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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

Page 51

by Westwood, Susan

  She stood. She wasn’t going to take this. Being an honest person, she had her pride. This man wasn’t going to take her down over an allegation.

  “So much for due process. I’m not going to stand her and be guilty until proven innocent,” she said. “I quit. I’ll be back after hours, with a guard if you must, to empty my desk.”

  She stormed out. He didn’t call her name. He didn’t call her back as she grabbed her purse and jacket to leave. That broke her heart as much as his accusation. He really believed that she was stealing from the only company she’d ever worked for. Stealing from his father even though he’d promoted her and supported her.

  She wouldn’t cry and it wasn’t until she was out on the sidewalk that she let them flow. How was she going to get home? Her car was at the apartment. She’d driven in with Nikolai. Her clothes were at his place.

  Damn it. She was going to have to tell the driver take her. If Nikolai was going to be an ass, she was going to take advantage of him. Then she chose not to. No. She would make a clean break.

  She put her purse strap over her shoulder, then walked away from the building like she owned the place. No looking back. She swiped away the tears on her face. She would not shed them for Nikolai or his company.

  She’d figure this out. Maybe not right now, but she would eventually. She always did. A block from the building, someone stepped out in front of her from an alley. Her breath caught in her throat as the man pulled out a knife.

  “Give me your purse.”

  This just pissed her off. Any other day and she might have given it to him to be pragmatic, but today she wasn’t feeling that way. Today, she was going to fight back as she should have with Nikolai. He had no more right to accuse her than this man had to pull a knife on her.

  Damn the world.


  She swing her purse and hit him in the face. Not hard enough because he recovered before she could run. He grabbed her hair, yanking her close to him. His breath wafted across her face.

  “Give me the purse bitch,” he said.

  Now she was scared. She should have just given up the purse. It was just an object. She could replace everything in it, but the cash. She wasn’t carrying much today. Nikolai seemed to pay for everything nowadays.

  That gravy train had left the station. Which made the little bit of cash she did have even more important. The man used the knife to cut the strap on her purse. Before he could take it, a stern voice said, “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Destiny looked up. Nikolai stood there, with a gun in his hand, looking scarier than she’d ever seen him. Must be his cop face. She would have given up the knife to him. The man must have agreed. He dropped the knife, let her go, then backed away. “Just a misunderstanding.”

  That was his explanation?

  Nikolai put a hand out to her. “Come here.”

  She didn’t want to, but the alternative was to stay closer to her assaulter. She took a step toward Nikolai, but didn’t take his hand. She heard footsteps as the man ran away. She was faced with Nikolai, to whom she didn’t have anything to say.


  Nikolai’s heart had raced when he saw the man grab Destiny. It turned out to be a random mugging, but what if it hadn’t been? He’d received a call from his detective telling him that Luis knew that Nikolai was looking for him.

  He raced out to find Destiny. She couldn’t be on her own. All of these things going on might have to do with Luis not Jamal. Or they might both be involved. Nikolai would never forgive himself if anything happened to Destiny because of him.

  She wasn’t part of this, but Luis had made her part of this.

  Destiny brushed past him. “Thanks.”

  She didn’t sound sincere. She strode away from him. As if some stranger hadn’t had a knife to her throat. God, she was ballsy. He liked that about her. No victim here. “Destiny.”

  She stopped, then spun around, her face a portrait of anger. If lightning had come out of her eyes, he wouldn’t have been surprised. “What?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Her shoulders drooped a little. “For what?”

  “For accusing you. In my gut, I knew you weren’t the embezzler, but my brain was the one that accused you.”

  “Your brain is shit.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. She wasn’t wrong in this situation. His brain had thought the wrong thing. She smiled a little at him. That was a good sign. “We need to get out of here. I don’t think you’re safe.”

  “It was just a mugger.”

  “This time, but the man who killed my partner has figured out that I’m looking for him. I think he’s targeted you, using Jamal.”

  “Jamal? He’s a two-bit junky.”

  “He might be, but I think he’s Luis’ puppet at the moment,” Nikolai said.

  “Am I fired?”


  “Do I get a raise?”

  Nikolai chuckled. “We can talk about that.”

  “I’m not moving until we talk about it.”

  Nikolai looked around. He’d tucked his gun back into its holster, but he felt vulnerable out here. The car was waiting for them back at the lot. He’d alerted his driver. They had to get out of here.

  This wasn’t the time to be obstinate. She was a strong woman, but she wasn’t reckless or foolhardy. She must not understand the danger she was in. As much as she hadn’t grown up rich, her life hadn’t been crime-ridden either, or she would be more scared.

  “Jeez, Destiny. Right now? We need to go. We can’t stand out here on the street.”


  She crossed her arms. She wasn’t budging. Damn her. “Okay. Two thousand dollars a month raise.”

  He took her arm, but she didn’t move. “One more week of vacation.”

  “Really? Okay. Fine. One more week of vacation.”

