Book Read Free

Love's Falling Star

Page 7

by B. D. Grayson

  “What are you up to?”

  Lochlan was glad when Vanessa followed her without any more questions as they walked to the plane. Once they were seated, the captain came back to them. “Ms. Paige, I am Captain Banks. We’ll take off shortly and our ETA is around midnight.”

  “Thank you.” Lochlan looked at Vanessa. “This is my friend Vanessa.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. Sit back and relax. If you ladies need anything, just let the attendant know.”

  “Thank you,” Vanessa said.

  The pilot stepped into the cockpit and closed the door. In just a few minutes, they felt the jet starting to move until it accelerated into liftoff. Vanessa looked at Lochlan in the seat next to her. “He said midnight. It’s almost eleven thirty now. You really meant it when you said a quick trip.”

  Lochlan laughed. “It’s a three-and-a-half-hour flight. It’s eleven thirty now. It will be approximately three when we land, so with the time difference—midnight.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Before she could answer, the pilot spoke. “We’re now at cruising altitude. You ladies are free to unbuckle and move about the cabin. It’s a great night to fly, and the sky is clear for the remainder of our flight. Approximate ETA at LAX is twelve a.m.” Vanessa turned to Lochlan, but the pilot continued. “Like I said, if you need anything, we are here.”

  Vanessa waited until she heard the speaker click off. “LAX?”

  “Yes. A couple of years ago, when I was a celebrity judge on a singing competition, I bought a home just outside of LA.”

  “And that’s where we are going? To your house—in Los Angeles?”

  “Yes. There’s something I wanted to do with you tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “So, this is your second home?”

  “It is. I did two years with the show—”

  Vanessa laughed. “I know how long you were on the show. Everyone does.”

  Lochlan smiled. “Well then, during that time I bought this great house, and I love it. I come here a lot to write. When I left the show, I just never could part with it. I always do multiple dates at the Staples Center every year, plus a lot of talk shows are here, so it’s just better to keep it.”

  “I guess I understand wanting to buy when you were working here.” Lochlan looked away for a moment. Vanessa chuckled. “Okay, so what’s the deal with the house? The show wasn’t the only reason, was it?”

  “I was dating someone who lived in LA. Thought it would be easier to spend time with her outside of the public eye.”

  “She wasn’t out either?”

  Lochlan laughed. “No, she was out. I don’t think there was ever a day that she was in.”

  “Who is it? Do I know her?”

  “I’m pretty sure everyone knows her.”

  “Oh my God, who is it?” Lochlan didn’t answer right away. “Oh, you don’t want to say.” She could tell Vanessa was trying not to sound hurt. “It’s cool. You don’t have to tell me.”

  Lochlan placed her hand on Vanessa’s. “No. It’s just a habit. I’m so used to not being able to trust people. But I trust you.” She laughed. “Hell, she would probably high-five you for getting me to talk about this with anyone.”

  “Was she the only one?”

  “Yeah.” Lochlan took a deep breath. “I knew she was an out actress, but we were good friends. I knew that no matter what, Mac would never tell.”

  “Mac! As in MacKenzie Daveys? Star of the television show Blue Line? That Mac?”

  Lochlan laughed. “That’s the one. I told you you’d know her.”

  “Let me get this straight. The last girl you tried to impress was MacKenzie Daveys?” Lochlan nodded. “Oh, talk about no pressure.”

  Lochlan laughed even harder. “Mac and I are still good friends. We just didn’t work as a couple.”

  “How long were you together?”

  “Almost a year.”

  “What happened?” Vanessa noticed Lochlan tense. “You don’t have to answer that. Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “No, it’s okay. Just not one of my best moments.” Lochlan took a moment to answer. “Mac is very proud of who she is. She’s been on the cover of every gay magazine. She does guest appearances at Prides and on LGBTQ cruise lines. That just couldn’t be me. Country music wouldn’t have allowed that. Mac wanted me out, and—I didn’t.” She moved to the couch, needing not to look at Vanessa after that confession. “She was very vocal about the fact that I was forcing her back into the closet. Which, looking back on it, I was.”

