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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

Page 42

by Jacklyn Daher

  Orion upon hearing the voice, cocked his head up, his toffee orbs opening wide. Lifeless and haunted dark circles marred them. A sharp gasp escaped his lips, his sunken cheeks becoming even more hollow, and he winced. Firmly subdued as a prisoner, he was forced to kneel, his tattered clothing were dirty and full of holes. He bowed his head, matted ebony hair flopping in front of his toffee coloured eyes, a mere shade darker than his sons.

  "Bring her over," Cane ordered.

  "Keep her away!" Orion yelled out immediately after, wriggling his arms behind his back. The blunt edge of the back of a sword was belted across his spine.

  After everything, is this how it goes down? Luxor said.

  Please, shut up. Play along.

  How can I play along when I don’t know the rules?

  Luxor needed to somehow break through to Hunter to tell him his plan was ludicrous.

  “Wouldn't you say it's mean to be Orion? After your treachery, I get your prized boy."

  "Cane you can't do this," Orion choked out. "She's not a damn weapon!"

  Cane's eyes darkened bunching his top in his fist. "Of course, I can, I've waited for my entire existence for her, after so many boys, she came into fruition," he spat, pushing Orion backwards. "It's your fault we are in this predicament. My beautiful Astrid wouldn't have left if it weren't for you."

  Just as in all her visions, the love Orion had for Astrid was clear. A lifetime ago, two friends had made a pact which had altered the lives of many. But because Luxor's life trumped others, Hunter had grown up without a father, and Cane had cause mass destruction on a grand magnitude. Luxor had also seen the viciousness of the deaths of all the boys. He had killed all of his sons. Her brothers. It terrified her to know she was much part of a bigger, sinister plan.

  "I merely opened her eyes to you," Orion growled out.

  Cane tilted his lips to the side, contempt swirling in those bright aqua orbs. "Bring. Her. Forth." He curled his two middle fingers.

  Hunter don't be stupid, remember the last time we came across with him.

  Hunter gazed longingly at his father, his eyes glistening and pinched in agony. At that moment she knew whatever she said would be in vain.

  How could I ask him to choose me?

  The vein in Cane's neck throbbed, his cool and calm demeanour exhibited signs of cracking as his ego was taking a battering. His pupils dilated to a menacing obsidian and lips curled up in a snarl. "Now, Hunter." He held a knife to Orion's throat to speed up the process and focused his words on Luxor. "Remember I told you, you never know the extent one will go for the ones they love. It's time for him to choose."

  "Stay back," Orion straggled out. "Otherwise all the sacrifices would be for nothing." He coughed up as the side of his throat was punctured by the tip of the blade.

  Hunter jolted, his jaw dropping, angst all too evident. He swallowed hard, and quickly recovered his composure. Luxor sensed his confliction. All his emotions ricocheted through her all at once, and she weakened at the mixture. On the outside, he was a facade of nonchalance but on the inside was a different story. He'd waited all his life to be reunited with his father and he was being brushed off as if he was nothing.

  Do you trust me? he asked, his voice a broken whisper.

  Does it matter?

  Can you trust me to rectify this? he repeated with urgency.

  You'll fix this?

  I will but follow my instructions and play along. With everything. I'll be saying and doing things but it's for us to get what we both want.

  Luxor internally laughed at the irony of her predicament; she'd have to play along to get out of the trouble he had thrown them in. She smothered his thoughts, not having a choice but to help him. Her mind reeled from the magnitude of the plan, and she questioned her rationale. Were they actually contemplating winning against Cane? Win or lose no matter what happened she would be easily accessible to him, and he would be able to physically harm her.

  Orion had given up so much to save her mother, and she wouldn't exist without him. There was only one way to pay back her mothers’ gratitude, and to make everything right.

  When I say now, dig deep and use every inch of your power.

  “Sometime today Hunter, I am a busy man.”

  "Too bad, we work on my time." Hunter brazenly defied him.

  Cane chuckled and yanked Orion's head back, exposing the blade across his throat. "That’s not how this works. Your father’s blood will lay upon your hands."