  She smiled at him then let him lead her to the waiting car. She could be a shark when she wanted to. He felt as if he’d been testifying in court. She didn’t sit close to him and he understood. He’d been a bastard and he had some making up to do. He could grovel with the best of them, though he hadn’t done much of it. Women came to him. If they weren’t happy, they could leave.

  Not so with Destiny. He owed her safety because he’d put her in danger. His vendetta put her in danger. This was his fault. She was collateral damage for his quest to avenge his partner’s death.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To a cabin my father owns.”

  “Why?” she said.

  This time she looked at him. Right at him. It sent a thrill through him. She was so sexy and hot and beautiful. What was he going to do with her? She was a major complication in his life.

  “Because you aren’t safe.”

  “No one knows where you live,” she said.

  “This place will be harder to get to.”

  She frowned. “What about getting to work?”

  “You’re taking a few days off.”

  “I don’t think they should count toward my vacation.”

  “Give it a rest, Destiny. We can sort that out later.”

  She laughed. How could she laugh when he’d told her she was in danger?

  “You really think I’m in danger?”

  “Yes, I do. Luis is a dangerous man, and if he knows that I’m after him, he’s going to strike at me. Not directly at first. He’ll take out people around me. I’ve already warned my parents. You’re the only other person that I have to worry about.”

  She looked out the window. “Are you going to go after this guy?”

  “I have to. He’s threatening the people around me. He has to be taken out.”

  She glanced back then nodded. “What happens if he gets you first?”

  Did she have no faith in him? Then again, she didn’t know him as law enforcement. He always got his man.

  “He won’t. I’m that good,” Nikolai said. His family was depending on him. He had no choice but to be b
etter than this low life slime.

  “Awfully cocky.”

  “You know this about me. Didn’t I promise you five orgasms that first night?”

  She bit her lip, but didn’t look at him. She must remember. She’d had six that night. One had been for good luck. It had been a great night. Life had been simpler then. They were anonymous lovers. Now this was complicated,

  mostly by his wanting revenge for his partner’s death. He’d never thought there would be collateral damage. The benefit of not getting involved.

  But he was involved. Even if they were just lovers, she was posing as his girlfriend. He never should have done that. He should have pushed her away. She’d be safe.

  But he’d miss her. That he knew. He didn’t want to analyze that emotion. No, he’d just know that he’d feel it and let it go. No time for mushiness on his part. He was a man and he had to act to protect this woman.

  Whether she was his or not. Didn’t matter. He put her in danger.

  “A gentleman wouldn’t remind a lady of that.”

  “I’m not gentleman.”

  “You’re whisking me away to save my life.”

  He shrugged. “Don’t read too much into it.”

  She frowned. “No fear of that. You’ve made it clear where I stand.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “I guess it's refreshing, you being this honest. Makes it easier to know where I stand. No games. I’m in your bed and that’s it.”

  “You can still be in my bed.”

  She shook her head. “Not sure I want to anymore.”

  Ouch. He didn’t register the pain outwardly, but he felt it deeply. He’s screwed up in accusing her of embezzling money. He’d have to make it up to her, though he wasn’t sure how he would.


  Nikolai hadn’t been to his father’s cabin in decades. They used to spend a weekend or two here each year. The place looked exactly the same. He had fond memories of exploring the woods around it as a little boy.

  “You’re smiling,” Destiny said. “It’s the first time I’ve seen that in a while.”

  “I love this place. Even though I wish it was under better circumstances, I’m glad we’re here. Maybe part of me needed to be here.”

  The cabin sat in the dense woods north of the Pocono Mountains. Yuri had bought it when Nikolai was very young. It was one of four houses that his father owned. All of them would be Nikolai’s someday. He knew he’d keep this one for sure. The rest he could sell.

  They’d stopped to buy clothing for a few days for both of them. The cabin had a washer and dryer so hopefully they wouldn’t need to leave too soon. He knew the place had been stocked recently.

  Destiny carried her bags of clothing while he carried his. She’d been quiet most of the trip. They’d picked up one of his cars from a garage along the way so he could let the driver go home. Besides, he didn’t want anyone to know where they were.

  “Did you turn off location services on your phone?” he said when they’d gone inside.


  “Good. I don’t want any way to track us.”

  “You’re really serious about this,” she said.

  He had no idea why she questioned his diligence. Luis was a dangerous man, and if he got a bead on anyone close to Nikolai, they’d be dead. He didn’t want that. Destiny would be collateral damage and this wasn’t her fault.

  Besides, this gave him lots of time to make it up to her for accusing her of embezzling money. She was hurt and she had a right to be. He’d known deep down that she wasn’t the bad guy. She was Destiny, a sexy and honest woman he hoped to share his bed with while she was here.

  She put her stuff in one of the other bedrooms. Guess he would have to do some charming to get her in bed. He understood that, but this was new territory for him. He’d never had to apologize. No one stayed long enough for him to do something butt-headed like this. Maybe that had been his plan all along. Keep the women around just long enough to like them, but not do something stupid.

  It certainly had worked all along.

  Too bad Destiny was different. She inspired things in him that he had no idea that he was capable of. He’d always been protective, but with Destiny it was more personal. He couldn’t let just anyone take care of her.

