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Hard Candy

Page 5

by Volley, Rue

  “Sooo who did you get for secret santa.” She asked.

  “You do this every year!” I laughed, it’s supposed to be a secret.

  “And every year I weight you down till you tell me, so just tell me already.”

  “I got fuck face.” I said bluntly.

  “Huh… OH!”

  “Yup Oh indeed.”

  “Jeez what are you going to buy him?”

  “God knows, manners a life, pliers to remove the stick from his ass, I’ll think of something. Come on we’d better get to work.”

  We rinsed our cups and headed to our desks. My work load was waiting for me and it was surprisingly light and was for a larger article running the next day.

  “Miss Holden?” Came a voice stirring me from the piece I was working on. “Miss Holden?”

  Delivery. I shot my hand up from my booth and stood so he could see me. The delivery guy smiled and headed me way. Now our usual deliver guy was called Bill, he was about sixty and he wore shorts even in the winter. This was not bill… definitely not bill. This guy’s name tag said he was call Anthony and he was about thirty years younger than usual Bill. He had a dark head of unruly hair and thick thick eyelashes framing two chocolate brown eyes. Definitely not the usual guy.

  “Hey.” I said keeping my calm as I took the long cardboard tube from him and signed my name on his clip board.

  “Where’s Bill? Is he okay?”

  “Sure, he took early retirement.”

  “He never said, we’d have had a whip round.”

  Anthony smiled. “He didn’t like a fuss did Bill, we didn’t know till last week.”

  “Shame.” I said, “He was a good guy.”

  “I’m a good guy too.” He replied, flirting with me and I thought hell, I can flirt back right? I mean I’m single.

  “Well that remains to be seen, it depends what parcels you bring us.” I smiled.

  He laughed. “I’ll try to make them interesting then.”

  He delivered to other parcels on our floor and then disappeared. Two minutes later May had snook over to my booth.

  “Oh my god Jenny he is gorgeous!”

  “He is!” I agreed.

  “You have to ask him out.”

  “I so do not.” I said giving her ‘the look’ “you are a whole bunch of crazy May, I just got out of a ten year relationship. I need some damn practice before I shag someone like that.”

  “Oh poooooof Jenny.”

  “I’m serious! Alan was never into experimenting or any type of excitement, he got all that on the council estate… apparently.”

  “Awww Jenny.” She said sadly.

  “Look I’m fine… I will be fine May. I just don’t want to jump into something I won’t be able to handle.”

  “I would sure like to handle him!”

  I tutted at her smiled. “Go for it then.”

  “Noooooo you’re not getting out of it that easily. I will make sure you do he hum-de-hump with that hot delivery boy.”

  I blushed a deep shade of red.

  “May do you know the last time I had sex? It was six months ago, the missionary position and it was over in like three minutes.”

  “Jenny you need to get on this, a girl needs a good orgasm.”

  “Hey.” I said in protest, “I get plenty of those, if I want something doing well I do it myself.”

  She chuckled.

  “I got to get back to work chick, git features won’t be keeping you back will he?”

  “Nope he stuck me on the Rylan Waters Story today.”

  “Wow that’s on page four isn’t it?”

  “Yup, well he can kiss my ass if he thinks this makes up for treating me like crap yesterday.”

  “That was horrid but at least you know why no one stands up to him Jen, he’s scary.”

  “I ain’t scared of him and I’m not taking and crap lying down.”

  May’s mouth was hanging open.

  “What?” I laughed.

  “What happened to you?”

  “Alan took my soft side when he ran off with Vicki Pollard… bleugh!!”

  We both laughed and then she scuttled back to her desk.

  I worked extra hard editing my piece, not because I wanted to please Charles but because it was an article that was going to have my name associated with it and you never knew who would see that sort of stuff.

  I finished early and saved everything to disc. I knocked on Charles’s door and entered. He was stood with his back to me looking out of his window. He had removed his black tailored jacket and stood, coffee in one hand. He turned to address me.

  “Piece is all finished.” I said flatly, still not at all happy about the day before.

  “How was it?” He asked, sitting down. He gestured for me to take a seat opposite him.

  I took the seat, perching on the end.

  “It was okay, a lot of work.”

  “It’s a new reporter. Jeff from the board asked for feedback.”

  I looked at him in confusion. This guy was blowing hot and cold. One minute threatening to fire me, the next asking for my opinion.

  “The piece was well written, informative. I enjoyed it. He or she needs to read their work more before sending it in, that’s all I’d say.”

  “Good, good. Thanks Miss Holden.”

  “Erm, thanks Mr McDonnell.”

  “I stood to leave.”

  “Are you attending the office party?”

  “I guess.” Not that I have any better things to be doing at the moment, I thought sadly. “You Mr McDonnell?”

  “I’ll be attending for a short while, but I’ll have to leave as I have another engagement.”

  “Ah, ok, well… I’d better get back then.” I thumbed over my shoulder and then stood. He gave me a curt nod and I left. I stopped outside his door for a second or two, it felt like an hour. That was the longest conversation I’d had with Charles in the four years he’d worked there.

