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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

Page 41

by Jacklyn Daher

  "Yeah, one sec." With a quick semi-turn, Hunter tightened his grip and wielded the arrow. In one foul swoop, and in a blink of an eye, he slashed Xavier across his chest from shoulder to hip.

  Xavier's steps faltered and swaying on his feet, he dropped to his knees. Flecks of black flitting from his wound and into the air.

  "Xavier," Luxor let out a piercing cry, descending forward. Hunter gripped Luxor by the waist and restrained her. No matter what had transpired between them it had gotten out of hand. He had taken matters into his own hands, and the demise of Xavier an almost certainty.

  "Let go." She kicked out.

  "Sorry, a father awaits."

  "Will you stop struggling?"

  Sharp nails were dug into the crook of Luxor's elbow as the stranglehold Hunter had on her tightened. She froze at the intensity which made it easier to be tugged further to the side of the church.

  Betrayal smothered her, with every nerve and emotion anaesthetised. She anticipated shortly she would wake up, and hoped like hell this wasn't her reality. That a person who she cared deeply about wouldn't deliver her to her nightmare. How did the situation change from him coming to her aid and being a saviour to perpetrator?

  "Hunter, what are you doing? You can’t deliver me to Cane."

  He ignored her and continued to pull her along. Theo was on his other side, his arm locked around Pandora’s neck in a head lock until she lost consciousness, and collapsed to the floor. He picked her up and dumped her into the bushes.

  "Fina-fucking-ly," Castor whooped. "Ready to get this show on the road?"

  Out of sight Principal Wright consoled a weeping Evie, holding her close in his clutches telling her to hide under the bleachers. Wordlessly, she listened not looking at the disaster around her. He couldn't stay, it would be much harder to control the situation if he did.

  "Hunter, let go," she urged and lashed out digging her heels into the gravel. She contemplated pushing him onto the consecrated ground. It would painful for her as well but somebody would come to her aid.

  Yeah right, they left you to burn in the church.

  If it wasn't for Xavier and Becky she would be a pile of cinders mixed with flesh and bone. But by trusting the wrong person Xavier was now propped against a tree, black flecks of his existence slowly diminishing.

  A ray of pink light blinded her and she stumbled forward. Hunter caught her before she slammed into the group. "That wouldn’t be very wise," Ayla said coldly. "Don't think I won't hurt you."

  "You and what army?" Hunter sneered, waving one hand outward. "Are they hiding?"

  Castor chuckled in derision behind him swirling a serrated blade, and began to slash it in the air.

  A group of four others closed in from all directions surrounding them. Coming forth was Valencia and James, the brother-sister combination providing mental and physical strength. James used his skills and released a fly kick with a magnetic force sending Castor flying backwards, and his body half ended on holy soil. He frantically clawed the ground until he slithered off. Flanked by them were Principal Wright and Ayla. Coach Davis crept up from behind and elbowed Hunter in the back. For all his stature he moved quite skilful with grace.

  It wasn't enough to disentangle her from Hunter as they fell in a heap, and Luxor was softened by his chest. Coach Davis launched back about to lay a punch to Hunter's face when Theo kicked him in the face with his steel-capped boots.

  The gigantic frame of Coach Davis dropped to his knees and tumbled face first splat into the dirt. He dug his nails craning his head to face Luxor. His yellow eyes gleamed at her, his previous harsh eyes that used to intimidate her existed no longer. He mouthed the word, "Go."

  Luxor leaned her head down and bit down forcefully into the flesh Hunter's fingers gnawing his fingers over the bones. Electric blue blood filled her mouth as he let out an agonising howl and let go. Spittles of the metallic taste lingered in her mouth and she used this opportunity to escape.

  She swiped the blade in a quick swoop and begun to search for Evie on the lookout for somebody who could help. The school was practically overrun with celestials and hybrids who were more equipped to deal with the situation at hand. If that wasn't to be at the very least find a place to hide.

  "Evie," Luxor hissed, crouching down and surveyed the area. It was just like when she followed Hunter to the Blazin’ Bakery, except this time the danger was in full swing. "Evie, whistle to let me know where you are."

