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Loving Kalvin (The Kennedy Boys Book 4)

Page 27

by Siobhan Davis

  I can’t help the tears that slide down my face. “You really mean it?”

  He hauls me into his chest, enveloping me in his strong arms. “More than anything.”

  I bury myself in his chest, inhaling his gorgeous smell and just reveling in the feel and touch of him against me. I didn’t think I’d have this again, and my heart is so full of joy I wish I could commit this feeling to memory forever. “But from now on, there can be no more secrets or lies between us. Complete honesty, Lana. That’s what I need.”

  “You have it. I promise. I love you, Kal. So much it scares the hell out of me sometimes.” I peer up at him. “The older I get, the more my feelings intensify. I don’t know if it’s normal for an eighteen-year-old girl to have so much love in her heart for a boy, but my feelings for you have always run deep. There will never be anyone else for me. Never.”

  He pushes me against the wall with a growl, running his hand slowly up and down the length of my thigh. His hard-on strains against my core, and my ovaries start a happy dance. “My feelings run every bit as deep,” he affirms, before smashing his mouth on mine in a wild frenzy. Our teeth clash, our tongues tangle, and we devour one another. My body vibrates with need, and I rock against his hips, gripping his ass and holding him firm against me. “Lana,” he whispers, his voice thick with lust. “I need to bury myself deep inside you.”

  It’s like music to my ears. Finally, we are on the same page, and there are no more barriers between us. “Your place or mine?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Get naked, baby,” I demand the instant we step inside my dorm. Thank fuck, Brett is at an away game tonight. I need this connection with her. Need to immerse myself in her so fully that all she sees, all she hears, all she feels, is me. I need to worship every inch of her body, and I can’t wait a second longer.

  “Already ahead of you.” Her tone is smirking. I look up, and my jaw drops. She already has her top and her bra off, and she’s in the process of removing her jeans. Lana can come across as quiet and demure, but she’s never been that to me. She’s a private person, and she doesn’t let people in easily, but I know the real her, and she has this steely, quiet confidence that is totally sexy.

  When we first started making out, I was taken aback by how forthright she was. She wasn’t nervous or shy around me at all, and that was both a surprise and a major turn-on. When we had sex—that one and only time—she was unashamedly responsive, sexy as hell, and she rocked my fucking world. I almost come in my jeans, such is my excitement at the promise of a repeat.

  A lifetime of repeats.

  Sauntering forward, she palms the bulge in my jeans, popping the top button. “Strip, dude.”

  I’m standing there like a mute, frozen, as she shimmies her jeans and panties off, tossing them across the room. She stands before me, utterly naked, and she’s completely stunning.

  “Fuck, Lana. You are so beautiful.” My eyes roam hungrily over every curve, and she flings her hair back, never removing her eyes from mine, letting me drink my fill. “If this is what having a baby does for you, I want a whole football field full of kids.”

  She rips my jeans and boxers down my legs in one smooth move. Wrapping her hand around me, she strokes me in slow, sensual moves. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” she purrs. “One baby is quite enough for now.”

  “Fair enough.” I nip at her lips, my hand curving around one supple breast. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t practice.”

  I start walking her back toward the bed, but she places her palms against my chest, stalling me. “Oh, I want to practice.” Her hand goes around me again, and a guttural moan leaves my mouth. She runs her teeth along my neck. “I want to practice. A lot.” She looks up at me, and the lustful sheen in her eyes almost makes me come on the spot. “You make me so fucking horny, Kal, and I’m going to ride you like you’re my own personal horse.”

  “Stallion, babe. Like your own personal stallion.” I can’t be having any fucking horse comparisons. I squeeze her breast before dipping my head and sucking her nipple into my mouth.

  She groans, and her hand starts pumping faster. Suddenly, she pulls back, and I mourn the loss of her tit in my mouth.

  But not for long.

