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Death's Queen (The Complete Series)

Page 67

by Janeal Falor

  “Thank you, Afet. That will be all for now,” I say.

  He bows and leaves the room, Julina after him. I glance at Inkga, who says, “I’d better put this tray away. I’ll see you soon, Ryn.”

  “Thank you, Inkga.”

  Once she’s gone, Nash and Jaku start talking at once, both questioning in their own way what's going on. I go to raise my hand, to stop them, but it only moves a bit before falling back to the bed. Thankfully, they stop anyway.

  “It was Androlla,” I say. “And I’m sorry, Nash. I tried to—” My mouth clamps down, not letting me finish. Stupid First Queen. When my jaw relaxes, I say, “As you can see, I’m having some difficulty.”

  “Ryn.” Nash’s face crumples in pain.

  Jaku does a better job of staying together, but there are still stress lines on his forehead. “We’ll fix this. I promise we’ll find a way, for both your good and the country’s.”

  “Thank you. And I’m sorry. I hope your night in the dungeons wasn’t too bad.”

  They exchange a smile. Nash says, “We were there, but we weren’t locked up. No one could bring themselves to do it.”

  I laugh. “Good.” I grow more serious. As much as I don’t want to, some things need to be done. “Get Daros and his guards in here. Or my sitting room, rather, as soon as you can.”

  “I’m on it,” Nash says.

  As he leaves, Jaku asks, “Would you like me to help you into your chair and wheel you to the sitting room?”

  “Please. I’d rather not meet Daros in here again.”

  He scoops me into his arms and sets me down in my chair. I expect Puneah to follow, but she stays hidden under the bed. Once I’m settled in the sitting room, he stands in the corner, where he can watch both the doors and the window. I knew I liked this man.

  “Tell me a little about yourself, Jaku. I don’t know much,” I say.

  “There isn’t much to tell.”

  “There has to be something.”

  He shrugs.

  “What about your family? Do you have anyone?”

  His lips twitch upward. “I have a wife and three sons.”

  “Do you live with them?”

  “I visit often enough.”

  I frown. That doesn’t seem fair. “What are they like?”

  This time the twitch turns into an actual grin. “My wife is the sweetest thing in the world. She’s lovely and a wonderful mother. Our boys are grown now, with homes and jobs of their own, though none took a chance to be in the guard with me. They were rambunctious little things when they were younger, but they’ve grown into fine men.”

  “They sound nice. Though I think you should have your wife come here, to live with you.”

  His gaze darts to the window. “Thank you for the offer, but we’re happy. Two of my sons live close to her and take good care of her. She knew what type of life she was getting into when we married.”

  Still, I can’t imagine being far from your loved ones, only to visit when you have a day off. Now I have people I care about, I want to see them every day. Except Shillian. I’m not sure what to do with her. They haven’t found any evidence she was helping Carver or knew his plan to attack me, but I don’t know how to trust her despite that.

  She is my mother, though, and now I know where she is, I should do something with her. Carver, on the other hand, I couldn’t care less about. The council hasn’t decided on his punishment, for attempting to off me and working with Daros. If he’s not imprisoned for the rest of his life, it will likely be a death sentence. I don’t wish that on anyone, but he did try to kill me, even if he did a bad job.

  The dungeons are full of people who’ve tried to kill me. Far too many.

  “Forgive me for getting lost in my thoughts,” I say. “How long have you been married?”

  “Long enough to know my wife is always right.”

  I laugh.

  Nash enters the room. “Daros and his guards are here. Are you ready to see them?”

  I’d much rather keep talking to Jaku. “Send them in.”

  And hope he’s not so angry at me that he’ll stop helping me out.

  Chapter 9

  Daros glowers at me. “We had a deal.”

  “We’ll discuss that in a moment,” I say. “For now, I want all of you to know that, no matter who says what, Daros is not to be killed. Do you understand?” I look at each of the guards in the eye as they give an affirmative.