  Hunter wrapped his hand around Luxor’s throat and she proceeded to mock gag. It was an act that would tip the scales. "And you won't get Luxor, it's either we both win or we both lose. Take your pick oh, Prince of Darkness." His thumb stroked the side of her neck, as if to apologise and lessen the severity of the act.

  Cane gritted his teeth staring Hunter down. "Fine."

  I’m sorry.

  Hunter flicked his swiss army knife and slashed above her wrist. Luxor hissed, as the blood poured out in a steady stream. He yanked the fingers of her gloves off and wiped away the blood.

  She crossed her fingers with her other hand. I hope this works.

  Luxor struggled behind Hunter, his fingers gently pressed against the flesh of her upper arm as he lead them forward. An unsettling feeling churned up welling up in the pit of her stomach. She glanced at Hunter's torturous expression, and prayed he'd stick to his word. Each footstep closer towards death filled her with trepidation and a sense of foreboding.

  Cane impatiently waited, the knife never wavering from Orion’s throat. She choked on the air, the lingering effects of the sulphur watering her eyes. He gleamed and shoved Orion forward, who refused to move despite being set free and the whole mission had been twisted.

  The magnitude of the Fallen’s power ripped through the air and hit her all at once. She desperately tried to hold steady for if she fell apart, Cane would be able to swoop in and claim her. Then what would happened? Game fricken over. She sized up Cane’s army. The Fallen crowded him, and being on the inside both of them were alone and contained in a cage.

  Apart from Theo and an injured Castor, Hunter had nobody to back him up thanks in part to what happened in the gymnasium. As for Melita she was useless, without her beauty she now matched her rotted soul.

  Hunter passed Cane the bloody glove and stepped back, and anxiously waited for her to reach Cane.

  Cane widened his arms to welcome Luxor, his mouth moving but the words became nothing but silence. Although one thing was evident, his attention was firmly fixated on the necklace clanging around her neck.

  It was a bad move, it only led her mind to run into overdrive the major question being, what did she ever do to deserve this? There was no logical answer, there were billions of people in the word, she shouldn't have been special. If she was as dangerous as Orion had said his sacrifice would have been worth it, but on what account?

  Guilt twisted in her gut like a pretzel. She was torn between waiting to stay and bee-lining towards the safe enclosure.

  When disaster strikes the human condition kicks into action and showcases the extent one would go for another person. They are sorted into three groups: those who help, those who hinder and those who stand back and become mere observers.

  Ayla glided over, her feathers fluttering gently. She was on the far side near where Cane was awaiting. Black flecks were in her hair and smudged her face, clearly from battling the Fallen. "Luxor, stop. What are you doing? Come here," she cajoled frantically, extending her hand. Her appearance had presented another option, except it had come too late.

  The soothing nature of the wind almost had her succumbing and breaking the plan apart, but she couldn't. "No, I need to do this." She held a finger to her ear, as her heart pounded and vibrated loudly in her ears that she was positive others could hear it as well.

  "Luxor," Cane's voice deepened, a wickedness clouding his light features staring at the intruder.

  She squared her shoulders and strode over to her adversary with fal
sified confidence, refusing to look down and appear weak. It took no more than six steps and she was within his reach.

  Cane seized on the opportunity before Luxor could flee and clasped her shoulders with the utmost gentleness and spun her around. She shivered at the connection. He had finally acquired what he wanted, and she swore she could feel the bond; dark and twisted. And all too relatable.

  For as long as Luxor could remember she had always craved the feeling of a maternal bond to provide a love so deep she would constantly be safe. Now she had the bond of an actual parent, and she wanted nothing more than to severe it.

  Luxor sought for Hunter.


  Luxor had kept her anger simmering under the surface to wait for the perfect time to unleash her power. Fury curdled in her stomach, her mother never far from her mind, and now she witnessed the state of Orion, and the extent Cane had destroyed lives, inviting the darkness was easy.

  He embodied a perfect nightmare.

  But, so did she.

  A fire ballooned within, her veins lava, and for a flash her eyes turned crimson. A heated breeze whipped up around her and blowing at a breath, she magnified the intensity, preventing anybody from coming close. She was fearless and refused to let anybody win. From the ashes, embers danced on her skin.

