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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 40

by Amelia Wilson

  Her hips rose up to meet his, and she guided his cock into her opening. Bash exhaled as he entered her and dropped his head. Alice curled her legs around his body and rocked her hips trying to consume as much of him as she could. Each thrust grew more intense as the fluid leaked out of her and covered him.

  Their bodies molded into one as the light of the moon drifted passed the window. Bash wrapped his arm under Alice's head holding her close. His thick cock penetrated her again and again. Each thrust of his hips against hers filled her with new life. With her back arched and her breasts pressed against his strong chest, Alice curled her legs around Bash's body keeping him locked to her as they moved.

  The squeaky springs of the bed protested under their weight. Any other time Alice would cringe at the sound, but with Bash, it was if the bed wasn't even there. It was just him and her in this moment. All of Alice's troubles melted away. She didn't think of Danielle or Derek. All she saw was Bash and she was completely at peace with everything.

  "You are amazing," Bash huffed between his thrusts.

  "Do you like it?"

  "God, yes. I don't ever want this to stop."

  "It doesn't have to," Alice cooed running her fingers down his back. "We could stay like this forever."

  "I want to," Bash panted increasing his speed. Alice kept time with Bash's movements. When his cock slipped out, she jerked her body to keep him in her. For the first time in her life, Alice felt complete. She paused and slumped down to the mattress.

  "What?" Bash gasped with shock in his eyes. Alice lifted her hand up and brushed the back of her hand against his face. Her lips twitched along with her legs still clinging to Bash's waistline.

  "I don't want you to get hurt," she whimpered. A smile spread across Bash's face. He slipped his cock slowly out of her body before ramming it back in. Alice gasped feeling him throbbing deep inside her.

  "But?" Bash moved faster pumping his cock further into her, forcing the words out of her.

  "I love you," Alice panted between gasps of air. Bash slowed his pace until he came. As the fluid was released from him, his body trembled. Alice sucked in a deep breath as he filled her up.

  "That wasn't so hard now was it?" Bash teased before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.

  "I mean it though," Alice whimpered, letting her juices flow out of her body. She pushed aside the calm to stare at him in his eyes. "I can't lose you. You mean too much to me."

  Bash kissed her tenderly on the cheek before lowering himself down. "You aren't going to lose me."

  "But," Alice began.

  "Don't ruin this. Everything will work itself out in the end. You'll see."

  "How do you know?" Alice asked turning her head to the side to face Bash. He brushed his fingers over her cheek and sucked in a deep breath.

  "Love like ours doesn't happen very often. I doubt the universe would be so cruel as to take it away so soon. Have a little faith, Love."

  "But," Alice tried again but he pressed his finger to her lips silencing her.

  "Get some sleep, will you? I’ll be right here when you wake up. If you still have any doubts come morning, you can express them, then. But for now, just be here with me, like this." Bash traced the valley of her breast with his fingertips and snuggled into Alice's hair.

  Alice nodded and kissed the tip of his finger before lowering his hand from her face. She let her eyes roam over the small room. The moonlight drifted into the small room and filled the space with a silver light. Alice closed her eyes and concentrated on the heat coming from Bash's body beside her. It didn't take long before sleep overtook her.

  Chapter 12

  "Relax," Derek said in a soothing tone stroking Danielle's hair. Her eyes flickered to the unfamiliar faces around her feeling the daggers of their gaze piercing her confidence. She had understood that becoming a wolf would affect the whole town, she didn't realize how many would come, until this very moment. She swallowed the lump that was lodged in her throat and tried to calm her nerves.

  Although she had only spent a few days with Derek, she couldn't have been more certain of her decision. He was everything she had ever wanted. Handsome, fun, daring, and most importantly, a wolf. She pulled in a deep breath to solidify her resolve. Derek's lips curled up at the corners giving her chills. Something about the way he looked at her caused heat to flash through her face.