  “And how do you feel now?”

  “Vanessa, my feelings haven’t changed about my industry. When I first met you, I knew I was taking a chance. When Jamie began worrying, I tried to convince her that maybe country music had changed, but we both know the truth. The only country music artists to have ever come out have paid dearly.”

  “So, you would choose your career again?” Vanessa’s expression indicated her own surprise that she’d asked, but the question was clearly one that needed answering.

  “I hope not. I’ve told myself for years that had I loved Mac enough, I would have done what she needed. I hope there comes a day that when it’s someone I truly love, that I’ll make the right decision.”

  “How does Jamie feel about this—about me?” Vanessa sat next to her. “Loc, I get this is new, but you put me on a plane twice this weekend. I think we both know what’s happening here, and I need to know what your thoughts are on it. I’m not talking about promises of a future, but I do deserve to know if there’s even a chance.”

  “Ever since I looked up from that app and saw you standing over me, there has been this pull to you that I can’t understand. When Mac ended our relationship after a year, I was sad and hurt, but not enough to change. I’ve gone directly against Jamie’s wishes several times where you’re concerned, and that’s a first. I can’t make you any promises, but that must mean something, right?”

  Vanessa’s expression turned solemn. “I need you to be honest with me about how you feel. I need for you to tell me if you ever realize that your priorities haven’t changed. I’m willing to try this, but I have to know, like Mac, that this is something that, when the time is right, will change.”

  “I think I can do that.”

  Vanessa softened. “Okay, enough of all this.” She couldn’t help but laugh. “But God, you and Mac must’ve been a beautiful couple.”

  “We weren’t bad.”

  “I’m guessing that you still aren’t going to tell me what’s happening tomorrow?”

  “Nope. It’s my gift to you, and you’ll have to wait till tomorrow.”

  “You’re being ridiculous,” Vanessa teased her.

  “And you are being impatient, Ms. Wallace.” Vanessa yawned through her smile. “Why don’t we try to grab a couple hours of sleep before we land.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Vanessa lay back on the couch and Lochlan got a blanket out of one of the bins. She unfolded it and draped it over Vanessa. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Lochlan settled into the couch across from her.

  As Vanessa got comfortable, she looked over at Lochlan. “Thank you for tonight, too. It was an unbelievable thing to experience, and one I won’t forget.”

  Lochlan blushed. “I’m glad that you liked it.”

  “How could I not? You’re a natural at commanding that stage.”

  “Still not Brinley status?”

  “You’re getting closer.” She followed up with a wink.

  “I’m totally taking that as a win.” Vanessa laughed as Lochlan settled in. She watched Vanessa’s eyes fluttering closed. “Good night,” Lochlan whispered.

  “Good night, superstar,” Vanessa answered back just before sleep took over. Lochlan watched her sleep until sleep claimed her as well.

  Chapter Seven

  “Vanessa?” Lochlan whispered as she brushed the hair away from her eyes. “Hey, wake up.”

  Vanessa opened
her eyes. “Hey.”

  “The pilot is about to land. We need to get back in the seats and buckle up.”

  “Okay,” Vanessa said as Lochlan tried to help her remove the blanket draped over her. She took Vanessa’s hand and helped her stand. Once they were moving to the seats, Lochlan’s hand still in hers, they sat down and the pilot spoke. “Okay, we’re about to make our descent. It’s eleven fifty-nine p.m. and a cloudless night here in Los Angeles. The current temp is a nice seventy-one degrees. Thank you for choosing Skyway Airlines, Ms. Paige. We hope you ladies have a nice stay.”

  The jet started to descend. Vanessa yawned again, and Loc grinned. “Okay, sleepy girl. We’ll get my car and head home, where you can return to sleep.”

  Vanessa smiled through the yawn. “That would be good. It’s been a busy day. Breakfast with my family, a flight, time spent at the concert…” She paused for emphasis. “An amazing concert, and now this. Although it has been so much fun, it wears a girl out.”

  Lochlan smiled with pride. “Well, at least you seem to like it.”