  To protect others, she focused on nature to evoke the elements, to bring the trees to life. She heard the crack as the roots moved and broke the surface to bulge above the surface. Branches crossed over each other and concealed into shade Becky had back-up and contained the tree to prevent them from going spiralling out of control. She released a blast. The Fallen tumbled like dominoes leaving Cane exposed. She waved her hands above, and a vortex created a cavity.

  “Come, come.”

  Orion painstakingly hobbled to the middle towards her. The plan was still on and she'd have to adhere to it. "Luxor, listen to me. Your mother and I took drastic action to save you, Cane will only use you." He held onto her shoulder for support.

  At the corner of her eye Luxor noticed Cane had transformed the sky to black, his form camouflaged. She heard his swift movements and the Fallen congregated and focused on Becky. She swayed her arms and the thick branches of the trees wiped the Fallen out.

  "What about Hunter? He did this all for you." She glanced over her shoulder and pleaded his case.

  Orion looked over adoringly at Hunter and swallowed hard grabbing his throat. "Why do you think I told him to leave? Even though he was twelve, Cane would have damaged and hurt him, used him for his strong gifts, just as he will with you."

  "You knew he'd do this?"

  He nodded rubbing at the welts on his wrist. "I thought once you were born, Cane would forget about him, guess I was wrong. Even after hundreds of years my love for my son has never waned, I never stop wondering about the man he'd become. But I must be cruel. I want him to hate me because my love will destroy and weaken him, just as his love for you is." He glanced up when Luxor remained quiet. His attention was intently focused forward when they widened. "What's Pharzuph doing here?"

  "To play games," she grumbled at yet another problem that she'd have to deal with.

  "My brother never changes." He shook his head and tsked before concern marred his feature. "What happened to him?"

  Xavier lay sprawled on the ground, the deep gash deepening across his chest, as black ash flitted faster upwards as he continued to weaken and fade. He heaved in and out in short gasps, and Luxor's chest clenched. Just because she didn't feel as strong as she did with Hunter, she cared.

  "Hunter slashed him...Over me," Luxor confessed causing Orion to set his mouth in a grim line.

  It was becoming increasingly too much to be in the vicinity of all the Fallen. She was surprised she wasn't writhing on the ground and frothing at the mouth but she figured Cane was telling them to subdue it. From the demeanour that Cane was exuding that wouldn't be lasting much longer.

  "He doesn't deserve to die that way," he said in a strained voice, alluding towards Xavier. "Take me to him." Luxor supported his weight with hers, and could feel his protruding bones underneath the rags.

  The energy evaporated and before Luxor could take another step, a fireball struck between her shoulder blades projected from Cane to prevent her from going anywhere. She let out a howl and tumbled to her knees. Luxor clawed the dirt, and arched her back, and hung onto the fire. She grit her teeth and allowed her mind escape, let go of her conscious and channelled her fury at his abuse. Her mind twirled and she swayed trying to gain her bearings as a fire burned around her. Ash landed on her eyelashes and she blinked them away, adjusting her sight to the murkiness, her mind taking a few moments to register the magnitude of her surroundings.

  "My, my, doesn't take much to fire you up." Cane crouched before her, and had converted their surroundings onto a fire pit and she teetered on the edge of a cliff. The flames licked at her boots burning the leather, whilst the fumes from the sulfuric acid burnt her eyes and caused sweat to pour down her face.

  Luxor had played right into his hands, she was now stuck with him in an atmosphere she couldn't escape from. He made the rules and controlled everything.

  "Have you made your decision where your loyalties lie?" He asked in a smooth tone as if asking a child what ice cream flavour they wanted.

  "Not with you, that's for sure," she snapped, and folded her arms across her chest just as a petulant child would.

  Cane's eyes darkened, the flames flickering against his obsidian orbs. "Wrong answer." He levitated her pulling her forward by her necklace. "Your mother stole this from me as well as the gladius domini paradisum. Where is it?"

  Luxor struggled against the pressure. "Didn't think you were into glitzy things." He tightened his grip and she choked out another answer. "I don't have anything."

