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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

Page 53

by Westwood, Susan

  “I’m not up for company.”

  He pulled out his phone. “I’ll text them to eat without us. I can cook us something.”

  “You don’t look up to it.”

  “Do I look that bad?”

  She brushed a hand through his hair. “You look tired. Like you’ve been fighting to save the world all day.”

  He snorted. “No, not the world, not today.”

  He ran a hand down his face. She wanted to snuggle with him. Let him know it would all be okay. This was a rare vulnerable moment for him. She hadn’t seen him this defeated. She doubted he ever was.

  She put her hand on his shoulder. He rested his head on hers. “It’s okay, Nikolai. I’m alive.”

  “I know you are. I can feel you.”

  “Thanks for looking for my mother’s baby.”

  “You’re welcome, but let’s not talk about it.”



  “Yes. I’m hungry.”

  “You could have eaten. You didn’t have to wait for me,” he said.

  But she’d grown accustomed to them eating dinner together. Truth be told, she looked forward to it. He told her about his day, though she knew most of what happened. He bounced ideas off of her as if her opinion mattered. He treated her as if she were an intelligent human being.

  Kind of the way Yuri treated her. She shouldn’t be surprised the father and son would have similar values. She saw a lot of Yuri in Nikolai. Both had white hair and almost silver eyes. Nikolai had more meat on him, but that was probably because of what he did for a living.

  “Let’s order in. I have no energy to cook. Italian?”


  “Thai it is,” he said.

  He pulled out his phone. “I’ll find the closest restaurant who delivers and see what they have.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Now go take your pill. I don’t want you in any pain,” he said.

  He sounded as if he cared about her.


  Nikolai was at work when he received the call. He hadn’t even had a chance to set up the DNA testing for the baby. The call was from a social worker.

  “This is Marge Hanover. I’m with the Division of Youth and Family Services. You were looking for an infant?”

  “Yes, the mother died and we have no idea where the baby ended up.”

  “There was no paperwork signed for adoption so you are actually saving me a headache. Does the family member want to give up the baby?”

  “No, the baby’s sister wants to keep the baby.”

  He didn’t want to say those words, but they were true. Destiny wanted the baby. He wasn’t sure he wanted a baby in his life.

  “What relation are you to the family member?”

  He crossed his fingers. “I’m her husband.”

  “Okay. Well, you’ll have to sign a pile of paper work, and show identification. Then I can give the baby up to you,” she said.

  “When is your office open until?”

  “I’ll be here until half past five. Does that work?”

  “You have the baby there?”

  “I’ll have the foster family bring him around.”


  “Yes, the baby is a boy. You didn’t know that?”

  “No, the mother died before she said anything to the family. We’ll be happy to take him in.”

  He wasn’t completely on board with this, but if this was what Destiny wanted, then she would have this baby. He had never wanted children, so she could have this baby all to herself. He didn’t want to be a part of it.

  Still, he would surprise her.

  He left the office in time to get to the office of DYFS. A harried-looking woman greeted him. She seemed to be the only one in the office. A baby sat in a carrier. A baby that looked like Destiny. He couldn’t deny that this was probably her sibling.

  “He’s a sweet baby, but there’s no telling what kind of medical problems he’ll have.”

  Nikolai nodded as he looked down at the sweet face. He’d picked up a car seat on the way over, so he was at least somewhat prepared. “I have no experience with babies. What will I need in the short term?”

  “Diapers and bottles and formula.”

  “Okay. Any special kind of formula?”

  “I have a bag of what the baby has been fed. The foster parents gave up what they had. You have a day’s worth of formula and maybe a day’s worth of diapers,” she said.

  He nodded. Someone could take care of this for him. He’d send out someone at his father’s house. He signed the paperwork, then carried the baby and the bag of stuff to the car. When he arrived at his father’s house, no one was home but Destiny. That was good.

  He wasn’t sure how his father or stepmother would take to a new baby in the house. He had to find another spot to hide Destiny. And now this baby.

  The little boy had been quiet the whole drive. That was good because Nikolai didn’t know anything about babies. He carried the child and the bag of accessories into the wing of the house where Destiny was.

  Her eyes went wide at what he had in his hands. “What?”

  “It’s your little brother. You'll have to name him. Your mother didn’t.”

  She blinked then took the carrier out of his hand. She set it down then unbuckled the child. She picked him up. Something stirred in Nikolai, seeing her with a child. He didn’t like that stirring. Maybe he’d go shopping for stuff. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be around all of this.

  Destiny looked like a natural as she cuddled the baby closer to her. The smile on her face was unmistakable. Radiant even. She was happy to have her brother with her.

  “There’s a bag with diapers and formula. You’ll need more. I can go out and get some.”

  “I have dinner ready. Your parents went out so I cooked us something,” she said. “I made stew.”

  This was all too domestic. Nikolai felt as if someone was strangling him. He couldn’t breathe. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. “Uh, I’m not hungry.”

  She bounced the baby as if she’d been doing it her whole life. As if she’d be born to do it. How did women do that? You gave them a baby and they seemed so natural. He’d been afraid to hold the child at all. He couldn’t imagine wanting to.