  I whiled away the time cleaning my slightly messy desk and then I counted the time till five o clock playing solitaire. Well Charles hadn’t given me another assignment so I was taking advantage. May bounded over and announced we were going for drinks, getting hammered and sleeping in all day tomorrow sounded like a bloody good plan to me.

  The plan worked better than I thought. Okay Saturday I felt like hell warmed up and puked out, but Sunday I had a huge smile on my face as I tidied the apartment. I had enjoyed my night out far more than I thought. May and I had been out loads and loads over the years but I’d always been attached, I’d always had Alan to come home to.

  That Friday I had been free. I’d danced, I’d flirted then I’d danced and flirted some more. It hadn’t been over the top it had been innocent and fun. Two guys had given me their numbers. I had popped them in the bin on the Saturday. I didn’t need to call them, I didn’t feel the inclination to do so but it was nice knowing that I could have, if I wanted to. I phoned my mum and spoke to her for nearly an hour and even she complimented me on the change in my voice.

  “Your father and I have been thinking dear…”

  “Good lord, you know what that did mum.” I laughed.

  “Quiet,” She laughed along, “look honey your father and I want to lend you the money to buy Alan out of the apartment.”


  “You have to pay it back love, it’s our saving for our retirement but…”

  “Mum, stop there I am not borrow money from your retirement fund so just… no.”

  “Listen, your father wants you free of that man and doesn’t want you taking out a loan or mortgage. He wants it paid back in, every month so it’s a loan.”


  “Your Dad says he’ll give you forty thousand tomorrow and you can get that ‘bastard’ out of your life.”

  I hesitated. The apartment was worth a lot more than that but it had belonged to my uncle who had sold it to us cheap. I sighed at the thought of being able to cut all ties with him.
  “Are you sure mum?”

  “We wouldn’t offer if we weren’t sure.”

  “Thanks mum. I love you guys so much.”

  The next day I had a real spring in my step. When the alarm went I was up quickly, showering and getting ready without the usual lull to my morning. I texted Alan to meet me on Wednesday, I had a half day. I chose a café in town, nice and neutral. I thought sadly how hard we had both worked those five years we had the apartment together to pay off the mortgage on. We’d thought we were so ahead of the game, owning our own place in our twenties. It seemed all for nothing, such a waste. I didn’t tell him why I wanted to meet, I wanted to catch him a bit off guard not leave him time to do any research beforehand.

  He texted back within five minutes.

  Great Jen, will see you there. Is everything ok x

  Yuck, piss off I thought mentally at the kiss he’d put on the end.

  Yup everything fine just be there.

  Monday breezed on by and went quickly. Charles didn’t come out of his office and I was given editing for our Sunday magazine. This was great because it meant I had a pretty easy week as long as I got everything ready for close on business Friday I was good.

  I grabbed takeout after work. Take away for one and I watched some sci-fi movies that Alan loathed. I felt in control, like I was stepping out of a haze.

  Tuesday I was equally as spritely. I was in what can only be described as ecstatic. I was finally going to be rid of Alan. One more day and he’d never have to contact me again, I couldn’t wait.

  “Hey there.”

  I looked up from my booth to see Anthony the mail man looking down at me. He held a box with my name on it. My new business cards I’d ordered the week previous probably.

  “Hi.” I said with a smile.

  He handed me the note to smile.

  “How’s it going?” He smiled. He was just yummy.

  “Great not long till I finish and a half day tomorrow so pretty good all round.” I smiled back.

  “Sounds great, I get off pretty early on Wednesdays too, you want to grab lunch?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Ah… I’m sort of meeting someone.”

  “Oh, well never…” He looked disappointed.

  “It’s nothing like that. I’m meeting my ex, getting him out of my life you know settling up kind of thing, hence my gloriously good mood.”

  He laughed. “So you want someone to celebrate with afterwards?”

  “Yes I do.” I said with no hesitation.

  “Great Jenny,” He scribbled down his number and handed it to me. “Just in case your plans change.”

  “Hey how did you know my name?” I said frowning a bit.

  “Your friend.” He looked over his shoulder and I just saw Mayline’s head duck back in her booth. I was going to kill her.

  “So how do you fancy celebrating?”

  “You choose, I should be done for about one?”

  “Awesome, I’ll meet you outside the building here then?”

  “Great.” I smiled. He gave me a wink and left. I counted the seconds.






  “O. M. G. Jenny tell me everything… everything!”

  “We are going out to celebrate my paying Alan off.”

  She squealed, actually squealed.

  “Could you look any happier for craps sake May.”

  She was simply glowing. “Let’s go shopping after work.”

  I laughed caught up in her enthusiasm.

  “Trafford Centre.” We both said at the same time.

  I treated myself to some new work type clothes, sexing it up a little bit to reflect the new me that was emerging. I chose some new pencil skirts and shirts and some three new fitted tailored dresses that were very fifties chic. I bought new underwear from Victoria Secret, more racy than I’d ever bought and deep scarlet in colour. Mayline was oozing happiness, she was loving the new Jenny. I liked her too.