  "Liar," he roared baring his teeth. "It's a gold, heavy weapon and I want it now."

  Luxor remembered the vision. "That gold, heavy rod." It had the letter L etched in it surrounded with the sun. She'd disregarded it as nothing.

  Cane's jaw hardened, his beautiful features contorting into the true monster he was. "That rod is made from the Holy Creator and christened in the water of Eden. It is the only thing that could op—" He stopped short when he'd noticed he had her full attention. "Just return it."

  "And if I don't?" Luxor taunted, and kicked his shin, refusing to be intimidated.

  He let out a slew of expletives. "Don't push my patience child." A yellow cloud filled with sulphur materialised above her head and throbbed, droplets coming out. His hold on Luxor was weakened and he started to evaporate.

  When Luxor was brought back, she was in the same position as Cane but he had gotten into her mind, broken and weakened her defences. He was callous and ruthless coming closer and only an arms-length away. Heat radiated off his body a complete contradiction to the chill in his tone.

  Ayla sheltered her with her wings encasing her in a transparent and impenetrable bubble. "Let us fight this, hold the necklace and escape." She raised Luxor's hand and enclosed them. "Think about a place where you want to go, you'd have to want it more than anything."

  Confusion no longer plagued her and the decision was simple. She would put her faith in Ayla and the four others. Good prevailed over evil, didn't it? That was her logic behind it.

  She ventured closer to Xavier to stay by his side until his last moments, just as Orion wished.

  Cane produced a golden rope, lassoing it and looped it around Orion's neck dragging him back to once again be his prisoner.

  Hunter who was about to go to his father's aid but quickly turned around and diverted directions. "Stay away from him," he called out as he and Luxor and bolted forward.

  "Move away, you'll ruin everything," Ayla chimed in.

  Both were on opposite sides of Luxor but on the same side in their intentions projecting their full attention.

  "Both of you move away from us." She shot them a deathly glance.

  Exchanging frantic ex
pressions, they slightly back off giving her more room with Xavier. If she did something impulsive, they'd be there quick enough to stop her.

  Xavier reached out for her to help him up. "Thank you," he choked out and momentarily closed his eyes.

  She moved to shift his hair out of those pale blue eyes which drew her in, and clasped his hand. No matter the extent Xavier was right, in some capacity she did feel something for him.

  "Nooo." Hunter whipped the arrow from behind his back spiralling it to the direction of Cane and lunged towards Luxor. He pushed her across the ground away from Xavier, holding him down and leaned over to safeguard her.

  Up ahead Orion let out a strangled gasp, dropping to his knees as the arrow speared him through the chest. His toffee eyes became vacant, as he froze with his hand holding the arrow.

  "No!" Luxor yelled, and crawled forward. She was torn between helping two people.

  "Do you realise what you've done?" Ayla levitated to become eye to eye, grabbing her shoulders and shook her. Despite her small frame she had power in her grip and Luxor felt her insides constricting at the power.

  Luxor severed the contact and diverted her anger elsewhere. "What I've done?" she shrieked, bunching Hunter's T-shirt up. She lifted him up and paused for him to absorb her anger. He didn't resist and with a resigned sigh peered down to the ground. She turned her nose up in disgust unable to be around him. "This is all your fault. Everything. And all because of your stupid mission. I was a pawn, and I fell hard in the trap. Con-fuckin-grat-ulations." She flung him backwards against a tree leaving him slumped on the ground. "And you." She swung around spewing her words at Ayla. "You're supposed to be oh so holy and righteous. What's in it for you? Who cares what I do?"

  "You stupid girl, just saved a damn Grigori. Do you realise what this means?" Her face was as purple as a beetroot, fury flared in her crystal blue eyes. Luxor watched as tiny particles continued to flick upwards from him. She couldn't have saved Xavier she merely thought he deserved to not be alone."

  Everything about Ayla was a contradiction; fragile like a child, delicate and innocent with her golden hair streaming a beacon of light, and fair skin glowed in an indescribable way. She was simply out of this world, a living, walking breathing star. Yet in the same context proved to be the ultimate game player, a fraud.


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