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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

Page 52

by Westwood, Susan

  She did. He stayed inside of her.

  “Now the other.”

  He held her body as she did this. Then he stroked her from the inside. Hitting all sorts of spots at this angle that had her body buzzing. Oh. Yes.

  He kept the rhythm smooth. Her legs were spread outside of his, but he kept going. She couldn’t get purchase. He was in control. She couldn’t push back at this angle and her body wanted to so badly.

  This was unlike any sex she’d ever had. Finally, she braced her arms on the headboard and could at least hold her body steady. She had to get some control or she was going to wake the wildlife outside during her climax.

  Oh. Shit. Then it hit. In waves over her. Maybe the best orgasm she’d ever had. With a grunt and a moan, Nikolai followed her over the cliff.

  He lay on top of her. Destiny couldn’t speak. She could barely breathe even though his full weight wasn’t on her. He slid off of her and her body lamented the loss of contact. He returned before she’d caught her breath.

  He pulled the covers over her then joined her under them. She had her head on her stacked hands.

  “Just the beginning,” he said.

  Oh. My. Goodness. He kissed her nose.

  “You’re forgiven.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I figured that. I am really sorry. I’m not usually that much of a butt-head.”

  “You were a big butt-head.”

  He turned onto his side, his gaze staring straight at her. His expression was serious. “This is all new and scary. Most women don’t last this long in my life.”

  “I guess you haven’t really had a choice have you?”

  “No, but that’s okay. That’s not what scares me.”

  “What does?”

  “Falling in love. I don’t think I can do it and that may disappoint you,” he said.

  He was admitting that he couldn’t love her. That hurt, but she brushed off the feeling. She’d known this from the start. She hadn’t had any expectations of what he would feel. No, she’d gone into this with her eyes open.

  Too bad her heart hadn’t listened. It longed to hear the words. Longed to know that another heart beat for it.

  “You didn’t make any promises, Nikolai. I appreciate that. I’d rather have honesty than charming words that didn’t mean anything,” she said.

  It was easier to get over a hurt if you’d been wounded by the truth instead of a lie. This is how it would be with Nikolai. He’d never paint a rosy picture if in fact the landscape wasn’t that color. No. He’d give her the truth and that was one of the reasons she loved him.

  She didn’t want to love him, but her heart had other ideas. Her heart had gone off all on its own and decided to feel this way about him.

  And her heart would be sorry at some point.


  Destiny woke the next morning. Nikolai was gone. He’d left a note that he was going into the office for a few hours. He’d be back.

  She stretched. Her body ached in some amazing ways. She showered then made herself some breakfast, having no idea what she was going to do with her day. She had bought a magazine in the store where they’d bought the clothing. That was all she had to read.

  She had nothing else to do.

  With her plate of eggs, she wandered into the living room. Well, at least there was a television. She flipped it on. Then she heard a noise.

  Turning down the volume, she strained to listen. She didn’t hear it again. She shook her head. This whole situation had her paranoid.

  “Must be jumpy.”

  She was a city girl. The country had all sort of sounds she wasn’t used to. Hopefully, Nikolai would be back soon. He’d know what was normal and what wasn’t. She continued watching a mindless movie, but her ears kept picking up sounds that she didn’t like.

  She turned off the television, then walked her plate to the kitchen. That’s when someone came in the back door. They crashed through it as if it were paper. She dropped the plate on the floor, smashing it into many pieces. She was barefoot so she didn’t want to step in it, but she had to run.

  She had to get out of here. She spun toward the front door. The intruder grabbed her hair. She squeaked, then screamed, knowing that this house was too remote for anyone to hear her. Maybe a hunter would be walking by.

  Just maybe.

  The man yanked her backwards. She saw stars in her eyes from the pain. He hadn’t gotten her off her feet yet, so she kicked backwards. She heard a grunt. She’d connected. She kicked with her other foot, wishing she knew how to defend herself.

  The person yanked again, and this time she fell back onto him. On purpose. She used her weight to take him off-balance. He grunted again, but he didn’t fall over.

  So she spun around, her hair twisting in his hand, then she began to punch out at him. He punched back and she was stunned for a moment. When she recovered, he’d gotten a better grip of her.

  She punched out. He twisted her arm around to her back.


  The tendons in her shoulder stretched. The pain shot down her spine.

  She kicked again this time connecting with his shin. He yanked her arm higher and she could feel the joint straining. She bent forward to give her arm some relief, but he yanked at her hair. So she backed him into the counter. Hard.

  He let out another grunt. “Bitch.”

  He forced her onto the floor. As she went down, she heard a car pull up. The man dropped her onto the floor. She hit her face and her hand. He kicked her legs then disappeared out the back door.

  She was a little dazed on the floor. She couldn’t get her bearings to sit up. The room spun, her vision darkening and coming clear.

  “Destiny?” Nikolai called as he came in the front door.

  Guess the person hadn’t left their car in the driveway. She groaned.

  “Destiny?” he said, the concern seeping into his voice.