  When she drops to her knees and takes all of me in her hot mouth, I let a volley of expletives out. She works me expertly, her mouth and hand hitting all the right spots, and I’m dangerously close to losing control. The sight of her bent over me, sucking me off, is the most glorious sight in the world. My fingers thread through her hair, and I throw back my head, groaning as pleasurable tremors whip up my spine.

  “Stop, baby. I don’t want to come yet.” Gently, I lift her up, carrying her to the bed. I lay her down flat, kneeling between her legs. Nudging her thighs aside, I lick my lips as I slide one finger inside. “You’re so wet.”

  “For you, Kal. Always for you. I want you inside me. Hurry.”

  “Patience, firecracker.” I smirk, adding another finger, pumping in and out, curling both fingers inside her in a way I know will cause her the most pleasure. I flick my tongue against her swollen nub, and she cries out. I work her quickly, bringing her over the edge in less than a minute. I fail to keep the smug grin off my face.

  Grabbing a condom, I suit up and position myself between her legs. I kiss my way up her neck, sucking on her earlobe and pressing wet open-mouthed kisses all over her face. When my mouth presses against hers, I kiss her deeply. No tongue, just our mouths moving together as my hearts inflates with everything I feel for her. “I love you,” I breathe against her mouth, staring into her eyes.

  She threads her hand in mine. “I love you, too. Now, make love to me.”

  I inch inside her slowly, unsure if this will hurt or not. The books she gave me said it can be a little sore the first time after having a baby. I watch where we are joined, easing slowly inside her even though my dick is screaming at me to pound into her hard, marveling at how flat and unmarked her stomach is. I press a reverential kiss to her belly. The place my son called home for nine months.


  I look up at her, now fully situated, holding myself intact inside her. My biceps quiver with the effort involved in holding myself over her. “Yeah, babe.”

  She rocks her hips up, and stars explode behind my eyes. “You aren’t hurting me. If that changes, I’ll tell you, but, please, for the love of all things holy, move! I need you to fuck me now!”

  I start thrusting gently, but she grips my ass, wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me against her with more urgency. “Harder. I need you harder and deeper.”

  “Your dirty talk is so fucking hot you’re going to make me come in about two seconds if you keep it up.”

  “Don’t you dare!” She glares at me, and I chuckle, increasing my pace, thrusting into her in long, hard strides. She moans, and her mouth suctions on my chest. “Yes! More, baby.”

  I increase the tempo, and she matches me thrust for thrust. My hands are in her hair, and my lips are tasting her everywhere, as I continue thrusting into her. A wave of pure liquid lust shoots up and down my spine, and a tingling sensation starts building. “I’m going to come.”

  She leans a hand down between us to rub herself, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. “Faster, Kal,” she croons. “Hell, yes!”

  We tumble into bliss together, rocking and writhing against one another until we’re both sated.

  I get up, toss the condom in the trash, and bring a cloth back to bed. After I’ve cleaned her up, I flop down beside her, pulling her into my arms. “Fuck, Lana. That was something else. That was unbelievably fucking amazing. Incredible.” I peck her lips.

  She props up on an elbow, turning to face me. Her hair cascades over one shoulder. I press a kiss to her bare shoulder, and she shivers. “Really?”

  I frown, unsu
re where this lack of confidence is suddenly coming from. “Abso–fucking–lutely.” I tilt her chin up with one finger. “Why are you doubting yourself?”

  Her cheeks flush red. “Because you’ve been with lots of girls, and I’ve only been with you.”

  I hate that I’ve done that to her. That she doubts herself because I was an asshole who couldn’t keep it in his pants. I still have a lot to do to make up for that. To prove to her that she is the center of my universe. The only girl I want from this moment on.

  I sit upright, pulling her with me. I grip her face in my hands. “None of those girls meant anything to me. It was just sex.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “I have no words to describe what being intimate with you is like, because it’s everything, Lana. You’re everything. Making love to you is like nothing I’ve ever experienced because I never loved any of those girls.”

