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Love's Falling Star

Page 15

by B. D. Grayson

  “Thank you, Jamie.”

  “Don’t thank me. I feel like I’ve been protecting a lot of things lately, but now I’m just not sure that any of them were Lochan.” Jamie sniffed. “She would want you here with us. You deserve to be here.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We both care about her and we have to make sure that she’s okay.” Vanessa wasn’t even sure if Jamie was speaking to her or just talking out loud.

  “We will, Jamie. Lochlan wasn’t ready for what coming out would cost her, so this doesn’t all fall on you.”

  Jamie sighed. “I wish I believed you.”

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Vanessa, Mia, and Ty touched down in Nashville and were met by Jamie and Spencer. Vanessa walked into Spencer’s open arms.

  I am so glad that you’re here.”

  Vanessa nodded against her shoulder, as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  On the way to the hospital, Jamie explained to Vanessa what was going on with Lochlan’s record label. “The record label was trying to step in.”

  “And do what?”

  “Their take on the situation was that Lochlan, a woman who never drank, needed help,” Jamie said in frustration.

  “That’s crazy.”

  “I went to bat for her, but the label said that it would send a good message to the fans that were dealing with similar issues to see her accept what had happened.”

  “Do you think that will stand?”

  “They don’t know her, Vanessa. I can say she doesn’t have a problem, and you can say that, but they are looking at this from the outside. They’re covering their own asses.”

  “What are we talking?”

  “If they get their way?” Vanessa nodded. “Thirty days rehab. Once released from the hospital, Lochlan will be transferred to a treatment center in Los Angeles.”

  “Surely you can fight this?”

  “The media outlets are running two very different stories. Half are saying that Lochlan was a drug-addicted star who had been battling depression. The other half seem to think she was a star that was exhausted after years of appearances and concert dates. The powers that be have to look proactive no matter what it seems to say about Loc.”

  Vanessa was silent for a moment. “What about Mac’s tweet? Even she said that everyone close to Lochlan knows that she doesn’t drink. Not to mention, four different bands who toured with her have said the same thing.”

  “She is definitely the hot topic today amongst talk shows. They’re questioning if we missed something.” Jamie looked away. “We know why this happened. They don’t.” There was a pause. “Not yet anyway.”

  When Vanessa arrived, she was introduced to Lochlan’s family and was given a moment alone with Lochlan. Once everyone was out of the room, she took the still, pale hand in hers. “I’m here, Loc. Everything is going to be okay. We just need for you to wake up.” She kissed her on the cheek. “And I’ll be right here when you do.”

  A short time later, the door opened and Lochlan’s sister entered the room. Kayla handed a coffee to Vanessa. “My sister tells me that you’re hardcore and drink coffee at night.”

  Vanessa smiled at the memory of her and Lochlan the first night they met. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “So, you knew?”

  “She told us, yeah.” Kayla sat in the chair on the other side of Lochlan’s bed. “When she almost collapsed that night—”

  “When she what?” Vanessa asked.

  “It was sometime in September. It was kept very quiet from the media. Mom was up visiting her and said that Lochlan just seemed drained. They took her to Nashville and she had to follow up with her doctor, who said that Loc wasn’t sleeping. That’s when the sleeping pills were prescribed. She told me about you.” Kayla laughed. “I mean, she told me all about you. The girl talked for hours.”

  “Her whole life has had to be a damned secret,” Vanessa said.

  “It does, and it sucks. She’s always protecting someone. She’s always made sure that we were all okay. Brad and Kyle had college paid for thanks to Loc. Casey, our nephew, has a trust fund already in place that is bigger than most people’s lifetime wages. With money from her second album, she bought Mom and Dad a new house. I got a full ride at the University of Tennessee, but she makes sure that everything I need or want is covered. She’s always taken care of us.” Kayla sighed. “Sometimes I think my bullheaded sister thinks that if anything ever happened to her, we would all fall apart. She worries about us and Jamie and Eli. She worries about every assistant and every band member. She thinks if Lochlan Paige is out of a job, so is everyone else.” Kayla looked at Vanessa. “My sister didn’t do this on purpose, Vanessa. I know her. She’s just under too much stress right now, and because of that, she couldn’t sleep. Jamie said sometimes the pills worked, others they didn’t. It depended on her stress level. She said there were nights Lochlan took those damn things and didn’t sleep for hours afterward. We believe that’s the reason she forgot she had taken them, they weren’t kicking in.”