  "If you don't want to do this," Derek pushed his eyebrows together, his eyes filled with concern. She understood wat the consequences would be, if she backed out now. Danielle shook her head and steadied herself in the soft-cushioned chair. Her eyes focused on the tiles lining the kitchen walls. In the corner of her eye, she noticed the crowd shifting their weight with far off gazes.

  "They're bored aren't they?" Danielle whispered causing the crowd to stand straight. Derek flashed a glance to the men and woman lining the walls of his apartment.

  "Don't pay any attention to them. They are only here to ensure the process is successful." Danielle bobbed her head as Alice's face drifted in and out of her mind.

  "Are you sure you want this? This decision can't be undone, once I bite you."

  "Do it. I offered myself to you in the truck and I am not about to back out now."

  "So why is there fear in your eyes?" Derek asked moving in closer. She glanced up at him and shrugged.

  "I didn't expect so many people to be witnesses, that's all."

  Derek's laughter filled his living room and Danielle wondered what was so funny. She sucked in a deep breath waiting for the pain to start. But as Derek held her wrist in his hand he stepped around her to face the crowd.

  "We have all seen this before. If you don't want to be here, you can go." To Danielle's surprise half the people in the room began filing out of his front door. With fewer people around her, she became more confident. A smile played on her lips as the trio of girls that had intimidated her earlier in the day filed out. She exhaled, watching them go and allowed herself to relax.

  "Is that better for you?" Derek asked turning his attention back to her. She nodded. He dropped to his knees and faced her.

  "This is what is going to happen," Derek started just as the door flew open. Danielle's eyes widened to see a heavy-set man enter the room. Derek hissed when he turned. He rose to his feet and brushed the back of his hand across Danielle's face before releasing her arm.

  Danielle's eyes followed Derek as he walked over to the man. Her heart sputtered with confusion as she studied them. The man twitched as if he was impatient as Derek moved in closer. Danielle strained her ears trying to focus on their conversation, but with her weak human ears, she couldn't hear anything. Derek twisted his head to flash Danielle a reassuring smile before turning back to the heavy-set man.

  Danielle waited with her heart pounding frantically in her chest. She could barely contain herself and twitched in her seat. The man stared at her while he spoke to Derek. Then, just as swiftly as he had come into the room, he left. Derek shook his head once before nodding to the few people remaining in the room.

  For a moment Danielle almost heard Derek telling them to "go." She watched the rest of the crowd file out through the front door with the heavy set man leading the way.

  "What's that all about?" Danielle asked. She couldn't hide the fear in her voice as her mind drifted to Alice.

  "It seems your friend Alice is still alive. I am having her brought here to witness your transformation."

  "No. I don't want her here."

  Derek's smile twisted into a sinister grin. "Oh, why not? I thought you two did everything together?"

  "I don't want her here."

  Derek nodded, "Fair enough. Shall we continue?"

  "Yes," Danielle said firmly. If Alice came, she would try to talk her out of becoming like her. Danielle forced the thought from her mind, pushing it back. Becoming a wolf was all Danielle wanted in life. After all the years she’d spent studying the creatures, to become one was more than she could have ever hoped for.

/>   "You are going to feel the prick of my teeth cutting into you," Derek began stretching his hand out to wrap his fingers around Danielle's wrist. He traced her veins down her arm with his fingertips and stared at her.

  "It won't feel like much, only a paper cut. But you will experience a burning sensation soon afterward. It will feel as if your skin is burning, but until the venom stops coursing through your entire body, it won't stop. Once the fire goes out, your next transformation will take place tomorrow night. When the stars emerge without a moon you will shift into one of us. Are you ready?"

  Danielle nodded keeping her eyes locked on Derek. HIs body shimmered as he shifted into the large red wolf she had seen back in the forest. Gasping she stepped back from the mighty creature. Although she knew what she was getting herself into, she felt frightened when the wolf bared its razor-sharp teeth.

