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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 34

by Amelia Wilson

  "There," she thought with her big blue eyes popping open. Without thinking, she pushed herself forward and left the trail behind her.

  Alice raced through the trees with ease. She had forgotten the last time she had felt so free and alive. While she kept the scent in the front of her mind, she couldn't help but think of all the times she had raced through this forest with her family in wolf form.

  The soft dirt sprayed behind her as she pumped her mighty legs. Each stride increased her speed and soon the forest was nothing but a blur. With the wind in her face, Alice followed the scent.

  It blew her mind—all the things she could sense and feel in this form. As she raced further into the back country, she smelled every animal she passed. The musky stench of the grizzly bear, the dainty hint of rabbits, even the moldy aroma of the skunk filled her nose as she ran. But only one scent kept her going, the strong scent of roses that Danielle grew on their fire escape back home. No other person in the park would have that fragrance. It was the one thing she was certain of as the afternoon sun slipped through the trees.

  Finally, Alice skidded to a stop letting the dirt pile up under her long nails. The sudden overwhelming stench of musky pine filled her nose. She shook her head trying to clear the air, but the scent burned her nose and overpowered the subtle fragrance of roses.

  "Derek." The name sounded like a curse word in her mind. She ducked into the shadows and scanned the area. No doubt the scent was his. It was one of the reasons she couldn't stand to be around him. But as she stepped slowly away from the trail, she realized she would have to follow it sooner or later. After all, Danielle was in Derek's company and she would have to suffer to find Danielle.

  Alice moved far enough away to let the robust scent drift away with the wind. Carefully, she moved five long steps to the south and paused. The stench wasn't as strong coming from the south as it was from the north. Alice turned her head towards the long steep slope that rose up into the mountains.

  "So that's where you are," Alice huffed glaring up to the peaks. A smile played in her mind. Although she had been away from the area for a while, she still knew it like the back of her hand. She sucked in a deep breath and pushed through the scented trail. She counted her steps as she moved west. After all, a wolf's scent only lingered for the width of their body and Derek would never let a human ride on him in wolf form.

  Alice exhaled sharply and took tiny whiffs expecting the scent of musk to intrude into her nose. When the air came up fairly clean, Alice sucked in more deeply. She glanced up to the sky to find dark clouds drifting her way. She knew if she didn't get to Danielle soon, she would be stuck in a storm that would wash away her scent, leaving Alice with no way of finding her.

  Without risking another moment, Alice raced alongside the musk and rose scented trail that led up the mountain pass. From the time she was a child, she always loved this pass. It led to a secret lake that no human would ever find. That is where she knew Derek would have taken Danielle. Far enough away from humans, and secret even from the sky because of the large trees covering the water.

  Alice raced up the embankment until she reached the top. She paused to gaze down at the lake below her. There was no way Derek would bring Danielle here alone. Alice's eyes scanned the trees for his pack. Sure enough, in the shadows, a wolf lingered under the shrubs.

  "Well, there is more than one way into to this place," Alice thought as she turned and raced back down the slope. With time running out, she pushed her legs as fast as they would go. Each stride she claimed, she promised Danielle she would make it before the sunset.

  With her lungs burning, Alice reached the second trail to the lake. She hurtled over the fallen branches and trees as she made her way to the water's edge. The moment her paws touched the moist sandy bank she paused and lapped up the cool spring water. Alice glanced up to the sky as the last light of day drifted behind the mountain top.

  "Hold on Danielle, I'm almost there."

  The soft blue light of night filtered through the orange and reds of the sun. Alice moved in the shadows keeping her eyes alert for any signs of Derek's men. It was the flicker of a fire, like a lighthouse beacon in the dark, that caught her attention. Alice paused and dropped to the ground. With her eyes trained on the fire across the way, she sniffed the air. The hint of roses lingered around her and all of Alice's doubts faded. Danielle was there, no question about it. Only problem was, how to snatch her without Derek finding out.