  Vanessa sighed. “I don’t know what to do to help her.”

  “I know that you don’t. We all get it. Mac called me earlier.” Vanessa looked at her knowingly. “By that look, I assume that you know about them.” Vanessa nodded. “She’s freaking out.”

  “I’m sure.” Even Vanessa could hear the jealousy in her voice.

  Kayla chuckled. “It’s not like that. Mac is totally and completely in love with someone else. She and Loc have been friends for years, good friends, and probably always will be. Loc has been talking to Mac a lot lately. She’s of the belief that Loc was about to come out on her own.”

  “Jamie seem to think the same thing?”

  “Yeah, apparently.” Kayla smiled. “She told Mac last week that she couldn’t do this anymore.” A tear ran down Vanessa’s cheek. “Mac said that Loc’s entire next album was going to be songs that she wrote about you. Mac said that she had never been so proud of Loc. Said that she had finally found someone who was worth all the risks.”

  “God, Loc.”

  Kayla couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, and she told me about Brinley.” Vanessa started to laugh too. “She also told Mac. I remember her saying,” Kayla straightened and did her best Lochlan impression, “‘She doesn’t get that starstruck over me.’”

  They laughed. “I just never let it show.” Vanessa’s eyes widened. “Do you know how good Loc is in concert?”

  “Yep,” Kayla said proudly. “Seen her several times. Amazed every single time.”

  The door opened and a few nurses walked in. They checked Lochlan’s vitals and charted her bloodwork.

  One of the nurses smiled. “I’m a huge fan of hers. Not really supposed to tell you that, but there it is.”

  “Thank you,” Kayla replied.

  “We’re all hoping she wakes soon. Everything looks good and we don’t think it’ll be much longer.” The nurse looked over at Lochlan. “She’s just catching up on some sleep.” She motioned to the two couches in the room. “Those turn into a bed, and I’ll bring in some pillows and blankets for you. It’s getting late and I’m sure that you all need some sleep.”

  “I think most of us are going to Loc’s for the night.” Kayla looked at Vanessa. “A couple of us will stay, but the majority are heading out shortly.”

  “Well, there’s plenty of room. I can wheel in an extra recliner if we need it,” the nurse said.

  “The one that we have should be plenty,” Vanessa said.

  Lochlan’s parents and brothers came back in the room. “Okay, kids,” Lochlan’s mom said. “We need to leave Loc alone and let her rest.” She turned to Brad and Kyle. “You boys go with your dad.” She turned to Kayla.

  “Nope, I’m staying right here,” Kayla answered before her mom could say a word.

  “Figured as much.” She smiled and turned to Vanessa. “Honey, what would you like to do?”

“Can I stay?”

  Lochlan’s dad spoke up. “Do you have any idea the hell we’d catch from that one,” he motioned to Lochlan, “if we even thought of making you leave?”

  Vanessa smiled. “Okay, then, I would like to stay.”

  They turned to look at Mia and Ty. “What about you two?” Kayla said. “You can stay with Vanessa or head over to Loc’s with Dad. Totally up to you.”

  Vanessa caught the looks in their eyes. “I’m fine, guys. If you want to stay, you can, but you may need to get some rest. You can go with them and come back in the morning.”

  “Are you sure?” Ty asked.

  “I am. No need for everyone to be exhausted on the first day.”

  “So, I guess that we’ll head to the house with them.” Mia went over to hug Vanessa.

  Ty hugged her as well. “If you can’t sleep, call. I’ll put Mia on the phone and she can bore you to sleep.”