  This was all too much. He backed out of the room. “I’ll go to the grocery store.”



  “What’s wrong?”

  Destiny stared at him. He tried to form words. Tried to be diplomatic. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but babies were not his forte. He’d never wanted children and had never been comfortable around them. He’d rather have to face down a drug lord on meth than hold a baby.

  Nor did babies seem to like him. They cried when he held them, so he avoided them as much as he could. A bachelor didn’t encounter them too often. “Uh.”

  “Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” she said.

  “I have to go get you some supplies.”

  “Wait. Let me make you a list of what we need.”

  He shook his head, his steps taking him out of the room. “Uh. I’m just getting diapers and formula. The rest can wait.”

  She laughed at him. “Okay. If you must.”

  “Yes, I must.”

  He spun around and just about ran out of the house. What was he going to do? He couldn’t just kick Destiny out. She was still in danger. Now she had to worry about a baby, too. Damn. He never should have looked for the baby.

  Now he didn’t know what to do. He ran outside, taking large breaths, happy to be breathing again.


  Destiny knew from the look on Nikolai’s face that her days here were numbered. She looked down at the sweet child in her arms. This poor boy was going to be collateral damage of her bad choices. The poor thing was already a victim of his mother’s bad decisions.

  “What do I call you?”

  She pondered his name. He be
came a little fussy. “Derek. That’s your name.”

  She didn’t remember any Dereks in her life, but the name seemed to fit him. The baby yawned, then fussed a little. “You must be hungry.”

  Foraging in the bag that Nikolai had left, she pulled out a bottle of formula, already made. She wandered to the kitchen where the pot of stew waited for her to reheat it. She wasn’t sure if Nikolai would be back. She would have to get out of here.

  There was no way a man fighting cancer would have a baby in the house. Yuri had a compromised immune system. Who knew what illnesses this baby carried? Destiny heated the bottle. She sat on a chair, the baby cradled in her arms. She cradled the phone under her chin and neck so she could make some calls.

  First, she needed a cab. The baby ate then fell asleep. Destiny put the baby in his carrier to make the rest of the calls. Someone could pack up her stuff. Right now they needed a hotel room.

  The cab arrived fifteen minutes later. Destiny wrote a note to Nikolai, then took the baby with her to a local hotel. The baby would have to sleep in his carrier. She didn’t have a crib or a cradle and wouldn’t until she settled somewhere.

  That was next on her agenda.

  She called a local real estate agent.

  “Hi, I’m looking for rental units. Two bedrooms.”

  “I have a few. Can you come see them now?”

  She glanced at the sleeping baby. She didn’t have a car seat. She’d have to get it from Nikolai or find a way to purchase a new one. The ride in the cab had been bad enough. She couldn’t risk her brother’s life again.

  “I can’t until tomorrow.”

  “Okay then. Let’s make an appointment for one in the afternoon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  In the meantime, she’d figure out where to get a car seat from. Her phone rang. Nikolai.

  She wasn’t going to hide from him so she answered.

  “Where the hell are you?” he said when she answered.

  “I’m at a hotel.”


  “Because your father can’t be around a baby and clearly you don’t want to be. It’s okay, Nik. I’m not mad, but Derek has to come first.”


  “That’s what I’ve named him. I have to protect him and you don’t want a baby around. That was very clear. It’s fine. I get it, Nikolai. We were never a long term prospect.”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute. “I see. How can I protect you if you aren’t with me?”

  “You can’t protect me any longer. I’m not going to pretend to be your girlfriend anymore. We’re done Nikolai. I’ll come back to work and that’s it.”

  He sighed. Her heart was breaking, but this was best. It was going to end at some point. She’d rather have it end on her terms. Her way. She had to take control of her life. She had to worry about Derek.

  “I wish you’d let me help.”

  “Nik, you don’t want a baby around. I get it. I don’t think you can help me. Make it clear that we’re no longer together.”

  “That doesn’t save you from Jamal.”

  “I can deal with Jamal.”

  He sighed again. “Destiny, please.”

  “No, Nikolai. Listen to me. We’re done. I have to think about Derek.”

  She did. He was now the most important man in her life. Nikolai would move on soon enough. He’d go back to his life and she’d create a new one for herself. The pain would fade. It might take time, but it wouldn’t hurt forever.

  “Destiny, at least let me get you equipped.”

  “No, Nikolai. You don’t need to do anything else. I’m on my own and I’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t seem to understand the danger you’re in.”

  “If I’m not in your life, I’m safe.”

  “I don’t think it’s that simple.”

  “Then I’ll have to take my chances.”

  “At least let me buy the baby stuff.”

  “Stop, Nikolai. You don’t have to fix this. It isn’t broken. It’s just new and different.”

  The baby began to fuss. At least she had a microwave in the room to heat up the bottle.

  “I have some things here that you need. Diapers and formula. At least let me bring them by so you have them. Then I’ll leave you alone.”



  She sighed this time. “Okay.”