  A shuffle came out from behind and she scattered behind a tree. A low whistle followed and holding on close she peered her head out. Evie was partially hidden, a timid figure grasping the underside of the bleachers.

  Luxor made sure to see if the coast was clear before scampering to join her. She ducked her head and bowled straight into her and despite what Evie thought of her right now she was glad not to be alone. Evie quickly released herself although the fear had evaporated.

  "Are you okay?" Luxor asked signalling towards the purple lump at Evie's temple.

  Evie nodded and fiddled around releasing the clip from her hair to cover the lump. "Yeah, considering the circumstances. How about you?"

  The marks might have disappeared but the crusted blood coating multiple areas remained as evidence. Her flesh and bones ached but she refused to burden Evie with that.

  "I'm okay." Luxor gave a wan smile to convince her. "We need to leave now, can you think of any place we can go?"

  "The church." Evie bit her lip and backtracked. She looped the necklace from under her dress and twirled the cross around her finger. She followed the direction of Luxor's eyesight and stopped before tucking it away. "Oh, but you can't there."

  "You can. Go hide in there til this is over," she said. Keeping Evie safe would be her main priority especially since everybody else had deserted them.

  "No damn way. I'm not leaving you." Evie stubbornly stared her down. "We're still besties, it's just going to get some used to, but you're stuck with me." She linked their arms as if to prove her point, and tugged her down. She gathered a stick and drew lines in the dirt, concentrating on a series of boxes. "This is a disaster, why are they after you?"

  "Hunter wants to trade me for gods know what," she said, perplexed. They had already been down this road.

  "Must be very valuable." Evie raised her eyebrows as if she was thinking about options. Luxor gave her a blank expression. "Not that that's any excuse," she quickly added.

  She leaned her head on her arms, surveying the drawing Evie had constructed. It was a layout of the school with x's marked in multiple ones. "There's nowhere we can go, I've tried to think but apart from the school office which might have secret evacuation places we can hide but we're stuck in a waiting game."

  "History room? That has bulletproof windows."

  All thanks to me.

  "No use if they barge in, which they would. They'll be too strong for us...well me anyway. I wish we could round them up and lock them in the church."

  "Rodeo style." Luxor let out a small smile.

  "Hmmm...If they won't go to the church, maybe we should bring the church to them."

  After a couple of minutes, Evie broke out of a trance and hopped up excitedly, her eyes lighting up. Luxor recognised that expression, one which promised a devious plan. Before she could stop her, Evie bolted out leaving her alone.

  "Where are you going?" she involuntary called out, and tentatively stepped into the open, wishing she had a lasso to draw Evie back.

  Time ticked on and Luxor was on the verge of doing the unthinkable, entering the pits of hell. She was almost certain something had happened to her, green and pink light continued to strobe in all directions, black particles floating in the air.

  "Ta-da." Evie bounced back causing Luxor to stagger backwards. From behind her back, she produced two small metallic flasks filled with liquid and a pair of gloves. "Our weapons."

  "Damnit Evie you can't you realise what's out there?" She grasped her shoulders to shake sense into her.r />
  "I'm sorry but at least we're protected." Evie shook the flasks and passed the gloves over. "I keep spare clothes at the back, these are for your hands in case some splashes."

  The gloves barely fit reaching an inch above her wrist. "Can't believe you stole from the church." She anxiously held the flask, and quickly slipped it into her satchel.

  "Was going to grab the wine and bread in case we got hungry but I think that'll be taking it too far," Evie confessed.

  "Just a tad." Luxor wrinkled her nose. Just the thought of ingesting that had her stomach churning. Seeing her reaction, Evie rubbed her stomach leading Luxor to purse her lips to hold back from laughing.

  The pitter patter of rain hit the bleachers, droplets seeping through the cracks. Craning her head out Luxor briefly inhaled the sweet smell of the rain lingering in the air. After a couple of sniffs, she realised something was off. The pure air was tainted mixed with something foul, a heady and distinct petroleum aroma dancing on her taste buds.

