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Hard Candy

Page 6

by Volley, Rue

  I felt my blood beginning to boil. “Hell no, I came to give you your share of the flat. I handed him a cheque.

  “I don’t want it.” He said softly trying to give me puppy dog eyes.

  “What, you’ve been asking for nothing else.”

  “I know, listen, I made a mistake Jenny. A huge huge mistake.”

  I laughed. “Things aren’t going to good on the estate I take it.”

  “It’s horrid, Tina…”

  I growled.

  “She doesn’t clean, she doesn’t do anything.”

  “Oh boo hoo Alan. You made your bed, now you fucking lie in it.”

  I saw a couple of people looking our way. Alan cringed. I jabbed the cheque at him and he took it.

  “It worth more than that.”

  “Pft, that’s all your getting, that’s what we paid for it. You got the expensive T.V and all your gaming shit that I paid for out of my wages, you also got the car.”

  He folded the cheque and put it in the pocket of his shirt.

  “I guess I’ll go.” He said standing.

  “Oh and Alan.”

  He looked up, ever hopeful.

  “Don’t contact me again, don’t text me, facebook me nothing. That’s it over, done. Got it?”

  “I’ll always love you though.” He turned away.

  “Good for you.” I saw him flinch as he walked.

  I finished my coffee and headed back to work to meet Anthony. He was waiting outside holding a large picnic basket.

  I laughed when I saw it.

  “Hey, I thought what about grabbing a train out of town and picnicking somewhere green to sit and celebrate your freedom.”

  “It’s December!”

  “I brought snuggle blankets too.” Darn those puppy dog eyes

  “Okay it sounds good, although we could take my car.”


  We walked round to the car park at the back of work and when Anthony saw which car I was heading for he gasped.

  “That is an awesome ride Jenny!”

  “I know I love her, it was my break up present to myself. So where do you want to head” I asked unlocking the doors.

  “Peak district isn’t too far away.”

  “Sounds good.” I smiled.

  We drove for about forty minutes and the conversation was nice and easy. He asked about my breakup with Alan and I told him, even though I thought it was a little weird discussing stuff about ex’s on a date. We drove through a tiny village and Anthony started to direct me and we came to a park.

  He carried the basket in and set off up a massive hill. I was glad I switched to my flat shoes to drive and then kept them on. I felt a little overdressed among the dog walkers. At the top of the hill was an old pavilion that was perhaps still used on odd occasions. There were picnic benches set out but Anthony led us over to the side and set the basket down in the grass.

  The view from the top was lovely and even though my lungs were heaving in protest I couldn’t help but admire my surroundings. Anthony pulled a blanket out of the basket and laid it down for me. I took a seat. It was chilly, definitely not picnic weather but Anthony had brought two blankets to wrap around us too.

  He unloaded a few Tupper wear tubs. One with sandwiches, a couple of big bags of crisps, a box of chocolates, some dips and some strawberries and a can of whipped cream. He’d also brought paper plates and cups.

  “It’s not much,” He said sitting next to me, “but I did splash out on this.”

  He pulled out a bottle of champagne from the basket.

  I laughed. “One glass for me, I’m driving.”

  “Ok… we’ll see.”

  An hour later I didn’t want to leave, I’d had my champagne and I was just so happy. It was like I’d known Anthony for way longer than a couple of ‘here’s your mail’ meetings. He was just so easy to engage. We laughed and joked and ate all the stuff he’d brought.

  “I guess I’d better head back.” I said. “I do have work tomorrow.”

  “Ye I’m in at five am.” He laughed. “You want to finish the champagne at your house before we call it a day?”

  I was just about to say, no and then I thought, why not. I nodded and smiled. I was nervous all the way back to the car and the journey back to my flat. The air around us had changed, I think we both sort of knew that something was going to happen. I wasn’t sure what exactly so I decided to let the chips fall where they may. If we kissed, we kissed and if we went any further then that was fine too. I glanced over to see him already looking at me and he smiled showing me a full set of white teeth. I pictured kissing his full lips and I flushed. May was gonna have a screaming fit tomorrow at work.