  I place her hand on my chest. “You own me, Lana, and your touch ignites the most insane feelings inside me. Seriously, I only have to look at you and I get hard. Being inside you is the most magical feeling in the world, and the way you move underneath me, the way you know what you want and aren’t afraid to ask for it, it’s hot as hell. Sex has never felt as good with anyone else because none of them were you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers, and I pull her into my arms.

  “You may not have been my first, which, by the way, is something I’ll always regret, but you are most definitely my last. I have eyes for no one but you, Lana. You’re my entire world. You and Hewson. You are it for me.”

  The next few days are a whirlwind of activity as we take our exams and make plans for the holiday season. Lana agrees to come home with me so we can tell my parents together. We are going to spend a couple days with her parents first and fly to Massachusetts on Christmas Eve. We’ve been busy buying tons of furniture for our new apartment, and I’ve broken the news to Brett that he’ll have a new roomie come January, but he was happy for me.

  “Do it, babe,” Lana says, jumping onto the bed beside me. I’ve been staring at my cell for the last twenty minutes, terrified to make this call. Not for me but for her. I don’t know how Mom is going to react to the news, and I don’t want anything to hurt Lana. She wraps her hand around my wrist. “I know why you’re hesitating.” I look up at her, melting at the sight of her gorgeous big eyes, so full of concern for me. “I’m not worried about your mom, so you shouldn’t be either.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Nope.” She smiles, scooping a large spoonful of chocolate ice cream. “Open up,” she demands, and I obey. Because I’m completely pussy-whipped and wrapped around her every finger.

  “Mmm,” I murmur. “That’s good.”

  “I know.” She swallows a spoonful and then leans forward to kiss me, pushing melted ice cream into my mouth. I groan, and my dick twitches in my pants. It’s a wonder I’m still able to get it up so easily. We can’t keep our hands off each other, and we haven’t spent a night apart since the frat party. “Make the call, Stinky,” she purrs, suggestively licking the back of the spoon, “and I’ll eat the rest of the ice cream off your naked body.”

  “Deal.” My hard-on is now straining against my jeans. “You’re a wicked woman.”

  She pushes me playfully. “Shut up. You love it.”

  I do. And her.

  I wait a couple minutes for my excitement to die down before calling Mom.

  “Honey, it’s so good to hear from you.”

  “Hey, Mom. I wanted to talk to you about Christmas.” I’m so nervous I just blurt it out.

  “If you say you’re not coming home, I’ll personally get on a plane and drag you here if I have to. We haven’t seen you for months, and we miss you.” Lana takes my free hand, running soothing circles on the back of it.

  “Don’t worry. I’m coming home. My flight is already booked, but, uh, I’m bringing someone with me.” Two someones, actually, but I can’t let that cat out of the bag just yet.

  “A girl?”

  “Yes, a girl, and you know her.”

  “Lana! You’re bringing Lana?”

  “Yes. How the hell did you guess that? Has Ky said anything?”

  “Kyler knows?”

  Ah, shit. I should’ve kept my big mouth shut. “Yeah, but from your tone, I’m figuring he wasn’t the one to tell you.”

  “No one told me, honey. Did you honestly think I didn’t know Lana was the reason you decided to go to UF?”

  “You knew?”

  “I had my suspicions.”

  She doesn’t sound upset or mad. “It’s okay to bring her?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is.”

  “Are you sure, honey?”

  I know what she’s asking. My family was hugely disappointed with Lana for falsely accusing me of rape, and they are bound to be a little cautious of her now. It’s something else we’ll have to overcome. “More sure than I’ve been about anything ever before.” I’m conscious of Lana sitting rigidly still beside me. While I know she’s put on a brave face, my mom’s approval means more to her than she’s let on. “I love her, Mom. We’re together and that’s never going to change. She’s the only girl for me.”

  “You’re still very young, Kalvin.”