  She stretched out her trembling hand. The wolf nuzzled her hand like a dog before nipping at her. The sound of the wolf's jaws clamping down startled her. Danielle pulled back expecting half her hand to be gone. When she inspected her wrist, all she saw was a few tiny punctures where the wolf had bitten her.

  The wolf stepped back and shimmered once again, dropping the wolf coat to reveal the man underneath. Derek rose from the ground with his body bare. The few remaining people rushed to his side draping a robe around him. He leaned down and slipped his hand under Danielle's. His lips embraced her flesh, "Welcome to the family," he said. Danielle didn't feel anything at first. Then, slowly, a fire sparked under her skin. She retracted her hand from Derek and held it to her chest.

  She glared at him trying to force the searing pain out of her body, but she knew it would do no good. Derek was right, everything burned. From her tendons to her muscles, every inch of her body smoldered with a heat too great for her to contain.

  "AHHH!" Danielle cried out dropping to the floor in agony. She tried to focus on Derek, but it was no use. She couldn't see anything past her own regrets. Then just as suddenly as the heat had appeared it began to cool. First the tips of her fingers tingled, then the icy sensation washed through the rest of her.

  Danielle remained on the floor begging for the pain to end. She reached up trying to grab Derek. He glanced down at her with a wicked smile and stepped away from her.

  "This won't last forever," he promised kneeling inches from her reach. "And when it ends, you will have a place here with us, with me."

  Tears streamed down her face as the fire burned out leaving her like the hollow husk of a person. Derek reached out for her and lifted her to her feet.

  "How do you feel?" he asked draping her arm around his neck.

  "Tired," she mumbled.

  "I know. Let's get you down for a nap. And when you wake up, everything will be completely different for you."

  "Will you be here?"

  "Of course," Derek snickered. "I wouldn't leave you alone like this. There is too much that is going to happen in the next several hours and I want you to know that you are not alone."

  Danielle crumbled down onto the firm mattress and snuggled into the pillows. Lights and sounds swirled around her as her ears and eyes changed. Everything about her human-self drifted into darkness. The light of dawn broke through the shadows forcing Danielle to hide her face in the pillow.

  "Sleep," Derek cooed settling down next to her. He brushed the loose strands of her hair away from her face. "When you wake up, I will be here."

  "Promise?" Danielle tried to speak, but even her voice was foreign to her. She shook her head burrowing it deeper into the pillow. The scratching of her hair against the pillow thundered in her new ears. Every sound echoed causing her head to pound, from Derek's drumming heart beat to the dripping of the water in the sink.

  She stirred once again only causing more sounds to fill her ears. The noise was too much. She knew there was no way she would be able to sleep with all the ruckus around her. Derek sucked in a deep breath and ran his fingers through her hair.

  "Try to relax, it will pass. I will teach you how to tune it all out when you wake. But you must sleep and let the transformation happen."

  Danielle sucked in a deep breath trying to force everything out of her head. The more she concentrated the easier it became to fill the sound with silence. She focused on her breathing letting the sound of the air filling her lungs to push out all other sounds. Soon, she was comforted by the eerie silence and drifted to off to sleep.

  * * *

  The sun stretched across the blue sky. Alice curled up to Bash tracing her fingers over his smooth chest, lost in thought.

  "You okay?"

  "I don't know. I can't help but think of what is going to happen tonight."

  "Maybe we should go now, instead of waiting for Joe to come back."

  "Why? You don't trust your uncle?" Bash pulled his arm out from under Alice and propped himself up on his elbow. He stared at her with wonder and hope.

  "What if something happened? After all, Derek saw him here, and he knows I am here. I don't think Joe is going to be able to help us. If you shift tonight, you aren't going to be able to help me."

  "There is always a way."

  "Maybe we should go now, to see what we can see. Maybe Danielle hasn't been bitten yet and we can stop her from making this decision. Maybe if she sees me, she’ll change her mind."

  "Alice, I will go wherever you want me to go. If you want to go to town, let's go."