  "Where to now chief?" Evie turned to her with hope in her eyes.

  "Lure them out?" she said with uncertainty.

  Survival, in the end that was what it boiled down to. Would Luxor be strong enough to deal with all the evil flying her way?

  As much as she hated it there would be only one place this could end.

  The gymnasium.

  It was where it all started and where it would end. A ploy was loosely constructed and was ambiguous at best, the only result that was needed was to weaken Hunter and his siblings. It wasn't possible to go to their original plan, Luxor refused to use Evie as bait.

  They headed to the gymnasium and Evie made quick work of coating various sporting equipment in holy water and stashed them sporadically around the room. Luxor kept a look out, and vigilantly darted her eyes about, and was on her way out into the open to lure them in, but Castor had made her job all the easier.

  "Guys, I found the kariola," he called over his shoulder, his slate grey eyes hard as granite.

  Her stomach clenched, and the burning inflamed on her hip. She sucked it up and concentrated on what she had to do.

  "Oh no Evie, they found us, run, we need to run!" She yelled out. She turned around the way she'd come, and played the role of a victim like a pro much to her annoyance.

  Luxor expected all four of them to capture her but when it was only Melita, she breathed out a sigh of relief, and exchanged a brief look with her who had been hiding inside.

  A Molotov cocktail hurtled towards Luxor. A sliver of flames scorched her skin as it passed. The flanking bottle was levitated, Becky hailing it up and with a look of pure determination.

  "You're just a bundle of trouble, aren't you?" Castor stalked forward joining her in the middle of the room. "Can't wait until you are finally out of our lives and Hunter returns to normal."

  “Normal? Keep dreaming,” she said, holding her injured arm to her chest. They fought with no honour or code, very fitting for those who lacked morals.

  “Don’t get any closer,” Becky held up a palm. She guarded Luxor and spread her arms wide.

  “Oooh, a witch. Melita joined him leaning an arm on his shoulder. "Can we hurt her? Burn her at the stake like they used to. And for dear Luxor, I want her to gag on vodka, lop off her hair and stab her in the heart. Hmm, that's pretty specific. Oh wait, has that ever happened to you?"

  “Shame I don’t care about history,” Becky said. A mild gust of breeze circulated around, the tendrils of her curly hair bouncing along as she pointed to a tree. “Surgo.” The roots bulged, and protruded, and broke the surface.

  Luxor balled up her fists and an unrestrained wave of fury stirred and pulsated underneath her skin. The lava boiled, thick and steaming, and churned in the pit of her soul, ready to explode. She revelled in the opportunity to use her power. "You psychotic bitch. You had Verity and Aiden do your dirty work, even dragging Scarlett in this sick, twisted game." She tilted her head to the sky, and evoke all the heinous acts that had been done against her. The violet lightening flashed in a zig-zag against her aqua eyes as the darkness seeped in.

  Melita bared her teeth akin to a rabid dog on the loose. her golden tresses were wild, and her eyes now pools of moss. "I would have done worse. Disfiguring that pretty little face would be the ultimate cherry if you weren't needed. You're our prize to gain a perfect life." She lowered her voice creating a chilling tone, and clawed her hands, about to lunge.

  The roots of the tree shackled Melita’s ankles and she was thrown to the ground. She guided the lightening as it rippled across the inky sky, and struck it near Melita’s head and singed the roots of her hair. She raised her arm again, only for them to be slapped away.

  “Enough,” Becky said. “There’s bigger problems out there. Don’t you agree?”

  Luxor nodded, but still wasn’t content. She flipped the top of the flask, and leaned over Melita, who wriggled and lunged, gauging her across her cheek. She smiled and let the liquid fly in her face. Melita howled and covered face. Castor, who spotted Evie, whipped around, and in a few strides had clasped her neck squeezing at the place her pulse.

  A live wire shock through her system and Luxor screamed out, her eyes rolling back in their sockets and unable to fight back. Her body hit the ground instantly followed by his.

  "Harley Quinn isn't the only one who makes baseball bats sexy." Evie twirled it around and struck Castor in the ribs. He groaned, and she lifted it again over her head.

