Book Read Free

Love's Falling Star

Page 6

by B. D. Grayson

  “Thank you.” She joined Vanessa at the window just as the picture showed. “They love the legs.”

  “Because they’re really good legs.”

  Lochlan chuckled. “Thank you. I now approve of the billboard that plays just outside your window.” She turned to Vanessa. “So, is that the reason that you picked that shirt? You like my legs?”

  Vanessa blushed and was saved by a knock at the door, as someone said, “Room service.”

  “That would be dinner.” Lochlan allowed the man in. He took the items off the cart and set them on the table. “There you are, Ms. Paige. If you would like anything else, don’t hesitate to let us know.”

  “Thank you.” She handed the man a tip and showed him to the door.

  “That looks too good to even eat.”

  Lochlan smiled. “Well, I hope that isn’t going to stop you. We’re both starving, and I have a long night ahead of me.” She motioned for Vanessa to have a seat.

  “Thank you, Ms. Paige.” Lochlan smiled slightly, but Vanessa could tell that something was wrong. “What?”

  “Lochlan Paige is who I am to people who only know me at a certain level. My full name is Lochlan Paige Westbrook. I don’t want you to be one of those people who only know Lochlan Paige.”

  Vanessa smiled. “I hope that I’m not.”

  “You’re not.” Lochlan blushed. “So how was the birthday?”

  “It was good, but getting better, Ms. Westbrook.” Lochlan smiled at the change. “I got to spend some much-needed time with my parents and Chris.”

  “I love that you’re close to them.”

  “Yeah, me too. I see so many people who have families who are no more than distant acquaintances. Tell me about your brothers. You’ve mentioned your sister, Kayla, during conversations, but not your brothers as much.”

  “Brad is an accountant for a tax firm in Knoxville. He’s a great guy and still single. Kyle is the oldest. He and his wife are the proud parents of my adorable nephew, Casey. Kyle and Jane own a real estate agency in Knoxville. Like you said, you already know about Kayla. She’s a senior at the University of Tennessee.”

  “Does your fame affect them?”

  Lochlan laughed. “No. They think I’m a geek. They don’t understand why anyone would want my autograph or a picture with me. They love me, but my fame is something they like to give me hell about. When someone says, ‘She’s your sister?’ they always say, ‘Yes, and she’s still that annoying kid we grew up with.’”

  Vanessa laughed. “They sound fun.”

  “They are. They keep me grounded and we all appreciate that. That’s why I feel so comfortable with you. To you, I’m just me.”

  “Of course you are. Now, when I see that mega country star tonight, I don’t know about her.”

  Lochlan blushed. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  Vanessa pushed her food around. “I have to say, I’m pretty excited.”

  “Well then, I’ll give it my best. Normally, I just have to impress thousands of people during a show, but tonight I have to impress them and a girl.” Lochlan smiled. “But no pressure.”

  “Just worry about the thousands.” Vanessa gestured around the room. “You have already impressed the girl.”

  Lochlan beamed. “So you like the birthday getaway?”

  “I get to see you, so yeah, I would say it’s a win. Getting to see Lochlan Paige in concert is merely a bonus.”

  “Which is a very good answer. I also have a gift for you that you’ll get later tonight.” Vanessa raised an eyebrow. “Dirty mind,” Lochlan said. “It’s not that.”

  “Well, that’s unfortunate.”

  Lochlan broke the awkward silence. “So, I’ll take you to work with me tonight, and then you’ll get your other gifts.”

  “Gifts? As in plural?”

  “As in, you’ll have to wait until later.”

  Vanessa smiled. “Thank you so much for this. You didn’t have to, but I have to say it’s nice being whisked away and shown a different side of you.”

  Lochlan sobered. “Most people would think the side of me that I’ve shown you is the different side to me.”

  “Loc, to me you’re the girl I met in a library. The girl who texts me a good night message almost every night. The one I share things with on a crazy day like, ‘Hey, my lab partner almost killed us all today.’ This…” She looked around. “It’s nice, but to me”—she motioned between them—“this is who you are to me.” Vanessa smiled. “Now, when I see you tonight, that voice, that stage presence”—she raised her eyebrow—“those million-dollar legs on full display, only then will I see another side to you. But for me, this is the only you that I want to see.”