  He finally found her. She was sitting on her butt on the kitchen floor. Her arm hurt, as did her head. She didn’t think she had a concussion. Her nose was bleeding. It might have been a truck that had come through here and run her over for the way she felt. Only her survival instincts had kept her from being an easy target.

  “Someone was here.”

  He knelt down in front of her. He was a sight for sore eyes. “Holy shit, Honey.”

  His eyes studied her. Then he grabbed a towel and put it under her nose. She winced a little. Hopefully it wasn’t broken, but it had stopped her fall.

  “I’m okay,” she mumbled.

  “You need to get checked out.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Your noise is bleeding and you’re holding your arm funny.” He looked around. “Can you stay here and I’ll make sure the person is gone?”

  She nodded, but that hurt so she winced. He patted her leg. “Stay put.”

  As if she was going to run outside right now. She wasn’t sure she could stand until the room stopped wobbling. He returned a few minutes later. She still sat on the floor, holding the towel to her nose. She wanted to throw up from the stress of getting attacked.

  He knelt down again. “Can you get up?”

  “I think so.”

  He helped her to her feet, never letting go. At that moment, he seemed like the strongest man in the world. He was here for her and she fell in love with him all over again. Stupid. He was just helping her because this was his fault. He knew it. His vendetta against the drug lord had put her in this position.

  It wasn’t out of affection, but responsibility. It was just his code. He was that type of man. Something she’d never encountered before.


  He slid a stool under her butt so she sat. He took away the towel. “You’ve stopped bleeding, but your face is going to bruise.”

  He put ice in a bag, wrapped it in a new dish towel then put it on her face.


  “Sorry, Destiny. You hold it.”

  She did. He leaned back against th
e counter. “I really thought you’d be safe here.”

  He was clearly feeling guilty.

  “I’m okay. Really.”

  “You should get checked out. I’ll take you to the local hospital. You need a bodyguard, too.”

  She frowned, but she couldn’t argue with him.

  “Where are your shoes?”

  “By the front door.”

  He put on her shoes, then tied them. “You okay to move?”

  “Yes, the room as stopped spinning.”

  “We need to file a report.”


  She wasn’t going to argue with him as he led her gently to his car. The look on his face was priceless. He was feeling badly about the attack. She wasn’t exactly enjoying it, but she wanted to laugh at how sweet he was being.

  He climbed into the car, his gaze raking over her. He let out a noisy breath, then he took her hand in his. “Destiny. I’m so sorry about this.”


  The hospital was a small one, and they took Destiny in right away. Nikolai was thankful. She’d looked awful and his heart had been in his throat when he’d seen her on the floor. He wasn’t sure if she was alive or dead. Then she’d moved and he’d seen what the asshole had done to her face.

  This was his fault. He hadn’t thought there would be any collateral damage to his chasing Luis Esposito. He’d assumed that he’d find the guy and kill him. That would be the end. Now Destiny was in the hospital. She wasn’t seriously injured, but she was in danger and he couldn’t seem to protect her.

  A police officer showed up to take Destiny’s statement. She was then treated and released. He had only one place to take her. His father’s house. The place was in a gated community and a fortress in and of itself.

  His stepmother would just have to deal.

  “Whose house is this?” Destiny asked.

  Her arm was in a sling. It would be for a day or so. She’d strained her shoulder. She looked like she’d gone a few rounds with a prize fighter, but she seemed to be in good spirits.

  That didn’t assuage his guilt at all.

  “It’s my father’s house. It’s secure and I can leave you here while I have some business to attend to.”

  “Don’t go after him.”

  “That isn’t my current business. I’m tracking down leads on your sibling.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Even if I give up my vendetta against Luis, he’ll still come after you. He gets a bead on someone and doesn’t give up. You’ll be safe here.”

  “What do I tell them about us? They’re bound to ask.”

  “We aren’t serious, but we’re seeing each other.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Interesting that she’d asked that. She hadn’t known what to say because other than her posing as his girlfriend, they’d never defined what they were. Maybe that was best. He didn’t want to leave anyone behind when he went back to the FBI.

  He’d called ahead to his stepmother. She agreed to let Destiny stay there for a few days. His father’s treatment was past and his next one wasn’t for a few weeks. He’d be strong and would be okay with company.

  Nikolai wouldn’t have asked if it hadn’t been important. He didn’t like to depend on his father. That’s why his money still sat in the bank until he took over the company. Nikolai considered himself a crime fighter, not a billionaire, though he was acting more and more like a rich kid these days.

  Part of him longed for his undercover days. Playing a part had been good for him. Dealing with low-life scum like Luis Esposito had not been good. That problem would soon be solved.

  “You sure this is okay? I mean with Yuri being sick and all.”

  “He’s okay right now. I’m sure he’ll appreciate catching up with you. You can tell him all the office gossip. He’ll want to know because he probably misses it.”

  Destiny nodded, then climbed out of his car. He’d bought her a suitcase and clothing so he didn’t have to go back to the house. The place wasn’t safe and he didn’t want anyone to pick up his trail.

