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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 41

by Amelia Wilson

  "There she is!" Someone called out. Alice froze scanning the area to determine where the voice came from. But before she could make a run for it, two strong hands had clasped her arms holding her still.

  "Look what the cat dragged in," the husky man chuckled picking Alice up by her arms.

  "Let me go!" She screamed trying to kick and squirm her way out of his grasp. But the tighter she wiggled, the tighter his grip got.

  "You got a death wish, Girlie? Keep it up and you may not make it to Derek's place. Word on the street is you are not welcome here. I have every right to do with you as I please."

  Alice opened her mouth to protest, but she stopped as the man released her. Alice spun around to find Bash raising his hand up in the air before crashing it down against the man's head once more. The husky man stumbled over Alice before turning around with his arms up ready to fight.

  "Take them both!" Another said as Alice and Bash found themselves surrounded. Two men stepped forward with their hands in the air ready for a fight. Bash stepped forward swinging wildly.

  "Run!" Bash cried out. Alice kept her stance ready to take on anyone who came her way.

  Three more men stepped up, closing in on the couple. "We are severely outnumbered," Bash mumbled over his shoulder keeping his eyes locked on the crowd.

  "Remember the plan," Alice said as knuckles crashed against her cheek bone, sending her crashing to the ground. "Bash!" Alice threw her hand up reaching out for him, but the men were already on to him, kicking and punching until he dropped to the ground.

  "Take that one to the jail," a thin man sneered glaring at Bash before turning his attention to Alice. "This one has a meeting with Derek."

  Alice tried to reach Bash but only her fingertips brushed his as the crowd split them up. She continued to kick and scream as they forced her away from Bash.

  "Alice!" Bash's voice faded as she was thrown into the back of a car. Two men climbed in next to her pushing her to the center of the backseat before a third climbed into the driver's seat. Alice kept her eyes on Bash as they dragged him down the street towards the town's police station.

  "Let me go." Alice tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

  "Sorry little lady, but the boss wants you."

  "Do you know why? Or are you just blindly following orders?"

  "You lone wolves are all the same. Spouting about how great it is to be free, but we are a pack and pack is family. Maybe one of these days you'll get that into your thick head," the man to Alice's right said staring at her. He cracked his knuckles with a spark in his eyes, daring Alice to do something.

  Alice plopped back onto the seat as the car moved down the road. It didn't take long before they came to a stop in front of a small office building. Alice glanced up at the brick apartment building as the men pushed her out of the car.

  "Move," they ordered shoving her up the side walk. Alice's heart drummed as she walked closer towards the door.

  "This is it," she thought as the three men surrounded her like sentinels guarding a priceless artifact. She sucked in a deep breath as the door opened.

  Her eyes popped open as she stared at her friend. She shook her head trying to make sense of the scene that laid out before her. Danielle stood calmly beside Derek. Derek remained seated as Alice was pushed into the room.

  "Found her," the men said shoving Alice closer to Derek and Danielle.

  "Danielle?" Alice stared at her friend wondering if what she saw was a mirage or her friend. Danielle smiled brightly at her and took a step forward, before Derek lifted his hand up stopping her from going further.

  "As you can see Alice, Danielle is perfectly safe here with me."

  "What have you done to her?" Alice asked searching for signs of Danielle's transformation. There on her left wrist, Alice spotted the two puncture marks from Derek's bite.

  "I have liberated her. Come nightfall, she will be one of us."

  "Danielle, you don't have to do this," Alice said stepping closer to her friend before two men stepped in front of her blocking her way.

  "Alice, you don't understand, I want this."


  "I want this," Danielle said with a smile on her face. Alice watched as Danielle touched Derek's chest with her hand before glancing at him with devotion in her eyes.

  "Did he tell you what it will be like? Did he mention how you won't have control of yourself?"

  "You have it wrong Alice. I will have control. Derek is planning on making me his. He said that if I gave myself to him, I will be like you."