  "Do you mean it?" Alice didn't have to wait for him to answer. He crawled out of the bed and began dressing. Alice slipped out and dressed herself as quickly as possible.

  "Are you ready?" Bash asked grabbing his keys from the side table.

  "Promise me you won't do anything crazy. Derek will charge me if he sees me, and I don't want you to get in the way."

  "I won't simply stand by and let you get hurt."

  "I can't afford to lose you."

  "You won't." Bash was at Alice's side reaching out for her. Alice stepped into his open arms letting him wrap her up into the security of his embrace. Her eyes darted to the open door of the living room. There on the dining room table, her mother's box rested untouched.

  "Come on, let’s go and find Danielle before the sun goes down." From the other room Bash's phone started chirping. Both Bash and Alice turned to stare at the phone.

  "That might be Joe with some news," Bash said releasing Alice.

  "You should answer it," she said stepping away from him. Bash went into the living room and picked up his phone. Alice moved carefully to the dining room table and sat down. With her eyes lingering on Bash, she slipped her hand over the small wooden box her father had made her mother. Relief washed over Alice as she pulled it down from the table top and into her lap.

  With one flick of her wrist, the box lid popped open. Her eyes darted to the dried herbs still in the container.

  "Joe said Danielle was bitten today and is resting at Derek's."

  "Are you sure?" Alice's head snapped up to look at Bash. He nodded with the phone still pressed to his head.

  "Joe said he saw him with Danielle earlier, along with the rest of the town. Everyone was there to bear witness. Danielle will change tonight."

  "We have to get her away from Derek before she shifts. It's the only thing I can do to help her now."

  Bash mumbled a few more things into the phone as Alice stared at the contents of the box. "This is all I can do now," Alice thought staring at the herbs. She slipped the lid back on the container and rose. Bash snapped the phone shut and glared at Alice.

  "Derek has men all over town. We can't just barge in there, they will be waiting for you."

  Alice squeezed the box in her hand and smiled. "No. That is precisely what we do."

  "But you will be killed."

  "Derek will want to prove to me that Danielle is now his. It's the only way for me to get close to her."

  "Then what?" Bash asked stepping towards the door.

  "Plan B." Alice held up the small box. Bash looked at
it with wonder in his eyes.

  "Just keep Derek distracted long enough for me to give her these herbs, it will slow her transformation down and maybe even halt it altogether. When Danielle doesn't shift, Derek will attack. That is when you grab Danielle and get her far away. The herbs won't last forever, but it will give us enough time to rescue her."

  "You're crazy you know that?"

  "Maybe, but what other choice do we have? Time is not on our side." Alice walked over to Bash and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  "Trust me."

  "I do. It's Derek I don't trust."

  "We need to be fast. That way you can shift tonight with Danielle instead of Derek."

  "Where will you be?"

  "Ensuring Derek never does this to anyone else. I'm tired of hiding and running. It's time I took back what is rightfully mine. Starting with Danielle."

  Chapter 13

  "You go that way." Alice shifted her head and nodded, her voice dropping. She poked her head around one of the brick buildings, scanning the area for any signs of Derek or Danielle. But all she saw were the town's people carrying on about their day. She breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her head back from around the corner. Bash stood behind her keeping an eye out for any others who may be looking for them.

  "You want to split up?"

  "It would be better if you weren't found with me," Alice said keeping her head down. "I don't know what Derek will do to you if he finds you're helping me."

  "Alice, I hate to break it to you, but he already knows. He came to my house to find you."

  "But he didn't find me there. He may suspect you, but he still has no proof. Plausible deniability is still on your side." Alice glanced at Bash trying to keep her voice low. "Now go, and if you find Danielle before I do, tell her I’m here."

  "Alice!" Bash's hand flew up trying to hold her back. His fingertips across her arm as she slipped around the building. She straightened her shoulders but kept her head down trying to blend in with the bystanders and shoppers. Bash held his position for a brief moment before heading out into the crowd.


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