when I know we are meant to be together.” He twines his fingers with mine. “I want you, and I want Hewson. I want us to be a family. My life means nothing unless you are by my side.”


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