  "How so?" Alice's eyebrow rose with suspicion.

  "If I am the wife of the alpha, then I will be able to pick and choose when I shift. I will be just like you. In control of myself and this new nature."

  Alice shook her head. "It doesn't work like that Danielle. Derek is lying to you. Please, just come with me and I will help you through this." Alice reached out for Danielle's hand. Danielle took one look at Alice and stepped back towards Derek.

  "Danielle wants to be here. But you I'm afraid do not belong here."

  "I have every right to be here," Alice hissed glaring at Derek.

  "Actually you don't. Not anymore. But I will let you stick around to watch Danielle shift into the woman she was meant to be."

  Alice dropped her head, realizing she wasn't going to win over any friends today. She stuffed her hand into her pocket letting her fingers play with the lid of the box she had concealed there.

  "I'm sorry Danielle. Sorry for bringing you into this life. I never wanted this for you." Alice lifted her head to stare at her friend. "But if you would have told me that you wanted this so badly, I would have changed you myself."

  "But you didn't." Derek rose to his feet, snickering. "Poor Danielle never had a chance because you kept this from her." Derek's smirk spread to a smile.

  "You're right. I didn't do it because I wanted my friend to live a long and normal life. A life where the supernatural doesn't exist."

  "How long are you going to deny what you are?" Derek shouted taking a step closer to Alice. Danielle reached out and tugged on his sleeve, keeping him back from Alice.

  "I have never denied who I am or what I am. I just don't go about flaunting it to everyone."

  "You think you are so noble being born a gray wolf. But, let me remind you that it was your tribe that came in and started the feud. If you hadn't come here…"

  "But we did come and here we are. Even after you slaughtered my entire family, here we are. Derek, I didn't come here to challenge your role as alpha. I came for my friend."

  "Your friend doesn't want to leave."

  "I can see that. Danielle," Alice turned her attention to her friend and sucked in a deep breath. Her heart broke as the words spilled from her lips. "If this is really what you want, I will leave and never come back. But you have to understand that you can't have both worlds. You can't stay here and call yourself my friend. This change will rock you to your core and everything will be different."

  Danielle paused and her eyes flashed between Derek and Alice. Danielle's heart drummed in her chest and her mind raced. "It doesn't have to be like that. Derek said that we can still be friends."

  Alice shook her head. "No, either you are with him, or with me."

  "I told you she would make you choose," pride dripped from Derek's lips as he spoke.

  "Alice please. Try to see this from my perspective."

  "No. You have made up your mind," Alice's fingers ran over the small box and paused. "But I do have something for you." Alice pulled out the box and showed it to Danielle.

  "Even if you won't listen to me, at least do me one favor and take this."

  Derek reached out snatching the box from Alice's outstretched hand. He pried it open and glanced inside before snapping his head back up to Alice.

  "What is this?" Derek asked poking the dried herbs.

  "Wolfs bane. It will ease Danielle’s pain tonight when she shifts."

  "Why haven't I heard of this b
efore?" Derek snapped sniffing the box. His nose wrinkled, and he pulled back from the sickly sweet fragrance.

  "Because you never listened to my father. If you had, you would have known all about it. Now please, take it. If you won't come with me, at least understand that I never wanted this life for you." Alice's eyes lingered to Danielle.

  "I know," Danielle's voice was hushed. Derek nodded once and the men were at Alice's side once again, crowding her. She shoved her shoulders into them, forcing them to give her more room. They laughed at her and only closed in further.

  "Alice, I want you to know that Danielle and I have come to an agreement," Derek snickered keeping his eyes locked on Alice. Alice moved uneasily, readying herself for the fight.

  "Danielle has agreed to take your place by my side. For this gesture, she has asked that no harm come to you."

  "You didn't." Alice's eyes flashed to Danielle. Danielle's face grew bright red as she dropped her head and took a step back.