  “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Lochlan’s dad and bothers hugged Vanessa. “We’re a hugging family,” Brad said to Vanessa. “I think you better get used to that.”

  She loved the fact that Lochlan came from a family just as close as her own. Once everyone was gone, Kayla found a spot on the couch across the room, leaving the couch to Lochlan’s mom. They had pulled one of the recliners over to Lochlan’s bed where Vanessa snuggled in. She lay on her left side and raised her right hand out from under the blanket, placing it firmly on Lochlan’s.

  The lights in the room were turned down and the rhythmic sounds of the monitors lulled them to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lochlan took a deep breath before opening her eyes. She could hear unfamiliar noises around her. She heard the faint voices of people talking from a distance. Maybe outside her hotel room door? Why did people always have to be so loud in hotel hallways? She’d never understood that. And what the hell was that beeping? She slightly opened her eyes and looked to the left side of the room. She blinked several times until the figures came into view. Mom? Kayla? Where am I?

  It was then that she turned to the right of her bed and found a sleeping form snuggled under a blanket. Her gaze fell on the relaxed features of Vanessa’s face. She looks uncomfortable. Lochlan tried to move her hand, attempting to find the top of Vanessa’s head as she slept. She gently brushed over the hair. “Vanessa,” Lochlan groaned.

  At that, three heads in the room shot up. Lochlan groaned again at the sudden movement of her hand that was on Vanessa’s head.

  “Loc.” Vanessa seemed very excited to see her. “Hey,” she said softly.

  “Where the hell am I?”

  Her mom looked down at her. “You’re in the hospital, sweetie.”

  “What? Why? What happened?” She grimaced. “And why is my shoulder killing me?”

  “You fell,” Vanessa answered. “They said there’s some bruising, but nothing is broken.”

  “Well, that’s good, I guess.”

  “Yes,” Vanessa said, “that is very good. We frown on broken bones.” She smiled.

  Just then the reality of the situation hit. “You’re here?” She looked at Vanessa wearily. “Why?”

  Vanessa glanced at Lochlan’s mom. “I can leave if—”

  “No!” Lochlan said and grabbed her hand. “No. You and my mom, who don’t know each other, are in this room together. What happened to me that would make them call you?”

  Before anyone could answer, Kayla and three nurses entered the room. “Hello, Ms. Westbrook.”

  “Hi,” Lochlan replied nervously.

  “The doctor is on her way in. We’re gonna get some vitals really quick before she gets here.”

  Lochlan nodded as Kayla spoke. “I just texted Dad. He’s having coffee with Jamie, so she knows the update.”

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell happened?”

  Before anyone could answer, a doctor entered the room. “Ms. Westbrook. How are you?”

  “Very confused,” Lochlan answered.

  The doctor examined Lochlan’s pupils. “What kind of confused? Are you having memory issues? There was a small bump to the head—”

  “Well, that would explain the headache.”

  “We’ll get you something for that,” the doctor said as she continued to examine Lochlan.

  “I just want to know what happened.”

  “What was the last thing you remember?” the doctor asked.

  “I was—” Lochlan thought hard. “I was at home—writing and working on music.”

  “What else?”

  Lochlan closed her eyes. “That damned tequila. God.” She could almost still taste it. “I don’t ever drink, but for some reason—” She stopped and thought of the exact reason. She wouldn’t say it out loud. Not with Vanessa in the room.

  “We know that you were writing…” Kayla looked toward Lochlan. “And we thought that may have been why you needed a drink. Like, maybe it wasn’t going well. I mean, since you don’t even drink, we thought—”

  Lochlan stopped her rambling sister. “I drank some tequila and went back to writing. It got late, so I left the room and took my medicine.”

  “Your sleeping medication?” the doctor asked.

  “Yeah,” Lochlan said. “I usually only take vitamins, but yes, I’ve been taking sleeping medication lately.”

  “Did they tell you not to mix the medication with alcohol?”

  “Oh my God. They did—well, Jamie did. I don’t usually drink, so it didn’t cross my mind.”