  Lochlan winced. “Maybe having you see Lochlan Paige is a bad idea.”

  Vanessa shrugged. “I don’t know. She’s kinda hot.”

  Lochlan chucked. “Thanks?”

  At just after six, Lochlan and Vanessa were driven into the stadium. When they got out, Vanessa got another look at Lochlan Paige, the country music star. As the passenger door was opened and dozens of people met them, the Loc she knew was gone. Immediately, there was a chorus of voices, with Jamie’s the loudest of all. “Loc, we need to do meet and greets before the band starts. You were supposed to have been here half an hour ago.”

  “Sorry, but I’m here now.”

  Very few people even noticed that anyone was with Lochlan. Vanessa watched as she walked away quickly, followed closely by the group of people. They were all asking questions about what Lochlan needed or wanted. She was answering questions in rapid-fire. She suddenly stopped, causing an assistant to almost run into the back of her. She turned quickly. “Where is Vanessa?” She looked over the people. The crowd of Lochlan Paige’s minions turned toward Spencer and Vanessa. Lochlan moved to where they were standing. “Give me a second.”


  “I said, give me a second.” Lochlan cut Jamie off.

  Lochlan took Vanessa by the arm and led her away from Spencer and out of earshot. “Hey. Sorry about that.” Vanessa saw it, that faint frown. “Like I told you, here, to them, I’m Lochlan Paige, and sometimes things get really hectic.”

  “It’s okay. I get that it’s take your friend to work day.”

  “Yeah.” The smile returned to Loc’s face. “Things are about to get crazy in there. Everyone will insist on a piece of my time until I hit that stage. Then, when I step off that stage, it starts again. During that time, I want you to understand that I’ll try my best to acknowledge that you’re here.”

  Vanessa laughed. “It’s okay. Really. Maybe this is something I need to see. Something that will help me understand the girl who hides between bookshelves in a library.”

  “Thank you.” She turned to the group. “It’s game time.” She went with Vanessa back toward Spencer. “Spencer?”

  “Yes, Ms. Paige?”

  “You understand your role tonight?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Tonight, Ms. Wallace is my responsibility. Anything she wants or needs, I make sure it happens.”

  “Perfect.” Lochlan smiled at Vanessa. “Okay, welcome to Lochlan Paige’s world.” With that, Lochlan rejoined the group of people who awaited the woman who, in many ways, Vanessa would meet for the first time tonight—Lochlan Paige.

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  At 7:45, Spencer and Vanessa were walking around the first level of the stadium. They weaved in and out of concertgoers, looked at the other band’s merchandise, and grabbed a couple of sodas. Spencer had explained that Lochlan was with Jamie, finishing up meet and greets from the fan club. Then she would return to her dressing room where she would go through her vocal warm-ups. They went to find their seats, which were located just to the right of the stage.

  Vanessa watched the throngs of people who were so excited to see Lochlan. She couldn’t help but smile and somehow feel a sense of pride. When her phone buzzed, she smiled as she saw the sender’s name.

  Hey, where are you?

Vanessa quickly replied.

  We’re up on the first level. About to head to our seats.

  She waited until the reply message came in.

  Okay. Tell Spencer to bring you back down once the band is done. I’ll have a minute before I need to go out.

  Will do. See you in a bit.

  Vanessa tucked her phone back in her jeans just before she and Spencer descended the stairs to their seats. They were on the third row, just to the corner of the stage. Vanessa had never thought about how good seats like that would be. As the lights dimmed, the crowd cheered. They settled in and watched the warm-up band. The group did an amazing job, and she and Spencer sang and danced to the hits.

  After a final bow and good night from the opening act, Vanessa and Spencer quickly made their way to the elevator. Jamie was standing guard outside the dressing room, and she firmly indicated they should wait until Lochlan finished the ritual pre-show meeting with her band. Soon, the door opened, and several people left the room. Jamie stuck her head in, said something that Vanessa couldn’t hear, then moved, motioning with her head for Vanessa to go in.