  “Good. Even if the order comes from me, you are not to kill him. Now I need a moment alone with Daros, Jaku, and Nash.”

  The guards file out. As soon as they’re gone, Daros rips into me. “Girl, you’d better not think I’m going to tell you anything else if you’re going to play games like this. I won’t have my life in your hands. Your life is in my hands, do you understand?”

  He takes a step toward me, hand raised. Past memories make me want to cower, but I give him a defiant glare. Before I can lash him with my words, Nash slams a hand down on his chest. “You will not speak to Her Majesty that way.”

  Daros looks down at Nash’s hand on his chest, the one missing half a pinky. “I can take you down as easily as I can take her down.”

  “But you won’t, or I’ll kill you.” Jaku’s voice is quiet but piercing.

  I’ve never been as glad he’s my Head of Guard as I am now. “And I will order him to, and Jaku will listen to me, no matter what I said previously.” Not entirely true, but Daros doesn’t need to know that. “You may know what I need, but I would rather rot in my own mind than let you harm the people I care about again.”

  Daros steps back, and Nash’s hand falls to the side. Daros says, “So be it, but don’t expect help from me.”

  “Then don’t expect your house or other nice things,” I say.

  His nose flares, but he doesn’t continue to argue.

  “Now that’s settled, I want you to know it wasn’t me who ordered your execution; it was Androlla.”

  “Figured, since these two went to prison.” Daros motions to the other men. “She wants me dead because I know how to defeat her.”

  “Tell me, so I can get rid of her before anything else happens.” I’m getting desperate. I need to know the people I care about, and my country, are safe.

  “Have you been practicing the luck spell?” he asks.

  “I have.”

  “Have you accomplished it yet?”

  If only. “Not yet, but I’m getting close.”

  “Until you do, there’s nothing else I can help you with. You need more than basic magic to defeat her.”

  The First Queen moves close, listening in on every word Daros says.

  He goes on. “You need to master this before we can move on. Send for me when you do so.”

  He heads to the door, and no one stops him as he leaves to join his guards and do only daggers know what. Probably something sinister I don’t want to know about. Letting him go is such a bad idea.

  But what other choice do I have?

  “I need to speak with Nurf.” The words pop out of my mouth, surprising me, but it’s true; I should speak with the man who is now my Head Advisor, since I can’t force the words past the First Queen to reinstate Nash.

  Nash’s expression is oddly blank, like he’s trying to hold back a greater emotion. “I’ll get him for you.”

  “And if you don’t need anything else from me,” Jaku says, “I have a few things I need to attend to.”

  “By all means,” I say.

  The men leave me alone, but with the door ajar, so I can see my guards and they can see me, though none of them look my way. I’m sure one of them, if not more, is paying attention to my room.

  A while later, Nash returns with an unfamiliar man I assume is Nurf. The man has beady eyes that take in the room but mostly focus on me, long legs under a wide belly, and short, wavy hair.

  Nash opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, my lips move. “Leave us alone. I want to talk to Nurf by myself.”

bsp; Oh no. The First Queen is taking over again. I knew there was something wrong when he was put in place, but I planned on remedying that this morning, not dealing with Androlla.

  “Are you sure?” Nash focuses on me.

  “Of course, I’m sure. Leave us,” Androlla says through me. “And make certain you shut the door on your way out.”

  Can he hear the difference in my voice? The regal edge to her words? Though subtle, it’s there. Please let him hear it.

  “Well, then, I’ll leave you to speak with your new Head Advisor.” He bows—much too formal for him—and leaves.

  Did he suspect something, or was he putting on a show for Nurf? Either way, he’s gone, and there’s nothing I can do to get him to come back. It’s hard enough, being unable to move my body. Being unable to speak for myself makes me rage inside. Scream and fight. But it does no good. Androlla ignores me, like I’m nothing but an ornery sheep, way off in the distance.

  “Thank you for coming, Nurf.”

  “Of course, Queen Ryn. How can I assist you?”