  "Alright Alice, think. You have to be smart about this," she said to herself as she moved closer to the little campsite. "Derek is with her. He wouldn't just leave her out on her own like this. Think, what would he expect you to do?"

  As her mind whirled with different strategies, only one scenario continuously came back in her mind. Alice sighed, there was no way she was going to be able to get Danielle out of Yellowstone without taking Derek out first. She sucked in a deep breath weighing her options as she drew closer.

  A rustle of leaves not far from where she hid startled her. With her heart racing she ducked down. The lone wolf she spotted earlier trotted down the slope towards the small camp. Alice watched as the wolf shifted to its human form before getting close. Through the rustle of the leaves and the other animals around her, Alice honed her ears to listen.

  "Well?" Derek asked.

  "Nothing. Although I did catch a scent earlier, but it didn't have the fragrance you described earlier."

  "What do you mean?" Derek asked in hushed tones making it nearly impossible for human ears to hear.

  "It was roses mixed with coconuts. Maybe she isn't coming after all."

  "Oh, she will come. Mark my words, she'll be here. Maybe not as soon as I had hoped."

  Alice tried to keep still as she listened to the distant conversation, but every fiber in her body screamed for her to attack. Resisting the urge, she remained as still as possible. Although both men were in human form, she realized they would be able to shift faster than it would take her to charge them.

  "Tell the others to come back tomorrow. I doubt she will be coming tonight." Alice heard Derek order and twitched at the underlying command in his alpha voice. Although Alice was not under his control, it was still clear that he held the rank and the others obeyed without question.

  "Perfect," Alice thought. "Send them all away and open yourself up to me."

  Alice kept her eyes on the shadows as they withdrew from the area. Her mouth dropped as she noticed the number of people moving quickly away from the area.

  "So, you have added to your little pack have you?" Alice hissed. The dark shades of night drifted over the lake as the silver light of the moon faded from the clouds rolling in.

  "Better make your timing perfect," Alice thought. "You will probably only get one shot at this."

  She moved swiftly like the predator she was through the shadows disturbing nothing as she inched her way closer towards them in. Her heart raced as lightening cracked against the blackened sky. The rumble of the thunder caused her to pause and look up to the sky.

  "It's now or never."

  Chapter 4

  Alice kept low to the ground as she inched her way closer to the campsite. With each step she took, she ensured her paws didn’t touch a branch or twig. The last thing she wanted was to give her position away. Slow and steadily she moved, until the stench of basil washed over her. She held her position waiting until she saw Danielle with her own eyes. As she listened, she heard the soft drumming of a human heart beneath the low double thrum of Derek's beating heart. Alice sighed with relief to know her friend was still alive.

  As Alice positioned herself to strike, Danielle's voice carried through the trees causing her to pause. Her eyes scanned the dark horizon searching for her friend. On the shore of the lake, she spotted Danielle sitting on a log beside the fire. A movement in the shadows caught her attention and soon Derek emerged and took a seat beside Danielle.

  "How does it happen?" Danielle asked. Alice's ears perked at the calmn
ess in her friend's voice. Alice popped her head over the boulder which she used as a cover to hide her from the fire. She rose slightly stealing a peak of Danielle. There, huddled with her arms around her, Danielle sat calmly while Derek stroked the fire. Alice studied Derek as he turned to face Danielle.

  "What?" Derek asked as he moved further from the fire and took a seat beside Danielle.

  "Shifting, how does it work? Do you have to concentrate or does it just happen?"

  "If you are worried if I will spontaneously combust into wolf form, you don't have to worry. It doesn't work that way for me."

  "For you? Does it happen like that for other wolves?" Danielle glanced over to Derek with wide eyes, filled with wonder and awe. Derek pulled back his head and laughed. The sound bounced off the surrounding trees startling the birds from their slumber.

  "Those born this way can control themselves better than those bitten."