  “I’ve had a wonderful time already.” Vanessa said just as they felt the jet shake, indicating they had touched down.


  The captain came over the intercom again. “You are now free to unbuckle the belts. The attendant will open the door shortly. Ms. Paige, your vehicle is being pulled up and will be just beyond the bottom step.”

  As they made their way down the airstairs, Lochlan’s white Range Rover SUV was parked at the base of the stairs. The flight crew pulled their bags to the vehicle and insisted on loading them in the SUV. Within half an hour of leaving the airport, Lochlan pulled into a gated driveway.

  They pulled around the circular driveway in front of a house that was very different from what Vanessa imagined she would see in LA. It had five oversized, squared white columns on the large porch of the modest-sized house. In the Carolinas, the house would have gone for a few hundred thousand, but here, overlooking Venice Beach, the price was probably outrageous. Vanessa saw the house with light yellow vinyl siding with black shutters. “This looks like—”

  “Home,” Lochlan finished.

  “It does.”

  “When I first saw it, it screamed the South. It just makes me feel—home.” They entered the house and walked into a completely open floor plan.

  Lochlan turned to Vanessa. “This is the part I’m unsure of.”


  “There are two rooms toward the back of the house and a room upstairs that has a living area.”

  “So, what’s the question?” Vanessa asked, although she knew what was coming.

  “I don’t want you to think that if I show you to a guest room that I don’t want you around me, but at the same time, I don’t want to assume that you’re okay with staying in my room. It’s late and I think that we both need some sleep, so either way, that’s what I intend for us to do. We have a long day tomorrow.”

  “Sounds decided to me.” Vanessa moved past Lochlan as she rolled her suitcase into the master bedroom. “Let’s get some sleep.”

  “This is going to be a long night.”

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Lochlan looked over to the clock that read 8:05 a.m. and sighed. She remembered the events of last night. As they were getting ready for bed, Vanessa emerged from the master bath in a white tank top and very, very short night shorts. Lochlan had thought she looked so cute, and as she got closer to the bed, she tried hard not to hyperventilate. When Vanessa climbed into bed, Lochlan felt as though the hyperventilating would likely become an implosion.

  During the night, they had found their way toward one another. When Lochlan had awakened this morning, Vanessa’s shoulder was touching hers while her foot was snuggled between Lochlan’s feet. She didn’t want to move, afraid of waking Vanessa. Lochlan had been awake almost an hour, just reveling in their time together.

  Vanessa started to move. She stretched and then jumped as if forgetting where she was.

  Lochlan placed a reassuring hand on her abdomen. “Hey.”

  Vanessa opened her eyes. “Hey.” She smiled. “I forgot where I was for a minute. Not used to waking up with someone. What time is it?”

  Lochlan turned to the clock on the nightstand. “It’s eight thirty.”

  “I can’t remember the last time that I slept this long,” Vanessa said as she noticed the flashing light on her phone.

  “Apparently, you needed the sleep.”

  “Must have.” She saw five missed messages from Chris and four from Mia. “God, they’re probably about to send out a search party.”


  “My brother and Mia.”

  “Did you tell them where you were?”

  “Mia, no. I love her, but I can’t trust anyone with this right now.”

  “And Chris?”

  Vanessa didn’t know how Lochlan would respond. “I told him that we’ve been talking. I trust him, Loc. If anyone can keep a secret, it’s Chris.”

  “You speak of him so fondly, and I believe he wouldn’t hurt you or break your trust. I trust you.”

  Vanessa smiled. “I told him I would be with you. He then explained that Mia called, asking him to talk me out of staying with my parents for the weekend. But he thinks I’m with you in Indy.” She clicked on the message icon and read his messages.

  Hey, sis. Just checking to see how you are

  Mia has texted me twice and called once looking for you. Better call her back.

  Okay, Mia is driving me crazy. Where are you?

  I am about to send out the special ops after you

  If I were with Lochlan, I wouldn’t answer either, but to let me know that you’re okay would be good.

  Vanessa clicked on Mia’s name.

  If you’re coming back tonight, call me.