  “I know you were loyal to Queen Deedra.”

  His eyebrows twitch.

  What is she getting at? What does Deedra have to do with anything?

  He says, “Until her death, Your Majesty.”

  “I know you think I killed her, but it doesn’t matter. You need to trust me like you trusted her. As if I am her.”


  “Can you do that, or must I remind you what the punishment is?”

  He straightens. “Whatever your command is, I shall follow.”

  “Good. Kill me.”

  His jaw drops. Mine would too, if I wasn’t busy trying to mentally punch her. Why wouldn’t she try to kill me in my sleep, other than the fact that my skills are better than hers? Either way, if I’m dead, Daros will secretly put someone he wants on the throne, and then he’ll oust her.

  I feel her pause. Using the opportunity, I try to speak, but it comes out as a mumble.

  “What was that?” Nurf asks.

  “You heard me. You will kill me, and you will do it now.” Androlla has gained control again. I fight against her, but it’s hard when I’m half focused on Nurf and whether he’s going to heed her instructions. “There are daggers in my top drawer, under all the clothes.”

  He slips out of the room and is back a minute later. He pulls out one of my daggers. The blade is shiny, but he holds it in a way that makes me think he’s used it before. Many times. No, no, no. He can’t be doing this. I can’t die by my own blade.

  He hesitates. “Why do you want me to kill you?”

  “Just do it.”

  He stalks forward. Inside, I scream at him to stop.

  Outside, my body doesn’t twitch.

  He scowls, as his pace increases. He reaches me, pulls back his arm, and jams it forward. Inwardly I flinch, waiting for the pain. But Puneah jumps out of my room and locks onto Nurf’s forearm with her sharp teeth.

  Nurf cries out, and the door bursts open. Nash and Julina rush into the room, one after the other. With movements quicker than I’ve seen him use before, Nash is on my attacker, pulling him back with a sword to his throat. Julina adds a second while Puneah clings to his arm, dragging it to her level so he’s hunched over.

  “Are you all right, Ryn?” Julina pulls the dagger out of the man’s grip. She searches him for more weapons and comes up with half a dozen—all mine that he must have stolen from my drawer.

  Who is he?

  The First Queen won’t let go of my jaw. There’s no way for me to respond, and she doesn’t either, just glares them down.

  More guards pour in the room, and Eldim checks me for injuries. “Did he hurt you?”

  Still, she won’t give me control. Instead, she sneers at him. He backs away, as his eyebrows crease together.

  The guards surround Nurf and drag him toward the hallway. Puneah refuses to let go until they reach the doorway. Once they’re out of sight, she comes to me and nudges my hand with her head.

  “What happened?” Julina asks.

  I try to move my lips, try to give some type of response, but Androlla doesn’t release me. She attempts to say who knows what, but I clamp my teeth together, so she can’t speak.

  Nash takes one look at me and says, “Everyone out.”

  “But the queen was just attacked,” Eldim says. “We need to protect her. Neutralize any other threats.”

  Nash flexes his jaw. “Julina, check her bedroom. Eldim, make sure the window is secure, in case he let more people in her rooms.”

  They hurry to do as requested of them, while the rest of the guards stand around with their swords out. Nash strides over to me and stops before his legs would brush against mine.

  Once Julina returns and both she and Eldim give the all clear, Nash says, “Out.”

  Julina’s lips thin. Everyone moves out of the room, albeit rather slowly.

  As soon as the door shuts, Nash leans in closer. “Ryn?” he asks.

  “Ryn?” he asks.

  “You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” Androlla snarls from my mouth.

  A crease appears between his eyebrows. “Ryn, you have to fight her. Come back to me. You can do it. I know you can.”

  I struggle harder, trying to gain control of myself. It’s not fair that she can do this to me. That she can leave me a prisoner in my mind. She should have been wiped out ages ago. Inside my head, she laughs before letting go of her control over me.

  “Nash?” The word is shakier than I meant it to be.

  “Is that you, Ryn?”

