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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 35

by Amelia Wilson

  "Why didn't you go after her when you first found out that she had left, if she was to be your mate," Danielle hissed the word 'mate' as if it were a cursed word. Her eyes shot daggers at Derek as she waited for him to explain.

  "I tried, but I was not the alpha then. So I was ordered to stay put. But if it weren't for that order, I would have. I would have gone to the ends of the earth to find her." Derek dropped his hands from Danielle and stepped back.

  "So, I'm the bait and you want revenge."

  Derek nodded. "What happens if Alice doesn't show?"

  "She will come for you—you said so yourself."

  "But you paint her like a villain— maybe she won't show."

  "Then I offer you the choice now." Danielle's eyebrow rose as her heart thumped in her chest.

  "What choice?"

  "To become a wolf and join my pack."

  "Or?" Danielle’s eyebrow rose with suspicion.

  "Or, I can kill you now."

  "I don't think you have it in you to kill me," Danielle challenged, squaring off her shoulders to glare at him defiantly.

  In the darkness, Alice watched with her mouth wide open. Everything Derek said pricked and stung her like a thousand knives slicing her open. Each and every word spilled from his lips only threw more fuel to her fire. Alice crouched to her hind legs and let the strength of them spring her forward. There was no way she was going to let Derek continue to stamp her family's name deeper into the mud.

  She bolted through the shadows of the night as Derek's body trembled. Danielle gasped and stepped back cautiously to avoid the snapping of bones as Derek shifted. Before Danielle could turn and run, Alice's howl ripped through the silence scattering every living creature for a three-mile radius.

  Danielle stumbled back and crashed hard onto the ground. The scream she had built up in her lungs refused to come out as the gray wolf lunged out of the darkness with its mouth open.

  Alice sank her teeth into Derek’s hind. His cry rumbled and echoed over the lake. Alice knew that if he had others still around, they would be here soon. She had to act fast if she was going to save Danielle from his wrath.

  "Oh my God," Danielle whimpered with wide eyes locked on the gray wolves. Her heart crashed against her chest, and every breath of air was a struggle between the screams. "This isn't happening," Danielle huffed trying to get her footing so that she could run.

  But the fight kept her frozen in place. She had seen wolves battle before, but none were so brutal. Of course, Danielle was always a safe distance away. Yet, here she was in the middle of the fight locked between two creatures each playing for keeps.

  "Please, stop!" Danielle cried out. The smaller of the two wolves charged the larger one. Danielle's hands flew up to her mouth trying to hold back her scream.

  Then, rain poured down, soaking the wolves and Danielle until it became a sheet of water separating the human world from the supernatural world.

  Chapter 5

  Danielle trembled in the darkness of the forest. Her heart raced as she searched for Alice and Derek in the depths of the shadows that shrouded her vision. The snapping of branches and twigs rattled her nerves, causing her to jump at each and every sound that crashed through the night.

  Though her sight was blurred by the limitations of her human eyes, she strained to see further. She took one weary and cautious step, pausing to listen. The clap of thunder in the distance shattered her resolve to find them. The rolling thunder made it impossible to locate the precise location of the wolves.

  "Alice!" Danielle cried out with her hands cupped around her mouth. Her voice boomed through the darkness. Danielle paused and stood like a statue waiting for something to return to her. But the sounds that came back to her were jumbled and confusing. The howls and snarls from the wolves as they battled in the void, echoed against the tall mountains that surrounded her.

  Danielle spun around trying to get her bearings, but no matter which way she turned, all the trees around her rose to the sky in the same shape. With no way to decipher which way she was going, she would only get lost. For a split second she wondered if anyone would be able to find her. In all the time she had spent in the back country and in different forests around North America, she had never once felt the prick of fear. Now it stabbed her with murderous intent.

  "Derek!" her voice bounced off the side of the mountains that surrounded the hidden lake once again. Danielle dropped to her knees. Her lip quivered as the tears mixed with the rain washed down her face.