  “I’m almost eighteen, Mom, and I know my own mind.”

  “Very well. We can talk about it when you’re home.”

  “You have to promise to be nice to her. Everyone has to. She’s my guest, and if anyone treats her disrespectfully, I’ll leave.” Lana is shaking her head at me.

  “Sweetheart,” Mom says. “Your brothers have always been fond of Lana, and she’s welcome here anytime. You have nothing to worry about. Please give her our love, and tell her we’re looking forward to seeing her again.”

  “’Kay. Thanks, Mom. See you soon.”

  I hang up and turn to Lana. “That went better than expected.” I run my hand around the back of her neck, pulling her toward me.

  “She doesn’t mind?” she asks, as I lower my mouth to hers.

  “Nope.” I kiss her hard and then pull back, whipping my shirt off. “A deal’s a deal, woman. Pay up.” I start tugging at the hem of her shirt as a loud knock booms on the door. “Hold that thought.” I wink, racing to answer it. “I’ll just get rid of whoever it is first.”

  I swing the door open, and the mad grin on my face evaporates on the spot. I’m pushed roughly against the wall as the officer yanks my hands behind my back, cuffing me. Then he says some words I’d hoped never to hear again. “Kalvin Edward Kennedy. I am arresting you for the rape and sexual assault of Ms. Shelby Walsh.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I grab my purse and my keys, pulling the door shut behind me as I hurry outside. I call Grandmother from the back seat of the Uber, on the way to the police station. Her displeasure filters down the line as I quickly explain. “I need a good attorney. Can you recommend anyone?”

  She is aloof on the other end, not that I’m overly surprised. She’s disgusted we’re moving out and that Mom is going back to Dad.

  “Please, Grandmother. He didn’t do this. This is all my fault for casting doubt on his character in the first place. Are you going to help me or not?” I’m not holding out much hope. Kyler is my next call if she refuses to help. Even though he’s emancipated and his parents aren’t legally required at the station, I don’t know if Kal would want me to call them anyway, and I’d rather leave that up to his brother to decide.

  I play my final card, saying the only thing that might convince her. “I’m sure his parents will be extremely grateful. I’ll make sure to let them know how supportive you were.”

  “Fine.” Her voice is curt. “I’ll call my attorney and ask him to go to the station. Ensure Kalvin doesn’t say anything until he gets there.

  “Trust me, he
knows the drill.” The sour taste in my mouth grows more pungent.

  When I get to the station, they won’t tell me anything or let me see him. I’m pacing back and forth across the floor in the waiting area, deliberating my next move, when a stout man with ruddy cheeks and a mop of silver hair bustles into the room. “Miss Williams?” he asks, and I almost shake my head.

  “I’m Lana,” I say, accepting his handshake.

  “I’m James Montgomery, your grandmother’s attorney. Let me secure a room so we can talk. I would like you to explain what happened before I meet Mr. Kennedy.”

  A few minutes later, we are seated in a small room. The attorney extracts a pad and pen and takes notes as I tell him what happened. “Do you know Miss Walsh?” he asks, removing his suit jacket and hanging it across the back of his chair.

  “I’ve only seen her a couple of times. From what Kal told me, he slept with her one time when he first arrived on campus. I’ve no doubt it was consensual.” I explain how she threw his boxers in his face and how mad she was at his rejection. “This is purely vindictive.”

  He rolls up his sleeves. “That may well be the case, but at this juncture, it is her word against his, and his previous reputation will not do him any favors.”

  I slam my fist on top of the table in frustration. “That reputation isn’t deserved. It isn’t a true representation of who he is. The case was thrown out of court, and he wasn’t charged with anything, so how the hell can they use that against him?”

  “I understand how upsetting this is, my dear, but, unfortunately, that case received massive attention in the media. Whether he was acquitted or not doesn’t really help. People know of him. They have their own opinions. To some, he was always guilty.”


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