  She walked in, and the door closed behind her. What Vanessa saw surprised her. Lochlan was pacing the room, shaking her hands out and humming loudly to keep her voice warm. “Hey.”

  She stopped and looked up at Vanessa. “Hey.”

  Vanessa’s heart stopped, and her mouth went completely dry at the vision that stood before her. Lochlan looked incredible. She had on knee-high boots with a black skirt that clung to her toned thighs. Her shirt was slightly oversized and white. Her hair was flawless, and her makeup was something that an artist had done. Lochlan laughed, bringing Vanessa back to the present.

  “Sorry,” Vanessa said as she blushed.

  “I’ve been looked at a lot of ways, but that’s now my favorite one.”

  “Is it weird that now I see the other Lochlan Paige? The beautiful, flawless, Lochlan Paige?”

  Lochlan’s smile fell. “That depends on how you still feel about Lochlan Westbrook.”

  “Honestly?” Lochlan nodded. “I still see you, Loc. You are just really…” Vanessa slightly shook her head. “God, you are gorgeous.”

  Lochlan’s smile returned. “Okay. I can deal with this version winning for now.”

  There was a knock at the door and Jamie leaned in. “Vanessa, you need to make your way to your seat if you want to see her come out. And trust me when I say, you want to see that.”

  “Thanks.” Vanessa nodded as Jamie closed the door, relieved that she had been somewhat friendly.

  “So, where are the seats?” Lochlan asked. “That way I know where you are.”

  “Third row to the right of the stage.”

  “Stage left. Got it.”

  “Okay, I think I should go out.”


  “You seem nervous.”

  Lochlan smiled weakly. “Still worried about impressing the girl.”

  Vanessa took a chance and stepped forward. She leaned in, then stopped as she gestured to Lochlan. “I don’t want to mess anything up.”

  Lochlan swallowed hard. “I have people who can fix anything you’re about to do.”

  Vanessa placed the slightest of kisses to her cheek and whispered, “I am very impressed by any version that I have seen of you. Relax.”

  Lochlan stood stone still and only turned her eyes watching Vanessa back away. “Yeah, that helped.”

  Vanessa laughed with her. “Sorry.”

  When they were outside the room with Lochlan’s band, Vanessa turned to her one last time. “I’ll see you when you’re done.”

  Vanessa rejoined Spencer at the elevator and took it back to the first level. They were in their seats only moments before the lights went out. The roar of that stadium was unlike anything she had ever heard. It was deafening. The band started to play one of Lochlan’s hits and the crowd got even louder. When the floor opened and the platform Lochlan was standing on emerged from underneath the stage, the stadium rumbled. The rumble erupted into a body-shaking, teeth-jarring roar. Once Lochlan had completely emerged from below the stage, Vanessa realized that her mouth was agape. Vanessa looked over at Spencer.

  Spencer smiled and had to talk loudly over the crowd. “I know. It amazes me every time. Never gets old.”

  Vanessa turned back to the stage and for the next hour and a half was blown away by Lochlan Paige.

  Chapter Six

  Once Lochlan stepped out of the dressing room shower, she entered the room to find Jamie going over some notes. “Okay, so we have Minnesota next. You’ll meet us there on Tuesday, right?”

  “Yes,” Lochlan said as she was pulling her shirt over her head. Jamie remained quiet. “What?”

  “You know I’m worried about the direction this friendship is taking. Please tell me that you know what you’re doing.”

  Lochlan sighed. “To be honest, I have no idea.”

  “She’s waiting just outside the door.”

  Lochlan smiled before she could stop it. “I cannot wait to see her face.”

  “Spencer has the envelope that Corbin brought by. Everything is set up.”

  Lochlan took a deep breath. “I play stadiums every weekend. I don’t get nervous, but I’ve been nervous for two days.” Jamie waited a beat before making eye contact. “God, Jamie, just say whatever it is.”

  “I doubt that I need to tell you that this could ruin your career.”

  “No, you don’t. And it’s a little condescending that you think I need to hear that from you.”