  We parked up and climbed the stairs to my apartment, we did have a lift but in all honesty I didn’t trust myself in such a closed space with the full use of my hands.

  I turned on the lights as we entered and I saw him nodding with approval.

  “Nice place.”

  “Where abouts do you live?” I asked as I removed my jacket and placed it over a dining chair.

  “Kind of embarrassing but I had to move back in with my folks.”

  “Ah, you’re a braver man than I.”

  As quickly as I had fancied Anthony I suddenly thought about what I was doing. I felt shallow but was it wrong of me to think twice about dating him if he lived with his folks, didn’t drive and worked as a mail man? Was I wrong to want more? Was it wrong to think of Anthony as a potential rebound fuck? You know get it over with so I could look for someone I had in my head as the next ‘one’.

  “Cool, you got an Xbox!”

  “Yup, Alan took the PlayStation, I got that.”

  I never played on the thing, I used it to watch movies on. Anthony went over to the games.

  “Cool, new grand theft!”

  I laughed.

  “Have a go if you like, I’m gonna shower.”

  “You sure, not exactly on the date agenda.” I saw his eyes back to Xbox.

  “Go on I’ll make it a long shower.”

  I did stay in the shower longer that I would normally but Anthony was still engrossed when I returned. I twinged with sadness as I realised that he was another Alan. My libido jumped back into my pocket. The carefree man that had taken me to the park was great but seeing him sitting there on the edge of the couch, controller in hand beating the crap out of some poor chap and stealing his car with glee I saw a bleak future. Sure he was hot, in a surfer kind of way. I was willing to bet he left his dirty socks on the bathroom floor and that absolutely drove me insane. I made myself coffee, the promise of champagne was now chased away with bitter disappointment as I realised I was not stupid or reckless enough to jump into bed with someone I didn’t see a future with.

  “Anthony, listen, I um kinda feeling a bit headachy I’m gonna take a lie down.”

  He put the controller down. “Man I’m so sorry, I mean we’re supposed to be on a date and here I am playing video games.”

  “Don’t apologise it’s fine.” I said. “Let me drive you home so I can grab an early night.”

  His face was creased with disappointment.

  “You wanna do it again sometime.”

  “Sure, why not?” I said with false sincerity.

  I did feel bad honest I did and part of me wanted to say to hell with it and just fuck him but I knew I would regret it tomorrow. May was definitely gonna have a few choice words for me.

  I slept like crap, waking several times in the night. I shook it off in the morning and dressed in a pair of high waist trousers and a ruffle shirt. I teamed it with some cream high heels and I was good to go.

  A large strong Starbucks coffee ensured that I was at least awake fully as I entered the kitchenette at work. May was already there and was instantly on my case demanding to know everything.

  When I told her she looked as disappointed as Anthony had when I told him I was taking him home.

  “He actually played on the Xbox instead of play
ing you?”

  I nodded.

  “Well I don’t blame you, you need something better than that. Shame, he was so good looking too. What a waste.”

  I was surprised she didn’t get on at me more and she had no clue about my date with Charles. I didn’t intend on telling her anything. Well at least until there was something to tell. We headed back to our booth and I was met by a huge bunch of flowers sat on my desk. What the hell? They were undeniable beautiful. Lilies and white roses set amongst green foliage. I lifted the card.

  I know you said to stay away but I wanted you to know I love you.

  Please say you’ll meet and talk.


  I groaned. I did not need this! I screwed the card up and chucked it in the bin then grabbed the flowers and headed to reception. I gave them to the receptionist to put in a vase in our little waiting area. Then I texted Alan.

  Stop sending flowers, stop contacting me not a chance in hell.

  I then switched my phone off not even wanting to see a reply.