  "Please," she begged. "Stop."

  Deep in the woods the wolves paid no heed to the human’s plea. The creatures snipped and growled protecting their own as the battle raged on. Alice snapped her jaw down around Derek's heel as his head whipped around to grab the back of her neck. Before Alice could wriggle out of his grip, she found herself flying through the air.

  Her body snapped a young sapling as she crashed against it, with such force that the very air in her lungs burned. Alice tried to shake off the dizziness but she couldn't figure out which of the three Derek's she saw was the right one to attack. She tried to steady herself for the next attack, but as her muscles tensed to spring forward Derek shifted back into his human form.

  "You can't beat me Alice," he gloated while watching the thin gray wolf stumbling about.

  "You were never strong enough to beat me, so what makes you think you can do it now?" Derek circled around Alice and bent down. Alice growled with the hair on the back of her neck raised and her body poised to attack. Derek glared at her with a large branch in his hand ready to use it as a bat.

  Alice snipped at Derek. He dodged her razor-sharp teeth and drew the branch back. Alice sidestepped and ducked as the branch whizzed over her head causing her hair to sway like the tall grass from the gust of wind rolling over her.

  "I have to admit, I didn't think you'd return. I thought you would run like you always do. Apparently, this Danielle girl means a lot to you."

  A low rumbled ripped through Alice's throat letting out a sharp growl. Without hesitating she lunged again, missing Derek by inches. He laughed, circling around Alice and then he shifted the branch from one hand to the other and back again.

  "So here is what I am going to do," Derek smirked. His eyes remained locked on Alice as she circled around him. "I am going to turn her into one of us." Alice lunged at Derek and ducked down to sink her teeth into his calf. His scream filled the night air.

  Before Alice unclasped her jaw, the branch crashed against her side forcing her off of him. She didn't know how much longer she would be able to keep fighting. Derek was stronger and she was losing. Another blow to ribs and they would shatter. Alice whimpered while reeling away from Derek. She glared at him knowing that she would rather he killed her than curse her friend with this life.

  "All you had to do was turn her into one of us earlier, and we wouldn't be in this mess. But you never could stomach your responsibilities. Now, here we are. Just look at you. Broken, beaten, and unable to stop me from taking what I want, yet again."

  Alice stumbled back trying to keep enough space between herself and Derek. Pain ripped through her body and she wondered how much more she could take. The gleam in Derek's eyes made it clear he wasn't going to stop until she was dead.

  "But what would happen to Danielle?" she thought to herself missing Derek's swing once again. The pain was winning and her body was too weak to keep fighting him.

  "Don't worry about Danielle, I have grown quiet fond of the human. And when she turns, she will be mine, and you…" Derek paused to laugh. "You will be dead."

  "Derek!" Danielle's voice split through the trees and he turned to find Danielle standing like a dark angel in the shadows. The distraction was all Alice needed for one last hoo-rah. With all the strength she could muster, she bolted towards Derek and sent him crashing to the ground.

  "NO!" Danielle shrieked helplessly. Derek's arm wrapped around Alice's neck and squeezed. Alice tried to wiggle her way out of Derek's st
rangle hold, but it was no use. He had her right where he wanted her.

  "I'm so sorry, Danielle," Alice thought as the vision of her friend faded into nothingness.

  Derek pushed Alice's body off him and rose like a victorious champion. He looked down at the crumpled body of Alice and kicked her in the ribs for one last gesture.

  "Alice!" Danielle cried out through the rain. Although she couldn't see all that had happened, she knew her friend was in trouble. Derek emerged through the dark shadows with his hands opened to her.

  "What happened? Where's Alice?" Danielle asked sucking in a deep breath and fearing the news. Her eyes drifted to the space between the trees hoping to find her friend coming through the veil of night as well. But when she saw only Derek, she knew.