  "I assure you I'll take good care of her in your absence," Derek nodded once again and the goons surrounding Alice grabbed her by the arms. "Take care, Alice."

  The men lifted Alice off her feet and escorted her out of the door. Danielle reached out for her friend but Derek raised one hand and she clamped her mouth shut.

  "You promised she wouldn't be harmed," Alice heard Danielle shouting from behind the door.

  "I have no intention of hurting her. The pack, on the other hand, is a different story," Derek's voice drifted away as the men threw Alice back into the car.

  "Where are you taking me?" Alice demanded shrugging the men off once she hit the back seat.

  "Where we can keep an eye on you," the driver answered and he started the car. Alice swallowed trying to push some moisture down her parched throat. The town flew by her as they took off down the road. For a split second she wondered where in the forest they would try to kill her. Her mind raced to the lake and then it dawned on her. They had no intention of killing her—that would be too easy. The town jail came into view and Alice sighed.

  "At least I'll be with Bash," she thought as the car came to a stop. The men pushed her out, and she stumbled over the curb. With three men on her, she knew there was no way she could escape. Her only hope lay inside and her eyes darted to and fro counting the men in the building as she passed them.

  It was only when she came to the long hallway that she finally breathed a sigh of relief. The harsh smell of basil filled her nose, and she knew that Bash was in there, waiting for her. Alice moved with purpose through the long hallway until she reached the back door. The man to her left pulled open the door and shoved her into the room.

  "Keep a close eye on this one," he said. Alice's eyes popped open to see Joe waiting with the cell door wide open.

  "With pleasure," Joe grunted grabbing Alice by her arm and forcing her into the cage. Alice opened her mouth to scream but suddenly shut it. Her eyes softened as her eyes fell on Bash in the corner of the room.

  "Alice?" Bash gasped turning to face Alice. She nodded as the men piled into the room inspecting the situation.

  "Hey," Alice whispered.

  "Did you give it to her?"

  "Derek has it. Now it's up to him to give it to her."

  "What if he doesn't?"

  "He will. Or he will use it himself. Either way works for us."

  "Will you two keep it down," a guard huffed glaring at them.

  "And if we don't," Bash challenged. Alice shook her head trying to keep Bash quiet. The man cracked his knuckles and straightened his back.

  "Easy there, Sam. Derek said not to harm them," Joe said stepping between the bars and Sam. Sam grunted and shook his head.

  "One of these days you won't have anyone here to stop me."

  "I look forward to that day," Bash said keeping his eyes locked on Sam. Joe pushed Sam aside forcing him out of the room.

  "Let me know how that feisty little thing does tonight," Joe said calling to Sam as he walked away. Joe turned to Bash and smiled, then glanced at Alice. He gave her a quick little wink as his lip curled up at the corner. Alice nodded and stepped back.

  "Ready?" Alice turned to Bash.


  Chapter 14

  "Keep it down in there," the guards yelled from the other room. Alice and Bash paid no attention to their pleas as they continued to rattle the bars holding them prisoner. The crashing of metal against metal echoed through the room and resonated down the hall.

  "I don't see how we are going to get out of here." Bash slumped down to his knees trying to catch his breath. His arms wobbled from the exertion of trying to bend steal with no luck.

  Alice clenched her teeth, before she moved to the back of the small cage and then raced to the bars, slamming her shoulder into the cage. The metal groaned and the door rocked but didn't budge. She rubbed the pain from her shoulder and stepped back again, refusing to give up. Once more she rammed her body against the cage only to crash into it again, bruising her arm again as well.

  "Alice! It's no use. We are stuck."

  "Have faith," she answered. "We'll get out of here one way or another. The sun is still high in the sky which means we still have time." Alice pointed to the tiny window high above their heads. "If Derek gave Danielle the drink, then it will take an hour to kick in."

  "What happens if he hasn't given it to her yet?"

  "We still have time. But I am certain that he will give it to her. Danielle could never handle pain. She will be begging him for it sooner or later."