  I thought we could do lunch tomorrow. You in?

  Okay, the silent game is getting old. Called Chris. Said you are with your mom. Call me.

  All right, bitch, I don’t know where you are but it’s nearly midnight. Call me.

  “Sorry. I need to handle this.”

  “It’s okay.” Lochlan started to get out of bed. “I’m gonna make us some breakfast. Whenever you’re done…”

  “I just need to text them really quick.”

  Vanessa sent the first one.

  Sorry. In the concert until late. Turns out bday weekend isn’t in Indy. Text you later.

  She then sent the second one.

  Just saw your texts. Busy weekend. Can I get back to you Monday?

  Vanessa climbed out of bed. “Did someone say something about breakfast?”

  Once breakfast was done, Lochlan packed a lunch and they headed to the garage, where Vanessa saw a shiny black Jeep Rubicon. The Jeep had oversized tires, a lift, and black rims. “I love this Jeep.”

  Lochlan turned and smiled. “That’s good, because I have two.”


  “You are a Southern girl, too. Do you think that I live in the South without one?” Lochlan laughed. “The one at home is almost identical. The only difference is it has four doors and a hardtop.” Lochlan placed the bags in the back and lifted into the driver’s seat. “You ready?”

  Vanessa got into the passenger’s seat. “I’m ready.”

  “Okay, let the birthday present begin.”

  They spent the day driving the coast, seeing the Hollywood sign, checking out the beach, and doing a bit of Rodeo Drive shopping. Lochlan bought a couple of outfits for the road. She also bought Vanessa an outfit as well. Vanessa protested, but Lochlan insisted she get the outfit that she had fallen in love with at one of the shops.

  They returned to Lochlan’s house around five that afternoon. They had lowered the top after the shopping, and their hair was windblown from the Jeep. Once they arrived, Lochlan explained that she was going to freshen up and fix her hair. Vanessa did the same knowing that Lochlan knew exactly what the plans were, so she would follow her lead.

p; It was now pushing six p.m., and they were dressing for an evening out. Lochlan had still been very quiet about what their plans were for what she referred to as “the main gift.”

  Just before seven that evening, they were ready to go. Vanessa had decided on the jeans that Lochlan had bought her along with a loosely fitting black button-up blouse. She had the shirt in a French tuck and it really did fit her figure perfectly. The dark shirt complemented her hair and eyes.

  “All right, I think I’m ready,” Vanessa announced as she walked from the bedroom.

  “I’m ready when you are.” Lochlan looked at Vanessa and beamed. “You look—good.”

  Vanessa blushed. “Thank you. Since I’m in LA, I hope I fit in.”

  “Are you kidding me? You fit perfectly.”

  “Thank you.” She took in Lochlan’s skinny jeans and royal blue button-down shirt. “You look so relaxed.” Vanessa smiled widely. “It’s an excellent look on you.”

  Lochlan smiled. “People compliment me on my looks all the time. From you it feels different somehow. Thank you.” She motioned for the door. “Shall we?”

  “I’m following you.”

  Lochlan smiled. “I am glad.” She turned to leave the house.

  “So, which one this time?”

  “Range Rover.”

  “Oh, we’re going classy tonight.”

  “Still trying to impress the girl,” she said as they pulled away from the house.

  They had driven for a while when Lochlan pulled over. She took something from the side door and turned to Vanessa. “I’m gonna need for you to put this on.” Lochlan handed her a blindfold.

  Vanessa laughed, then stopped when Lochlan wasn’t laughing with her. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes.” She extended the blindfold farther. “Please.”

  Vanessa took it and placed it gently over her hair. “This better not be some kinky shit.”

  She heard Lochlan laughing as she felt the car accelerate again. “Might wanna hold on to that mask, then.” Lochlan laughed again as Vanessa’s eyebrow rose.

  They had been driving just a few more moments when Vanessa felt the car making several quick turns. She could tell they were going much slower now. “I’m trying to remember all the turns and slow speeds just in case this becomes an episode of Criminal Minds and I’m going to need to find my way out of here.”


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