  Luxor held Evie back. "We're wasting time with this crap, let's get out of here," she croaked out. If it was any other time, she'd join her in ending him.

  “Should we tie him up too?”

  “No time.” Luxor said, making the decision for them to split. There was only Theo and Hunter to deal with and she was pretty sure she was capable of taking them on. "Evie, church, stay, please." She wasn't capable of speaking a full sentence. “Becky keep her safe.”


  “Be careful.” Becky said.

  Luxor kept her attention on them to see if she listened, not watching where she was going and barrelled into a hard-bodied chest, flinging her backwards.

  Are you okay?

  Hunter's voice automatically streamed in her mind, looming over and gripped onto her tight, helping her up. She elbowed him in the ribs wanting nothing more than to block him out.

  You're joking, right? I'm going to kill you, so save your words.

  Luxor literally meant it. She was halfway to hell so killing a nuisance person who brought nothing but angst wouldn't be that much of a drop.

  Not when this is all over.

  Again, he penetrated her mind.

  That's if they survived. What could he possibly gain by turning her over to one the evilest entities possible?

  Hunter veered onto the deserted sports field, the petroleum puddles splashing underneath her feet. “Listen to me, it’s not what you think. I’m not giving you to Cane. The world is a game, and this is the biggest one of all.”

  “You could have fooled me…again. Let me go.”

  Hunter shook his head. "Cane," his voice projected. "I have her."

  The surroundings pulsated with tension, and the mixture of emotions made it difficult to accumulate her anger. Luxor sunk her teeth into Hunter's bicep, and he let out an aggravated growl. She'd hoped he'd lash out, to do anything completely heinous which would lead to her tapping in her energy. Now Evie wasn't about, she would unleash her destruction, to let it spiral out of control until it consumed her. Unfortunately, Hunter kept his composure, emotionless and detached.

  A lone figure made an appearance stepping forward, his dark brown hair swaying in the breeze. His presence lacked the intensity and darkness Cane possessed.

  What is going on? Luxor said to Hunter.

  He’s the middle man.

  Talk to me.

  No answer. Hunter had chosen the selective mute button choosing to bypass the important questions.

  "Hunter, you've delivered, albeit l
ate," he said in a deep and raspy voice.

  Castor had mildly recovered, quickening his pace to join them. Holding his ribs, he stepped forward. "Take her. It's time to properly seal the deal." He nodded his head to the side and raised an eyebrow to Hunter who in turn faced Theo.

  "I want Cane," he said firmly.

  The middle man smiled. "As you wish." He glanced up to the sky. "Master your heir has been bestowed."

  "Where is he?" Hunter finally spoke, his emotionless tone matching his blank expression.

  Where is who? Cane? What the hell is happening?

  The sky flashed a vibrant violent, and the atmosphere filled with an electrical charge, creating a cracking, laced with the putrid and potent stench of sulphur. A cacophony of caws started of slow until the murder of crows pierced the air and swooped on it stealing the light.

  Like his namesake Cane returned the light and levitated before settling his boots to the ground, the hooded cape which draped from his shoulders floated down. Before Luxor, the Prince of Darkness was a vision of pure perfection. A perfect nightmare as he had self-declared.

  “God his entrances are tedious,” she snarked. Hunter didn’t reply and she didn’t expect him too. He obviously was too stuck in whatever trouble he had landed in.

  “Relieved to see you have no back-up, not that it really matters,” Cane said. “I have to say I’m disappointed my Duke of Hell, Bune has disappeared off the face of the Earth.”

  “Maybe he took a holiday.” She shrugged a shoulder, realising that was the reason he had a henchman to call upon him.

  “Witty, witty.” He raised his hand, an inked jade snake trailed upwards around his wrist and bicep, the head peeking out from his black sleeveless top. Luxor gasped at the recognisable tattoo. She had drawn the exact design in Spirituality class complete with the letters "S" and "L." He clicked his fingers twice. His henchman brought somebody forward, head bowed, and their hands bound behind their back.

  "Father." Hunter jerked with life, his moth slackening.


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