  He had to do it himself.

  She joined him in the kitchen.

  “Tea?” he said.

  His step-mother always made tea in a crisis.


  Destiny had changed out of her work clothing and into jeans and a shirt. The jeans hugged her butt as if they were best friends. He liked the look. She didn’t usually wear things that were this tight.

  He placed the tea in front of her after he'd made it. “I’m sorry.”

  She sipped it, staring at him over her mug. “Oh?”

  “I am. I was wrong. I never should have accused you, knowing in my heart that you couldn’t do that to Yuri.”

  She frowned. “Even if Yuri hadn’t’ always treated me well, I still couldn’t do it. I’m not a thief.”

  He squeezed her hand, hoping she could find it in her heart to forgive him. “I know.”

  “You really think I’m in a lot of danger?”

  “I’m pretty sure. Luis is a drug lord and Mafia head. Mexican Mafia. I had hoped to find him before he found out I was looking for him.”

  “Will you go after him?”

  “I’m going to as soon as I get a confirmation on where he is. I have to stop this. He’s caused too much destruction. My father’s fighting cancer. He doesn’t need this. You don’t need this.”

  “What if he gets you first?”

  She looked almost worried for him. Could he hope that she did have some feelings for him? “He won’t.” He smiled at her. “Does that mean you’ve forgiven me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You think I’m that much of a pushover?”

  “No, and that’s one of the things I like about you, Destiny. You’re a strong woman.”

  “Now you’re just being charming.”

  “I’m not being charming. I’m telling the truth. You never just take what I say or do passively. You always push back.”

  She cocked her head at him. “Maybe I believe you.”

  “Then maybe you should forgive me.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “What else can I do to make this up to you?”

  She tapped her chin as if she were pondering what he could do. “Take me to bed and make it all about me.”

  His dick woke up. Hello. “I think I can do that.”

  She had forgiven him. She wouldn’t have let him touch her if she wasn’t okay with him. Hot damn. This hadn’t taken as long or as much effort as he thought. He grabbed her hand, then dragged her into the largest of the three bedrooms.

  She laughed as he did that. He liked her laugh. He couldn’t help but smile when she did that. It lit up her whole face. Her eyes sparkled. He gazed down at her, brushing some hair out of her face. She was a beautiful woman.

  So he captured her lips with his. As if someone had poured warm liquid into his veins, his body flooded with the sense of coming home. He hadn’t noticed that before in kissing Destiny, but his mind had been changed recently.

  He was looking at things differently and that clearly included this woman. What was he going to do now?


  Destiny knew this was the wrong thing to do. Her heart wanted it. Her head didn’t. Her body was all for it. His lips tangoed across hers, his hands in her hair. She needed to breathe, but she didn’t want to lose contact.

  This man was infuriating and stimulating at the same time. She tugged at his clothes while he removed hers. They were rapidly naked. Just how she wanted to be. If she was going to be in exile, she was going to make the best of it. When this was done, she figured he’d be done with her.

  If he found her sibling, he’d be done with her. The relationship wasn’t going to last much longer, but she was going to tak
e what she could until that happened. With a baby to care for, she wouldn’t have much time to date. Juggling a baby and her job would be difficult, but she would do it. She had to. That baby was her brother or sister.

  Nikolai lay her on the bed. He stared down at her. He climbed on top and kissed her. The kiss sent a warm feeling throughout her body. He nipped at her neck, then he traveled to her breasts. Her body rose to him as he took first one nipple then the other.

  He was making it all about her. This was good. Her hands clenched the sheets underneath her. Her body was on fire with need, but she didn’t want it to end. For once she wanted to revel in the act not the finish line.

  She had that humming in her ears that was both annoying and amazing. Like a thousand bees in her head. She wouldn’t trade it for anything. He reached the apex of her legs. He spread her knees then dove in.

  He was an expert with his tongue. Her body responded instantly. It had been down this road before so there was no need to traverse it with trepidation. No, her body accelerated to the orgasm like she was in a lone drag race. Like a spawn of Satan was chasing it.

  Her body rocked with the aftershocks, but Nikolai didn’t stop his assault on her with this mouth. He licked and sucked until she came again. She’d sleep well tonight. He sat back on his haunches a grin on his face. She stared at him through half-closed eyes.

  “You’re proud of yourself,” she said.

  “Yes, I am Destiny. We have all afternoon and all night.”

  “I may not survive.”

  A chuckle rumbled out of him. “Oh, you’ll survive, Destiny. You’re tougher than that.”

  She snorted. “Do your best then.”

  “Roll over.”

  She eyed him. Then she rolled onto her stomach.

  “Tuck your knees under you.”

  She did. Her butt was in the air, but his hand was on her wet spot. He rubbed with is thumb while she heard the tearing of a condom wrapper. He must have slid it onto himself, because he leaned over, then pushed himself inside of her. Oh. God. He was hitting some different spots.

  Her body loved it. Her body was on fire and she couldn’t stop pushing back against him.

  “Now slowly slide one leg so it’s straight.”


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