  Emotions sit heavy in my chest, trying to eek their way out. “It’s me.”

  I’m back, thanks to Nash. Is this why the First Queen doesn’t wish queens to have lovers? So we don’t have help fighting her off? Whatever the case may be, I’m extraordinarily grateful he’s here.

  “Thank all of Valcora. I thought I’d lost you for good.” He bends down and presses a hard, quick kiss to my lips. “What happened?”

  I struggle against the tremble trying to take over my voice, and make it come out strong instead. “She took over and asked Nurf to kill me.”

  Nash whips away from me, to pace the length of the room. “I should have never left you alone.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “In any case, I’ll make sure someone we trust is with you at all times. Jaku is going to be furious we left you.”

  “I think Nurf may be an assassin.”

  Nash swears.

  “I say that as a warning, not to upset you. We need to keep a close watch on him, even if he's in the dungeons,” I say.

  “I understand.” His voice is tight.

  If only there was something I could do to protect myself from her, then he wouldn’t have to worry so much. I wouldn’t worry so much. This is ridiculous.

  Shoving the thoughts aside, I flex out my hand next to Puneah and rub her nose. The movement is difficult but comforting. “Thank you for saving me. You’re more amazing than I could have ever hoped for.”

  Nash stops pacing. “I’ll see to it that she gets some big, fresh fish for lunch.”

  “Thank you. And we need to call a council meeting, so I can re—” Return him as my Head Advisor. The First Queen struggles against me, keeping me from talking until I change the direction of my thoughts.

  His face tenses up, as if in pain. “It’s her again, isn’t it?”

  “She won’t let you be who you should be at my side. I’ll have to make someone else my Head Advisor.”

  “I understand.”

  I search his expression, but it’s impossible to read. “I’m sorry.”

  He moves closer, and my heart beats faster. “Don’t be. None of this is your fault. We’ll figure out how to win this together. All right?”

  I blink several times, to keep from crying. Dagger it all, I’m stronger than this. “All right.”

  “Good. Now let’s get the council together, so we can get this straightened
out.” He moves to the hallway. His voice rumbles, but I can’t make out the words. He returns and gets behind my chair.

  Puneah struts by my side as we move. I say, “Did you tell them how dangerous Nurf is? That he’s an assassin?”

  “I did. How did you know that, by the way?” Nash asks.

  Guards encircle me, as we continue through the hall toward the council room. “It was a guess, really. The way he held himself—his dagger—gave it away.” Plus, the way he knew Queen Deedra, probably while under the control of Androlla, seemed like they had a sort of working relationship. Just a guess, though.

  Nash is quiet. The slap of feet, including Puneah’s claws, is the only sound echoing off the walls.

  The council room is a busy hive of activity. The council members are on their feet when I enter, giving bows or curtsies.

  I wait until Nash rolls me into place before saying, “Please be seated.”

  There’s a collective shuffle as they get back to their chairs.

  “I would like to call”—I try to say Nash’s name, but the First Queen won’t let me—“Jem Surah as my new Head Advisor.”

  “Very well,” Timit says. “But how many times are you going to change Head Advisors? It’s an important position that needs stability.”

  I wish I could give it that. “As many as I need.”

  Now to find out Jem’s response.

  Chapter 10

  Jem stands straight and tall, like a board. Her expression is neutral. I can read people, but I can’t get a feel for her other than a slight tightening around her eyes that belies a calm emotion.

  Nash and Julina are here in my sitting room, and Puneah is at my side. She hasn’t left it since Nurf attacked me several hours ago, though Nash did bring her a plate of fish.

  “Have you heard?” I ask Jem.

  “That I’m to be your new Head Advisor? Yes.” Her tone is sharp. “What about Nash?”

  I need to have him do something that will keep him close. Both him and Jaku are vital. They’re the only two I can fully trust to help me with the First Queen. And Inkga, but she doesn’t know anything about the First Queen. “Nash will return to being my guard. He’s well-suited for the job.”


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