  “But you did drink that night?”

  Lochlan looked down, ashamed. “I did.”

  “It’s okay, Loc,” her mom said. “We’re just trying to piece this together.”

  “So, you’re saying it made me sick? That’s why I’m here?”

  “Not exactly. How many of the pills did you take?”

  Lochlan looked at everyone in the room. She chuckled. “Um, just one.” When no one else laughed with her, she said, “I just took one—” She again looked at everyone. “Right?”

  “You were talking to Spencer on the phone,” Vanessa said. “She said that you seemed very groggy and asked her if you had taken your pill. She said that you took one then, so if you had taken one earlier, that makes two.”

  “So, I took two? And was drinking? God, what an idiot.” Lochlan shook her head.

  “We think, from the bloodwork, and what we can tell of the missing pills that you had filled three days ago, you had to have taken at least four,” the doctor said.

  “Four!” Lochlan quickly looked at the doctor, then raised one hand to her forehead at the sudden pain. “I didn’t take four!”

  “We think that maybe you were drunk, and you kept forgetting you took it,” Kayla said.

  “I wouldn’t have taken four!” Lochlan became agitated. “I didn’t. Wouldn’t I have been sleepy?”

  “Jamie said that sometimes the pills worked, and sometimes they didn’t,” Kayla reminded her.

  “So, I kept thinking I hadn’t taken them because they weren’t working?”

  “We aren’t sure exactly what happened,” the doctor said. “All we know is that you were drinking heavily, and you were found by a friend unconscious at your residence the next morning.”


  “Spencer found you,” Vanessa said.

  “Oh my God.” Lochlan put her face in her hands. “She must have been terrified.”

  “She’s pretty shaken up,” Vanessa answered. “She’s just worried about you.”

  “So, she brought me here?”

  “No, the EMTs did,” Lochlan’s mom said.

  “How sick was I?” Lochlan was in a complete panic now. “If the EMTs were there—” Lochlan’s eyes welled up with tears. This was all just too much. “Do people know?” She tried to keep her emotions in check, but then answered her own question. “Of course they know.”

  “I will leave you ladies alone,” the doctor said. “I think the questions that I’ve asked have clea
red things up in my mind.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Kayla said.

  “Lochlan, your condition could have had a much graver outcome had your friend not found you. When the EMTs arrived, you were starting to aspirate, and that alone…” The doctor paused, watching as the realization dawned on Lochlan as to what could have happened. “It’s going to be my recommendation that you aren’t prescribed any more medications that can have this effect.”

  Lochlan only nodded and the doctor left the room. “It’s all over the news, isn’t it?” When no one answered her, she turned her attention to Vanessa. “I haven’t spoken to you in months. How did you find out?”


  “Just tell me.” Lochlan felt her lip quiver and that made her even more angry with herself.

  Vanessa took a deep breath. “The news.”

  “And what were they saying?”

  “That you were found unresponsive in your home.”

  “Stop being vague, Vanessa. What did they say!” Lochlan noticed Vanessa’s flinch.

  “Lochlan—” her mother said.

  “I’m sorry.” She looked at Vanessa with sincerity. “If you’re here, without Jamie hovering over me like a Secret Service agent, it must have been bad. I just want to know—I need to know.”

  “They said you were found unresponsive with bottles of alcohol and sleeping pills,” Vanessa said. “We know that part isn’t true. They only found one of each with you.”

  “Suicide?” Lochlan shook her head. “They think it was a suicide attempt.”

  “Yes,” Vanessa answered.

  “Do you think that?” Lochlan looked at Vanessa. “I haven’t spoken to you in months and you’re standing here. Do you think I tried to kill myself?”

  “Spencer talked to you, Loc. She said that you were confused. That’s all I have to go on, but no, I think you made a mistake with the pills.”

  “What does this mean now?”

  “The record label may require a treatment facility,” her mother answered.

  “A what? It was an accident.”

  “They’re saying they have to treat it as if there’s a problem because no one actually knows what happened.”


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