  May rolled her eyes at me as I passed her desk. I knew Alan would probably start to contact her, they had been friends for a while. She knew exactly what he was like. I was wondering how I had been with him for so long. I should have broken free years ago.

  I finished all my Sunday edits by mid-afternoon and took them through to Charles.

  He took the disc.

  “Nice flowers.” He smiled, indicating for me to take a seat.

  I groaned again and sat.

  “Don’t get me started.”

  He laughed. “You look nice today Jenny.”

  His compliment caught me off guard.

  “Thanks.” I muttered.

  “Still on for Saturday?”

  “Sure.” I answered with more enthusiasm. “When you say dress up, do you mean dinner dress up, fancy restaurant dress up or Oscars dress up?”

  “Go for somewhere between fancy dinner and Oscars.”

  “Really, no picnics then?”

  “What?” He said raising his eyebrow.

  “Private joke.” I smiled.

  “Does this have something to do with the mail boy.”

  I blushed a deep colour of red. “Oh my god you do not know about that!”

  He laughed hard. It suited him, made him look younger, softer.

  “Nothing gets by anyone here. How did that go?” he looked very amused.

  “He was nice…”


  “He was more interested in the Xbox than me I think.”

  “Yikes, well more fool him.”

  “You don’t mind?” I said honestly.

  “I’ve never been afraid of a little competition.”

  “No competition I’m afraid once bitten for me.” I replied.

  “Ah so the flowers…”

  “Oh heck no, those were from Alan.”

  “My my, you have quite a lot of interest.”

  “I am so not discussing this with you Charles.” I laughed.

  He opened his laptop and took a swig of his coffee.

  “Big favour?” He asked a little seriously.

  “Go on.” I said eying him suspiciously.

  “The team on the cheating footballer story are swamped, do you think you can help out?”


  “Yes they asked if we could spare anyone, it means working late to get it done for tomorrow.”

  “Sure no problem.” I answered as he took the disc from his laptop and handed it to me.

  I walked back to my desk fighting the urge to skip. A couple of days previous a footballer had been found out cheating on his pregnant wife. Since then we’d been apparently swamped with women contacting us saying they too had slept with him. It was utter madness. We were running several stories about his encounters, one was with a prostitute which was the edit he’d given me to do. We’d be running articles for at least a fortnight about it. The piece I was editing was poorly written and took a lot of work. I tutted at the shoddy workmanship. I would never let a piece so tardy go to edit, what the heck was this writer thinking.

  There were three other pieces and quick glances told me they were of the same calibre, darn it. Everyone left the office at five leaving just me on the floor and Charles in his office. Shortly after six a delivery boy came up and headed for Charles’s office, I smelt food. My stomach growled.

  The guy left and Charles poked his head out of the door beckoning me to come inside. My nose led the way.

  “Do you want Chinese food.” He asked as I stepped inside.

  “God yes, I’m starving. I replied sitting opposite him.

  “How are the edits coming on?” He asked as he unloaded the box and opening the individual take out trays.

  “Honestly, wow. They are pretty bad the first piece took my three hours to perfect, I had to practically re-write it.”

  “The others?”

  “Pretty much the same, rushed.”

  “Well they are on a tight schedule but it’s no excuse.”

  We tucked in. Charles had ordered loads of starters and a couple of main courses and it was all really good. He reached into his drawer and pulled out an unopened bottle of whiskey.

  “Fancy a glass.” He said with a cheeky wink. “It was a gift.”

  “I have to drive.” I said laughing.

  “None-sense, we’ll grab a cab and I’ll drop you off on the way and I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

  He pulled two glasses out of the drawer and we went over to his leather couch placed at the opposite end of his office. I was impressed at the whiskey. It was 25 year old malt. He was lucky I liked my whiskey, usually bourbon, but I appreciated a good malt too. He poured us a glass each and we took a seat.

  “I like a woman who can take a proper drink.” He said handing me the glass.