  "So one can choose to be a wolf?" Danielle couldn't hide her curiosity. Every bit of her being leaned closer towards Derek as if he was a mighty sage.

  "There are those that seek us out hoping to join the pack."

  "What's that like?"

  "You sure are filled with questions." Derek glared at Danielle and crossed his arms.

  "I would apologize, but seeing as how I'm not sorry, I won't. Besides, you're planning on killing me so I thought…" Danielle let her words drift away.

  Once again Derek threw his head back laughing at Danielle's innocence. He shook his head before rising to his feet. Danielle's eyes lingered on him as he moved with grace and majesty. Her stomach twisted from the butterflies flapping within her. She shook her head with her mouth open in awe of him. Everything from the way he moved to the sound of his voice drew her in.

  "Are you going to answer the question? Or is deflecting a wolf thing because Alice does that all the time." The very mention of Alice's name caused Derek to twitch. A smile played at the corner of Alice's lips. The very thought of his discomfort sent chills of pleasure throughout her body.

  "For those bitten, transformation only happens during a full or new moon. For those born this way it is a choice. They can walk around like humans and completely cut off the wolf. Or they can embrace it and change at will."

  "So," Danielle paused gauging Derek's body language. "You were born this way."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "You said that you won't burst into a wolf, so you must have been born this way." Derek nodded as his eyes lingered on Danielle. The corner of his lips pulled up before he turned his back on her to tend to the fire once more.

  "Or I could be the alpha."

  Danielle's eyes widened as she stared at him. The more information Derek revealed the more Danielle's courage grew. She scooted closer to the fire. The flames licked the wood casting Derek's shadow around them. She realized she would never be satisfied until she knew it everything.

  "Is that the leader?" Danielle asked hoping she wasn't crossing some forbidden line. Derek smirked while his eyes remained locked on the fire.

  "Aren't you a clever girl? How did you figure that out?"

  "The others. You ordered them to track me down and they did. Just now, one of them came up to the camp." Derek's shoulders stiffened. Danielle paused wondering how much of what Derek was saying was the truth or if the one who came directed him not to shift and so, he couldn't. She waited a moment before continuing.

  "You told him to let the others go home. But why don’t you think Alice will come tonight?"

  "You heard all that? With those human ears of yours?" Derek turned and faced Danielle. The lightening crashed against the dark sky causing Danielle to jump. She sucked in a deep breath as Derek's features shifted from man to monster and back again.

  "I did," she gulped. The hair on the back of Danielle's neck rose. Her eyes flashed around the camp as long howls tore through the trees. She jumped letting the fear control her. It was fight-or-flight time, and she was ready to run.

  "What's the matter? Scared of the big bad wolf?" Derek teased watching Danielle's reaction to the sound.

  "Please," Danielle huffed. "Wolves do not scare me. They are the most majestic creatures on the planet. And loyal to their pack."

  "What startled you? Your heart is racing as if you are running, but here you are standing still beside me."

  "Lightening is going to hit soon. We should seek shelter."

  "You don't need to worry about the lightening. It never strikes this area. Some say it is protected by the trees."

  "Nonetheless, I would like to move." Danielle didn't wait for Derek's approval. She quickly gathered her belongs and headed deeper into the forest. Derek was on her heels ready to reach out and grab her if she took off. Alice waited and observed the area and the situation, itching to take action. The sooner she was able to make her move, the sooner she could leave this place.

  Thunder grumbled through the sky crashing against the surrounding mountains causing the sound to amplify. Even Alice wondered about where the lightening would strike as she remained hidden behind the boulder. Her eyes darted to the dark clouds blocking out all forms of light. Even with her enhanced eyesight, the shadows of night impaired her sight.

  "Here is good," Danielle said stopping at a fallen tree. Derek laughed as Danielle sat down and crossed her legs.

  "So how does one turn into what you are? You mentioned being bitten, but what happens after?"