  “If you were in any other genre—” Jamie stopped.

  “Well, I’m not, so this is what we have to work with.”

  “I just don’t understand. Why her? Why now? If you know what this could cost you, why are you so this determined to see this through?”

  “I just want to be around her. I don’t need to make career-changing decisions or lifelong commitments today. All I want to do is spend some time with her—alone.”

  “That may not be what you intend, but being seen with her could be what sets the ball in motion, Loc. You’re about to take her—”

  “I know, Jamie.”

  “You have to be very careful here. Make sure she’s worth the risk.”

  Lochlan hugged her. “I’ll be fine. No matter what, I’ll be fine. I want you to understand that this could be a good thing.”

  Jamie sighed. “Lochlan, you’re my best friend and you have to know that I want you to be happy. I truly do, but this—”

  “I know.” Lochlan picked up her bag. “This is my decision to make, Jamie. You need to let me live my life. And speaking of, Vanessa is waiting for me.”

  “We’ll see you Tuesday morning, then.”

  Lochlan ignored the resignation in Jamie’s voice. “See you then.”

  They stepped out of the dressing room to find Spencer and Vanessa. They fell in line with her and Jamie. They went straight to the SUV that was waiting in the tunnel of the stadium. “Ms. Paige.”

  “Sly,” she replied and stepped inside. She was followed by Vanessa. As Lochlan leaned over Vanessa, she looked at Spencer. “You have what I need?”

  “Yes.” Spencer handed her the envelope.

  “And you handled everything else?”

  “I did. When you arrive, everything will be ready.”

  Lochlan smiled. “Thank you.” She looked at Jamie. “I’ll see you in a couple of days.” Sly closed the door.

  “Oh. My. God!” Vanessa said. “That was the most spectacular thing I have ever seen, Loc. You were amazing.”

  Lochlan blushed. “Thank you. I’m glad that you liked it.”

  “Liked it? I loved it. The way that you owned that stage.” Vanessa started to gesture fanatically. “Like, you made that place your bitch.”

  Lochlan leaned back and laughed. “I think that is the best review I’ve ever gotten.”

  “Like, no, seriously. Do you know how good you are?” Vanessa stopped talking for a moment as if
searching for words. Finally, she raised her hands. “That was just fucking unbelievable.”

  Lochlan laughed. “Well, I’m glad that you liked it.”

  Vanessa looked out the window. “Hey, that’s the hotel.”

  Lochlan leaned over Vanessa to look out the window as they passed the building. “Um, yep, it is.” Then she leaned back.

  “Where are we going?”

  Lochlan patted Vanessa’s knee. “Just sit back. We’ll be there shortly. Well, we’ll be at one of the places anyway.”

  “It’s not fair that I don’t know.” Vanessa pouted.

  “It’s a birthday surprise. You aren’t supposed to know.”

  Vanessa looked at Lochlan for a moment without breaking eye contact. “Is this crazy?”


  “Where did you come from?”

  Lochlan smiled. “A library.”

  Vanessa looked down and noticed that Lochlan’s hand was still on her knee. She placed her hand over Lochlan’s. She looked up to look Lochlan in the eyes and intertwined their fingers. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Vanessa noticed that she was seeing planes landing close by. “Are we—where are we going?”

  Lochlan smiled. “It’s your birthday surprise. I’m not going to tell you.”

  The SUV was suddenly on a smaller runway. They stopped and Sly opened the door. “Ms. Paige, I hope you have a good trip.”

  “Thanks, Sly.” She looked at Vanessa. “You coming?”

  Vanessa slid across the seat and stepped out of the vehicle. She looked at the jet just in front of them. Its door was open, and the jet’s captain was standing at the top of the stairs. “What is going on?”

  Lochlan stepped toward Vanessa. “Just taking a quick trip.”

  “Loc, my clothes—”

  “Are packed and inside. Spencer did a great job at keeping you busy enough that you didn’t unpack.” She smiled at Vanessa. “Remind me to give her a raise.”

  Vanessa still looked at the plane. “A quick trip?”

  “You’ll be home in time for you to be in class Monday morning.”


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