  He was pretty sure that no one had followed them. If they did, they were stopped at the front gate. Destiny glanced back at him then mounted the steps to the massive front door. The house was old and had been standing for more than one hundred years. The front door had a lion for a knocker.

  Nikolai was used to it, but it must have looked formidable to Destiny. He took her hand in his before she knocked on the door.

  “It’ll be okay. I promise.”

  She frowned, clearly not believing him. She had to stay here. He was out of options and he had to keep her safe.

  Once she was ensconced in Yuri’s house, Nikolai went to see the foster parents who might have ended up with Destiny’s mother’s baby. The house wasn’t neat and clean and had no personality. A television blared while someone mowed the back lawn.

  Nikolai knocked on the front door. A little face peered out from the open door. Only a screen stood between him and the kid.

  “Is one of your parent’s home?” he said.

  The kid nodded then closed the door. Nikolai waited. Someone came and opened the door. “Yes?”

  “I’m Nikolai Alman. I was told that you are fostering a newborn that you just received? I think I know the family of the newborn. They are looking for him or her.”

  “You don’t know if it is a boy or a girl?”

  “The mother died before she could tell her relatives what she had,” Nikolai said. It sounded preposterous to his ears. “I just want to see the baby.”



  “You want to see the baby, you come back with a cop. Or a court order.”

  “You won’t let me see the baby? I won’t even hold it,” he said.

  “Nope. Bring me a cop or a court order. Nothing less will let you see this baby.”

  She slammed the door. What a warm sort. The exact place he’d love his baby to be. God, was he a sucker? He was tracking down a baby for a woman he wasn’t even really seeing. Yikes.

  How had his life gotten this way? He didn’t even like babies. If Destiny had one, he doubted that he could stick around. Children changed too many things and he wasn’t interested in having any. Hell, he didn’t even want a wife.

  He sighed, staring at the closed door. So much for that crusade. He wasn’t sure he would bother with the cop or the court order. Unless Destiny convinced him otherwise, the baby might be better in a house with two parents rather than Destiny taking on the job.

  He walked away, shaking his head.


  Destiny wandered around her wing of the house. It was like having her own apartment, but her place could fit inside this one. Twice. She didn’t want to bother Yuri and his wife. They’d been warm to her, but she still felt as if she were being a burden.

  She had a bedroom and a bathroom with an enormous tub. The shower was fit to have a party in. Which made her think of Nikolai. Was he lying to her about not going after Luis? She didn’t know how all that would end. Not well, she was sure. The attacker had been set on taking her with him. If she was bait, then Nikolai would come for her. If she wasn’t with him, then no one could use her against him.

  She pondered that for a moment.

  Then he appeared. As if he’d known that she was thinking about him. He looked strong and noble, but also a little tired. He’d rolled up his sleeves, the way men do that women find sexy. She was finding it sexy at the moment. He looked like he was getting ready to get down to business.

  She sat on the couch in her sitting room. He was in the doorway. “I may have found your mother’s baby. There will have to be DNA tests. You tell me how far you want to go with this.”

  “All the way. If that is my sister or brother, I want to raise him or her,” she said.

  “You can still hold down your job?”

  “Is that what you’re worried about? Women do it all the time. I’ll do whatever needs to be done.”

No, that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m concerned that you have no idea what you’re taking on. This baby will probably have health issues because of your mother’s drug use.”

  “I realize that. It’s still my sibling. I have to take care of it. I’m the only family he or she has.”

  “But what if it gets adopted?”

  “Given his or her potential medical problems, that’s not likely. My grandmother could have refused to take me in, but she didn't. I’m just returning the favor,” Destiny said.

  He was concerned about it infringing on what he wanted. She knew this. Another reason to get away from him. She could raise the baby herself. Of course it wouldn’t be easy, but there was family leave and day care. She’d figure it out. The company had a great medical plan.

  Did he think she wasn’t capable of raising a child? The thought hadn’t occurred to her.

  “You don’t think that you’re being selfish?” he said.

  “With whom? You? Will this baby infringe on what you want?”

  He took a step back as if she’d slapped him. Was she underestimating him? “Uh, that’s not what I mean.”

  “It sounds like it.”

  He put up his hands. “Let’s not fight. We can get a blood sample from both of you and get it checked out. I’ll talk to Sacha tomorrow. He’s a lawyer. He can help us with this.”

  He slumped onto the couch, looking tired now. His hair was messy which rarely happened. The lines around his eyes were more pronounced.

  “How are you feeling?” he said.

  “My shoulder hurts.”

  “Have you been taking your pain medication?”

  “I’m due in half an hour.”

  “Don’t forget to take it. The nurse said you will heal better if you aren’t in pain.”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  He put a hand on her face. It was warm. And calloused. He was definitely a man who hadn’t spent any time in an office prior to taking over for his father. He was a man who worked. Destiny would bet he worked hard and was good at what he did.

  “I’m serious, Destiny. I know you want to get better.”

  She nodded. “I’m just glad I don’t have a concussion. I had one of those once. Painful and they take some time to heal.”

  “You ready for dinner? We can order in or eat with my dad and step-mother.”


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