  "Why wondering if I will turn you?"

  Danielle paused to give Derek's words weight and nodded. "It seems logical. Either you are going to kill me, or change me."

  "What makes you think I am going to change you?" Derek leaned in closer parting his lips to flash his teeth. Danielle didn't flinch—she remained still with her eyes locked on him.

  "Because I know you feel something for me."

  "Do I now?" Derek laughed keeping his face inches from Danielle's.

  "I believe you do. Why else would you keep me for so long? You could have killed me in the forest when you first found me videotaping. Instead you took me with you. Of course I could be a pawn in some fucked up game you have with Alice, but, why wait to take my life? Unless of course, you think turning me would hurt Alice more than my death." Danielle stared at Derek. His eye twitched as she spoke giving away his plan.

  "Thought so. You want Alice to see you doing it and that is why I am still here," Danielle mumbled. Her mind raced to put the pieces together as Derek pressed his lips into a tight line.

  Before Danielle could utter another word, Derek's hand cupped around her head and pulled her to him. His lips brushed against hers causing her body to burn with a desire she hadn't felt in years. Danielle didn't wait for Derek to pull away, she wrapped her arm around his neck and drew him closer to her. Keeping his lips locked to hers.

  "I knew it," she finally panted when Derek pulled away. "You do like me."

  "I have found myself growing fond of you," Derek confessed, flashing a crooked little smile at Danielle.

  "I have that effect on people. So what happens now?" she asked letting Derek slip away from her.

  Before Derek could answer a bolt of white light crashed down through the trees, hitting the edge of the water where Danielle and Derek had stood before. Derek's eyes jerked to Danielle and for the first time he stared at her with the same wonder as she had been staring at him with.

  "How did you know that was going to happen?" Derek asked bewildered. Danielle shrugged.

  "It was just a feeling. Sometimes lightening is attracted to me. Kinda like how tornadoes were attracted to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I think it has it out for me to be honest. Luckily though, I learned to read the signs."

  "Signs?" Derek's eyebrow rose as he stared at her.

  "Oh you know, the hair on the back of the neck standing up. The tingling of the skin like when you stick your finger in a light socket." Danielle looked down to her fingers as she spoke.

  "You never answered me." Danielle glanced up to Derek. "What's
going to happen now?" Danielle paused and dropped her eyes again to her fingers. "With me?"

  "That is up to Alice." Derek said flatly as his eyes drifted to the darkness that swallowed them.

  "What's your problem with her anyway?" Danielle asked rising to her feet. She took a few steps closer to the camp as the small fire glowed in the dark.

  "You wouldn't understand."

  "Try me," she said walking back to the camp as the rain began falling from the clouds.

  "Alice was my mate." Danielle paused letting the words sink in. She turned on her heels and looked at Derek.


  "It isn’t what you think."

  "Explain it to me. After that kiss, I certainly think I have a right to know if she is competition." Derek moved over to Danielle and glared at her with an intense expression that sent chills racing through Danielle's body.

  "Alice belongs to me. Her father gave her away, so that she would join our packs together into one. But she ran away leaving both vulnerable."

  "Alice is not one to run from anything. There must have been a reason for her departure."

  "There was not. Everything was set. The moon was full and everyone had been planning the ceremony for weeks. However, word soon spread through the area that she was gone. In his grief, her father took his own life and her mother was forced from the pack to live alone. She took everything from her family."

  "That doesn't sound like Alice." Danielle crossed her arms defending her friend and roommate.

  "Maybe not now, but the real reason I didn't kill you right where you stood, was because of her scent. You smell like her."

  "Seriously?" Danielle shook her head and turned away, striding back to the fire to get warm.

  "Danielle, please." Derek reached out for her and with his fingers around her forearm, yanked her back to him. "I told you, you wouldn't understand. A wolf is bound to their family. Alice was a wild card and still is. She needs to pay for what she did to her parents."


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