  By the time I got home I was exhausted, and didn’t have time to worry about meeting Alan tomorrow or Anthony afterward. I put my purchases away and soaked in the bath. I shaved my legs and other areas and washed my hair. I fell into bed and was asleep in about five minutes.

  I woke before my alarm, too hyped up to sleep. I made myself bacon and cheese toasties and coffee. I dressed carefully picking out a deep red tailored dress that cut off just below the knee. I teamed it with a black beaded necklace and a wide black belt. I dug around in my wardrobe and selected some black high heels. I put them aside to put on when I arrived at work. There was no chance I was driving in heels that high. My make-up, usually light I changed to slightly smoky on the eyes and a red lipstick to match the dress. I pulled my hair up into a chignon and I was done.

  “Holy shit!” May said as I walked into the work kitchen.

  “Shhhhhhh.” I hushed.

  “You look amazing. Who’s this for?”

  “Totally for me May and it feels good.”

  “Hell girl if I wasn’t all about the cock I’d totally have a go.”


  “You are smoking.”

  “I feel overdressed now!”

  She gave me a pft and we went to out cubicles. It got me thinking though, had I gone over the top? I mean I’d dressed nice because I felt like dressing nice but part of me wanted to show Alan what he was missing and part of me also wanted to show Anthony what he could have if he played his cards right. I brushed my doubts aside. New me, I thought, new me.

  I’d only been sat at my desk a few seconds when Charles approached me.

  “Could I have a word in my office please?”

  Oh oh.

  I stood and followed. He opened the door for me and I entered the office.

  “Take a seat.” He said nicely.

  Oh crap I was sooooooo getting fired!

  He sat too and straightened some papers on his desk.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked warily.

  “Oh, yes everything is fine. I was um, just wandering if…”

  “What?” I said getting slightly impatient.

  “Would you join me for dinner, at the week-end perhaps?”

  I was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. I made a point of closing it but I couldn’t control the expression on my face.

  “Is this a joke?” I said finally, not really knowing what to say.

  “No, why do you say that.” He said looking genuinely hurt.

  “Well a few days ago you threatened to fire me. I might add you were pretty mean too.” I said firmly.

  He winced. “I was, I know I tried to make up. I mean, I felt bad, I gave you the Sunday edits this week.”

  “Normal, regular people just say sorry.”

  “Would it make a difference?”

  “Maybe, give it a try.” I smiled a little.

  He smiled then too and something about him changed. His fierce exterior broke and a new softer side came through.

  “I’m sorry I was an ass Jenny, I guess I am not used to people standing up to me, I didn’t quite know how to handle it and I handled it wrong.”

  I smiled wider. “You are forgiven.”

  “And dinner?”

  “Sure, why not.” I said, “It better be nice to make up for the other day.”

  “I will do my best. Are you free Saturday?”


  He nodded. “Great well dress nice, I keep my promises.”

  Ok what the hell just happened? I sat back at my desk and stared at the screen. How did I go from being scared to date, scared of dipped my toe in to having two hot dates. I wasn’t quite sure what I was thinking accepting Charles. I mean we worked together, he was my boss and he was very intimidating. When he’d smiled though a different side of him had momentarily come through and I was interested in knowing more. Charles was good looking in a suit and tie kind of way. He always smelt nice and dressed impeccably. He was also
always in control, this was another thing I wasn’t used to. Alan had been soft, I’d always gotten my way with him and he’d always done as I told him to. It would be strange being on a date with someone who was so in control. And then there was Anthony. Jesus, he was good looking, laid back and he looked like the kind of person that would take life in its stride. Well they say variety is the spice of life.

  My morning passed quickly and soon it was time to go meet Alan. I was surprised how pleased I was at the thought. Everyone kept expecting me to fall apart but I wasn’t like that. I’d always been strong and as far as I was concerned the guy had cheated on me and made a baby with another… woman (I use the term loosely). He didn’t deserve my tears. To me the best medicine for the situation was to get back in the saddle and ride the horse, or man, as soon as possible.

  I was early for our meeting and ordered a latte while I read on my Kindle. I saw a couple of guys eye me up and smile as they walked past and it made me feel good. It was nice to be noticed. I was facing the door so I saw Alan as he arrived and I had to suppress my smug look of satisfaction. He looked tired.

  He obviously tried to make an effort by putting on a shirt but there were bags under his eyes and the shirt didn’t look quite properly ironed. (I guess she didn’t get all the creases out like I used to.) He glanced around saw me and did a mini double take. I hid my smile as he approached and took a seat.

  “Hi.” I said as he eased into a chair.

  “Hey.” He smiled. “You look great, off somewhere nice?”

  “I have a date after.” I said bluntly.

  “A date, so soon?” He said, his face dropping, he actually looked hurt.

  “Oh please. What did you expect?”

  “It’s only been a few weeks, I dunno, I guess I thought you might fight for us.”


  “Ye, you know but it was like you never cared in the first place.”

  “Oh come on Alan this is total bullshit. You have a child with another woman. If you’d had a one night stand I still would have kicked your ass out but it would have been harder to leave you. I always said I would never forgive you if you cheated and this has been going on years.”

  “I know.” He said sadly. “I thought you’d asked me to meet you because you’d changed your mind.”


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