  "She is gone and we need to leave."

  "No." Danielle screamed charging into the forest. Derek wrapped one hand around her waist, holding her back. Danielle pushed and slapped his arm trying to escape his grasp. Derek tossed the branch to the ground and curled both arms around her holding her to him.

  "We need to find Alice. If you beat her to a pulp she needs help."

  "What about me?" Derek asked twisting his leg to reveal the stream of blood running down his leg from where Alice nipped him.

  "My God, what did you two do to each other?"

  "What we had to do."

  "I am not going to leave my friend out there. She could be dying."

  "If she knows what's best for her, she will die."

  Shock froze Danielle's heart. Derek’s callousness was too much. She shook her head refusing to hear the truth. Her eyes focused on the trees and the shadows. Everything around her suddenly became very small. All she wanted to do was scream, but nothing escaped her lips.

  "I don't believe it. Alice can't be dead."

  "She may not be, but Danielle—" Derek switched on his charm and released Danielle. "You are not a wolf. You don't understand our ways. Alice was a threat to my rule as alpha. She challenged me. Those who challenge the alpha must die. It is the way of the wolf."

  "She wasn't challenging your status and you know it." Danielle shoved her hands into Derek's thick chest, barely causing him to rock on his heels. He shook his head and grabbed her by the wrists stopping her from shoving him again.

  "She attacked me. She knew what she was doing and she knew the consequences of her actions. Now you can either come with me now, or you can join her in the afterlife."

  "You made it all sound so romantic—the idea of being a wolf. But after what you did to Alice, I would rather die than be one of you."

  "That's the anger talking. You don't mean that."

  "No?" Danielle glared at him. Her heart broke as she stared at him. Despite the fact she had only known him a few days, there was a spark between them. She had felt it when he had touched her the first time, and even now she felt it. Danielle dropped her head allowing the pieces of her shattered heart to prick her.

  "Please, I know you care for me. We have something special. Don't make me choose between her and you. Please, don't make threats you can't honor."

  "You think I won't kill you right here and now?" Derek growled, his eyes narrowed. Danielle stared back at him unafraid and shook her head.

  "I know you won't."

  "You know too much about me and my kind. You have proof that could cause our world to end with that stupid video. I gave you the choice to join us, but you refused. You leave me no other choice but to kill you." Derek stepped back and Danielle closed her eyes. The sharp sound of air whizzing through her teeth echoed in her ears and she closed her eyes waiting for the blow that would end her.

  Derek stood with his hand raised and fingers like claws ready to strike, but the longer he stared at Danielle, the less resolve he had. He knew that in killing her, he would kill a piece of himself as well.

  "I have to," he whimpered sucking in a shallow breath. "I have to kill you. It is the law."

  Danielle remained still with her eyes closed and shoulders back. "Then do it."

  Derek dropped his hand and stepped back conflicted. "I can't."

  Danielle opened her red eyes and tears streamed down her face. "Please, if you are the alpha you can show mercy to Alice. She is more than a friend to me, she is a sister. I can't just leave her out there to die."

  "Danielle, you don't understand."

  "So, show me everything about you and your world. But please spare her."

  Derek shook his head and he dropped to his knees. Never in all his life had he been dismayed by a plea. He was a strong wolf and ruled with an iron fist. Yet here, this mere human had him wrapped around her little finger. The idea of being vulnerable was a new concept for him and it frightened him.

  Danielle stepped forward and cupped her hands around his face, as she dropped to her knees to face him. The anguish in his eyes broke her heart. She knew the only way she would ever understand was to turn. Danielle leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.

  "Derek, I'll pledge myself to you and your pack. I'll let you bite me and join you."

  "If," Derek added curling his fingers around her arms and pulling her hands away from his face.

  Danielle nodded and continued. "If you help Alice."

  "I would give you the world, if I could. But I can't. Alice has broken the laws."

  "No one knows that but you." Derek shook his head.