  She told him where she was. She hung up then heated the bottle. After feeding Derek, she brought him downstairs to wait for Nikolai. He didn’t arrive for a few minutes and she enjoyed the sunshine.

  Derek slept away. Would he do that tonight? She hoped. She’d need a stroller soon. Her mind was alive with all that she’d need to buy. A baby required a lot of stuff. She took a deep breath.

  “Hello, Destiny.”

  It wasn’t Nikolai. When she turned, Jamal stood behind her. She hugged Derek closer. Her blood chilled. At least the street wasn’t deserted. Jamal wouldn’t try anything in public. Would he?

  “What do you want, Jamal?”

  “I want my son.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  There was no way that Jamal was Derek’s father.

  “I’m his father. Your mother traded her body for drugs.”

  That did sound like her mother. She would get desperate to score a hit. No doubt Jamal would have taken advantage of that. It didn’t color her feelings for Derek. He didn’t get to pick his father.

  “I’m keeping him, Jamal. He doesn’t belong with you.”

  “He belongs with his father.”

  “What do you know about raising a baby?”

  “I’ll get one of my bitches to do it.”

  “No, Jamal. I’m not letting him go.”


  Nikolai’s blood ran cold as he saw Jamal with Destiny. Why couldn’t that man get the hint? Destiny wasn’t with him anymore. She didn’t want to be with him.

  She didn’t want to be with Nikolai, but he was going to do everything in his power to protect her. Even if he did it from afar. Luis Esposito would not give up this easily. He would still target Destiny and she had no idea. No clue just how vicious the man could be.

  Nikolai, in his time undercover, had seen some awful things. Actions that he could never talk about.

  He’d bet that Jamal was the way that Luis would get to Destiny. The man wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he seemed to always know where Destiny was. Her phone? Did he have a tracker on it?

  First stop was to get Destiny a new phone. He knew that she’d turned off location services, but there had to be a tracker on it. Jamal wasn’t smart enough to think of that himself.

  “Go away, Jamal,” Destiny said.

  “It’s my baby.”

  “You’d have to prove that before I could even think about handing him over.”

  “Him? I have a son?”

  “You don’t even know what you have?” she said. “You only want him for the welfare check. What happens when that girl figures out that you aren’t going to marry her? She’s going to dump this baby. I can give him a good home.”

  Jamal reached out to the baby. Nikolai saw red, but there was no reason to make a scene. “Is there a problem, Destiny?”

  Both of them turned to him. Jamal didn’t look as scared as he should have. Of course not. Esposito was backing up his actions. Nikolai put his arm around a stunned Destiny then kissed her cheek and the forehead of the baby. It was the best way he knew to mark his territory without peeing on anyone.

  “No, Jamal was just leaving,” Destiny said.

  “No, I’m not. Not until you give me that baby,” he said.

  Ballsy little fucker wasn’t he? “That’s not going to happen. We’re adopting him when we get married.”

  Destiny didn’t gasp, but she might have. Since Luis wasn’t going to leave Destiny alone, he’d send the man a clear signal that he wasn’t afraid of him. And that he was sure he could protect Destiny
and the baby.

  “Why is she in a hotel room?” Jamal said.

  “Because our house is being fumigated,” Nikolai said.

  Jamal seemed to ponder that. Destiny remained quiet, which was the best thing. He could think on his feet. He didn’t know if she could.

  “The baby is mine,” Jamal said.

  He'd slept with Destiny’s mother. Okay. Can the guy keep it in his pants? Nikolai didn’t want to think about this scum with his hands on Destiny. He needed a shower now. “I’m not going to hand over an infant just because you say that in an authoritative voice. I need proof.”

  “What kind of proof? Keisha told me it was mine,” Jamal said.

  “Was she looking for drugs when she said it?” Destiny said.

  Nikolai would have said the same thing. “You need a DNA test to prove it and we’re not giving up any of this baby’s blood without a court order.”

  “Court order?” Jamal said. He was sweating now.

  “Yes. You get a lawyer to file a petition in court. When we see that piece of paper, we’ll have blood drawn for the test. Not any sooner.”

  The baby was fussing. Destiny was bouncing it. Nikolai put a hand on the baby’s head and it calmed down. Hm. This baby seemed to like him. Destiny glanced over her shoulder and mouthed a thank you.

  “Court order,” Jamal repeated.

  “Yes. Go find a lawyer. We have things to do.”

  Nikolai ushered Destiny into the hotel. “Hopefully we’ve seen the last of him.”

  He wasn’t that optimistic, but no reason not to put on a good front for Destiny. She had enough to worry about with the baby now. He could at least ease that burden.

  Hopefully, he could get her to come home with him.

  “Thanks for your help,” Destiny said. She shifted the baby to her shoulder then put out her hand. “I’ll take the stuff.”

  “I’ll carry it upstairs, then I think we should go shopping.”


  “Yes. A baby needs stuff. I have the car seat,” he said.

  “What do you know about what a baby needs?”

  “Nothing, but neither do most new parents. We’ll go to the store and shop,” he said.

  Would she really turn down a shopping trip? His credit card?

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Derek is my responsibility.”


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