  “Well, whiskey is my drink of choice.” I took a sip enjoying the burn in my throat.

  He asked me a few questions about myself and I answered them. I found myself easing up in his presence even if he still appeared over powering to me.

  We had several glasses of whiskey and I had to admit a felt slightly tipsy. I began to quiz him.

  “So what’s your story, you ever been married?”

  “Yes, I was married for twenty years, we have two children.”

  “Yikes, how old are you?”

  He laughed. “Forty two.”

  “You don’t look forty two that’s for sure.” I said honestly. “So what happened? With your wife I mean.”

  “We fell out of love, stayed together till the kids were older. We are still good friends.”

  “That’s nice.” I thought bitterly of Alan as I said it.

  While I was deep in thought Charles reached over and gently turned my face to meet his and then… he kissed me.

  I had no idea where it came from and I wasn’t expecting but wow, just wow. I responded right away. Charles was all man and in control. He held the back of my neck, caressing the skin with one of his fingers and his tongue delved into my mouth. I was feeling so much, and all we were doing were making out. Our kiss became more urgent and in the next minute he was working the buttons on my shirt and I was doing the same to his. I’d been right about him working out. As soon as I got my hands on his chest I could feel the wall of muscles awaiting me and a thin carpet of hair too. His hands cupped my breasts through my bra and I arched my back, throwing my head back while he kissed my neck

  There was no going back, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. My body was making the decisions at this point and it was practically on fire. He fumbled with the button and fly on my trousers and in the next instant his hand was down there in my panties. This was a man who knew where a woman’s bits and pieces were and how they worked. His fingers flicked back and forth majestically, and I gasped, all the while he looked right into my eyes, watching my reaction. I could feel myself building and building, my breathing becoming ragged. He smiled and kissed me just before I was tipped over the edge and
then I was falling. I gasped as my body released itself with the most powerful orgasm id had… well ever.

  “I want to fuck you Jenny.” He whispered in my ear.

  “I want to let you.” I replied panting.


  “Yes, quick and bring the leftover food.” I smiled.

  “You are definitely my kind of woman.”

  The taxi ride was torture. Charles kept a straight face but I knew, just knew he was dying to get in my pants. We were heading for my apartment, which was fine and dandy because I was ready to start some good memories in there. I was wet with anticipation of fucking Charles. He glanced at me several times and gave me a knowing smile and I began to think of how big his cock would be and what it would be like in my in my pussy. The funny thing was I wasn’t worried about it at all. With Anthony I would have been the ones calling the shots and giving me the orders. I knew Charles was going to take over, take command and hell I liked that!

  Thank god I didn’t live far away, we entered the front door and ran up the stairs to my floor. I fumbled for my key, found the keyhole and finally opened the door which was hard because I was trying to stop my hands shaking. Not one part of me thought what I was doing was stupid, I mean this guy had literally been a pain in my ass for a years. Well you know what they say about love and hate… it’s a fine line.

  Charles’s hands were round my front, fondling my breasts as I opened the door. I turned as soon as we were in my hall and Charles slammed me up against a wall. The bag of Chinese food dropped to the floor and my hands wound in his perfectly groomed hair. My shirt was once more unbuttoned and my pants too, they dropped to the floor and I kicked them away. Charles lifted my leg and the knee and pulled my panties aside. He began to play once again, back and forth back and forth and then he dropped to his knees and began to devour me. I set my head against the wall as I gasped and moaned. I had been losing out the last ten years, seriously. I could feel my peek building just before Charles rose and captured my lips against. The taste of my own essence fuelled my desire tenfold and I quickly undid the button on Charles pants letting them drop to his ankles. His boxers followed and I finally got to see Charles in all his glory, I most certainly was not disappointed. He was… huge, I mean I don’t have much to compare him too but he was, beautifully huge, standing fully erect and ready to fuck me. He deepened his kiss and using his free hand guided himself to the entrance of my pussy. He paused and I felt him smile as kissed me.


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