  "If I let her live, the pack will rise up against me and challenge me. It would be a blood bath."

  "We can say she never showed up. She doesn't have to come back with us. I just need to make sure she will be safe. If she is hurt, I need to help her."

  "You don't know what you are asking."

  "I am asking that you put aside your differences and your laws to help my sister."

  "Fine," Danielle yanked her hands away from Derek and stood. She shook her head as she glared at him. "If you won't help me, then I will go out there alone and help her myself."

  Danielle didn't get more than three steps away before Derek was by her side. "I can't let you wander these woods alone."

  "Please, I have been in forests all over the United States. I think I can handle myself."

  "No. Not here you can't."

  "You’re just trying to stop me from helping her."

  Derek shook his head. "No. I am going with you. There is nothing in our law that says that a human can't help. You aren't strong enough to lift her up so I am coming with you. Besides, there are more dangerous things in these woods besides wolves."

  "I can handle myself."

  "I'm not saying you can't. I am simply saying I won't let you go alone."

  Danielle pushed the tears from her face and gave Derek a weak smile. She reached out her hand and took his. Derek glanced down at Danielle's hand wrapped so tenderly into his and smiled.

  "Come on, I left her over here," Derek said grudgingly as he led the way back to the battle grounds.

  Danielle's heart skipped and sputtered as she tried to find Alice in the darkness. One thing was certain—Danielle was pleased Derek had agreed to help. Trying to find Alice in the dark without a flash light would have been next to impossible. Danielle squeezed Derek's hand as she looked up at him.

  "Thank you."

  "I am doing this so that you honor your agreement."

  "I will let you bite me so that no laws are broken, I promise." Danielle stared at Derek as he led the way through the broken trees and shrubs.

  The rain fell around them. Every step felt as if Danielle was marching to her doom. She didn't know what condition she would find Alice in, but she knew she would help her no matter what. As they continued to walk into the night, Danielle grew more and more impatient. She twisted her head about wondering if Derek was leading her back to his town, or if he really was this far into the forest when he took Alice down.

  "You okay?" Derek asked listening to the frantic beating of Danielle's heart. She nodded as she chewed on her lower lip.

  "It's not much further, I can smell
her," he said glancing at Danielle as she squeezed his hand.

  "Can you hear her too?" Danielle stared at Derek with a pain that was too much for him to bear. He turned his head away from her and paused.

  "Please don't get your hopes up. She might not have survived. I knocked her around pretty good. If she shifted to her human form, she will be battered and bruised."

  "As long as she is still alive, and I can help her."

  "That's what I am trying to tell you, you may not be able to help her."

  "I'm not going to think like that. Alice is stronger than you give her credit for. She may be hurt, but I don't think you killed her."

  "And if I did? Would you still want to be by my side?" Derek dropped his gaze and stared at the ground.

  Danielle shook her head pushing all negative thoughts from her mind. "We will cross that bridge when we get to it."

  Chapter 6

  Soft silver hues filtered through the dark storm clouds and the moon peaked out from behind the clouds. Alice panted with pain trying to pull her knees up to her chest. Every inch of her body ached. Her head spun as bright sparks of light shot through her eyes each time she blinked. She tried to cry, but the salty tears leaking from her swollen eyes burned and denied her the release she wanted.

  A rustle of leaves and heavy footsteps sent chills racing through her damaged body. She froze, holding in the small shallow breathe she was able to trap in her lungs. The rustling of the leaves grew closer. She tried to hold in the air, but her lungs and ribs wouldn't allow it. She exhaled sharply closing her eyes and succumbing to the inevitability of defeat. Derek was on his way to finish her off, and it sent her heart into panic mode. She swallowed down the lump in her throat and relaxed her body. She always knew she would die in this forest, she didn't think it would happen today. Alice kept her eyes closed and let the pain consume her. If she was going to die, she was going to do it on her terms.


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