  "But if he has a hold over her, he may like the idea of her in pain." Bash's words stabbed Alice. She flinched thinking of how cruel Derek could be. Memories of her family flashed into her mind. She sucked in a sharp breath envisioning Derek standing over her slain father. She shook her head and forced the thought away. Her eyes flicked to Bash and she slumped to the cold concrete floor in defeat.

  "Are you two done sulking or should I come back later?" Joe poked his head around the corner with a grin stretching from ear to ear.

  "What's going on?" Alice jumped to her feet with new hope swelling within her. She moved over to the door of the cage, curling her fingers around the bar. A shimmer of silver caught her attention and she noticed objects spinning around Joe's finger. The jingle of metal objects flying around Joe's finger caused her heart to swell.

  "I told you I would help you didn't I?" Joe asked slipping the key into the lock. Alice smiled as the door popped open. Joe moved to Bash's cage and unlocked his door too. Alice paused to listen to the men in the other room.

  "Derek is taking Danielle to the lake tonight for her to shift without interference," Joe said holding the door open wide for Bash.

  "I counted five coming down here," Alice whispered as her eyes darted to Joe. He nodded in agreement.

  "Sounds about right, but you gotta be careful of the big one. That one can swing like Babe Ruth."

  "I'll take him," Bash said stepping out of his cell.

  "Look," Joe paused and glanced over to Alice. "You are going to have to hit me hard. Make it look real and all."

  "You sure you know how to throw a fight?" Alice asked with a smirk on her face. Joe chuckled and shook his head.

  "Don't matter, all that matters is you getting yourself outta here. Can't stand to think what Derek will do after that girl is changed."

  "Thanks Joe," Alice leaned in and wrapped her arms around him. She squeezed him tight wondering if she would ever see him again.

  "Count to five before heading out the door. Then come out with guns blazing so to speak."

  "If I don't get a chance to apologize later," Alice's eyes softened as she looked at her uncle.

  "I know, I know, now get. You kids are running out of time."

  Alice and Bash waited for Joe to leave them alone before they started counting. Bash slipped over to the opening and pressed his head against the wooden door. His eyes popped open and he stared at Alice. He lifted his hand to wave her over. Alice moved quickly nex
t to Bash and leaned in.

  Through the wooden frame she could hear each of the guys on the other side.

  "Almost time gents," one said with a raspy voice.

  "Looks like the alpha will be getting himself a new whore," another chimed in, causing Alice's blood to boil. Bash held out his hand and shook his head. The look in his eyes warned Alice not to move yet.

  "I heard the alpha is keeping her away from the other females in town, so she’ll believe she's going to be his bride."

  "That dirty, slimy," Alice gritted her teeth trying to stick to the plan. But the longer she remained by the door, the more she wanted to rip every last one of them to shreds. Danielle may have made up her mind about being a wolf, but there was no way Alice was going to let her be turned into the pack's whore.

  "Wait for it," Bash whispered.

  "For what?"

  "Listen further into the room. There are others waiting. I think there are more than five standing guard."

  "I don't care. We will take them all on."

  "Be smart about this," Bash warned. "We have to be quiet. We don't want the whole place coming down on us. If we do this right, we can slip out of here with no one knowing any better."

  Alice sucked in a deep breath. She knew Bash was right, but she just didn't want to admit it. She nodded and listened, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

  "Wonder if the boss will let us all have a go with the new girl? After all, she ain’t really one of us."

  Alice had heard enough. Before Bash could calm her down, Alice ripped through her clothes and landed on all four paws. She bared her teeth at Bash and pushed through the door. Snarls and growling filled the room as Alice took charge injuring anyone who stood in her way. Bash emerged from behind the door ready to strike anyone Alice left for him.

  As he moved through the hallway and headed towards the front door, he realized Alice was on a mission. She was mopping up the floor with the men leaving him with nothing to do but walk out the front door.


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